/* * This file Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include /* fprintf() */ #include /* strlen(), strstr(), strcmp() */ #include /* EXIT_FAILURE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MY_NAME "transmission-edit" static int fileCount = 0; static bool showVersion = false; static char const** files = nullptr; static char const* add = nullptr; static char const* deleteme = nullptr; static char const* replace[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }; static tr_option options[] = { { 'a', "add", "Add a tracker's announce URL", "a", true, "" }, { 'd', "delete", "Delete a tracker's announce URL", "d", true, "" }, { 'r', "replace", "Search and replace a substring in the announce URLs", "r", true, " " }, { 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", false, nullptr }, { 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, false, nullptr } }; static char const* getUsage(void) { return "Usage: " MY_NAME " [options] torrent-file(s)"; } static int parseCommandLine(int argc, char const* const* argv) { int c; char const* optarg; while ((c = tr_getopt(getUsage(), argc, argv, options, &optarg)) != TR_OPT_DONE) { switch (c) { case 'a': add = optarg; break; case 'd': deleteme = optarg; break; case 'r': replace[0] = optarg; c = tr_getopt(getUsage(), argc, argv, options, &optarg); if (c != TR_OPT_UNK) { return 1; } replace[1] = optarg; break; case 'V': showVersion = true; break; case TR_OPT_UNK: files[fileCount++] = optarg; break; default: return 1; } } return 0; } static bool removeURL(tr_variant* metainfo, std::string_view url) { auto sv = std::string_view{}; tr_variant* announce_list; bool changed = false; if (tr_variantDictFindStrView(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, &sv) && url == sv) { printf("\tRemoved \"%" TR_PRIsv "\" from \"announce\"\n", TR_PRIsv_ARG(sv)); tr_variantDictRemove(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce); changed = true; } if (tr_variantDictFindList(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce_list, &announce_list)) { tr_variant* tier; int tierIndex = 0; while ((tier = tr_variantListChild(announce_list, tierIndex)) != nullptr) { int nodeIndex = 0; tr_variant const* node; while ((node = tr_variantListChild(tier, nodeIndex)) != nullptr) { if (tr_variantGetStrView(node, &sv) && url == sv) { printf("\tRemoved \"%" TR_PRIsv "\" from \"announce-list\" tier #%d\n", TR_PRIsv_ARG(sv), tierIndex + 1); tr_variantListRemove(tier, nodeIndex); changed = true; } else { ++nodeIndex; } } if (tr_variantListSize(tier) == 0) { printf("\tNo URLs left in tier #%d... removing tier\n", tierIndex + 1); tr_variantListRemove(announce_list, tierIndex); } else { ++tierIndex; } } if (tr_variantListSize(announce_list) == 0) { printf("\tNo tiers left... removing announce-list\n"); tr_variantDictRemove(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce_list); } } /* if we removed the "announce" field and there's still another track left, * use it as the "announce" field */ if (changed && !tr_variantDictFindStrView(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, &sv)) { tr_variant* const tier = tr_variantListChild(announce_list, 0); if (tier != nullptr) { tr_variant const* const node = tr_variantListChild(tier, 0); if ((node != nullptr) && tr_variantGetStrView(node, &sv)) { tr_variantDictAddStr(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, sv); printf("\tAdded \"%" TR_PRIsv "\" to announce\n", TR_PRIsv_ARG(sv)); } } } return changed; } static std::string replaceSubstr(std::string_view str, std::string_view oldval, std::string_view newval) { auto ret = std::string{}; while (!std::empty(str)) { auto const pos = str.find(oldval); ret += str.substr(0, pos); ret += newval; if (pos == str.npos) { break; } str.remove_prefix(pos + std::size(oldval)); } return ret; } static bool replaceURL(tr_variant* metainfo, std::string_view oldval, std::string_view newval) { auto sv = std::string_view{}; tr_variant* announce_list; bool changed = false; if (tr_variantDictFindStrView(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, &sv) && tr_strvContains(sv, oldval)) { auto const newstr = replaceSubstr(sv, oldval, newval); printf("\tReplaced in \"announce\": \"%" TR_PRIsv "\" --> \"%s\"\n", TR_PRIsv_ARG(sv), newstr.c_str()); tr_variantDictAddStr(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, newstr); changed = true; } if (tr_variantDictFindList(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce_list, &announce_list)) { tr_variant* tier; int tierCount = 0; while ((tier = tr_variantListChild(announce_list, tierCount)) != nullptr) { tr_variant* node; int nodeCount = 0; while ((node = tr_variantListChild(tier, nodeCount)) != nullptr) { if (tr_variantGetStrView(node, &sv) && tr_strvContains(sv, oldval)) { auto const newstr = replaceSubstr(sv, oldval, newval); printf( "\tReplaced in \"announce-list\" tier %d: \"%" TR_PRIsv "\" --> \"%s\"\n", tierCount + 1, TR_PRIsv_ARG(sv), newstr.c_str()); tr_variantFree(node); tr_variantInitStr(node, newstr); changed = true; } ++nodeCount; } ++tierCount; } } return changed; } static bool announce_list_has_url(tr_variant* announce_list, char const* url) { int tierCount = 0; tr_variant* tier; while ((tier = tr_variantListChild(announce_list, tierCount)) != nullptr) { int nodeCount = 0; tr_variant const* node; while ((node = tr_variantListChild(tier, nodeCount)) != nullptr) { auto sv = std::string_view{}; if (tr_variantGetStrView(node, &sv) && sv == url) { return true; } ++nodeCount; } ++tierCount; } return false; } static bool addURL(tr_variant* metainfo, char const* url) { auto announce = std::string_view{}; tr_variant* announce_list = nullptr; bool changed = false; bool const had_announce = tr_variantDictFindStrView(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, &announce); bool const had_announce_list = tr_variantDictFindList(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce_list, &announce_list); if (!had_announce && !had_announce_list) { /* this new tracker is the only one, so add it to "announce"... */ printf("\tAdded \"%s\" in \"announce\"\n", url); tr_variantDictAddStr(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce, url); changed = true; } else { if (!had_announce_list) { announce_list = tr_variantDictAddList(metainfo, TR_KEY_announce_list, 2); if (had_announce) { /* we're moving from an 'announce' to an 'announce-list', * so copy the old announce URL to the list */ tr_variant* tier = tr_variantListAddList(announce_list, 1); tr_variantListAddStr(tier, announce); changed = true; } } /* If the user-specified URL isn't in the announce list yet, add it */ if (!announce_list_has_url(announce_list, url)) { tr_variant* tier = tr_variantListAddList(announce_list, 1); tr_variantListAddStr(tier, url); printf("\tAdded \"%s\" to \"announce-list\" tier %zu\n", url, tr_variantListSize(announce_list)); changed = true; } } return changed; } int tr_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int changedCount = 0; files = tr_new0(char const*, argc); tr_logSetLevel(TR_LOG_ERROR); if (parseCommandLine(argc, (char const* const*)argv) != 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (showVersion) { fprintf(stderr, MY_NAME " " LONG_VERSION_STRING "\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (fileCount < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No torrent files specified.\n"); tr_getopt_usage(MY_NAME, getUsage(), options); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (add == nullptr && deleteme == nullptr && replace[0] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Must specify -a, -d or -r\n"); tr_getopt_usage(MY_NAME, getUsage(), options); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i) { tr_variant top; bool changed = false; char const* filename = files[i]; tr_error* error = nullptr; printf("%s\n", filename); if (!tr_variantFromFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_PARSE_BENC, filename, &error)) { printf("\tError reading file: %s\n", error->message); tr_error_free(error); continue; } if (deleteme != nullptr) { changed |= removeURL(&top, deleteme); } if (add != nullptr) { changed = addURL(&top, add); } if (replace[0] != nullptr && replace[1] != nullptr) { changed |= replaceURL(&top, replace[0], replace[1]); } if (changed) { ++changedCount; tr_variantToFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, filename); } tr_variantFree(&top); } printf("Changed %d files\n", changedCount); tr_free((void*)files); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }