/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include "Session.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // tr_free #include #include "AddData.h" #include "CustomVariantType.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "RpcQueue.h" #include "SessionDialog.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VariantHelpers.h" using ::trqt::variant_helpers::dictAdd; using ::trqt::variant_helpers::dictFind; using ::trqt::variant_helpers::getValue; using ::trqt::variant_helpers::listAdd; /*** **** ***/ void Session::sessionSet(tr_quark const key, QVariant const& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 1); switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::Bool: dictAdd(&args, key, value.toBool()); break; case QVariant::Int: dictAdd(&args, key, value.toInt()); break; case QVariant::Double: dictAdd(&args, key, value.toDouble()); break; case QVariant::String: dictAdd(&args, key, value.toString()); break; default: assert(false); } exec("session-set", &args); } void Session::portTest() { auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this]() { return exec("port-test", nullptr); }); q->add([this](RpcResponse const& r) { bool is_open = false; if (r.success) { auto const value = dictFind(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_port_is_open); if (value) { is_open = *value; } } emit portTested(is_open); }); q->run(); } void Session::copyMagnetLinkToClipboard(int torrent_id) { auto constexpr MagnetLinkKey = std::string_view { "magnetLink" }; auto constexpr Fields = std::array{ MagnetLinkKey }; tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_ids, std::array{ torrent_id }); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_fields, Fields); auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this, &args]() { return exec(TR_KEY_torrent_get, &args); }); q->add([](RpcResponse const& r) { tr_variant* torrents; if (!tr_variantDictFindList(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_torrents, &torrents)) { return; } tr_variant* const child = tr_variantListChild(torrents, 0); if (child != nullptr) { auto const link = dictFind(child, TR_KEY_magnetLink); if (link) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(*link); } } }); q->run(); } void Session::updatePref(int key) { if (prefs_.isCore(key)) { switch (key) { case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_BEGIN: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_DAY: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_END: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_DATE: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_ENABLED: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_URL: case Prefs::DHT_ENABLED: case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_ENABLED: case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE: case Prefs::DSPEED: case Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED: case Prefs::IDLE_LIMIT: case Prefs::IDLE_LIMIT_ENABLED: case Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR: case Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED: case Prefs::LPD_ENABLED: case Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL: case Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT: case Prefs::PEER_PORT: case Prefs::PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START: case Prefs::QUEUE_STALLED_MINUTES: case Prefs::PEX_ENABLED: case Prefs::PORT_FORWARDING: case Prefs::RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES: case Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED: case Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME: case Prefs::START: case Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL: case Prefs::USPEED: case Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED: case Prefs::UTP_ENABLED: sessionSet(prefs_.getKey(key), prefs_.variant(key)); break; case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_DIR: sessionSet(prefs_.getKey(key), prefs_.variant(key)); /* this will change the 'freespace' argument, so refresh */ refreshSessionInfo(); break; case Prefs::RATIO: sessionSet(TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit, prefs_.variant(key)); break; case Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED: sessionSet(TR_KEY_seedRatioLimited, prefs_.variant(key)); break; case Prefs::ENCRYPTION: { int const i = prefs_.variant(key).toInt(); switch (i) { case 0: sessionSet(prefs_.getKey(key), QStringLiteral("tolerated")); break; case 1: sessionSet(prefs_.getKey(key), QStringLiteral("preferred")); break; case 2: sessionSet(prefs_.getKey(key), QStringLiteral("required")); break; } break; } case Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCPasswordEnabled(session_, prefs_.getBool(key)); } break; case Prefs::RPC_ENABLED: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCEnabled(session_, prefs_.getBool(key)); } break; case Prefs::RPC_PASSWORD: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCPassword(session_, prefs_.getString(key).toUtf8().constData()); } break; case Prefs::RPC_PORT: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCPort(session_, static_cast(prefs_.getInt(key))); } break; case Prefs::RPC_USERNAME: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCUsername(session_, prefs_.getString(key).toUtf8().constData()); } break; case Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelistEnabled(session_, prefs_.getBool(key)); } break; case Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST: if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelist(session_, prefs_.getString(key).toUtf8().constData()); } break; default: qWarning() << "unhandled pref:" << key; } } } /*** **** ***/ Session::Session(QString config_dir, Prefs& prefs) : config_dir_(std::move(config_dir)), prefs_(prefs) { stats_ = {}; stats_.ratio = TR_RATIO_NA; cumulative_stats_ = stats_; connect(&prefs_, &Prefs::changed, this, &Session::updatePref); connect(&rpc_, &RpcClient::httpAuthenticationRequired, this, &Session::httpAuthenticationRequired); connect(&rpc_, &RpcClient::dataReadProgress, this, &Session::dataReadProgress); connect(&rpc_, &RpcClient::dataSendProgress, this, &Session::dataSendProgress); connect(&rpc_, &RpcClient::networkResponse, this, &Session::networkResponse); duplicates_timer_.setSingleShot(true); connect(&duplicates_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Session::onDuplicatesTimer); } Session::~Session() { stop(); } /*** **** ***/ void Session::stop() { rpc_.stop(); if (session_ != nullptr) { tr_sessionClose(session_); session_ = nullptr; } } void Session::restart() { stop(); start(); } void Session::start() { if (prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_IS_REMOTE)) { QUrl url; url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("http")); url.setHost(prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_HOST)); url.setPort(prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_PORT)); url.setPath(QStringLiteral("/transmission/rpc")); if (prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_AUTH)) { url.setUserName(prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_USERNAME)); url.setPassword(prefs_.get(Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_PASSWORD)); } rpc_.start(url); } else { tr_variant settings; tr_variantInitDict(&settings, 0); tr_sessionLoadSettings(&settings, config_dir_.toUtf8().constData(), "qt"); session_ = tr_sessionInit(config_dir_.toUtf8().constData(), true, &settings); tr_variantFree(&settings); rpc_.start(session_); tr_ctor* ctor = tr_ctorNew(session_); int torrent_count; tr_torrent** torrents = tr_sessionLoadTorrents(session_, ctor, &torrent_count); tr_free(torrents); tr_ctorFree(ctor); } emit sourceChanged(); } bool Session::isServer() const { return session_ != nullptr; } bool Session::isLocal() const { if (!session_id_.isEmpty()) { return is_definitely_local_session_; } return rpc_.isLocal(); } /*** **** ***/ void Session::addOptionalIds(tr_variant* args, torrent_ids_t const& ids) const { auto constexpr RecentlyActiveKey = std::string_view { "recently-active" }; if (&ids == &RecentlyActiveIDs) { dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_ids, RecentlyActiveKey); } else if (!ids.empty()) { dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_ids, ids); } } Session::Tag Session::torrentSetImpl(tr_variant* args) { auto* const q = new RpcQueue(); auto const tag = q->tag(); q->add([this, args]() { return rpc_.exec(TR_KEY_torrent_set, args); }); q->add([this, tag]() { emit sessionCalled(tag); }); q->setTolerateErrors(); q->run(); return tag; } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, double value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, key, value); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, int value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, key, value); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, bool value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, key, value); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, QStringList const& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, key, value); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, QList const& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, key, value); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } Session::Tag Session::torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& ids, tr_quark const key, QPair const& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); tr_variant* list(tr_variantDictAddList(&args, key, 2)); listAdd(list, value.first); listAdd(list, value.second); return torrentSetImpl(&args); } void Session::torrentSetLocation(torrent_ids_t const& ids, QString const& location, bool do_move) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 3); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_location, location); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_move, do_move); exec(TR_KEY_torrent_set_location, &args); } void Session::torrentRenamePath(torrent_ids_t const& ids, QString const& oldpath, QString const& newname) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_path, oldpath); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_name, newname); auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this, &args]() { return exec("torrent-rename-path", &args); }, [](RpcResponse const& r) { auto str = dictFind(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_path); auto const path = str ? *str : QStringLiteral("(unknown)"); str = dictFind(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_name); auto const name = str ? *str : QStringLiteral("(unknown)"); auto* d = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, tr("Error Renaming Path"), tr(R"(

Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.

Please correct the errors and try again.

)"). arg(path).arg(name).arg(r.result), QMessageBox::Close, QApplication::activeWindow()); QObject::connect(d, &QMessageBox::rejected, d, &QMessageBox::deleteLater); d->show(); }); q->add([this, ids](RpcResponse const& /*r*/) { refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::Rename); }); q->run(); } std::vector const& Session::getKeyNames(TorrentProperties props) { std::vector& names = names_[props]; if (names.empty()) { // unchanging fields needed by the main window static auto constexpr MainInfoKeys = std::array{ TR_KEY_addedDate, TR_KEY_downloadDir, TR_KEY_file_count, TR_KEY_hashString, TR_KEY_name, TR_KEY_primary_mime_type, TR_KEY_totalSize, TR_KEY_trackers, }; // changing fields needed by the main window static auto constexpr MainStatKeys = std::array{ TR_KEY_downloadedEver, TR_KEY_editDate, TR_KEY_error, TR_KEY_errorString, TR_KEY_eta, TR_KEY_haveUnchecked, TR_KEY_haveValid, TR_KEY_isFinished, TR_KEY_leftUntilDone, TR_KEY_manualAnnounceTime, TR_KEY_metadataPercentComplete, TR_KEY_peersConnected, TR_KEY_peersGettingFromUs, TR_KEY_peersSendingToUs, TR_KEY_percentDone, TR_KEY_queuePosition, TR_KEY_rateDownload, TR_KEY_rateUpload, TR_KEY_recheckProgress, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit, TR_KEY_seedRatioMode, TR_KEY_sizeWhenDone, TR_KEY_status, TR_KEY_uploadedEver, TR_KEY_webseedsSendingToUs }; // unchanging fields needed by the details dialog static auto constexpr DetailInfoKeys = std::array{ TR_KEY_comment, TR_KEY_creator, TR_KEY_dateCreated, TR_KEY_files, TR_KEY_isPrivate, TR_KEY_pieceCount, TR_KEY_pieceSize, TR_KEY_trackers }; // changing fields needed by the details dialog static auto constexpr DetailStatKeys = std::array{ TR_KEY_activityDate, TR_KEY_bandwidthPriority, TR_KEY_corruptEver, TR_KEY_desiredAvailable, TR_KEY_downloadedEver, TR_KEY_downloadLimit, TR_KEY_downloadLimited, TR_KEY_fileStats, TR_KEY_honorsSessionLimits, TR_KEY_peer_limit, TR_KEY_peers, TR_KEY_seedIdleLimit, TR_KEY_seedIdleMode, TR_KEY_startDate, TR_KEY_trackerStats, TR_KEY_uploadLimit, TR_KEY_uploadLimited }; // keys needed after renaming a torrent static auto constexpr RenameKeys = std::array{ TR_KEY_fileStats, TR_KEY_files, TR_KEY_name }; auto const append = [&names](tr_quark key) { size_t len = {}; char const* str = tr_quark_get_string(key, &len); names.emplace_back(str, len); }; switch (props) { case TorrentProperties::DetailInfo: std::for_each(DetailInfoKeys.begin(), DetailInfoKeys.end(), append); break; case TorrentProperties::DetailStat: std::for_each(DetailStatKeys.begin(), DetailStatKeys.end(), append); break; case TorrentProperties::MainAll: std::for_each(MainInfoKeys.begin(), MainInfoKeys.end(), append); std::for_each(MainStatKeys.begin(), MainStatKeys.end(), append); break; case TorrentProperties::MainInfo: std::for_each(MainInfoKeys.begin(), MainInfoKeys.end(), append); break; case TorrentProperties::MainStats: std::for_each(MainStatKeys.begin(), MainStatKeys.end(), append); break; case TorrentProperties::Rename: std::for_each(RenameKeys.begin(), RenameKeys.end(), append); break; } // must be in every torrent req append(TR_KEY_id); // sort and remove dupes std::sort(names.begin(), names.end()); names.erase(std::unique(names.begin(), names.end()), names.end()); } return names; } void Session::refreshTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids, TorrentProperties props) { auto constexpr Table = std::string_view{ "table" }; tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 3); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_format, Table); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_fields, getKeyNames(props)); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this, &args]() { return exec(TR_KEY_torrent_get, &args); }); bool const all_torrents = ids.empty(); q->add([this, all_torrents](RpcResponse const& r) { tr_variant* torrents; if (tr_variantDictFindList(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_torrents, &torrents)) { emit torrentsUpdated(torrents, all_torrents); } if (tr_variantDictFindList(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_removed, &torrents)) { emit torrentsRemoved(torrents); } }); q->run(); } void Session::refreshDetailInfo(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::DetailInfo); } void Session::refreshExtraStats(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::DetailStat); } void Session::sendTorrentRequest(std::string_view request, torrent_ids_t const& ids) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 1); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this, request, &args]() { return exec(request, &args); }); q->add([this, ids]() { refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::MainStats); }); q->run(); } void Session::pauseTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("torrent-stop", ids); } void Session::startTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("torrent-start", ids); } void Session::startTorrentsNow(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("torrent-start-now", ids); } void Session::queueMoveTop(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("queue-move-top", ids); } void Session::queueMoveUp(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("queue-move-up", ids); } void Session::queueMoveDown(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("queue-move-down", ids); } void Session::queueMoveBottom(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { sendTorrentRequest("queue-move-bottom", ids); } void Session::refreshActiveTorrents() { // If this object is passed as "ids" (compared by address), then recently active torrents are queried. refreshTorrents(RecentlyActiveIDs, TorrentProperties::MainStats); } void Session::refreshAllTorrents() { // if an empty ids object is used, all torrents are queried. torrent_ids_t const ids = {}; refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::MainStats); } void Session::initTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { refreshTorrents(ids, TorrentProperties::MainAll); } void Session::refreshSessionStats() { auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this]() { return exec("session-stats", nullptr); }); q->add([this](RpcResponse const& r) { updateStats(r.args.get()); }); q->run(); } void Session::refreshSessionInfo() { auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this]() { return exec("session-get", nullptr); }); q->add([this](RpcResponse const& r) { updateInfo(r.args.get()); }); q->run(); } void Session::updateBlocklist() { auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this]() { return exec("blocklist-update", nullptr); }); q->add([this](RpcResponse const& r) { auto const size = dictFind(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_blocklist_size); if (size) { setBlocklistSize(*size); } }); q->run(); } /*** **** ***/ RpcResponseFuture Session::exec(tr_quark method, tr_variant* args) { return rpc_.exec(method, args); } RpcResponseFuture Session::exec(std::string_view method, tr_variant* args) { return rpc_.exec(method, args); } void Session::updateStats(tr_variant* d, tr_session_stats* stats) { auto value = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_uploadedBytes); if (value) { stats->uploadedBytes = *value; } if ((value = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_downloadedBytes))) { stats->downloadedBytes = *value; } if ((value = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_filesAdded))) { stats->filesAdded = *value; } if ((value = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_sessionCount))) { stats->sessionCount = *value; } if ((value = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_secondsActive))) { stats->secondsActive = *value; } stats->ratio = static_cast(tr_getRatio(stats->uploadedBytes, stats->downloadedBytes)); } void Session::updateStats(tr_variant* d) { tr_variant* c; if (tr_variantDictFindDict(d, TR_KEY_current_stats, &c)) { updateStats(c, &stats_); } if (tr_variantDictFindDict(d, TR_KEY_cumulative_stats, &c)) { updateStats(c, &cumulative_stats_); } emit statsUpdated(); } void Session::updateInfo(tr_variant* d) { disconnect(&prefs_, &Prefs::changed, this, &Session::updatePref); for (int i = Prefs::FIRST_CORE_PREF; i <= Prefs::LAST_CORE_PREF; ++i) { tr_variant const* b(tr_variantDictFind(d, prefs_.getKey(i))); if (b == nullptr) { continue; } if (i == Prefs::ENCRYPTION) { auto const str = getValue(b); if (str) { if (*str == QStringLiteral("required")) { prefs_.set(i, 2); } else if (*str == QStringLiteral("preferred")) { prefs_.set(i, 1); } else if (*str == QStringLiteral("tolerated")) { prefs_.set(i, 0); } } continue; } switch (prefs_.type(i)) { case QVariant::Int: { auto const value = getValue(b); if (value) { prefs_.set(i, *value); } break; } case QVariant::Double: { auto const value = getValue(b); if (value) { prefs_.set(i, *value); } break; } case QVariant::Bool: { auto const value = getValue(b); if (value) { prefs_.set(i, *value); } break; } case CustomVariantType::FilterModeType: case CustomVariantType::SortModeType: case QVariant::String: { auto const value = getValue(b); if (value) { prefs_.set(i, *value); } break; } default: break; } } auto const b = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimited); if (b) { prefs_.set(Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED, *b); } auto const x = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit); if (x) { prefs_.set(Prefs::RATIO, *x); } /* Use the C API to get settings that, for security reasons, aren't supported by RPC */ if (session_ != nullptr) { prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_ENABLED, tr_sessionIsRPCEnabled(session_)); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, tr_sessionIsRPCPasswordEnabled(session_)); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_PASSWORD, QString::fromUtf8(tr_sessionGetRPCPassword(session_))); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_PORT, tr_sessionGetRPCPort(session_)); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_USERNAME, QString::fromUtf8(tr_sessionGetRPCUsername(session_))); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelistEnabled(session_)); prefs_.set(Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST, QString::fromUtf8(tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelist(session_))); } auto const size = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_blocklist_size); if (size && *size != blocklistSize()) { setBlocklistSize(*size); } auto str = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_version); if (str) { session_version_ = *str; } str = dictFind(d, TR_KEY_session_id); if (str) { session_id_ = *str; is_definitely_local_session_ = tr_session_id_is_local(session_id_.toUtf8().constData()); } else { session_id_.clear(); } connect(&prefs_, &Prefs::changed, this, &Session::updatePref); emit sessionUpdated(); } void Session::setBlocklistSize(int64_t i) { blocklist_size_ = i; emit blocklistUpdated(i); } void Session::addTorrent(AddData const& add_me, tr_variant* args, bool trash_original) { assert(tr_variantDictFind(args, TR_KEY_filename) == nullptr); assert(tr_variantDictFind(args, TR_KEY_metainfo) == nullptr); if (tr_variantDictFind(args, TR_KEY_paused) == nullptr) { dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_paused, !prefs_.getBool(Prefs::START)); } switch (add_me.type) { case AddData::MAGNET: dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_filename, add_me.magnet); break; case AddData::URL: dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_filename, add_me.url.toString()); break; case AddData::FILENAME: /* fall-through */ case AddData::METAINFO: dictAdd(args, TR_KEY_metainfo, add_me.toBase64()); break; default: qWarning() << "Unhandled AddData type: " << add_me.type; break; } auto* q = new RpcQueue(); q->add([this, args]() { return exec("torrent-add", args); }, [add_me](RpcResponse const& r) { auto* d = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Error Adding Torrent"), QStringLiteral("



").arg(r.result).arg(add_me.readableName()), QMessageBox::Close, QApplication::activeWindow()); QObject::connect(d, &QMessageBox::rejected, d, &QMessageBox::deleteLater); d->show(); }); q->add([this, add_me](RpcResponse const& r) { tr_variant* dup; bool session_has_torrent = false; if (tr_variantDictFindDict(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_torrent_added, &dup)) { session_has_torrent = true; } else if (tr_variantDictFindDict(r.args.get(), TR_KEY_torrent_duplicate, &dup)) { session_has_torrent = true; auto const hash = dictFind(dup, TR_KEY_hashString); if (hash) { duplicates_.try_emplace(add_me.readableShortName(), *hash); duplicates_timer_.start(1000); } } if (session_has_torrent && !add_me.filename.isEmpty()) { QFile(add_me.filename).rename(QStringLiteral("%1.added").arg(add_me.filename)); } }); if (trash_original && add_me.type == AddData::FILENAME) { q->add([add_me]() { QFile original(add_me.filename); original.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner); original.remove(); }); } q->run(); } void Session::onDuplicatesTimer() { decltype(duplicates_) duplicates; duplicates.swap(duplicates_); QStringList lines; for (auto it : duplicates) { lines.push_back(tr("%1 (copy of %2)") .arg(it.first) .arg(it.second.left(7))); } if (!lines.empty()) { lines.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); auto const title = tr("Duplicate Torrent(s)", "", lines.size()); auto const detail = lines.join(QStringLiteral("\n")); auto const detail_text = tr("Unable to add %n duplicate torrent(s)", "", lines.size()); auto const use_detail = lines.size() > 1; auto const text = use_detail ? detail_text : detail; auto* d = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, title, text, QMessageBox::Close, QApplication::activeWindow()); if (use_detail) { d->setDetailedText(detail); } QObject::connect(d, &QMessageBox::rejected, d, &QMessageBox::deleteLater); d->show(); } } void Session::addTorrent(AddData const& add_me) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 3); addTorrent(add_me, &args, prefs_.getBool(Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL)); } void Session::addNewlyCreatedTorrent(QString const& filename, QString const& local_path) { QByteArray const b64 = AddData(filename).toBase64(); tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 3); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_download_dir, local_path); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_paused, !prefs_.getBool(Prefs::START)); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_metainfo, b64); exec("torrent-add", &args); } void Session::removeTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids, bool delete_files) { if (!ids.empty()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 2); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); dictAdd(&args, TR_KEY_delete_local_data, delete_files); exec("torrent-remove", &args); } } void Session::verifyTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { if (!ids.empty()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 1); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); exec("torrent-verify", &args); } } void Session::reannounceTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { if (!ids.empty()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict(&args, 1); addOptionalIds(&args, ids); exec("torrent-reannounce", &args); } } /*** **** ***/ void Session::launchWebInterface() const { QUrl url; if (session_ == nullptr) // remote session { url = rpc_.url(); url.setPath(QStringLiteral("/transmission/web/")); } else // local session { url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("http")); url.setHost(QStringLiteral("localhost")); url.setPort(prefs_.getInt(Prefs::RPC_PORT)); } QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); }