// This file Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "cache.h" // tr_cacheWriteBlock() #include "file.h" // tr_sys_path_*() #include "utils.h" #include "variant.h" #include "test-fixtures.h" namespace libtransmission { namespace test { class IncompleteDirTest : public SessionTest , public ::testing::WithParamInterface> { protected: void SetUp() override { auto const incomplete_dir = GetParam().first; auto const download_dir = GetParam().second; tr_variantDictAddStr(settings(), TR_KEY_download_dir, download_dir.data()); tr_variantDictAddStr(settings(), TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, incomplete_dir.data()); tr_variantDictAddBool(settings(), TR_KEY_incomplete_dir_enabled, true); SessionTest::SetUp(); } }; TEST_P(IncompleteDirTest, incompleteDir) { auto const* download_dir = tr_sessionGetDownloadDir(session_); auto const* incomplete_dir = tr_sessionGetIncompleteDir(session_); // init an incomplete torrent. // the test zero_torrent will be missing its first piece. auto* tor = zeroTorrentInit(); zeroTorrentPopulate(tor, false); EXPECT_EQ(tr_strvJoin(incomplete_dir, "/", tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name, ".part"), makeString(tr_torrentFindFile(tor, 0))); EXPECT_EQ(tr_strvPath(incomplete_dir, tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name), makeString(tr_torrentFindFile(tor, 1))); EXPECT_EQ(tor->pieceSize(), tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); // auto constexpr completeness_unset = tr_completeness { -1 }; // auto completeness = completeness_unset; int completeness = -1; auto const zeroes_completeness_func = [](tr_torrent* /*torrent*/, tr_completeness c, bool /*was_running*/, void* vc) noexcept { *static_cast(vc) = c; }; tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback(tor, zeroes_completeness_func, &completeness); struct TestIncompleteDirData { tr_session* session = {}; tr_torrent* tor = {}; tr_block_index_t block = {}; tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex = {}; uint32_t offset = {}; struct evbuffer* buf = {}; bool done = {}; }; auto const test_incomplete_dir_threadfunc = [](void* vdata) noexcept { auto* data = static_cast(vdata); tr_cacheWriteBlock(data->session->cache, data->tor, 0, data->offset, data->tor->blockSize(), data->buf); tr_torrentGotBlock(data->tor, data->block); data->done = true; }; // now finish writing it { char* zero_block = tr_new0(char, tor->blockSize()); struct TestIncompleteDirData data = {}; data.session = session_; data.tor = tor; data.buf = evbuffer_new(); auto const [begin, end] = tor->blockSpanForPiece(data.pieceIndex); for (tr_block_index_t block_index = begin; block_index < end; ++block_index) { evbuffer_add(data.buf, zero_block, tor->blockSize()); data.block = block_index; data.done = false; data.offset = data.block * tor->blockSize(); tr_runInEventThread(session_, test_incomplete_dir_threadfunc, &data); auto const test = [&data]() { return data.done; }; EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, 1000)); } evbuffer_free(data.buf); tr_free(zero_block); } blockingTorrentVerify(tor); EXPECT_EQ(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); auto test = [&completeness]() { return completeness != -1; }; EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, 300)); EXPECT_EQ(TR_SEED, completeness); auto const n = tr_torrentFileCount(tor); for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(tr_strvPath(download_dir, tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name), makeString(tr_torrentFindFile(tor, i))); } // cleanup tr_torrentRemove(tor, true, tr_sys_path_remove); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( IncompleteDir, IncompleteDirTest, ::testing::Values( // what happens when incompleteDir is a subdir of downloadDir std::make_pair(std::string{ "Downloads/Incomplete" }, std::string{ "Downloads" }), // test what happens when downloadDir is a subdir of incompleteDir std::make_pair(std::string{ "Downloads" }, std::string{ "Downloads/Complete" }), // test what happens when downloadDir and incompleteDir are siblings std::make_pair(std::string{ "Incomplete" }, std::string{ "Downloads" }))); /*** **** ***/ using MoveTest = SessionTest; TEST_F(MoveTest, setLocation) { auto const target_dir = tr_strvPath(tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session_), "target"); tr_sys_dir_create(target_dir.data(), TR_SYS_DIR_CREATE_PARENTS, 0777, nullptr); // init a torrent. auto* tor = zeroTorrentInit(); zeroTorrentPopulate(tor, true); blockingTorrentVerify(tor); EXPECT_EQ(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); // now move it auto state = int{ -1 }; tr_torrentSetLocation(tor, target_dir.data(), true, nullptr, &state); auto test = [&state]() { return state == TR_LOC_DONE; }; EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, 300)); EXPECT_EQ(TR_LOC_DONE, state); // confirm the torrent is still complete after being moved blockingTorrentVerify(tor); EXPECT_EQ(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); // confirm the files really got moved sync(); auto const n = tr_torrentFileCount(tor); for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(tr_strvPath(target_dir.data(), tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name), makeString(tr_torrentFindFile(tor, i))); } // cleanup tr_torrentRemove(tor, true, tr_sys_path_remove); } } // namespace test } // namespace libtransmission