/* * This file Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include /* NAME_MAX */ #include /* realloc() */ #include /* close() */ #include #include #include #define __LIBTRANSMISSION_WATCHDIR_MODULE__ #include "transmission.h" #include "log.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "utils.h" #include "watchdir.h" #include "watchdir-common.h" /*** **** ***/ #define log_error(...) (!tr_logLevelIsActive(TR_LOG_ERROR) ? (void)0 : \ tr_logAddMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, TR_LOG_ERROR, "watchdir:inotify", __VA_ARGS__)) /*** **** ***/ typedef struct tr_watchdir_inotify { tr_watchdir_backend base; int infd; int inwd; struct bufferevent* event; } tr_watchdir_inotify; #define BACKEND_UPCAST(b) ((tr_watchdir_inotify*)(b)) #define INOTIFY_WATCH_MASK (IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_MOVED_TO | IN_CREATE) /*** **** ***/ static void tr_watchdir_inotify_on_first_scan(evutil_socket_t fd UNUSED, short type UNUSED, void* context) { tr_watchdir_t const handle = context; tr_watchdir_scan(handle, NULL); } static void tr_watchdir_inotify_on_event(struct bufferevent* event, void* context) { TR_ASSERT(context != NULL); tr_watchdir_t const handle = context; #ifdef TR_ENABLE_ASSERTS tr_watchdir_inotify* const backend = BACKEND_UPCAST(tr_watchdir_get_backend(handle)); #endif struct inotify_event ev; size_t nread; size_t name_size = NAME_MAX + 1; char* name = tr_new(char, name_size); /* Read the size of the struct excluding name into buf. Guaranteed to have at least sizeof(ev) available */ while ((nread = bufferevent_read(event, &ev, sizeof(ev))) != 0) { if (nread == (size_t)-1) { log_error("Failed to read inotify event: %s", tr_strerror(errno)); break; } if (nread != sizeof(ev)) { log_error("Failed to read inotify event: expected %zu, got %zu bytes.", sizeof(ev), nread); break; } TR_ASSERT(ev.wd == backend->inwd); TR_ASSERT((ev.mask & INOTIFY_WATCH_MASK) != 0); TR_ASSERT(ev.len > 0); if (ev.len > name_size) { name_size = ev.len; name = tr_renew(char, name, name_size); } /* Consume entire name into buffer */ if ((nread = bufferevent_read(event, name, ev.len)) == (size_t)-1) { log_error("Failed to read inotify name: %s", tr_strerror(errno)); break; } if (nread != ev.len) { log_error("Failed to read inotify name: expected %" PRIu32 ", got %zu bytes.", ev.len, nread); break; } tr_watchdir_process(handle, name); } tr_free(name); } static void tr_watchdir_inotify_free(tr_watchdir_backend* backend_base) { tr_watchdir_inotify* const backend = BACKEND_UPCAST(backend_base); if (backend == NULL) { return; } TR_ASSERT(backend->base.free_func == &tr_watchdir_inotify_free); if (backend->event != NULL) { bufferevent_disable(backend->event, EV_READ); bufferevent_free(backend->event); } if (backend->infd != -1) { if (backend->inwd != -1) { inotify_rm_watch(backend->infd, backend->inwd); } close(backend->infd); } tr_free(backend); } tr_watchdir_backend* tr_watchdir_inotify_new(tr_watchdir_t handle) { char const* const path = tr_watchdir_get_path(handle); tr_watchdir_inotify* backend; backend = tr_new0(tr_watchdir_inotify, 1); backend->base.free_func = &tr_watchdir_inotify_free; backend->infd = -1; backend->inwd = -1; if ((backend->infd = inotify_init()) == -1) { log_error("Unable to inotify_init: %s", tr_strerror(errno)); goto fail; } if ((backend->inwd = inotify_add_watch(backend->infd, path, INOTIFY_WATCH_MASK | IN_ONLYDIR)) == -1) { log_error("Failed to setup watchdir \"%s\": %s (%d)", path, tr_strerror(errno), errno); goto fail; } if ((backend->event = bufferevent_socket_new(tr_watchdir_get_event_base(handle), backend->infd, 0)) == NULL) { log_error("Failed to create event buffer: %s", tr_strerror(errno)); goto fail; } /* Guarantees at least the sizeof an inotify event will be available in the event buffer */ bufferevent_setwatermark(backend->event, EV_READ, sizeof(struct inotify_event), 0); bufferevent_setcb(backend->event, &tr_watchdir_inotify_on_event, NULL, NULL, handle); bufferevent_enable(backend->event, EV_READ); /* Perform an initial scan on the directory */ if (event_base_once(tr_watchdir_get_event_base(handle), -1, EV_TIMEOUT, &tr_watchdir_inotify_on_first_scan, handle, NULL) == -1) { log_error("Failed to perform initial scan: %s", tr_strerror(errno)); } return BACKEND_DOWNCAST(backend); fail: tr_watchdir_inotify_free(BACKEND_DOWNCAST(backend)); return NULL; }