/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include #include #include /* INT_MAX */ #include #include #include /* memcmp */ #include /* qsort */ #include /* evbuffer */ #include "transmission.h" #include "announcer.h" #include "bandwidth.h" #include "bencode.h" #include "completion.h" #include "crypto.h" /* for tr_sha1 */ #include "resume.h" #include "fdlimit.h" /* tr_fdTorrentClose */ #include "magnet.h" #include "metainfo.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "platform.h" /* TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR */ #include "ptrarray.h" #include "session.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "torrent-magnet.h" #include "trevent.h" /* tr_runInEventThread() */ #include "utils.h" #include "verify.h" #include "version.h" enum { MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 16 }; /*** **** ***/ int tr_torrentId( const tr_torrent * tor ) { return tor->uniqueId; } tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromId( tr_session * session, int id ) { tr_torrent * tor = NULL; while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( session, tor ))) if( tor->uniqueId == id ) return tor; return NULL; } tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromHashString( tr_session * session, const char * str ) { tr_torrent * tor = NULL; while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( session, tor ))) if( !strcasecmp( str, tor->info.hashString ) ) return tor; return NULL; } tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromHash( tr_session * session, const uint8_t * torrentHash ) { tr_torrent * tor = NULL; while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( session, tor ))) if( *tor->info.hash == *torrentHash ) if( !memcmp( tor->info.hash, torrentHash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ) return tor; return NULL; } tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromMagnetLink( tr_session * session, const char * magnet ) { tr_magnet_info * info; tr_torrent * tor = NULL; if(( info = tr_magnetParse( magnet ))) { tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash( session, info->hash ); tr_magnetFree( info ); } return tor; } tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromObfuscatedHash( tr_session * session, const uint8_t * obfuscatedTorrentHash ) { tr_torrent * tor = NULL; while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( session, tor ))) if( !memcmp( tor->obfuscatedHash, obfuscatedTorrentHash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ) return tor; return NULL; } /*** **** PER-TORRENT UL / DL SPEEDS ***/ void tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit( tr_torrent * tor, tr_direction dir, int KiB_sec ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) ); if( tr_bandwidthSetDesiredSpeed( tor->bandwidth, dir, KiB_sec ) ) tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } int tr_torrentGetSpeedLimit( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_direction dir ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) ); return tr_bandwidthGetDesiredSpeed( tor->bandwidth, dir ); } void tr_torrentUseSpeedLimit( tr_torrent * tor, tr_direction dir, tr_bool do_use ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) ); if( tr_bandwidthSetLimited( tor->bandwidth, dir, do_use ) ) tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } tr_bool tr_torrentUsesSpeedLimit( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_direction dir ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isDirection( dir ) ); return tr_bandwidthIsLimited( tor->bandwidth, dir ); } void tr_torrentUseSessionLimits( tr_torrent * tor, tr_bool doUse ) { tr_bool changed; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); changed = tr_bandwidthHonorParentLimits( tor->bandwidth, TR_UP, doUse ); changed |= tr_bandwidthHonorParentLimits( tor->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, doUse ); if( changed ) tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } tr_bool tr_torrentUsesSessionLimits( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tr_bandwidthAreParentLimitsHonored( tor->bandwidth, TR_UP ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentSetRatioMode( tr_torrent * tor, tr_ratiolimit mode ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( mode==TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL || mode==TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE || mode==TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED ); if( mode != tor->ratioLimitMode ) { tor->ratioLimitMode = mode; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } } tr_ratiolimit tr_torrentGetRatioMode( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->ratioLimitMode; } void tr_torrentSetRatioLimit( tr_torrent * tor, double desiredRatio ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( (int)(desiredRatio*100.0) != (int)(tor->desiredRatio*100.0) ) { tor->desiredRatio = desiredRatio; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } } double tr_torrentGetRatioLimit( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->desiredRatio; } tr_bool tr_torrentIsPieceTransferAllowed( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_direction direction ) { int limit; tr_bool allowed = TRUE; if( tr_torrentUsesSpeedLimit( tor, direction ) ) if( tr_torrentGetSpeedLimit( tor, direction ) <= 0 ) allowed = FALSE; if( tr_torrentUsesSessionLimits( tor ) ) if( tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit( tor->session, direction, &limit ) ) if( limit <= 0 ) allowed = FALSE; return allowed; } tr_bool tr_torrentGetSeedRatio( const tr_torrent * tor, double * ratio ) { tr_bool isLimited; switch( tr_torrentGetRatioMode( tor ) ) { case TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE: isLimited = TRUE; if( ratio ) *ratio = tr_torrentGetRatioLimit( tor ); break; case TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL: isLimited = tr_sessionIsRatioLimited( tor->session ); if( isLimited && ratio ) *ratio = tr_sessionGetRatioLimit( tor->session ); break; default: /* TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED */ isLimited = FALSE; break; } return isLimited; } /* returns true if the seed ratio applies -- * it applies if the torrent's a seed AND it has a seed ratio set */ static tr_bool tr_torrentGetSeedRatioBytes( tr_torrent * tor, uint64_t * setmeLeft, uint64_t * setmeGoal ) { double seedRatio; tr_bool seedRatioApplies = FALSE; if( tr_torrentGetSeedRatio( tor, &seedRatio ) ) { const uint64_t u = tor->uploadedCur + tor->uploadedPrev; const uint64_t d = tor->downloadedCur + tor->downloadedPrev; const uint64_t baseline = d ? d : tr_cpSizeWhenDone( &tor->completion ); const uint64_t goal = baseline * seedRatio; if( setmeLeft ) *setmeLeft = goal > u ? goal - u : 0; if( setmeGoal ) *setmeGoal = goal; seedRatioApplies = tr_torrentIsSeed( tor ); } return seedRatioApplies; } static tr_bool tr_torrentIsSeedRatioDone( tr_torrent * tor ) { uint64_t bytesLeft; return tr_torrentGetSeedRatioBytes( tor, &bytesLeft, NULL ) && !bytesLeft; } void tr_torrentCheckSeedRatio( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); /* if we're seeding and reach our seed ratio limit, stop the torrent */ if( tor->isRunning && tr_torrentIsSeedRatioDone( tor ) ) { tr_torinf( tor, "Seed ratio reached; pausing torrent" ); tr_torrentStop( tor ); /* maybe notify the client */ if( tor->ratio_limit_hit_func != NULL ) tor->ratio_limit_hit_func( tor, tor->ratio_limit_hit_func_user_data ); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentSetLocalError( tr_torrent * tor, const char * fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); va_start( ap, fmt ); tor->error = TR_STAT_LOCAL_ERROR; evutil_vsnprintf( tor->errorString, sizeof( tor->errorString ), fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); } static void onTrackerResponse( void * tracker UNUSED, void * vevent, void * user_data ) { tr_torrent * tor = user_data; tr_tracker_event * event = vevent; switch( event->messageType ) { case TR_TRACKER_PEERS: { size_t i, n; const int seedProbability = event->seedProbability; const tr_bool allAreSeeds = seedProbability == 100; tr_pex * pex = tr_peerMgrArrayToPex( event->compact, event->compactLen, &n ); if( allAreSeeds ) tr_tordbg( tor, "Got %d seeds from tracker", (int)n ); else tr_tordbg( tor, "Got %d peers from tracker", (int)n ); for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) tr_peerMgrAddPex( tor, TR_PEER_FROM_TRACKER, pex+i, seedProbability ); if( allAreSeeds && tr_torrentIsPrivate( tor ) ) tr_peerMgrMarkAllAsSeeds( tor ); tr_free( pex ); break; } case TR_TRACKER_WARNING: tr_torerr( tor, _( "Tracker warning: \"%s\"" ), event->text ); tor->error = TR_STAT_TRACKER_WARNING; tr_strlcpy( tor->errorString, event->text, sizeof( tor->errorString ) ); break; case TR_TRACKER_ERROR: tr_torerr( tor, _( "Tracker error: \"%s\"" ), event->text ); tor->error = TR_STAT_TRACKER_ERROR; tr_strlcpy( tor->errorString, event->text, sizeof( tor->errorString ) ); break; case TR_TRACKER_ERROR_CLEAR: if( tor->error != TR_STAT_LOCAL_ERROR ) { tor->error = TR_STAT_OK; tor->errorString[0] = '\0'; } break; } } /*** **** **** TORRENT INSTANTIATION **** ***/ static int getBytePiece( const tr_info * info, uint64_t byteOffset ) { assert( info ); assert( info->pieceSize != 0 ); return byteOffset / info->pieceSize; } static void initFilePieces( tr_info * info, tr_file_index_t fileIndex ) { tr_file * file; uint64_t firstByte, lastByte; assert( info ); assert( fileIndex < info->fileCount ); file = &info->files[fileIndex]; firstByte = file->offset; lastByte = firstByte + ( file->length ? file->length - 1 : 0 ); file->firstPiece = getBytePiece( info, firstByte ); file->lastPiece = getBytePiece( info, lastByte ); } static int pieceHasFile( tr_piece_index_t piece, const tr_file * file ) { return ( file->firstPiece <= piece ) && ( piece <= file->lastPiece ); } static tr_priority_t calculatePiecePriority( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t piece, int fileHint ) { tr_file_index_t i; int priority = TR_PRI_LOW; /* find the first file that has data in this piece */ if( fileHint >= 0 ) { i = fileHint; while( i > 0 && pieceHasFile( piece, &tor->info.files[i - 1] ) ) --i; } else { for( i = 0; i < tor->info.fileCount; ++i ) if( pieceHasFile( piece, &tor->info.files[i] ) ) break; } /* the piece's priority is the max of the priorities * of all the files in that piece */ for( ; i < tor->info.fileCount; ++i ) { const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i]; if( !pieceHasFile( piece, file ) ) break; priority = MAX( priority, file->priority ); /* when dealing with multimedia files, getting the first and last pieces can sometimes allow you to preview it a bit before it's fully downloaded... */ if( file->priority >= TR_PRI_NORMAL ) if( file->firstPiece == piece || file->lastPiece == piece ) priority = TR_PRI_HIGH; } return priority; } static void tr_torrentInitFilePieces( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_file_index_t f; tr_piece_index_t p; uint64_t offset = 0; tr_info * inf = &tor->info; int * firstFiles; /* assign the file offsets */ for( f=0; ffileCount; ++f ) { inf->files[f].offset = offset; offset += inf->files[f].length; initFilePieces( inf, f ); } /* build the array of first-file hints to give calculatePiecePriority */ firstFiles = tr_new( int, inf->pieceCount ); for( p=f=0; ppieceCount; ++p ) { while( inf->files[f].lastPiece < p ) ++f; firstFiles[p] = f; } #if 0 /* test to confirm the first-file hints are correct */ for( p=0; ppieceCount; ++p ) { f = firstFiles[p]; assert( inf->files[f].firstPiece <= p ); assert( inf->files[f].lastPiece >= p ); if( f > 0 ) assert( inf->files[f-1].lastPiece < p ); for( f=0; ffileCount; ++f ) if( pieceHasFile( p, &inf->files[f] ) ) break; assert( (int)f == firstFiles[p] ); } #endif for( p=0; ppieceCount; ++p ) inf->pieces[p].priority = calculatePiecePriority( tor, p, firstFiles[p] ); tr_free( firstFiles ); } int tr_torrentPromoteTracker( tr_torrent * tor, int pos ) { int i; int tier; assert( tor ); assert( ( 0 <= pos ) && ( pos < tor->info.trackerCount ) ); /* the tier of the tracker we're promoting */ tier = tor->info.trackers[pos].tier; /* find the index of that tier's first tracker */ for( i = 0; i < tor->info.trackerCount; ++i ) if( tor->info.trackers[i].tier == tier ) break; assert( i < tor->info.trackerCount ); /* promote the tracker at `pos' to the front of the tier */ if( i != pos ) { const tr_tracker_info tmp = tor->info.trackers[i]; tor->info.trackers[i] = tor->info.trackers[pos]; tor->info.trackers[pos] = tmp; } /* return the new position of the tracker that started out at [pos] */ return i; } static void torrentStart( tr_torrent * tor ); /** * Decide on a block size. constraints: * (1) most clients decline requests over 16 KiB * (2) pieceSize must be a multiple of block size */ static uint32_t getBlockSize( uint32_t pieceSize ) { uint32_t b = pieceSize; while( b > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ) b /= 2u; if( !b || ( pieceSize % b ) ) /* not cleanly divisible */ return 0; return b; } static void refreshCurrentDir( tr_torrent * tor ); static void torrentInitFromInfo( tr_torrent * tor ) { uint64_t t; tr_info * info = &tor->info; tor->blockSize = getBlockSize( info->pieceSize ); if( info->pieceSize ) tor->lastPieceSize = info->totalSize % info->pieceSize; if( !tor->lastPieceSize ) tor->lastPieceSize = info->pieceSize; if( tor->blockSize ) tor->lastBlockSize = info->totalSize % tor->blockSize; if( !tor->lastBlockSize ) tor->lastBlockSize = tor->blockSize; tor->blockCount = tor->blockSize ? ( info->totalSize + tor->blockSize - 1 ) / tor->blockSize : 0; tor->blockCountInPiece = tor->blockSize ? info->pieceSize / tor->blockSize : 0; tor->blockCountInLastPiece = tor->blockSize ? ( tor->lastPieceSize + tor->blockSize - 1 ) / tor->blockSize : 0; /* check our work */ if( tor->blockSize != 0 ) assert( ( info->pieceSize % tor->blockSize ) == 0 ); t = info->pieceCount - 1; t *= info->pieceSize; t += tor->lastPieceSize; assert( t == info->totalSize ); t = tor->blockCount - 1; t *= tor->blockSize; t += tor->lastBlockSize; assert( t == info->totalSize ); t = info->pieceCount - 1; t *= tor->blockCountInPiece; t += tor->blockCountInLastPiece; assert( t == (uint64_t)tor->blockCount ); tr_cpConstruct( &tor->completion, tor ); tr_torrentInitFilePieces( tor ); tr_bitfieldConstruct( &tor->checkedPieces, tor->info.pieceCount ); tor->completeness = tr_cpGetStatus( &tor->completion ); } static void tr_torrentFireMetadataCompleted( tr_torrent * tor ); void tr_torrentGotNewInfoDict( tr_torrent * tor ) { torrentInitFromInfo( tor ); tr_torrentFireMetadataCompleted( tor ); } static void torrentInit( tr_torrent * tor, const tr_ctor * ctor ) { int doStart; uint64_t loaded; const char * dir; static int nextUniqueId = 1; tr_session * session = tr_ctorGetSession( ctor ); assert( session != NULL ); tr_sessionLock( session ); tor->session = session; tor->uniqueId = nextUniqueId++; tor->magicNumber = TORRENT_MAGIC_NUMBER; tr_sha1( tor->obfuscatedHash, "req2", 4, tor->info.hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, NULL ); if( !tr_ctorGetDownloadDir( ctor, TR_FORCE, &dir ) || !tr_ctorGetDownloadDir( ctor, TR_FALLBACK, &dir ) ) tor->downloadDir = tr_strdup( dir ); if( tr_ctorGetIncompleteDir( ctor, &dir ) ) dir = tr_sessionGetIncompleteDir( session ); if( tr_sessionIsIncompleteDirEnabled( session ) ) tor->incompleteDir = tr_strdup( dir ); tor->bandwidth = tr_bandwidthNew( session, session->bandwidth ); tor->bandwidth->priority = tr_ctorGetBandwidthPriority( ctor ); tor->error = TR_STAT_OK; tr_peerMgrAddTorrent( session->peerMgr, tor ); assert( !tor->downloadedCur ); assert( !tor->uploadedCur ); tr_torrentUncheck( tor ); tr_torrentSetAddedDate( tor, tr_time( ) ); /* this is a default value to be overwritten by the resume file */ torrentInitFromInfo( tor ); loaded = tr_torrentLoadResume( tor, ~0, ctor ); tor->completeness = tr_cpGetStatus( &tor->completion ); tr_ctorInitTorrentPriorities( ctor, tor ); tr_ctorInitTorrentWanted( ctor, tor ); refreshCurrentDir( tor ); doStart = tor->isRunning; tor->isRunning = 0; if( !( loaded & TR_FR_SPEEDLIMIT ) ) { tr_torrentUseSpeedLimit( tor, TR_UP, FALSE ); tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit( tor, TR_UP, tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit( tor->session, TR_UP ) ); tr_torrentUseSpeedLimit( tor, TR_DOWN, FALSE ); tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit( tor, TR_DOWN, tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit( tor->session, TR_DOWN ) ); tr_torrentUseSessionLimits( tor, TRUE ); } if( !( loaded & TR_FR_RATIOLIMIT ) ) { tr_torrentSetRatioMode( tor, TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL ); tr_torrentSetRatioLimit( tor, tr_sessionGetRatioLimit( tor->session ) ); } { tr_torrent * it = NULL; tr_torrent * last = NULL; while( ( it = tr_torrentNext( session, it ) ) ) last = it; if( !last ) session->torrentList = tor; else last->next = tor; ++session->torrentCount; } /* maybe save our own copy of the metainfo */ if( tr_ctorGetSave( ctor ) ) { const tr_benc * val; if( !tr_ctorGetMetainfo( ctor, &val ) ) { const char * path = tor->info.torrent; const int err = tr_bencToFile( val, TR_FMT_BENC, path ); if( err ) tr_torrentSetLocalError( tor, "Unable to save torrent file: %s", tr_strerror( err ) ); tr_sessionSetTorrentFile( tor->session, tor->info.hashString, path ); } } tor->tiers = tr_announcerAddTorrent( tor->session->announcer, tor ); tor->tiersSubscription = tr_announcerSubscribe( tor->tiers, onTrackerResponse, tor ); if( doStart ) torrentStart( tor ); tr_sessionUnlock( session ); } static tr_parse_result torrentParseImpl( const tr_ctor * ctor, tr_info * setmeInfo, tr_bool * setmeHasInfo, int * dictOffset, int * dictLength ) { int doFree; tr_bool didParse; tr_bool hasInfo = FALSE; tr_info tmp; const tr_benc * metainfo; tr_session * session = tr_ctorGetSession( ctor ); tr_parse_result result = TR_PARSE_OK; if( setmeInfo == NULL ) setmeInfo = &tmp; memset( setmeInfo, 0, sizeof( tr_info ) ); if( tr_ctorGetMetainfo( ctor, &metainfo ) ) return TR_PARSE_ERR; didParse = tr_metainfoParse( session, metainfo, setmeInfo, &hasInfo, dictOffset, dictLength ); doFree = didParse && ( setmeInfo == &tmp ); if( !didParse ) result = TR_PARSE_ERR; if( didParse && hasInfo && !getBlockSize( setmeInfo->pieceSize ) ) result = TR_PARSE_ERR; if( didParse && session && tr_torrentExists( session, setmeInfo->hash ) ) result = TR_PARSE_DUPLICATE; if( doFree ) tr_metainfoFree( setmeInfo ); if( setmeHasInfo != NULL ) *setmeHasInfo = hasInfo; return result; } tr_parse_result tr_torrentParse( const tr_ctor * ctor, tr_info * setmeInfo ) { return torrentParseImpl( ctor, setmeInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } tr_torrent * tr_torrentNew( const tr_ctor * ctor, int * setmeError ) { int off, len; tr_bool hasInfo; tr_info tmpInfo; tr_parse_result r; tr_torrent * tor = NULL; assert( ctor != NULL ); assert( tr_isSession( tr_ctorGetSession( ctor ) ) ); r = torrentParseImpl( ctor, &tmpInfo, &hasInfo, &off, &len ); if( r == TR_PARSE_OK ) { tor = tr_new0( tr_torrent, 1 ); tor->info = tmpInfo; if( hasInfo ) { tor->infoDictOffset = off; tor->infoDictLength = len; } torrentInit( tor, ctor ); } else { if( r == TR_PARSE_DUPLICATE ) tr_metainfoFree( &tmpInfo ); if( setmeError ) *setmeError = r; } return tor; } /** *** **/ void tr_torrentSetDownloadDir( tr_torrent * tor, const char * path ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( !path || !tor->downloadDir || strcmp( path, tor->downloadDir ) ) { tr_free( tor->downloadDir ); tor->downloadDir = tr_strdup( path ); tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } refreshCurrentDir( tor ); } const char* tr_torrentGetDownloadDir( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->downloadDir; } const char * tr_torrentGetCurrentDir( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->currentDir; } void tr_torrentChangeMyPort( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tor->isRunning ) tr_announcerChangeMyPort( tor ); } static inline void tr_torrentManualUpdateImpl( void * vtor ) { tr_torrent * tor = vtor; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tor->isRunning ) tr_announcerManualAnnounce( tor ); } void tr_torrentManualUpdate( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, tr_torrentManualUpdateImpl, tor ); } tr_bool tr_torrentCanManualUpdate( const tr_torrent * tor ) { return ( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) && ( tor->isRunning ) && ( tr_announcerCanManualAnnounce( tor ) ); } const tr_info * tr_torrentInfo( const tr_torrent * tor ) { return tr_isTorrent( tor ) ? &tor->info : NULL; } const tr_stat * tr_torrentStatCached( tr_torrent * tor ) { const time_t now = tr_time( ); return tr_isTorrent( tor ) && ( now == tor->lastStatTime ) ? &tor->stats : tr_torrentStat( tor ); } void tr_torrentSetVerifyState( tr_torrent * tor, tr_verify_state state ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( state==TR_VERIFY_NONE || state==TR_VERIFY_WAIT || state==TR_VERIFY_NOW ); tor->verifyState = state; tor->anyDate = tr_time( ); } tr_torrent_activity tr_torrentGetActivity( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness( tor ); if( tor->verifyState == TR_VERIFY_NOW ) return TR_STATUS_CHECK; if( tor->verifyState == TR_VERIFY_WAIT ) return TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT; if( !tor->isRunning ) return TR_STATUS_STOPPED; if( tor->completeness == TR_LEECH ) return TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD; return TR_STATUS_SEED; } const tr_stat * tr_torrentStat( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_stat * s; int usableSeeds; uint64_t now; double d; uint64_t seedRatioBytesLeft; uint64_t seedRatioBytesGoal; tr_bool seedRatioApplies; if( !tor ) return NULL; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); tor->lastStatTime = tr_time( ); s = &tor->stats; s->id = tor->uniqueId; s->activity = tr_torrentGetActivity( tor ); s->error = tor->error; memcpy( s->errorString, tor->errorString, sizeof( s->errorString ) ); s->manualAnnounceTime = tr_announcerNextManualAnnounce( tor ); tr_peerMgrTorrentStats( tor, &s->peersKnown, &s->peersConnected, &usableSeeds, &s->webseedsSendingToUs, &s->peersSendingToUs, &s->peersGettingFromUs, s->peersFrom ); now = tr_date( ); d = tr_peerMgrGetWebseedSpeed( tor, now ); s->rawUploadSpeed = tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed ( tor->bandwidth, now, TR_UP ); s->pieceUploadSpeed = tr_bandwidthGetPieceSpeed( tor->bandwidth, now, TR_UP ); s->rawDownloadSpeed = d + tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed ( tor->bandwidth, now, TR_DOWN ); s->pieceDownloadSpeed = d + tr_bandwidthGetPieceSpeed( tor->bandwidth, now, TR_DOWN ); usableSeeds += tor->info.webseedCount; s->percentComplete = tr_cpPercentComplete ( &tor->completion ); s->metadataPercentComplete = tr_torrentGetMetadataPercent( tor ); s->percentDone = tr_cpPercentDone ( &tor->completion ); s->leftUntilDone = tr_cpLeftUntilDone( &tor->completion ); s->sizeWhenDone = tr_cpSizeWhenDone ( &tor->completion ); s->recheckProgress = s->activity == TR_STATUS_CHECK ? 1.0 - ( tr_torrentCountUncheckedPieces( tor ) / (double) tor->info.pieceCount ) : 0.0; s->activityDate = tor->activityDate; s->addedDate = tor->addedDate; s->doneDate = tor->doneDate; s->startDate = tor->startDate; s->corruptEver = tor->corruptCur + tor->corruptPrev; s->downloadedEver = tor->downloadedCur + tor->downloadedPrev; s->uploadedEver = tor->uploadedCur + tor->uploadedPrev; s->haveValid = tr_cpHaveValid( &tor->completion ); s->haveUnchecked = tr_cpHaveTotal( &tor->completion ) - s->haveValid; if( usableSeeds > 0 ) { s->desiredAvailable = s->leftUntilDone; } else if( !s->leftUntilDone || !s->peersConnected ) { s->desiredAvailable = 0; } else { tr_piece_index_t i; tr_bitfield * peerPieces = tr_peerMgrGetAvailable( tor ); s->desiredAvailable = 0; for( i = 0; i < tor->info.pieceCount; ++i ) if( !tor->info.pieces[i].dnd && tr_bitfieldHasFast( peerPieces, i ) ) s->desiredAvailable += tr_cpMissingBlocksInPiece( &tor->completion, i ); s->desiredAvailable *= tor->blockSize; tr_bitfieldFree( peerPieces ); } s->ratio = tr_getRatio( s->uploadedEver, s->downloadedEver ? s->downloadedEver : s->haveValid ); seedRatioApplies = tr_torrentGetSeedRatioBytes( tor, &seedRatioBytesLeft, &seedRatioBytesGoal ); switch( s->activity ) { /* etaXLSpeed exists because if we use the piece speed directly, * brief fluctuations cause the ETA to jump all over the place. * so, etaXLSpeed is a smoothed-out version of the piece speed * to dampen the effect of fluctuations */ case TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD: if( ( tor->etaDLSpeedCalculatedAt + 800 ) < now ) { tor->etaDLSpeed = ( ( tor->etaDLSpeedCalculatedAt + 4000 ) < now ) ? s->pieceDownloadSpeed /* if no recent previous speed, no need to smooth */ : 0.8*tor->etaDLSpeed + 0.2*s->pieceDownloadSpeed; /* smooth across 5 readings */ tor->etaDLSpeedCalculatedAt = now; } if( s->leftUntilDone > s->desiredAvailable ) s->eta = TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; else if( s->pieceDownloadSpeed < 0.1 ) s->eta = TR_ETA_UNKNOWN; else s->eta = s->leftUntilDone / tor->etaDLSpeed / 1024.0; break; case TR_STATUS_SEED: { if( !seedRatioApplies ) s->eta = TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; else { if( ( tor->etaULSpeedCalculatedAt + 800 ) < now ) { tor->etaULSpeed = ( ( tor->etaULSpeedCalculatedAt + 4000 ) < now ) ? s->pieceUploadSpeed /* if no recent previous speed, no need to smooth */ : 0.8*tor->etaULSpeed + 0.2*s->pieceUploadSpeed; /* smooth across 5 readings */ tor->etaULSpeedCalculatedAt = now; } if( s->pieceUploadSpeed < 0.1 ) s->eta = TR_ETA_UNKNOWN; else s->eta = seedRatioBytesLeft / tor->etaULSpeed / 1024.0; } break; } default: s->eta = TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; break; } /* s->haveValid is here to make sure a torrent isn't marked 'finished' * when the user hits "uncheck all" prior to starting the torrent... */ s->finished = seedRatioApplies && !seedRatioBytesLeft && s->haveValid; if( !seedRatioApplies || s->finished ) s->seedRatioPercentDone = 1; else if( !seedRatioBytesGoal ) /* impossible? safeguard for div by zero */ s->seedRatioPercentDone = 0; else s->seedRatioPercentDone = (double)(seedRatioBytesGoal - seedRatioBytesLeft) / seedRatioBytesGoal; tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); return s; } /*** **** ***/ static uint64_t fileBytesCompleted( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t index ) { uint64_t total = 0; const tr_file * f = &tor->info.files[index]; if( f->length ) { const tr_block_index_t firstBlock = f->offset / tor->blockSize; const uint64_t lastByte = f->offset + f->length - 1; const tr_block_index_t lastBlock = lastByte / tor->blockSize; if( firstBlock == lastBlock ) { if( tr_cpBlockIsCompleteFast( &tor->completion, firstBlock ) ) total = f->length; } else { tr_block_index_t i; /* the first block */ if( tr_cpBlockIsCompleteFast( &tor->completion, firstBlock ) ) total += tor->blockSize - ( f->offset % tor->blockSize ); /* the middle blocks */ if( f->firstPiece == f->lastPiece ) { for( i=firstBlock+1; icompletion, i ) ) total += tor->blockSize; } else { uint64_t b = 0; const tr_block_index_t firstBlockOfLastPiece = tr_torPieceFirstBlock( tor, f->lastPiece ); const tr_block_index_t lastBlockOfFirstPiece = tr_torPieceFirstBlock( tor, f->firstPiece ) + tr_torPieceCountBlocks( tor, f->firstPiece ) - 1; /* the rest of the first piece */ for( i=firstBlock+1; icompletion, i ) ) ++b; /* the middle pieces */ if( f->firstPiece + 1 < f->lastPiece ) for( i=f->firstPiece+1; ilastPiece; ++i ) b += tor->blockCountInPiece - tr_cpMissingBlocksInPiece( &tor->completion, i ); /* the rest of the last piece */ for( i=firstBlockOfLastPiece; icompletion, i ) ) ++b; b *= tor->blockSize; total += b; } /* the last block */ if( tr_cpBlockIsCompleteFast( &tor->completion, lastBlock ) ) total += ( f->offset + f->length ) - ( tor->blockSize * lastBlock ); } } return total; } tr_file_stat * tr_torrentFiles( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t * fileCount ) { tr_file_index_t i; const tr_file_index_t n = tor->info.fileCount; tr_file_stat * files = tr_new0( tr_file_stat, n ); tr_file_stat * walk = files; const tr_bool isSeed = tor->completeness == TR_SEED; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); for( i=0; iinfo.files[i].length : fileBytesCompleted( tor, i ); walk->bytesCompleted = b; walk->progress = tor->info.files[i].length > 0 ? ( (float)b / tor->info.files[i].length ) : 1.0; } if( fileCount ) *fileCount = n; return files; } void tr_torrentFilesFree( tr_file_stat * files, tr_file_index_t fileCount UNUSED ) { tr_free( files ); } /*** **** ***/ float* tr_torrentWebSpeeds( const tr_torrent * tor ) { return tr_isTorrent( tor ) ? tr_peerMgrWebSpeeds( tor ) : NULL; } tr_peer_stat * tr_torrentPeers( const tr_torrent * tor, int * peerCount ) { tr_peer_stat * ret = NULL; if( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) ret = tr_peerMgrPeerStats( tor, peerCount ); return ret; } void tr_torrentPeersFree( tr_peer_stat * peers, int peerCount UNUSED ) { tr_free( peers ); } tr_tracker_stat * tr_torrentTrackers( const tr_torrent * torrent, int * setmeTrackerCount ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( torrent ) ); return tr_announcerStats( torrent, setmeTrackerCount ); } void tr_torrentTrackersFree( tr_tracker_stat * trackers, int trackerCount ) { tr_announcerStatsFree( trackers, trackerCount ); } void tr_torrentAvailability( const tr_torrent * tor, int8_t * tab, int size ) { tr_peerMgrTorrentAvailability( tor, tab, size ); } void tr_torrentAmountFinished( const tr_torrent * tor, float * tab, int size ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); tr_cpGetAmountDone( &tor->completion, tab, size ); tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } static void tr_torrentResetTransferStats( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); tor->downloadedPrev += tor->downloadedCur; tor->downloadedCur = 0; tor->uploadedPrev += tor->uploadedCur; tor->uploadedCur = 0; tor->corruptPrev += tor->corruptCur; tor->corruptCur = 0; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } void tr_torrentSetHasPiece( tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, tr_bool has ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( pieceIndex < tor->info.pieceCount ); if( has ) tr_cpPieceAdd( &tor->completion, pieceIndex ); else tr_cpPieceRem( &tor->completion, pieceIndex ); } /*** **** ***/ static void freeTorrent( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_torrent * t; tr_session * session = tor->session; tr_info * inf = &tor->info; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( !tor->isRunning ); tr_sessionLock( session ); tr_peerMgrRemoveTorrent( tor ); tr_cpDestruct( &tor->completion ); tr_announcerUnsubscribe( tor->tiers, tor->tiersSubscription ); tr_announcerRemoveTorrent( session->announcer, tor ); tr_bitfieldDestruct( &tor->checkedPieces ); tr_free( tor->downloadDir ); tr_free( tor->incompleteDir ); tr_free( tor->peer_id ); if( tor == session->torrentList ) session->torrentList = tor->next; else for( t = session->torrentList; t != NULL; t = t->next ) { if( t->next == tor ) { t->next = tor->next; break; } } assert( session->torrentCount >= 1 ); session->torrentCount--; tr_bandwidthFree( tor->bandwidth ); tr_metainfoFree( inf ); tr_free( tor ); tr_sessionUnlock( session ); } /** *** Start/Stop Callback **/ static void checkAndStartImpl( void * vtor ) { tr_torrent * tor = vtor; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_sessionLock( tor->session ); /** If we had local data before, but it's disappeared, stop the torrent and log an error. */ if( tor->preVerifyTotal && !tr_cpHaveTotal( &tor->completion ) ) { tr_torrentSetLocalError( tor, _( "No data found! Reconnect any disconnected drives, use \"Set Location\", or restart the torrent to re-download." ) ); tr_torrentStop( tor ); } else { const time_t now = tr_time( ); tor->isRunning = TRUE; tor->error = TR_STAT_OK; tor->errorString[0] = '\0'; tor->completeness = tr_cpGetStatus( &tor->completion ); tor->startDate = tor->anyDate = now; tr_torrentResetTransferStats( tor ); tr_announcerTorrentStarted( tor ); tor->dhtAnnounceAt = now + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 20 ); tor->dhtAnnounce6At = now + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 20 ); tor->lpdAnnounceAt = now; tr_peerMgrStartTorrent( tor ); } tr_sessionUnlock( tor->session ); } static void checkAndStartCB( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isSession( tor->session ) ); tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, checkAndStartImpl, tor ); } static void torrentStart( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_sessionLock( tor->session ); if( !tor->isRunning ) { /* allow finished torrents to be resumed */ if( tr_torrentIsSeedRatioDone( tor ) ) { tr_torinf( tor, "Restarted manually -- disabling its seed ratio" ); tr_torrentSetRatioMode( tor, TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED ); } tr_verifyRemove( tor ); /* corresponds to the peer_id sent as a tracker request parameter. * one tracker admin says: "When the same torrent is opened and * closed and opened again without quitting Transmission ... * change the peerid. It would help sometimes if a stopped event * was missed to ensure that we didn't think someone was cheating. */ tr_free( tor->peer_id ); tor->peer_id = tr_peerIdNew( ); tor->isRunning = 1; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); tor->preVerifyTotal = tr_cpHaveTotal( &tor->completion ); tr_verifyAdd( tor, checkAndStartCB ); } tr_sessionUnlock( tor->session ); } void tr_torrentStart( tr_torrent * tor ) { if( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) torrentStart( tor ); } static void torrentRecheckDoneImpl( void * vtor ) { tr_torrent * tor = vtor; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness( tor ); if( tor->preVerifyTotal && !tr_cpHaveTotal( &tor->completion ) ) { tr_torrentSetLocalError( tor, _( "Can't find local data. Try \"Set Location\" to find it, or restart the torrent to re-download." ) ); tr_torrentStop( tor ); } else if( tor->startAfterVerify ) { tor->startAfterVerify = FALSE; tr_torrentStart( tor ); } } static void torrentRecheckDoneCB( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, torrentRecheckDoneImpl, tor ); } static void verifyTorrent( void * vtor ) { tr_torrent * tor = vtor; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_sessionLock( tor->session ); /* if the torrent's already being verified, stop it */ tr_verifyRemove( tor ); /* if the torrent's running, stop it & set the restart-after-verify flag */ if( tor->startAfterVerify || tor->isRunning ) { tr_torrentStop( tor ); tor->startAfterVerify = TRUE; } /* add the torrent to the recheck queue */ tor->preVerifyTotal = tr_cpHaveTotal( &tor->completion ); tr_torrentUncheck( tor ); tr_verifyAdd( tor, torrentRecheckDoneCB ); tr_sessionUnlock( tor->session ); } void tr_torrentVerify( tr_torrent * tor ) { if( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, verifyTorrent, tor ); } void tr_torrentSave( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tor->isDirty ) { tor->isDirty = FALSE; tr_torrentSaveResume( tor ); } } static void stopTorrent( void * vtor ) { tr_torrent * tor = vtor; tr_torinf( tor, "Pausing" ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_verifyRemove( tor ); tr_peerMgrStopTorrent( tor ); tr_announcerTorrentStopped( tor ); tr_fdTorrentClose( tor->session, tor->uniqueId ); if( !tor->isDeleting ) tr_torrentSave( tor ); } void tr_torrentStop( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) { tr_sessionLock( tor->session ); tor->isRunning = 0; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, stopTorrent, tor ); tr_sessionUnlock( tor->session ); } } static void closeTorrent( void * vtor ) { tr_benc * d; tr_torrent * tor = vtor; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); d = tr_bencListAddDict( &tor->session->removedTorrents, 2 ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "id", tor->uniqueId ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, "date", tr_time( ) ); tr_torinf( tor, _( "Removing torrent" ) ); stopTorrent( tor ); if( tor->isDeleting ) { tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( tor->session, &tor->info ); tr_torrentRemoveResume( tor ); } tor->isRunning = 0; freeTorrent( tor ); } void tr_torrentFree( tr_torrent * tor ) { if( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ) { tr_session * session = tor->session; assert( tr_isSession( session ) ); tr_sessionLock( session ); tr_torrentClearCompletenessCallback( tor ); tr_runInEventThread( session, closeTorrent, tor ); tr_sessionUnlock( session ); } } void tr_torrentRemove( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->isDeleting = 1; tr_torrentFree( tor ); } /** *** Completeness **/ static const char * getCompletionString( int type ) { switch( type ) { /* Translators: this is a minor point that's safe to skip over, but FYI: "Complete" and "Done" are specific, different terms in Transmission: "Complete" means we've downloaded every file in the torrent. "Done" means we're done downloading the files we wanted, but NOT all that exist */ case TR_PARTIAL_SEED: return _( "Done" ); case TR_SEED: return _( "Complete" ); default: return _( "Incomplete" ); } } static void fireCompletenessChange( tr_torrent * tor, tr_completeness status ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( ( status == TR_LEECH ) || ( status == TR_SEED ) || ( status == TR_PARTIAL_SEED ) ); if( tor->completeness_func ) tor->completeness_func( tor, status, tor->completeness_func_user_data ); } void tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback( tr_torrent * tor, tr_torrent_completeness_func func, void * user_data ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->completeness_func = func; tor->completeness_func_user_data = user_data; } void tr_torrentClearCompletenessCallback( tr_torrent * torrent ) { tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback( torrent, NULL, NULL ); } void tr_torrentSetRatioLimitHitCallback( tr_torrent * tor, tr_torrent_ratio_limit_hit_func func, void * user_data ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->ratio_limit_hit_func = func; tor->ratio_limit_hit_func_user_data = user_data; } void tr_torrentClearRatioLimitHitCallback( tr_torrent * torrent ) { tr_torrentSetRatioLimitHitCallback( torrent, NULL, NULL ); } static void torrentCallScript( tr_torrent * tor, const char * script ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( script && *script ) { char buf[128]; const time_t now = tr_time( ); #ifdef HAVE_CLEARENV clearenv( ); #endif setenv( "TR_APP_VERSION", SHORT_VERSION_STRING, 1 ); tr_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%d", tr_torrentId( tor ) ); setenv( "TR_TORRENT_ID", buf, 1 ); setenv( "TR_TORRENT_NAME", tr_torrentName( tor ), 1 ); setenv( "TR_TORRENT_DIR", tor->currentDir, 1 ); setenv( "TR_TORRENT_HASH", tor->info.hashString, 1 ); ctime_r( &now, buf ); *strchr( buf,'\n' ) = '\0'; setenv( "TR_TIME_LOCALTIME", buf, 1 ); tr_torinf( tor, "Calling script \"%s\"", script ); system( script ); } } void tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_completeness completeness; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); completeness = tr_cpGetStatus( &tor->completion ); if( completeness != tor->completeness ) { const int recentChange = tor->downloadedCur != 0; if( recentChange ) { tr_torinf( tor, _( "State changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" ), getCompletionString( tor->completeness ), getCompletionString( completeness ) ); } tor->completeness = completeness; tr_fdTorrentClose( tor->session, tor->uniqueId ); if( tr_torrentIsSeed( tor ) ) { tr_torrentCheckSeedRatio( tor ); if( tor->currentDir == tor->incompleteDir ) tr_torrentSetLocation( tor, tor->downloadDir, TRUE, NULL, NULL ); if( tr_sessionIsTorrentDoneScriptEnabled( tor->session ) ) torrentCallScript( tor, tr_sessionGetTorrentDoneScript( tor->session ) ); } fireCompletenessChange( tor, completeness ); if( recentChange && tr_torrentIsSeed( tor ) ) { tr_announcerTorrentCompleted( tor ); tor->doneDate = tor->anyDate = tr_time( ); } tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } /*** **** ***/ static void tr_torrentFireMetadataCompleted( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tor->metadata_func ) tor->metadata_func( tor, tor->metadata_func_user_data ); } void tr_torrentSetMetadataCallback( tr_torrent * tor, tr_torrent_metadata_func func, void * user_data ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->metadata_func = func; tor->metadata_func_user_data = user_data; } /** *** File priorities **/ void tr_torrentInitFilePriority( tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, tr_priority_t priority ) { tr_piece_index_t i; tr_file * file; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( fileIndex < tor->info.fileCount ); assert( tr_isPriority( priority ) ); file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex]; file->priority = priority; for( i = file->firstPiece; i <= file->lastPiece; ++i ) tor->info.pieces[i].priority = calculatePiecePriority( tor, i, fileIndex ); } void tr_torrentSetFilePriorities( tr_torrent * tor, const tr_file_index_t * files, tr_file_index_t fileCount, tr_priority_t priority ) { tr_file_index_t i; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); for( i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i ) if( files[i] < tor->info.fileCount ) tr_torrentInitFilePriority( tor, files[i], priority ); tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); tr_peerMgrRebuildRequests( tor ); tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } tr_priority_t* tr_torrentGetFilePriorities( const tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_file_index_t i; tr_priority_t * p; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); p = tr_new0( tr_priority_t, tor->info.fileCount ); for( i = 0; i < tor->info.fileCount; ++i ) p[i] = tor->info.files[i].priority; tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); return p; } /** *** File DND **/ static void setFileDND( tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, int doDownload ) { tr_file * file; const int dnd = !doDownload; tr_piece_index_t firstPiece, firstPieceDND; tr_piece_index_t lastPiece, lastPieceDND; tr_file_index_t i; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex]; file->dnd = dnd; firstPiece = file->firstPiece; lastPiece = file->lastPiece; /* can't set the first piece to DND unless every file using that piece is DND */ firstPieceDND = dnd; if( fileIndex > 0 ) { for( i = fileIndex - 1; firstPieceDND; --i ) { if( tor->info.files[i].lastPiece != firstPiece ) break; firstPieceDND = tor->info.files[i].dnd; if( !i ) break; } } /* can't set the last piece to DND unless every file using that piece is DND */ lastPieceDND = dnd; for( i = fileIndex + 1; lastPieceDND && i < tor->info.fileCount; ++i ) { if( tor->info.files[i].firstPiece != lastPiece ) break; lastPieceDND = tor->info.files[i].dnd; } if( firstPiece == lastPiece ) { tor->info.pieces[firstPiece].dnd = firstPieceDND && lastPieceDND; } else { tr_piece_index_t pp; tor->info.pieces[firstPiece].dnd = firstPieceDND; tor->info.pieces[lastPiece].dnd = lastPieceDND; for( pp = firstPiece + 1; pp < lastPiece; ++pp ) tor->info.pieces[pp].dnd = dnd; } } void tr_torrentInitFileDLs( tr_torrent * tor, const tr_file_index_t * files, tr_file_index_t fileCount, tr_bool doDownload ) { tr_file_index_t i; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); for( i=0; iinfo.fileCount ) setFileDND( tor, files[i], doDownload ); tr_cpInvalidateDND( &tor->completion ); tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } void tr_torrentSetFileDLs( tr_torrent * tor, const tr_file_index_t * files, tr_file_index_t fileCount, tr_bool doDownload ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_torrentLock( tor ); tr_torrentInitFileDLs( tor, files, fileCount, doDownload ); tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); tr_peerMgrRebuildRequests( tor ); tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); } /*** **** ***/ tr_priority_t tr_torrentGetPriority( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->bandwidth->priority; } void tr_torrentSetPriority( tr_torrent * tor, tr_priority_t priority ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tr_isPriority( priority ) ); if( tor->bandwidth->priority != priority ) { tor->bandwidth->priority = priority; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentSetPeerLimit( tr_torrent * tor, uint16_t maxConnectedPeers ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if ( tor->maxConnectedPeers != maxConnectedPeers ) { tor->maxConnectedPeers = maxConnectedPeers; tr_torrentSetDirty( tor ); } } uint16_t tr_torrentGetPeerLimit( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->maxConnectedPeers; } /*** **** ***/ tr_block_index_t _tr_block( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset ) { tr_block_index_t ret; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); ret = index; ret *= ( tor->info.pieceSize / tor->blockSize ); ret += offset / tor->blockSize; return ret; } tr_bool tr_torrentReqIsValid( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length ) { int err = 0; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( index >= tor->info.pieceCount ) err = 1; else if( length < 1 ) err = 2; else if( ( offset + length ) > tr_torPieceCountBytes( tor, index ) ) err = 3; else if( length > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ) err = 4; else if( tr_pieceOffset( tor, index, offset, length ) > tor->info.totalSize ) err = 5; if( err ) tr_tordbg( tor, "index %lu offset %lu length %lu err %d\n", (unsigned long)index, (unsigned long)offset, (unsigned long)length, err ); return !err; } uint64_t tr_pieceOffset( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length ) { uint64_t ret; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); ret = tor->info.pieceSize; ret *= index; ret += offset; ret += length; return ret; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentSetPieceChecked( tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t piece, tr_bool isChecked ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( isChecked ) tr_bitfieldAdd( &tor->checkedPieces, piece ); else tr_bitfieldRem( &tor->checkedPieces, piece ); } void tr_torrentSetFileChecked( tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, tr_bool isChecked ) { const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex]; const tr_piece_index_t begin = file->firstPiece; const tr_piece_index_t end = file->lastPiece + 1; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( isChecked ) tr_bitfieldAddRange( &tor->checkedPieces, begin, end ); else tr_bitfieldRemRange( &tor->checkedPieces, begin, end ); } tr_bool tr_torrentIsFileChecked( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex ) { const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex]; const tr_piece_index_t begin = file->firstPiece; const tr_piece_index_t end = file->lastPiece + 1; tr_piece_index_t i; tr_bool isChecked = TRUE; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); for( i = begin; isChecked && i < end; ++i ) if( !tr_torrentIsPieceChecked( tor, i ) ) isChecked = FALSE; return isChecked; } void tr_torrentUncheck( tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_bitfieldRemRange( &tor->checkedPieces, 0, tor->info.pieceCount ); } int tr_torrentCountUncheckedPieces( const tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); return tor->info.pieceCount - tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( &tor->checkedPieces ); } time_t* tr_torrentGetMTimes( const tr_torrent * tor, size_t * setme_n ) { size_t i; const size_t n = tor->info.fileCount; time_t * m = tr_new0( time_t, n ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { struct stat sb; char * path = tr_torrentFindFile( tor, i ); if( ( path != NULL ) && !stat( path, &sb ) && S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) ) { #ifdef SYS_DARWIN m[i] = sb.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; #else m[i] = sb.st_mtime; #endif } tr_free( path ); } *setme_n = n; return m; } /*** **** ***/ tr_bool tr_torrentSetAnnounceList( tr_torrent * tor, const tr_tracker_info * trackers, int trackerCount ) { int i; tr_benc metainfo; tr_bool ok = TRUE; tr_torrentLock( tor ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); /* look for bad URLs */ for( i=0; ok && iinfo.torrent ) ) { tr_bool hasInfo; tr_info tmpInfo; /* remove the old fields */ tr_bencDictRemove( &metainfo, "announce" ); tr_bencDictRemove( &metainfo, "announce-list" ); /* add the new fields */ if( trackerCount > 0 ) { tr_bencDictAddStr( &metainfo, "announce", trackers[0].announce ); } if( trackerCount > 1 ) { int i; int prevTier = -1; tr_benc * tier = NULL; tr_benc * announceList = tr_bencDictAddList( &metainfo, "announce-list", 0 ); for( i=0; isession, &metainfo, &tmpInfo, &hasInfo, &tor->infoDictOffset, &tor->infoDictLength ) ) { /* it's good, so keep these new trackers and free the old ones */ tr_info swap; swap.trackers = tor->info.trackers; swap.trackerCount = tor->info.trackerCount; tor->info.trackers = tmpInfo.trackers; tor->info.trackerCount = tmpInfo.trackerCount; tmpInfo.trackers = swap.trackers; tmpInfo.trackerCount = swap.trackerCount; tr_metainfoFree( &tmpInfo ); tr_bencToFile( &metainfo, TR_FMT_BENC, tor->info.torrent ); } /* cleanup */ tr_bencFree( &metainfo ); /* tell the announcer to reload this torrent's tracker list */ tr_announcerResetTorrent( tor->session->announcer, tor ); } tr_torrentUnlock( tor ); return ok; } /** *** **/ void tr_torrentSetAddedDate( tr_torrent * tor, time_t t ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->addedDate = t; tor->anyDate = MAX( tor->anyDate, tor->addedDate ); } void tr_torrentSetActivityDate( tr_torrent * tor, time_t t ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->activityDate = t; tor->anyDate = MAX( tor->anyDate, tor->activityDate ); } void tr_torrentSetDoneDate( tr_torrent * tor, time_t t ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tor->doneDate = t; tor->anyDate = MAX( tor->anyDate, tor->doneDate ); } /** *** **/ uint64_t tr_torrentGetBytesLeftToAllocate( const tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_file_index_t i; uint64_t bytesLeft = 0; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); for( i=0; iinfo.fileCount; ++i ) { if( !tor->info.files[i].dnd ) { struct stat sb; const uint64_t length = tor->info.files[i].length; char * path = tr_torrentFindFile( tor, i ); bytesLeft += length; if( ( path != NULL ) && !stat( path, &sb ) && S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) && ( (uint64_t)sb.st_size <= length ) ) bytesLeft -= sb.st_size; tr_free( path ); } } return bytesLeft; } /**** ***** Removing the torrent's local data ****/ static int vstrcmp( const void * a, const void * b ) { return strcmp( a, b ); } static int compareLongestFirst( const void * a, const void * b ) { const size_t alen = strlen( a ); const size_t blen = strlen( b ); if( alen != blen ) return alen > blen ? -1 : 1; return vstrcmp( a, b ); } static void addDirtyFile( const char * root, const char * filename, tr_ptrArray * dirtyFolders ) { char * dir = tr_dirname( filename ); /* add the parent folders to dirtyFolders until we reach the root or a known-dirty */ while ( ( dir != NULL ) && ( strlen( root ) <= strlen( dir ) ) && ( tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( dirtyFolders, dir, vstrcmp ) == NULL ) ) { char * tmp; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( dirtyFolders, tr_strdup( dir ), vstrcmp ); tmp = tr_dirname( dir ); tr_free( dir ); dir = tmp; } tr_free( dir ); } static void walkLocalData( const tr_torrent * tor, const char * root, const char * dir, const char * base, tr_ptrArray * torrentFiles, tr_ptrArray * folders, tr_ptrArray * dirtyFolders ) { int i; struct stat sb; char * buf; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); buf = tr_buildPath( dir, base, NULL ); i = stat( buf, &sb ); if( !i ) { DIR * odir = NULL; if( S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && ( ( odir = opendir ( buf ) ) ) ) { struct dirent *d; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( folders, tr_strdup( buf ), vstrcmp ); for( d = readdir( odir ); d != NULL; d = readdir( odir ) ) if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0] != '.' ) /* skip dotfiles */ walkLocalData( tor, root, buf, d->d_name, torrentFiles, folders, dirtyFolders ); closedir( odir ); } else if( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) && ( sb.st_size > 0 ) ) { const char * sub = buf + strlen( tor->currentDir ) + strlen( TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR ); const tr_bool isTorrentFile = tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( torrentFiles, sub, vstrcmp ) != NULL; if( !isTorrentFile ) addDirtyFile( root, buf, dirtyFolders ); } } tr_free( buf ); } static void deleteLocalFile( const char * filename, tr_fileFunc fileFunc ) { struct stat sb; if( !stat( filename, &sb ) ) /* if file exists... */ fileFunc( filename ); } static void deleteLocalData( tr_torrent * tor, tr_fileFunc fileFunc ) { int i, n; char ** s; tr_file_index_t f; tr_ptrArray torrentFiles = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; tr_ptrArray folders = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; tr_ptrArray dirtyFolders = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; /* dirty == contains non-torrent files */ const char * firstFile = tor->info.files[0].name; const char * cpch = strchr( firstFile, TR_PATH_DELIMITER ); char * tmp = cpch ? tr_strndup( firstFile, cpch - firstFile ) : NULL; char * root = tr_buildPath( tor->currentDir, tmp, NULL ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); for( f=0; finfo.fileCount; ++f ) { tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &torrentFiles, tr_strdup( tor->info.files[f].name ), vstrcmp ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &torrentFiles, tr_torrentBuildPartial( tor, f ), vstrcmp ); } /* build the set of folders and dirtyFolders */ walkLocalData( tor, root, root, NULL, &torrentFiles, &folders, &dirtyFolders ); /* try to remove entire folders first, so that the recycle bin will be tidy */ s = (char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &folders, &n ); for( i=0; icurrentDir, tr_ptrArrayNth( &torrentFiles, i ), NULL ); deleteLocalFile( path, fileFunc ); tr_free( path ); } /* Now clean out the directories left empty from the previous step. * Work from deepest to shallowest s.t. lower folders * won't prevent the upper folders from being deleted */ { tr_ptrArray cleanFolders = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; s = (char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &folders, &n ); for( i=0; isession, tor->uniqueId ); if( tor->info.fileCount > 1 ) { deleteLocalData( tor, fileFunc ); } else if( tor->info.fileCount == 1 ) { char * tmp; /* torrent only has one file */ char * path = tr_buildPath( tor->currentDir, tor->info.files[0].name, NULL ); deleteLocalFile( path, fileFunc ); tr_free( path ); tmp = tr_torrentBuildPartial( tor, 0 ); path = tr_buildPath( tor->currentDir, tmp, NULL ); deleteLocalFile( path, fileFunc ); tr_free( path ); tr_free( tmp ); } } /*** **** ***/ struct LocationData { tr_bool move_from_old_location; int * setme_state; double * setme_progress; char * location; tr_torrent * tor; }; static tr_bool sameInode( const char * path1, const char * path2 ) { int i1, i2; struct stat s1, s2; s1.st_ino = 1; i1 = stat( path1, &s1 ); s2.st_ino = 2; i2 = stat( path2, &s2 ); if( !i1 && !i2 ) { tr_dbg( "path1 inode is %"PRIu64"; path2 inode is %"PRIu64, (uint64_t)s1.st_ino, (uint64_t)s2.st_ino ); return s1.st_ino == s2.st_ino; } /* either one, or the other, or both don't exist... */ tr_dbg( "stat(%s) returned %d\n", path1, i1 ); tr_dbg( "stat(%s) returned %d\n", path2, i2 ); return FALSE; } static void setLocation( void * vdata ) { tr_bool err = FALSE; tr_bool verify_needed = FALSE; struct LocationData * data = vdata; tr_torrent * tor = data->tor; const tr_bool do_move = data->move_from_old_location; const char * location = data->location; double bytesHandled = 0; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tr_dbg( "Moving \"%s\" location from currentDir \"%s\" to \"%s\"", tr_torrentName(tor), tor->currentDir, location ); tr_mkdirp( location, 0777 ); if( !sameInode( location, tor->currentDir ) ) { tr_file_index_t i; /* bad idea to move files while they're being verified... */ tr_verifyRemove( tor ); /* if the torrent is running, stop it and set a flag to * restart after we're done */ if( tor->isRunning ) { tr_torrentStop( tor ); tor->startAfterVerify = TRUE; } /* try to move the files. * FIXME: there are still all kinds of nasty cases, like what * if the target directory runs out of space halfway through... */ for( i=0; !err && iinfo.fileCount; ++i ) { const tr_file * f = &tor->info.files[i]; const char * oldbase; char * sub; if( tr_torrentFindFile2( tor, i, &oldbase, &sub ) ) { char * oldpath = tr_buildPath( oldbase, sub, NULL ); char * newpath = tr_buildPath( location, sub, NULL ); tr_dbg( "Found file #%d: %s", (int)i, oldpath ); if( do_move ) { tr_bool renamed = FALSE; errno = 0; tr_torinf( tor, "moving \"%s\" to \"%s\"", oldpath, newpath ); if( tr_moveFile( oldpath, newpath, &renamed ) ) { err = TRUE; tr_torerr( tor, "error moving \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", oldpath, newpath, tr_strerror( errno ) ); } else if( !renamed ) { verify_needed = TRUE; } } tr_free( newpath ); tr_free( oldpath ); tr_free( sub ); } if( data->setme_progress ) { bytesHandled += f->length; *data->setme_progress = bytesHandled / tor->info.totalSize; } } if( !err ) { /* blow away the leftover subdirectories in the old location */ if( do_move ) tr_torrentDeleteLocalData( tor, remove ); /* set the new location and reverify */ tr_torrentSetDownloadDir( tor, location ); if( verify_needed ) tr_torrentVerify( tor ); else if( tor->startAfterVerify ) { tor->startAfterVerify = FALSE; tr_torrentStart( tor ); } } } if( !err && do_move ) { tr_free( tor->incompleteDir ); tor->incompleteDir = NULL; tor->currentDir = tor->downloadDir; } if( data->setme_state ) *data->setme_state = err ? TR_LOC_ERROR : TR_LOC_DONE; /* cleanup */ tr_free( data->location ); tr_free( data ); } void tr_torrentSetLocation( tr_torrent * tor, const char * location, tr_bool move_from_old_location, double * setme_progress, int * setme_state ) { struct LocationData * data; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( setme_state ) *setme_state = TR_LOC_MOVING; if( setme_progress ) *setme_progress = 0; /* run this in the libtransmission thread */ data = tr_new( struct LocationData, 1 ); data->tor = tor; data->location = tr_strdup( location ); data->move_from_old_location = move_from_old_location; data->setme_state = setme_state; data->setme_progress = setme_progress; tr_runInEventThread( tor->session, setLocation, data ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentFileCompleted( tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNum ) { char * sub; const char * base; /* close the file so that we can reopen in read-only mode as needed */ tr_fdFileClose( tor->session, tor, fileNum ); /* if the torrent's current filename isn't the same as the one in the * metadata -- for example, if it had the ".part" suffix appended to * it until now -- then rename it to match the one in the metadata */ if( tr_torrentFindFile2( tor, fileNum, &base, &sub ) ) { const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[fileNum]; if( strcmp( sub, file->name ) ) { char * oldpath = tr_buildPath( base, sub, NULL ); char * newpath = tr_buildPath( base, file->name, NULL ); if( rename( oldpath, newpath ) ) tr_torerr( tor, "Error moving \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", oldpath, newpath, tr_strerror( errno ) ); tr_free( newpath ); tr_free( oldpath ); } tr_free( sub ); } } /*** **** ***/ static tr_bool fileExists( const char * filename ) { struct stat sb; const tr_bool ok = !stat( filename, &sb ); return ok; } tr_bool tr_torrentFindFile2( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNum, const char ** base, char ** subpath ) { char * part; const tr_file * file; const char * b = NULL; const char * s = NULL; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( fileNum < tor->info.fileCount ); file = &tor->info.files[fileNum]; part = tr_torrentBuildPartial( tor, fileNum ); if( b == NULL ) { char * filename = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, file->name, NULL ); if( fileExists( filename ) ) { b = tor->downloadDir; s = file->name; } tr_free( filename ); } if( ( b == NULL ) && ( tor->incompleteDir != NULL ) ) { char * filename = tr_buildPath( tor->incompleteDir, file->name, NULL ); if( fileExists( filename ) ) { b = tor->incompleteDir; s = file->name; } tr_free( filename ); } if( ( b == NULL ) && ( tor->incompleteDir != NULL ) ) { char * filename = tr_buildPath( tor->incompleteDir, part, NULL ); if( fileExists( filename ) ) { b = tor->incompleteDir; s = part; } tr_free( filename ); } if( b == NULL) { char * filename = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, part, NULL ); if( fileExists( filename ) ) { b = tor->downloadDir; s = part; } tr_free( filename ); } if( base != NULL ) *base = b; if( subpath != NULL ) *subpath = tr_strdup( s ); tr_free( part ); return b != NULL; } char* tr_torrentFindFile( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNum ) { char * subpath; char * ret = NULL; const char * base; if( tr_torrentFindFile2( tor, fileNum, &base, &subpath ) ) { ret = tr_buildPath( base, subpath, NULL ); tr_free( subpath ); } return ret; } /* Decide whether we should be looking for files in downloadDir or incompleteDir. */ static void refreshCurrentDir( tr_torrent * tor ) { const char * dir = NULL; char * sub; if( tor->incompleteDir == NULL ) dir = tor->downloadDir; else if( !tr_torrentHasMetadata( tor ) ) /* no files to find */ dir = tor->incompleteDir; else if( !tr_torrentFindFile2( tor, 0, &dir, &sub ) ) dir = tor->incompleteDir; assert( dir != NULL ); assert( ( dir == tor->downloadDir ) || ( dir == tor->incompleteDir ) ); tor->currentDir = dir; } char* tr_torrentBuildPartial( const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNum ) { return tr_strdup_printf( "%s.part", tor->info.files[fileNum].name ); }