// VDKQueue.mm // Copyright © Transmission authors and contributors. // // Based on VDKQueue (https://github.com/bdkjones/VDKQueue) which was created and copyrighted by Bryan D K Jones on 28 March 2012. // Based on UKKQueue (https://github.com/uliwitness/UKFileWatcher) which was created and copyrighted by Uli Kusterer on 21 Dec 2003. // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. #import "VDKQueue.h" #import #import #include NSString const* VDKQueueRenameNotification = @"VDKQueueFileRenamedNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueWriteNotification = @"VDKQueueFileWrittenToNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueDeleteNotification = @"VDKQueueFileDeletedNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueAttributeChangeNotification = @"VDKQueueFileAttributesChangedNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueSizeIncreaseNotification = @"VDKQueueFileSizeIncreasedNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueLinkCountChangeNotification = @"VDKQueueLinkCountChangedNotification"; NSString const* VDKQueueAccessRevocationNotification = @"VDKQueueAccessWasRevokedNotification"; #pragma mark - #pragma mark VDKQueuePathEntry /// This is a simple model class used to hold info about each path we watch. @interface VDKQueuePathEntry : NSObject @property(atomic, copy, readonly) NSString* path; @property(atomic, assign, readonly) int watchedFD; @property(atomic, assign) u_int subscriptionFlags; @end @implementation VDKQueuePathEntry - (nullable instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString*)inPath andSubscriptionFlags:(u_int)flags { self = [super init]; if (self) { _path = [inPath copy]; _watchedFD = open(_path.fileSystemRepresentation, O_EVTONLY, 0); if (_watchedFD < 0) { return nil; } _subscriptionFlags = flags; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { if (_watchedFD >= 0) { close(_watchedFD); } } @end #pragma mark - #pragma mark VDKQueue @interface VDKQueue () { @private /// The actual kqueue ID (Unix file descriptor). int _coreQueueFD; /// List of VDKQueuePathEntries. Keys are NSStrings of the path that each VDKQueuePathEntry is for. NSMutableDictionary* _watchedPathEntries; /// Set to NO to cancel the thread that watches `_coreQueueFD` for kQueue events BOOL _keepWatcherThreadRunning; } @end @implementation VDKQueue #pragma mark - #pragma mark INIT/DEALLOC - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _coreQueueFD = kqueue(); if (_coreQueueFD == -1) { return nil; } _watchedPathEntries = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { // Close our kqueue's file descriptor if (close(_coreQueueFD) == -1) { NSLog(@"VDKQueue watcherThread: Couldn't close main kqueue (%d)", errno); } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark PRIVATE METHODS - (VDKQueuePathEntry*)addPathToQueue:(NSString*)path notifyingAbout:(u_int)flags { @synchronized(self) { // Are we already watching this path? VDKQueuePathEntry* pathEntry = _watchedPathEntries[path]; if (pathEntry) { // All flags already set? if ((pathEntry.subscriptionFlags & flags) == flags) { return pathEntry; } flags |= pathEntry.subscriptionFlags; } if (!pathEntry) { pathEntry = [[VDKQueuePathEntry alloc] initWithPath:path andSubscriptionFlags:flags]; } if (pathEntry) { struct timespec nullts = { 0, 0 }; struct kevent ev; EV_SET(&ev, pathEntry.watchedFD, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR, flags, 0, (__bridge void*)pathEntry); pathEntry.subscriptionFlags = flags; _watchedPathEntries[path] = pathEntry; kevent(_coreQueueFD, &ev, 1, NULL, 0, &nullts); // Start the thread that fetches and processes our events if it's not already running. if (!_keepWatcherThreadRunning) { _keepWatcherThreadRunning = YES; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(watcherThread:) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; } } return pathEntry; } } - (void)watcherThread:(id)__unused sender { #if DEBUG_LOG_THREAD_LIFETIME NSLog(@"watcherThread started."); #endif NSThread.currentThread.name = @"VDKQueue"; struct kevent ev; int const theFD = _coreQueueFD; NSMutableArray* notesToPost = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5]; while (_keepWatcherThreadRunning) { int n = kevent(theFD, NULL, 0, &ev, 1, NULL); if (n <= 0 || ev.filter != EVFILT_VNODE || !ev.fflags) { continue; } // The KEVENT can be sent back to us with a udata value that is NOT what we assigned to the queue. // A KEVENT that does not have a VDKQueuePathEntry object attached as the udata parameter is not an event we registered for. id pe = (__bridge id)(ev.udata); if (![pe isKindOfClass:VDKQueuePathEntry.class]) { continue; } NSString* fpath = ((VDKQueuePathEntry*)pe).path; if (!fpath) { continue; } // Clear any old notifications [notesToPost removeAllObjects]; // Figure out which notifications we need to issue if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_RENAME) == NOTE_RENAME) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueRenameNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_WRITE) == NOTE_WRITE) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueWriteNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_DELETE) == NOTE_DELETE) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueDeleteNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_ATTRIB) == NOTE_ATTRIB) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueAttributeChangeNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_EXTEND) == NOTE_EXTEND) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueSizeIncreaseNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_LINK) == NOTE_LINK) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueLinkCountChangeNotification]; } if ((ev.fflags & NOTE_REVOKE) == NOTE_REVOKE) { [notesToPost addObject:VDKQueueAccessRevocationNotification]; } // notesToPost will be changed in the next loop iteration, which will likely occur before the block below runs. NSArray* notes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:notesToPost]; // Post the notifications (or call the delegate method) on the main thread. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ for (NSString* note in notes) { [self->_delegate VDKQueue:self receivedNotification:note forPath:fpath]; if (!self->_delegate || self->_alwaysPostNotifications) { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:note object:self userInfo:@{ @"path" : fpath }]; } } }); } #if DEBUG_LOG_THREAD_LIFETIME NSLog(@"watcherThread finished."); #endif } #pragma mark - #pragma mark PUBLIC METHODS - (void)addPath:(NSString*)aPath { [self addPath:aPath notifyingAbout:VDKQueueNotifyDefault]; } - (void)addPath:(NSString*)aPath notifyingAbout:(u_int)flags { if (!aPath) { return; } aPath = aPath.stringByStandardizingPath; @synchronized(self) { if (_watchedPathEntries[aPath]) { // Only add this path if we don't already have it. return; } VDKQueuePathEntry* entry = [self addPathToQueue:aPath notifyingAbout:flags]; if (!entry) { // By default, a darwin process can only have 256 file descriptors open at once. // https://wilsonmar.github.io/maximum-limits/ NSLog( @"VDKQueue tried to add the path %@ to watchedPathEntries, but the VDKQueuePathEntry was nil. \nIt's possible that the host process has hit its max open file descriptors limit.", aPath); } } } /// Shut down the thread that's scanning for kQueue events. - (void)shutdownWatcherThread { _keepWatcherThreadRunning = NO; // Trigger a custom event to stop the thread. struct timespec nullts = { 0, 0 }; struct kevent stopEvent = { 0, EVFILT_USER, EV_ADD | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_TRIGGER, 0, NULL }; kevent(_coreQueueFD, &stopEvent, 1, NULL, 0, &nullts); } - (void)removePath:(NSString*)aPath { if (!aPath) { return; } aPath = aPath.stringByStandardizingPath; @synchronized(self) { // Close the open file descriptor if we're watching it. [_watchedPathEntries removeObjectForKey:aPath]; if (_watchedPathEntries.count == 0) { [self shutdownWatcherThread]; } } } - (void)removeAllPaths { @synchronized(self) { // Close all the open file descriptors for files we're watching. [_watchedPathEntries removeAllObjects]; [self shutdownWatcherThread]; } } @end