/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include "transmission.h" #include "list.h" #include "platform.h" #include "utils.h" static tr_list const TR_LIST_CLEAR = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; static tr_list* recycled_nodes = NULL; static tr_lock* getRecycledNodesLock(void) { static tr_lock* l = NULL; if (l == NULL) { l = tr_lockNew(); } return l; } static tr_list* node_alloc(void) { tr_list* ret = NULL; tr_lock* lock = getRecycledNodesLock(); tr_lockLock(lock); if (recycled_nodes != NULL) { ret = recycled_nodes; recycled_nodes = recycled_nodes->next; } tr_lockUnlock(lock); if (ret == NULL) { ret = tr_new(tr_list, 1); } *ret = TR_LIST_CLEAR; return ret; } static void node_free(tr_list* node) { tr_lock* lock = getRecycledNodesLock(); if (node != NULL) { *node = TR_LIST_CLEAR; tr_lockLock(lock); node->next = recycled_nodes; recycled_nodes = node; tr_lockUnlock(lock); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_list_free(tr_list** list, TrListForeachFunc data_free_func) { while (*list != NULL) { tr_list* node = *list; *list = (*list)->next; if (data_free_func != NULL) { data_free_func(node->data); } node_free(node); } } void tr_list_prepend(tr_list** list, void* data) { tr_list* node = node_alloc(); node->data = data; node->next = *list; if (*list != NULL) { (*list)->prev = node; } *list = node; } void tr_list_append(tr_list** list, void* data) { tr_list* node = node_alloc(); node->data = data; if (*list == NULL) { *list = node; } else { tr_list* l = *list; while (l->next != NULL) { l = l->next; } l->next = node; node->prev = l; } } static tr_list* tr_list_find_data(tr_list* list, void const* data) { for (; list != NULL; list = list->next) { if (list->data == data) { return list; } } return NULL; } static void* tr_list_remove_node(tr_list** list, tr_list* node) { void* data; tr_list* prev = node != NULL ? node->prev : NULL; tr_list* next = node != NULL ? node->next : NULL; if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = next; } if (next != NULL) { next->prev = prev; } if (*list == node) { *list = next; } data = node ? node->data : NULL; node_free(node); return data; } void* tr_list_pop_front(tr_list** list) { void* ret = NULL; if (*list != NULL) { ret = (*list)->data; tr_list_remove_node(list, *list); } return ret; } void* tr_list_remove_data(tr_list** list, void const* data) { return tr_list_remove_node(list, tr_list_find_data(*list, data)); } void* tr_list_remove(tr_list** list, void const* b, TrListCompareFunc compare_func) { return tr_list_remove_node(list, tr_list_find(*list, b, compare_func)); } tr_list* tr_list_find(tr_list* list, void const* b, TrListCompareFunc func) { for (; list != NULL; list = list->next) { if (func(list->data, b) == 0) { return list; } } return NULL; } void tr_list_insert_sorted(tr_list** list, void* data, TrListCompareFunc compare) { /* find l, the node that we'll insert this data before */ tr_list* l; for (l = *list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { int const c = (compare)(data, l->data); if (c <= 0) { break; } } if (l == NULL) { tr_list_append(list, data); } else if (l == *list) { tr_list_prepend(list, data); } else { tr_list* node = node_alloc(); node->data = data; node->prev = l->prev; node->next = l; node->prev->next = node; node->next->prev = node; } } int tr_list_size(tr_list const* list) { int size = 0; while (list != NULL) { ++size; list = list->next; } return size; }