/* @license This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. */ import { FileRow } from './file-row.js'; import { Formatter } from './formatter.js'; import { Torrent } from './torrent.js'; import { Utils, createTextualTabsContainer, setTextContent } from './utils.js'; const peer_column_classes = [ 'encryption', 'speed-up', 'speed-down', 'percent-done', 'status', 'peer-address', 'peer-app-name', ]; export class Inspector extends EventTarget { constructor(controller) { super(); this.closed = false; this.controller = controller; this.elements = this._create(); this.current_page = this.elements.info.root; this.interval = setInterval(this._refreshTorrents.bind(this), 3000); this.name = 'inspector'; this.selection_listener = (event_) => this._setTorrents(event_.selected); this.torrent_listener = () => this._updateCurrentPage(); this.torrents = []; this.file_torrent = null; this.file_torrent_n = null; this.file_rows = null; this.elements.dismiss.addEventListener('click', () => this.close()); Object.seal(this); controller.addEventListener( 'torrent-selection-changed', this.selection_listener, ); this._setTorrents(this.controller.getSelectedTorrents()); document.body.append(this.elements.root); } close() { if (!this.closed) { clearInterval(this.interval); this._setTorrents([]); this.elements.root.remove(); this.controller.removeEventListener( 'torrent-selection-changed', this.selection_listener, ); this.dispatchEvent(new Event('close')); for (const property of Object.keys(this)) { this[property] = null; } this.closed = true; } } static _createInfoPage() { const root = document.createElement('div'); root.classList.add('inspector-info-page'); const elements = { root }; const append_section_title = (text) => { const label = document.createElement('div'); label.textContent = text; label.classList.add('section-label'); root.append(label); }; const append_row = (text) => { const lhs = document.createElement('label'); setTextContent(lhs, text); root.append(lhs); const rhs = document.createElement('span'); root.append(rhs); return rhs; }; append_section_title('Activity'); let rows = [ ['have', 'Have:'], ['availability', 'Availability:'], ['uploaded', 'Uploaded:'], ['downloaded', 'Downloaded:'], ['state', 'State:'], ['running_time', 'Running time:'], ['remaining_time', 'Remaining:'], ['last_activity', 'Last activity:'], ['error', 'Error:'], ]; for (const [name, text] of rows) { elements[name] = append_row(text); } append_section_title('Details'); rows = [ ['name', 'Name:'], ['size', 'Size:'], ['location', 'Location:'], ['hash', 'Hash:'], ['privacy', 'Privacy:'], ['origin', 'Origin:'], ['dateAdded', 'Date added:'], ['magnetLink', 'Magnet:'], ['comment', 'Comment:'], ['labels', 'Labels:'], ]; for (const [name, text] of rows) { elements[name] = append_row(text); } return elements; } static _createListPage(list_type, list_id) { const root = document.createElement('div'); const list = document.createElement(list_type); list.id = list_id; root.append(list); return { list, root }; } static _createTiersPage() { return Inspector._createListPage('div', 'inspector-tiers-list'); } static _createFilesPage() { return Inspector._createListPage('ul', 'inspector-file-list'); } static _createPeersPage() { const table = document.createElement('table'); table.classList.add('peer-list'); const thead = document.createElement('thead'); const tr = document.createElement('tr'); const names = ['', 'Up', 'Down', 'Done', 'Status', 'Address', 'Client']; for (const [index, name] of names.entries()) { const th = document.createElement('th'); const classname = peer_column_classes[index]; if (classname === 'encryption') { th.dataset.encrypted = true; } th.classList.add(classname); setTextContent(th, name); tr.append(th); } const tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); thead.append(tr); table.append(thead); table.append(tbody); return { root: table, tbody, }; } _create() { const pages = { files: Inspector._createFilesPage(), info: Inspector._createInfoPage(), peers: Inspector._createPeersPage(), tiers: Inspector._createTiersPage(), }; const on_activated = (page) => { this.current_page = page; this._updateCurrentPage(); }; const elements = createTextualTabsContainer( 'inspector', [ ['inspector-tab-info', pages.info.root, 'Info'], ['inspector-tab-peers', pages.peers.root, 'Peers'], ['inspector-tab-tiers', pages.tiers.root, 'Tiers'], ['inspector-tab-files', pages.files.root, 'Files'], ], on_activated.bind(this), ); return { ...elements, ...pages }; } _setTorrents(torrents) { // update the inspector when a selected torrent's data changes. const key = 'dataChanged'; const callback = this.torrent_listener; for (const t of this.torrents) { t.removeEventListener(key, callback); } this.torrents = [...torrents]; for (const t of this.torrents) { t.addEventListener(key, callback); } this._refreshTorrents(); this._updateCurrentPage(); } static _needsExtraInfo(torrents) { return torrents.some((tor) => !tor.hasExtraInfo()); } _refreshTorrents() { const { controller, torrents } = this; const ids = torrents.map((t) => t.getId()); if (ids && ids.length > 0) { const fields = ['id', ...Torrent.Fields.StatsExtra]; if (Inspector._needsExtraInfo(torrents)) { fields.push(...Torrent.Fields.InfoExtra); } controller.updateTorrents(ids, fields); } } _updateCurrentPage() { const { current_page, elements } = this; switch (current_page) { case elements.files.root: this._updateFiles(); break; case elements.info.root: this._updateInfo(); break; case elements.peers.root: this._updatePeers(); break; case elements.tiers.root: this._updateTiers(); break; default: console.warn('unexpected page'); console.log(current_page); } } _updateInfo() { const none = 'None'; const mixed = 'Mixed'; const unknown = 'Unknown'; const fmt = Formatter; const now = Date.now(); const { elements: e, torrents } = this; const sizeWhenDone = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getSizeWhenDone(), 0, ); // state let string = null; if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else if (torrents.every((t) => t.isFinished())) { string = 'Finished'; } else if (torrents.every((t) => t.isStopped())) { string = 'Paused'; } else { const get = (t) => t.getStateString(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? first : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.state, string); const stateString = string; // have if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const verified = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getHaveValid(), 0, ); const unverified = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getHaveUnchecked(), 0, ); const leftUntilDone = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getLeftUntilDone(), 0, ); const d = 100 * (sizeWhenDone ? (sizeWhenDone - leftUntilDone) / sizeWhenDone : 1); string = fmt.percentString(d); if (unverified) { string = `${fmt.size(verified)} of ${fmt.size( sizeWhenDone, )} (${string}%), ${fmt.size(unverified)} Unverified`; } else if (leftUntilDone) { string = `${fmt.size(verified)} of ${fmt.size( sizeWhenDone, )} (${string}%)`; } else { string = `${fmt.size(verified)} (100%)`; } } setTextContent(e.info.have, fmt.stringSanitizer(string)); // availability if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else if (sizeWhenDone === 0) { string = none; } else { const available = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => t.getHave() + t.getDesiredAvailable(), 0, ); string = `${fmt.percentString((100 * available) / sizeWhenDone)}%`; } setTextContent(e.info.availability, fmt.stringSanitizer(string)); // downloaded if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const d = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getDownloadedEver(), 0, ); const f = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getFailedEver(), 0, ); string = f ? `${fmt.size(d)} (+${fmt.size(f)} discarded after failed checksum)` : fmt.size(d); } setTextContent(e.info.downloaded, fmt.stringSanitizer(string)); // uploaded if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const uploaded = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getUploadedEver(), 0, ); const denominator = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getSizeWhenDone(), 0, ) || torrents.reduce((accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getHaveValid(), 0); string = `${fmt.size(uploaded)} (Ratio: ${fmt.ratioString( Utils.ratio(uploaded, denominator), )})`; } setTextContent(e.info.uploaded, string); // running time if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else if (torrents.every((t) => t.isStopped())) { string = stateString; } else { const get = (t) => t.getStartDate(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? fmt.timeInterval(now / 1000 - first) : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.running_time, string); // remaining time if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getETA(); const first = get(torrents[0]); if (!torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first)) { string = mixed; } else if (first < 0) { string = unknown; } else { string = fmt.timeInterval(first); } } setTextContent(e.info.remaining_time, string); // last active at if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const latest = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => Math.max(accumulator, t.getLastActivity()), -1, ); const now_seconds = Math.floor(now / 1000); if (0 < latest && latest <= now_seconds) { const idle_secs = now_seconds - latest; string = idle_secs < 5 ? 'Active now' : `${fmt.timeInterval(idle_secs)} ago`; } else { string = none; } } setTextContent(e.info.last_activity, string); // error if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getErrorString(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? first : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.error, string || none); // torrent name if (torrents.length === 1) { string = torrents[0].getName(); } else { string = torrents.length > 0 ? mixed : none; } setTextContent(e.info.name, string); // size if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const size = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getTotalSize(), 0, ); if (size) { const get = (t) => t.getPieceSize(); const pieceCount = torrents.reduce( (accumulator, t) => accumulator + t.getPieceCount(), 0, ); const pieceString = fmt.number(pieceCount); const pieceSize = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === pieceSize) ? `${fmt.size(size)} (${pieceString} pieces @ ${fmt.mem(pieceSize)})` : `${fmt.size(size)} (${pieceString} pieces)`; } else { string = 'None'; } } setTextContent(e.info.size, fmt.stringSanitizer(string)); // hash if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getHashString(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? first : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.hash, string); // privacy if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getPrivateFlag(); const first = get(torrents[0]); if (!torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first)) { string = mixed; } else if (first) { string = 'Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled'; } else { string = 'Public torrent'; } } setTextContent(e.info.privacy, string); // comment if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getComment(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? first : mixed; } string = string || none; if (string.startsWith('https://') || string.startsWith('http://')) { string = encodeURI(string); e.info.comment.innerHTML = `${string}`; } else { setTextContent(e.info.comment, string); } // labels string = torrents.length === 0 ? none : torrents[0].getLabels().join(', '); setTextContent(e.info.labels, string); // origin if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { let get = (t) => t.getCreator(); const creator = get(torrents[0]); const mixed_creator = !torrents.every((t) => get(t) === creator); get = (t) => t.getDateCreated(); const date = get(torrents[0]); const mixed_date = !torrents.every((t) => get(t) === date); const empty_creator = !creator || creator.length === 0; const empty_date = !date; if (mixed_creator || mixed_date) { string = mixed; } else if (empty_creator && empty_date) { string = unknown; } else if (empty_date && !empty_creator) { string = `Created by ${creator}`; } else if (empty_creator && !empty_date) { string = `Created on ${new Date(date * 1000).toDateString()}`; } else { string = `Created by ${creator} on ${new Date( date * 1000, ).toDateString()}`; } } setTextContent(e.info.origin, string); // location if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getDownloadDir(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? first : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.location, string); // dateAdded if (torrents.length === 0) { string = none; } else { const get = (t) => t.getDateAdded(); const first = get(torrents[0]); string = torrents.every((t) => get(t) === first) ? new Date(first * 1000).toLocaleString(navigator.language, { day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', hour12: false, minute: '2-digit', month: 'short', second: '2-digit', timeZoneName: 'short', weekday: 'short', year: 'numeric', }) : mixed; } setTextContent(e.info.dateAdded, string); // magnetLink if (torrents.length === 0) { setTextContent(e.info.magnetLink, none); } else if (torrents.length > 1) { setTextContent(e.info.magnetLink, mixed); } else { const link = torrents[0].getMagnetLink(); e.info.magnetLink.innerHTML = ``; } } /// PEERS PAGE static _peerStatusTitle(flag_string) { const texts = Object.seal({ '?': "We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested", D: 'Downloading from this peer', E: 'Encrypted Connection', H: 'Peer was discovered through Distributed Hash Table (DHT)', I: 'Peer is an incoming connection', K: "Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested", O: 'Optimistic unchoke', T: 'Peer is connected via uTP', U: 'Uploading to peer', X: 'Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)', d: "We would download from this peer if they'd let us", u: "We would upload to this peer if they'd ask", }); return [...flag_string] .filter((ch) => texts[ch]) .map((ch) => `${ch}: ${texts[ch]}`) .join('\n'); } _updatePeers() { const fmt = Formatter; const { elements, torrents } = this; const { tbody } = elements.peers; const cell_setters = [ (peer, td) => { td.dataset.encrypted = peer.isEncrypted; }, (peer, td) => setTextContent( td, peer.rateToPeer ? fmt.speedBps(peer.rateToPeer) : '', ), (peer, td) => setTextContent( td, peer.rateToClient ? fmt.speedBps(peer.rateToClient) : '', ), (peer, td) => setTextContent(td, `${Math.floor(peer.progress * 100)}%`), (peer, td) => { setTextContent(td, peer.flagStr); td.setAttribute('title', Inspector._peerStatusTitle(peer.flagStr)); }, (peer, td) => { setTextContent(td, peer.address); td.setAttribute('title', peer.address); }, (peer, td) => { setTextContent(td, peer.clientName); td.setAttribute('title', peer.clientName); }, ]; const rows = []; for (const tor of torrents) { // torrent name const tortr = document.createElement('tr'); tortr.classList.add('torrent-row'); const tortd = document.createElement('td'); tortd.setAttribute('colspan', cell_setters.length); setTextContent(tortd, tor.getName()); tortr.append(tortd); rows.push(tortr); // peers for (const peer of tor.getPeers()) { const tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.classList.add('peer-row'); for (const [index, setter] of cell_setters.entries()) { const td = document.createElement('td'); td.classList.add(peer_column_classes[index]); setter(peer, td); tr.append(td); } rows.push(tr); } // TODO: modify instead of rebuilding wholesale? while (tbody.firstChild) { tbody.firstChild.remove(); } tbody.append(...rows); } } /// TRACKERS PAGE static getAnnounceState(tracker) { switch (tracker.announceState) { case Torrent._TrackerActive: return 'Announce in progress'; case Torrent._TrackerWaiting: { const timeUntilAnnounce = Math.max( 0, tracker.nextAnnounceTime - Date.now() / 1000, ); return `Next announce in ${Formatter.timeInterval(timeUntilAnnounce)}`; } case Torrent._TrackerQueued: return 'Announce is queued'; case Torrent._TrackerInactive: return tracker.isBackup ? 'Tracker will be used as a backup' : 'Announce not scheduled'; default: return `unknown announce state: ${tracker.announceState}`; } } static lastAnnounceStatus(tracker) { let lastAnnounceLabel = 'Last Announce'; let lastAnnounce = ['N/A']; if (tracker.hasAnnounced) { const lastAnnounceTime = Formatter.timestamp(tracker.lastAnnounceTime); if (tracker.lastAnnounceSucceeded) { lastAnnounce = [ lastAnnounceTime, ' (got ', Formatter.countString('peer', 'peers', tracker.lastAnnouncePeerCount), ')', ]; } else { lastAnnounceLabel = 'Announce error'; lastAnnounce = [ tracker.lastAnnounceResult ? `${tracker.lastAnnounceResult} - ` : '', lastAnnounceTime, ]; } } return { label: lastAnnounceLabel, value: lastAnnounce.join(''), }; } static lastScrapeStatus(tracker) { let lastScrapeLabel = 'Last Scrape'; let lastScrape = 'N/A'; if (tracker.hasScraped) { const lastScrapeTime = Formatter.timestamp(tracker.lastScrapeTime); if (tracker.lastScrapeSucceeded) { lastScrape = lastScrapeTime; } else { lastScrapeLabel = 'Scrape error'; lastScrape = (tracker.lastScrapeResult ? `${tracker.lastScrapeResult} - ` : '') + lastScrapeTime; } } return { label: lastScrapeLabel, value: lastScrape, }; } static _getOrigin(tracker) { try { // `new URL` fails on FF and Chrome when the scheme is 'udp', // so munge the URL to be something that won't break const udp_prefix = 'udp://'; const is_udp = tracker.announce.startsWith(udp_prefix); if (is_udp) { const http_prefix = 'http://'; const munged = tracker.announce.replace(udp_prefix, http_prefix); return new URL(munged).origin.replace(http_prefix, udp_prefix); } return new URL(tracker.announce).origin; } catch { return [tracker.sitename || tracker.host || tracker.announce]; } } _updateTiers() { const na = 'N/A'; const { list } = this.elements.tiers; const { torrents } = this; const rows = []; for (const tor of torrents) { // if >1 torrent to be shown, give a title if (torrents.length > 1) { const title = document.createElement('div'); title.classList.add('tier-list-torrent'); setTextContent(title, tor.getName()); rows.push(title); } for (const tracker of tor.getTrackers()) { const announceState = Inspector.getAnnounceState(tracker); const lastAnnounceStatusHash = Inspector.lastAnnounceStatus(tracker); const lastScrapeStatusHash = Inspector.lastScrapeStatus(tracker); const tier_div = document.createElement('div'); tier_div.classList.add('tier-list-row'); let element = document.createElement('div'); const site = Inspector._getOrigin(tracker); element.classList.add('tier-list-tracker'); setTextContent(element, `${site} - tier ${tracker.tier + 1}`); element.setAttribute('title', tracker.announce); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-announce'); setTextContent( element, `${lastAnnounceStatusHash.label}: ${lastAnnounceStatusHash.value}`, ); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-seeders'); setTextContent( element, `Seeders: ${tracker.seederCount > -1 ? tracker.seederCount : na}`, ); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-state'); setTextContent(element, announceState); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-leechers'); setTextContent( element, `Leechers: ${tracker.leecherCount > -1 ? tracker.leecherCount : na}`, ); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-scrape'); setTextContent( element, `${lastScrapeStatusHash.label}: ${lastScrapeStatusHash.value}`, ); tier_div.append(element); element = document.createElement('div'); element.classList.add('tier-downloads'); setTextContent( element, `Downloads: ${ tracker.downloadCount > -1 ? tracker.downloadCount : na }`, ); tier_div.append(element); rows.push(tier_div); } } // TODO: modify instead of rebuilding wholesale? while (list.firstChild) { list.firstChild.remove(); } list.append(...rows); } /// FILES PAGE _changeFileCommand(fileIndices, command) { const { controller, file_torrent } = this; const torrentId = file_torrent.getId(); controller.changeFileCommand(torrentId, fileIndices, command); } _onFileWantedToggled(event_) { const { indices, wanted } = event_; this._changeFileCommand( indices, wanted ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted', ); } _onFilePriorityToggled(event_) { const { indices, priority } = event_; let command = null; switch (priority.toString()) { case '-1': command = 'priority-low'; break; case '1': command = 'priority-high'; break; default: command = 'priority-normal'; } this._changeFileCommand(indices, command); } _clearFileList() { const { list } = this.elements.files; while (list.firstChild) { list.firstChild.remove(); } this.file_torrent = null; this.file_torrent_n = null; this.file_rows = null; } static createFileTreeModel(tor) { const leaves = []; const tree = { children: {}, file_indices: [], }; for (const [index, file] of tor.getFiles().entries()) { const { name } = file; const tokens = name.split('/'); let walk = tree; for (const [index_, token] of tokens.entries()) { let sub = walk.children[token]; if (!sub) { walk.children[token] = sub = { children: {}, depth: index_, file_indices: [], name: token, parent: walk, }; } walk = sub; } walk.file_index = index; delete walk.children; leaves.push(walk); } for (const leaf of leaves) { const { file_index } = leaf; let walk = leaf; do { walk.file_indices.push(file_index); walk = walk.parent; } while (walk); } return tree; } addNodeToView(tor, parent, sub) { const row = new FileRow(tor, sub.depth, sub.name, sub.file_indices); row.addEventListener('wantedToggled', this._onFileWantedToggled.bind(this)); row.addEventListener( 'priorityToggled', this._onFilePriorityToggled.bind(this), ); this.file_rows.push(row); parent.append(row.getElement()); } addSubtreeToView(tor, parent, sub) { if (sub.parent) { this.addNodeToView(tor, parent, sub); } if (sub.children) { for (const value of Object.values(sub.children)) { this.addSubtreeToView(tor, parent, value); } } } _updateFiles() { const { list } = this.elements.files; const { file_rows, file_torrent, file_torrent_n, torrents } = this; // only show one torrent at a time if (torrents.length !== 1) { this._clearFileList(); return; } const [tor] = torrents; const n = tor.getFiles().length; if (tor !== file_torrent || n !== file_torrent_n) { // rebuild the file list... this._clearFileList(); this.file_torrent = tor; this.file_torrent_n = n; this.file_rows = []; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const tree = Inspector.createFileTreeModel(tor); this.addSubtreeToView(tor, fragment, tree); list.append(fragment); } else { // ...refresh the already-existing file list for (const row of file_rows) { row.refresh(); } } } }