/* * This file Copyright (C) 2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include /* _beginthreadex() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "daemon.h" /*** **** ***/ #ifndef SERVICE_ACCEPT_PRESHUTDOWN #define SERVICE_ACCEPT_PRESHUTDOWN 0x00000100 #endif #ifndef SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN #define SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN 0x0000000F #endif static dtr_callbacks const* callbacks = nullptr; static void* callback_arg = nullptr; static LPCWSTR const service_name = L"TransmissionDaemon"; static SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE status_handle = nullptr; static DWORD current_state = SERVICE_STOPPED; static HANDLE service_thread = nullptr; static HANDLE service_stop_thread = nullptr; /*** **** ***/ static void set_system_error(tr_error** error, DWORD code, char const* message) { char* const system_message = tr_win32_format_message(code); tr_error_set(error, code, "%s (0x%08lx): %s", message, code, system_message); tr_free(system_message); } static void do_log_system_error(char const* file, int line, tr_log_level level, DWORD code, char const* message) { char* const system_message = tr_win32_format_message(code); tr_logAddMessage(file, line, level, "[dtr_daemon] %s (0x%08lx): %s", message, code, system_message); tr_free(system_message); } #define log_system_error(level, code, message) \ do \ { \ DWORD const local_code = (code); \ \ if (tr_logLevelIsActive((level))) \ { \ do_log_system_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, (level), local_code, (message)); \ } \ } while (0) /*** **** ***/ static BOOL WINAPI handle_console_ctrl([[maybe_unused]] DWORD control_type) { callbacks->on_stop(callback_arg); return TRUE; } static void update_service_status( DWORD new_state, DWORD win32_exit_code, DWORD service_specific_exit_code, DWORD check_point, DWORD wait_hint) { SERVICE_STATUS status; status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; status.dwCurrentState = new_state; status.dwControlsAccepted = new_state != SERVICE_RUNNING ? 0 : SERVICE_ACCEPT_PRESHUTDOWN | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN | SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_PARAMCHANGE; status.dwWin32ExitCode = service_specific_exit_code == 0 ? win32_exit_code : ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = service_specific_exit_code; status.dwCheckPoint = check_point; status.dwWaitHint = wait_hint; if (SetServiceStatus(status_handle, &status)) { current_state = new_state; } else { log_system_error(TR_LOG_DEBUG, GetLastError(), "SetServiceStatus() failed"); } } #define TR_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) static unsigned int __stdcall service_stop_thread_main(void* param) { callbacks->on_stop(callback_arg); DWORD const sleep_time = 500; DWORD wait_time = (DWORD)(UINT_PTR)param; for (DWORD checkpoint = 2; WaitForSingleObject(service_thread, sleep_time) == WAIT_TIMEOUT; ++checkpoint) { wait_time = wait_time >= sleep_time ? wait_time - sleep_time : 0; update_service_status(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 0, checkpoint, TR_MAX(wait_time, sleep_time * 2)); } return 0; } static void stop_service(void) { if (service_stop_thread != nullptr) { return; } DWORD const wait_time = 30 * 1000; update_service_status(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 0, 1, wait_time); service_stop_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(nullptr, 0, &service_stop_thread_main, (LPVOID)(UINT_PTR)wait_time, 0, nullptr); if (service_stop_thread == nullptr) { log_system_error(TR_LOG_DEBUG, GetLastError(), "_beginthreadex() failed, trying to stop synchronously"); service_stop_thread_main((LPVOID)(UINT_PTR)wait_time); } } static DWORD WINAPI handle_service_ctrl( DWORD control_code, [[maybe_unused]] DWORD event_type, [[maybe_unused]] LPVOID event_data, [[maybe_unused]] LPVOID context) { switch (control_code) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_PRESHUTDOWN: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: stop_service(); return NO_ERROR; case SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE: callbacks->on_reconfigure(callback_arg); return NO_ERROR; case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: update_service_status(current_state, NO_ERROR, 0, 0, 0); return NO_ERROR; } return ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static unsigned int __stdcall service_thread_main([[maybe_unused]] void* context) { return callbacks->on_start(callback_arg, false); } static VOID WINAPI service_main([[maybe_unused]] DWORD argc, [[maybe_unused]] LPWSTR* argv) { status_handle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW(service_name, &handle_service_ctrl, nullptr); if (status_handle == nullptr) { log_system_error(TR_LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), "RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx() failed"); return; } update_service_status(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 0, 1, 1000); service_thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(nullptr, 0, &service_thread_main, nullptr, 0, nullptr); if (service_thread == nullptr) { log_system_error(TR_LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), "_beginthreadex() failed"); return; } update_service_status(SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, 0, 0, 0); if (WaitForSingleObject(service_thread, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { log_system_error(TR_LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), "WaitForSingleObject() failed"); } if (service_stop_thread != nullptr) { WaitForSingleObject(service_stop_thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(service_stop_thread); } DWORD exit_code; if (!GetExitCodeThread(service_thread, &exit_code)) { exit_code = 1; } CloseHandle(service_thread); update_service_status(SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, exit_code, 0, 0); } /*** **** ***/ bool dtr_daemon(dtr_callbacks const* cb, void* cb_arg, bool foreground, int* exit_code, tr_error** error) { callbacks = cb; callback_arg = cb_arg; *exit_code = 1; if (foreground) { if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&handle_console_ctrl, TRUE)) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError(), "SetConsoleCtrlHandler() failed"); return false; } *exit_code = cb->on_start(cb_arg, true); } else { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY const service_table[] = { { (LPWSTR)service_name, &service_main }, { nullptr, nullptr }, }; if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW(service_table)) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError(), "StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() failed"); return false; } *exit_code = 0; } return true; }