/* * This file Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include /* strcmp() */ #include #include #define LIBTRANSMISSION_WATCHDIR_MODULE #include "transmission.h" #include "error.h" #include "error-types.h" #include "file.h" #include "log.h" #include "ptrarray.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "utils.h" #include "watchdir.h" #include "watchdir-common.h" /*** **** ***/ #define log_debug(...) \ (!tr_logLevelIsActive(TR_LOG_DEBUG) ? (void)0 : tr_logAddMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, TR_LOG_DEBUG, "watchdir", __VA_ARGS__)) #define log_error(...) \ (!tr_logLevelIsActive(TR_LOG_ERROR) ? (void)0 : tr_logAddMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, TR_LOG_ERROR, "watchdir", __VA_ARGS__)) /*** **** ***/ struct tr_watchdir { char* path; tr_watchdir_cb callback; void* callback_user_data; struct event_base* event_base; tr_watchdir_backend* backend; tr_ptrArray active_retries; }; /*** **** ***/ static bool is_regular_file(char const* dir, char const* name) { char* const path = tr_buildPath(dir, name, nullptr); auto path_info = tr_sys_path_info{}; tr_error* error = nullptr; bool const ret = tr_sys_path_get_info(path, 0, &path_info, &error) && (path_info.type == TR_SYS_PATH_IS_FILE); if (error != nullptr) { if (!TR_ERROR_IS_ENOENT(error->code)) { log_error("Failed to get type of \"%s\" (%d): %s", path, error->code, error->message); } tr_error_free(error); } tr_free(path); return ret; } static char const* watchdir_status_to_string(tr_watchdir_status status) { switch (status) { case TR_WATCHDIR_ACCEPT: return "accept"; case TR_WATCHDIR_IGNORE: return "ignore"; case TR_WATCHDIR_RETRY: return "retry"; default: return "???"; } } static tr_watchdir_status tr_watchdir_process_impl(tr_watchdir_t handle, char const* name) { /* File may be gone while we're retrying */ if (!is_regular_file(tr_watchdir_get_path(handle), name)) { return TR_WATCHDIR_IGNORE; } tr_watchdir_status const ret = (*handle->callback)(handle, name, handle->callback_user_data); TR_ASSERT(ret == TR_WATCHDIR_ACCEPT || ret == TR_WATCHDIR_IGNORE || ret == TR_WATCHDIR_RETRY); log_debug("Callback decided to %s file \"%s\"", watchdir_status_to_string(ret), name); return ret; } /*** **** ***/ struct tr_watchdir_retry { tr_watchdir_t handle; char* name; size_t counter; struct event* timer; struct timeval interval; }; /* Non-static and mutable for unit tests */ auto tr_watchdir_retry_limit = size_t{ 3 }; auto tr_watchdir_retry_start_interval = timeval{ 1, 0 }; auto tr_watchdir_retry_max_interval = timeval{ 10, 0 }; #define tr_watchdir_retries_init(r) (void)0 #define tr_watchdir_retries_destroy(r) tr_ptrArrayDestruct((r), (PtrArrayForeachFunc)&tr_watchdir_retry_free) #define tr_watchdir_retries_insert(r, v) tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted((r), (v), &compare_retry_names) #define tr_watchdir_retries_remove(r, v) tr_ptrArrayRemoveSortedPointer((r), (v), &compare_retry_names) #define tr_watchdir_retries_find(r, v) tr_ptrArrayFindSorted((r), (v), &compare_retry_names) static int compare_retry_names(void const* a, void const* b) { return strcmp(((tr_watchdir_retry const*)a)->name, ((tr_watchdir_retry const*)b)->name); } static void tr_watchdir_retry_free(tr_watchdir_retry* retry); static void tr_watchdir_on_retry_timer(evutil_socket_t fd, short type, void* context) { TR_UNUSED(fd); TR_UNUSED(type); TR_ASSERT(context != nullptr); auto* const retry = static_cast(context); tr_watchdir_t const handle = retry->handle; if (tr_watchdir_process_impl(handle, retry->name) == TR_WATCHDIR_RETRY) { if (++retry->counter < tr_watchdir_retry_limit) { evutil_timeradd(&retry->interval, &retry->interval, &retry->interval); if (evutil_timercmp(&retry->interval, &tr_watchdir_retry_max_interval, >)) { retry->interval = tr_watchdir_retry_max_interval; } evtimer_del(retry->timer); evtimer_add(retry->timer, &retry->interval); return; } log_error("Failed to add (corrupted?) torrent file: %s", retry->name); } tr_watchdir_retries_remove(&handle->active_retries, retry); tr_watchdir_retry_free(retry); } static tr_watchdir_retry* tr_watchdir_retry_new(tr_watchdir_t handle, char const* name) { tr_watchdir_retry* retry; retry = tr_new0(tr_watchdir_retry, 1); retry->handle = handle; retry->name = tr_strdup(name); retry->timer = evtimer_new(handle->event_base, &tr_watchdir_on_retry_timer, retry); retry->interval = tr_watchdir_retry_start_interval; evtimer_add(retry->timer, &retry->interval); return retry; } static void tr_watchdir_retry_free(tr_watchdir_retry* retry) { if (retry == nullptr) { return; } if (retry->timer != nullptr) { evtimer_del(retry->timer); event_free(retry->timer); } tr_free(retry->name); tr_free(retry); } static void tr_watchdir_retry_restart(tr_watchdir_retry* retry) { TR_ASSERT(retry != nullptr); evtimer_del(retry->timer); retry->counter = 0; retry->interval = tr_watchdir_retry_start_interval; evtimer_add(retry->timer, &retry->interval); } /*** **** ***/ tr_watchdir_t tr_watchdir_new( char const* path, tr_watchdir_cb callback, void* callback_user_data, struct event_base* event_base, bool force_generic) { tr_watchdir_t handle; handle = tr_new0(struct tr_watchdir, 1); handle->path = tr_strdup(path); handle->callback = callback; handle->callback_user_data = callback_user_data; handle->event_base = event_base; tr_watchdir_retries_init(&handle->active_retries); if (!force_generic && (handle->backend == nullptr)) { #if defined(WITH_INOTIFY) handle->backend = tr_watchdir_inotify_new(handle); #elif defined(WITH_KQUEUE) handle->backend = tr_watchdir_kqueue_new(handle); #elif defined(_WIN32) handle->backend = tr_watchdir_win32_new(handle); #endif } if (handle->backend == nullptr) { handle->backend = tr_watchdir_generic_new(handle); } if (handle->backend == nullptr) { tr_watchdir_free(handle); handle = nullptr; } else { TR_ASSERT(handle->backend->free_func != nullptr); } return handle; } void tr_watchdir_free(tr_watchdir_t handle) { if (handle == nullptr) { return; } tr_watchdir_retries_destroy(&handle->active_retries); if (handle->backend != nullptr) { handle->backend->free_func(handle->backend); } tr_free(handle->path); tr_free(handle); } char const* tr_watchdir_get_path(tr_watchdir_t handle) { TR_ASSERT(handle != nullptr); return handle->path; } tr_watchdir_backend* tr_watchdir_get_backend(tr_watchdir_t handle) { TR_ASSERT(handle != nullptr); return handle->backend; } struct event_base* tr_watchdir_get_event_base(tr_watchdir_t handle) { TR_ASSERT(handle != nullptr); return handle->event_base; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_watchdir_process(tr_watchdir_t handle, char const* name) { TR_ASSERT(handle != nullptr); auto const search_key = tr_watchdir_retry{ {}, const_cast(name), {}, {}, {} }; auto* existing_retry = static_cast(tr_watchdir_retries_find(&handle->active_retries, &search_key)); if (existing_retry != nullptr) { tr_watchdir_retry_restart(existing_retry); return; } if (tr_watchdir_process_impl(handle, name) == TR_WATCHDIR_RETRY) { tr_watchdir_retry* retry = tr_watchdir_retry_new(handle, name); tr_watchdir_retries_insert(&handle->active_retries, retry); } } void tr_watchdir_scan(tr_watchdir_t handle, std::unordered_set* dir_entries) { tr_sys_dir_t dir; char const* name; auto new_dir_entries = std::unordered_set{}; tr_error* error = nullptr; if ((dir = tr_sys_dir_open(handle->path, &error)) == TR_BAD_SYS_DIR) { log_error("Failed to open directory \"%s\" (%d): %s", handle->path, error->code, error->message); tr_error_free(error); return; } while ((name = tr_sys_dir_read_name(dir, &error)) != nullptr) { if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(name, "..") == 0) { continue; } if (dir_entries != nullptr) { auto const namestr = std::string(name); new_dir_entries.insert(namestr); if (dir_entries->count(namestr) != 0) { continue; } } tr_watchdir_process(handle, name); } if (error != nullptr) { log_error("Failed to read directory \"%s\" (%d): %s", handle->path, error->code, error->message); tr_error_free(error); } tr_sys_dir_close(dir, nullptr); if (dir_entries != nullptr) { *dir_entries = new_dir_entries; } }