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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-20 10:45:43 +00:00
Jordan Lee 11c0517cc8 (trunk libT) #3931 "'Announce is Queued' but doesn't get announced" -- remove the 'unresponsive tracker' penalty from torrents whose announce time has been reached.
The 'bad tracker' penalty was introduced in 2009 after a top tier trackers went down. Announces to it would hang, tying up an announce slot in libcurl for minutes at a time. If a user had enough torrents from that tracker, it could bottleneck all announce slots. The workaround was to deprioritize failing trackers so that they wouldn't obstruct other trackers.

Its implementation could be better, however. There are two parts:

  1. Deciding how frequently to retry unresponsive trackers

  2. Once an unresponsive tracker announce was ready to go, it would be bumped down the queue if other announces were ready too.

Part 2 probably contributes to #3931. If there are enough torrents loaded, there will always be good tracker announces that get pushed ahead of a bad one in the queue. Modifying 2's heuristics would be one option, but it seems simpler to remove it altogether now that getRetryInterval() grades more hashly for consecutive failures. Altering the retry interval also gives better visual feedback to users than Part 2 did.

This commit removes "Part 2" as described above.
2011-02-05 18:46:10 +00:00

1809 lines
52 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC
* This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the
* Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b)
* so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license.
* This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by
* the Transmission project.
* $Id$
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <event2/buffer.h>
#include <event2/event.h>
#include <event2/http.h> /* for HTTP_OK */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "announcer.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "peer-mgr.h" /* tr_peerMgrCompactToPex() */
#include "ptrarray.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "tr-dht.h"
#include "tr-lpd.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "web.h"
#define STARTED "started"
#define dbgmsg( tier, ... ) \
if( tr_deepLoggingIsActive( ) ) do { \
char name[128]; \
tr_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "[%s--%s]", tr_torrentName( tier->tor ), \
( tier->currentTracker ? tier->currentTracker->hostname : "" ) ); \
tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, name, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
} while( 0 )
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, rescrape this frequently */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce interval */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce min_interval */
/* the length of the 'key' argument passed in tracker requests */
/* how many web tasks we allow at one time */
/* the value of the 'numwant' argument passed in tracker requests. */
/* this is an upper limit for the frequency of LDS announces */
* Since we can't poll a tr_torrent's fields after it's destroyed,
* we pre-build the "stop" announcement message when a torrent
* is removed from Transmission
struct stop_message
char * url;
uint64_t up;
uint64_t down;
static void
stopFree( struct stop_message * stop )
tr_free( stop->url );
tr_free( stop );
static int
compareTransfer( uint64_t a_uploaded, uint64_t a_downloaded,
uint64_t b_uploaded, uint64_t b_downloaded )
/* higher upload count goes first */
if( a_uploaded != b_uploaded )
return a_uploaded > b_uploaded ? -1 : 1;
/* then higher download count goes first */
if( a_downloaded != b_downloaded )
return a_downloaded > b_downloaded ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
static int
compareStops( const void * va, const void * vb )
const struct stop_message * a = va;
const struct stop_message * b = vb;
return compareTransfer( a->up, a->down, b->up, b->down);
* "global" (per-tr_session) fields
typedef struct tr_announcer
tr_ptrArray stops; /* struct stop_message */
tr_session * session;
struct event * upkeepTimer;
int slotsAvailable;
time_t lpdHouseKeepingAt;
tr_announcerHasBacklog( const struct tr_announcer * announcer )
return announcer->slotsAvailable < 1;
/* format: hostname + ':' + port */
static char *
getHostName( const char * url )
int port = 0;
char * host = NULL;
char * ret;
tr_urlParse( url, -1, NULL, &host, &port, NULL );
ret = tr_strdup_printf( "%s:%d", ( host ? host : "invalid" ), port );
tr_free( host );
return ret;
static inline time_t
calcRescheduleWithJitter( const int minPeriod )
const double jitterFac = 0.1;
assert( minPeriod > 0 );
return tr_time()
+ minPeriod
+ tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( (int) ( minPeriod * jitterFac ) + 1 );
static void
onUpkeepTimer( int foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void * vannouncer );
tr_announcerInit( tr_session * session )
tr_announcer * a;
const time_t lpdAt =
calcRescheduleWithJitter( LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS / 3 );
assert( tr_isSession( session ) );
a = tr_new0( tr_announcer, 1 );
a->stops = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
a->session = session;
a->slotsAvailable = MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS;
a->lpdHouseKeepingAt = lpdAt;
a->upkeepTimer = evtimer_new( session->event_base, onUpkeepTimer, a );
tr_timerAdd( a->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS, 0 );
session->announcer = a;
static void flushCloseMessages( tr_announcer * announcer );
tr_announcerClose( tr_session * session )
tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer;
flushCloseMessages( announcer );
event_free( announcer->upkeepTimer );
announcer->upkeepTimer = NULL;
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &announcer->stops, NULL );
session->announcer = NULL;
tr_free( announcer );
/* a row in tr_tier's list of trackers */
typedef struct
char * hostname;
char * announce;
char * scrape;
char * tracker_id;
int seederCount;
int leecherCount;
int downloadCount;
int downloaderCount;
int consecutiveAnnounceFailures;
uint32_t id;
/* Sent as the "key" argument in tracker requests
* to verify us if our IP address changes.
* This is immutable for the life of the tracker object.
* The +1 is for '\0' */
unsigned char key_param[KEYLEN + 1];
static void
generateKeyParam( unsigned char * msg, size_t msglen )
size_t i;
const char * pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
const int poolSize = 36;
tr_cryptoRandBuf( msg, msglen );
for( i=0; i<msglen; ++i )
msg[i] = pool[ msg[i] % poolSize ];
msg[msglen] = '\0';
static tr_tracker_item*
trackerNew( const char * announce,
const char * scrape,
uint32_t id )
tr_tracker_item * tracker = tr_new0( tr_tracker_item, 1 );
tracker->hostname = getHostName( announce );
tracker->announce = tr_strdup( announce );
tracker->scrape = tr_strdup( scrape );
tracker->id = id;
generateKeyParam( tracker->key_param, KEYLEN );
tracker->seederCount = -1;
tracker->leecherCount = -1;
tracker->downloadCount = -1;
return tracker;
static void
trackerFree( void * vtracker )
tr_tracker_item * tracker = vtracker;
tr_free( tracker->tracker_id );
tr_free( tracker->scrape );
tr_free( tracker->announce );
tr_free( tracker->hostname );
tr_free( tracker );
struct tr_torrent_tiers;
/** @brief A group of trackers in a single tier, as per the multitracker spec */
typedef struct
/* number of up/down/corrupt bytes since the last time we sent an
* "event=stopped" message that was acknowledged by the tracker */
uint64_t byteCounts[3];
tr_ptrArray trackers; /* tr_tracker_item */
tr_tracker_item * currentTracker;
int currentTrackerIndex;
tr_torrent * tor;
time_t scrapeAt;
time_t lastScrapeStartTime;
time_t lastScrapeTime;
tr_bool lastScrapeSucceeded;
tr_bool lastScrapeTimedOut;
time_t announceAt;
time_t manualAnnounceAllowedAt;
time_t lastAnnounceStartTime;
time_t lastAnnounceTime;
tr_bool lastAnnounceSucceeded;
tr_bool lastAnnounceTimedOut;
tr_ptrArray announceEvents; /* const char* */
/* unique lookup key */
int key;
int scrapeIntervalSec;
int announceIntervalSec;
int announceMinIntervalSec;
int lastAnnouncePeerCount;
tr_bool isRunning;
tr_bool isAnnouncing;
tr_bool isScraping;
tr_bool wasCopied;
char lastAnnounceStr[128];
char lastScrapeStr[128];
static tr_tier *
tierNew( tr_torrent * tor )
tr_tier * t;
static int nextKey = 1;
const time_t now = tr_time( );
t = tr_new0( tr_tier, 1 );
t->key = nextKey++;
t->announceEvents = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
t->trackers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
t->currentTracker = NULL;
t->currentTrackerIndex = -1;
t->scrapeAt = now + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 60*5 );
t->tor = tor;
return t;
static void
tierFree( void * vtier )
tr_tier * tier = vtier;
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tier->trackers, trackerFree );
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tier->announceEvents, NULL );
tr_free( tier );
static void
tierIncrementTracker( tr_tier * tier )
/* move our index to the next tracker in the tier */
const int i = ( tier->currentTrackerIndex + 1 )
% tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers );
tier->currentTracker = tr_ptrArrayNth( &tier->trackers, i );
tier->currentTrackerIndex = i;
/* reset some of the tier's fields */
tier->scrapeIntervalSec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceMinIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->isAnnouncing = FALSE;
tier->isScraping = FALSE;
tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = 0;
tier->lastScrapeStartTime = 0;
static void
tierAddTracker( tr_tier * tier,
const char * announce,
const char * scrape,
uint32_t id )
tr_tracker_item * tracker = trackerNew( announce, scrape, id );
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tier->trackers, tracker );
dbgmsg( tier, "adding tracker %s", announce );
if( !tier->currentTracker )
tierIncrementTracker( tier );
* @brief Opaque, per-torrent data structure for tracker announce information
* this opaque data structure can be found in tr_torrent.tiers
typedef struct tr_torrent_tiers
tr_ptrArray tiers; /* tr_tier */
tr_tracker_callback * callback;
void * callbackData;
static tr_torrent_tiers*
tiersNew( void )
tr_torrent_tiers * tiers = tr_new0( tr_torrent_tiers, 1 );
tiers->tiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
return tiers;
static void
tiersFree( tr_torrent_tiers * tiers )
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tiers->tiers, tierFree );
tr_free( tiers );
static tr_tier*
getTier( tr_announcer * announcer, int torrentId, int tierId )
tr_tier * tier = NULL;
if( announcer )
tr_torrent * tor = tr_torrentFindFromId( announcer->session, torrentId );
if( tor && tor->tiers )
int i;
tr_ptrArray * tiers = &tor->tiers->tiers;
const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( tiers );
for( i=0; !tier && i<n; ++i )
tr_tier * tmp = tr_ptrArrayNth( tiers, i );
if( tmp->key == tierId )
tier = tmp;
return tier;
static const tr_tracker_event emptyEvent = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 };
static void
publishMessage( tr_tier * tier, const char * msg, int type )
if( tier && tier->tor && tier->tor->tiers )
tr_torrent_tiers * tiers = tier->tor->tiers;
tr_tracker_event event = emptyEvent;
event.messageType = type;
event.text = msg;
event.tracker = tier->currentTracker ? tier->currentTracker->announce : NULL;
if( tiers->callback != NULL )
tiers->callback( tier->tor, &event, tiers->callbackData );
static void
publishErrorClear( tr_tier * tier )
publishMessage( tier, NULL, TR_TRACKER_ERROR_CLEAR );
static void
publishWarning( tr_tier * tier, const char * msg )
publishMessage( tier, msg, TR_TRACKER_WARNING );
static int8_t
getSeedProbability( int seeds, int leechers )
if( !seeds )
return 0;
if( seeds>=0 && leechers>=0 )
return (int8_t)((100.0*seeds)/(seeds+leechers));
return -1; /* unknown */
static void
publishPeersPex( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers,
const tr_pex * pex, int n )
tr_tracker_event e = emptyEvent;
e.messageType = TR_TRACKER_PEERS;
e.seedProbability = getSeedProbability( seeds, leechers );
e.pex = pex;
e.pexCount = n;
if( tier->tor->tiers->callback != NULL )
tier->tor->tiers->callback( tier->tor, &e, NULL );
static size_t
publishPeersCompact( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers,
const void * compact, int compactLen )
size_t n = 0;
tr_pex * pex = tr_peerMgrCompactToPex( compact, compactLen, NULL, 0, &n );
publishPeersPex( tier, seeds, leechers, pex, n );
dbgmsg( tier, "got IPv4 list of %zu peers", n );
tr_free( pex );
return n;
static size_t
publishPeersCompact6( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers,
const void * compact, int compactLen )
size_t n = 0;
tr_pex * pex = tr_peerMgrCompact6ToPex( compact, compactLen, NULL, 0, &n );
dbgmsg( tier, "got IPv6 list of %zu peers", n );
publishPeersPex( tier, seeds, leechers, pex, n );
tr_free( pex );
return n;
static size_t
publishPeersDict( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers, tr_benc * peerList )
size_t i;
size_t n;
const size_t len = tr_bencListSize( peerList );
tr_pex * pex = tr_new0( tr_pex, len );
for( i=n=0; i<len; ++i )
int64_t port;
const char * ip;
tr_address addr;
tr_benc * peer = tr_bencListChild( peerList, i );
if( peer == NULL )
if( !tr_bencDictFindStr( peer, "ip", &ip ) )
if( tr_pton( ip, &addr ) == NULL )
if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( peer, "port", &port ) )
if( ( port < 0 ) || ( port > USHRT_MAX ) )
if( !tr_isValidPeerAddress( &addr, port ) )
pex[n].addr = addr;
pex[n].port = htons( (uint16_t)port );
dbgmsg( tier, "got benc list of %zu peers", n );
publishPeersPex( tier, seeds, leechers, pex, n );
tr_free( pex );
return n;
static char*
createAnnounceURL( const tr_announcer * announcer,
const tr_torrent * torrent,
const tr_tier * tier,
const char * eventName )
const int isStopping = !strcmp( eventName, "stopped" );
const int numwant = isStopping ? 0 : NUMWANT;
const tr_tracker_item * tracker = tier->currentTracker;
const char * ann = tracker->announce;
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
const char * str;
const unsigned char * ipv6;
evbuffer_expand( buf, 2048 );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s"
"&uploaded=%" PRIu64
"&downloaded=%" PRIu64
"&left=%" PRIu64
strchr( ann, '?' ) ? '&' : '?',
(int)tr_sessionGetPublicPeerPort( announcer->session ),
tr_cpLeftUntilComplete( &torrent->completion ),
tracker->key_param );
if( announcer->session->encryptionMode == TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&requirecrypto=1" );
if( tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT] )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&corrupt=%" PRIu64, tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT] );
str = eventName;
if( str && *str )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&event=%s", str );
str = tracker->tracker_id;
if( str && *str )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&trackerid=%s", str );
/* There are two incompatible techniques for announcing an IPv6 address.
BEP-7 suggests adding an "ipv6=" parameter to the announce URL,
while OpenTracker requires that peers announce twice, once over IPv4
and once over IPv6.
To be safe, we should do both: add the "ipv6=" parameter and
announce twice. At any rate, we're already computing our IPv6
address (for the LTEP handshake), so this comes for free. */
ipv6 = tr_globalIPv6( );
if( ipv6 ) {
char ipv6_readable[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop( AF_INET6, ipv6, ipv6_readable, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&ipv6=");
tr_http_escape( buf, ipv6_readable, -1, TRUE );
return evbuffer_free_to_str( buf );
static void
addTorrentToTier( tr_torrent_tiers * tiers,
tr_torrent * tor )
int i, n;
const tr_tracker_info ** infos;
const int trackerCount = tor->info.trackerCount;
const tr_tracker_info * trackers = tor->info.trackers;
/* get the trackers that we support... */
infos = tr_new0( const tr_tracker_info*, trackerCount );
for( i=n=0; i<trackerCount; ++i )
if( tr_urlIsValidTracker( trackers[i].announce ) )
infos[n++] = &trackers[i];
/* build our private table of tiers... */
if( n > 0 )
int tierIndex = -1;
tr_tier * tier = NULL;
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
const tr_tracker_info * info = infos[i];
if( info->tier != tierIndex )
tier = NULL;
tierIndex = info->tier;
if( tier == NULL ) {
tier = tierNew( tor );
dbgmsg( tier, "adding tier" );
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tiers->tiers, tier );
tierAddTracker( tier, info->announce, info->scrape, info->id );
tr_free( infos );
tr_torrent_tiers *
tr_announcerAddTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent * tor,
tr_tracker_callback * callback, void * callbackData )
tr_torrent_tiers * tiers;
assert( announcer != NULL );
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
tiers = tiersNew( );
tiers->callback = callback;
tiers->callbackData = callbackData;
addTorrentToTier( tiers, tor );
return tiers;
static tr_bool
tierCanManualAnnounce( const tr_tier * tier )
return tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt <= tr_time( );
tr_announcerCanManualAnnounce( const tr_torrent * tor )
int i;
int n;
const tr_tier ** tiers;
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
assert( tor->tiers != NULL );
if( !tor->isRunning )
return FALSE;
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers );
tiers = (const tr_tier**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &tor->tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
if( tierCanManualAnnounce( tiers[i] ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
tr_announcerNextManualAnnounce( const tr_torrent * tor )
int i;
int n;
const tr_torrent_tiers * tiers;
time_t ret = ~(time_t)0;
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
tiers = tor->tiers;
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( (tr_ptrArray*)&tiers->tiers, i );
if( tier->isRunning )
ret = MIN( ret, tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt );
return ret;
static void
tierAddAnnounce( tr_tier * tier, const char * announceEvent, time_t announceAt )
assert( tier != NULL );
assert( announceEvent != NULL );
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tier->announceEvents, (void*)announceEvent );
tier->announceAt = announceAt;
dbgmsg( tier, "appended event \"%s\"; announcing in %d seconds", announceEvent, (int)difftime(announceAt,time(NULL)) );
static void
torrentAddAnnounce( tr_torrent * tor, const char * announceEvent, time_t announceAt )
int i;
int n;
tr_torrent_tiers * tiers;
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
tiers = tor->tiers;
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
tierAddAnnounce( tr_ptrArrayNth( &tiers->tiers, i ), announceEvent, announceAt );
tr_announcerTorrentStarted( tr_torrent * tor )
torrentAddAnnounce( tor, STARTED, tr_time( ) );
tr_announcerManualAnnounce( tr_torrent * tor )
torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "", tr_time( ) );
tr_announcerTorrentStopped( tr_torrent * tor )
torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "stopped", tr_time( ) );
tr_announcerTorrentCompleted( tr_torrent * tor )
torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "completed", tr_time( ) );
tr_announcerChangeMyPort( tr_torrent * tor )
tr_announcerTorrentStarted( tor );
tr_announcerAddBytes( tr_torrent * tor, int type, uint32_t byteCount )
int i, n;
tr_torrent_tiers * tiers;
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
assert( type==TR_ANN_UP || type==TR_ANN_DOWN || type==TR_ANN_CORRUPT );
tiers = tor->tiers;
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &tiers->tiers, i );
tier->byteCounts[ type ] += byteCount;
tr_announcerRemoveTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent * tor )
assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) );
if( tor->tiers )
int i;
const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &tor->tiers->tiers, i );
if( tier->isRunning )
struct stop_message * s = tr_new0( struct stop_message, 1 );
s->up = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP];
s->down = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN];
s->url = createAnnounceURL( announcer, tor, tier, "stopped" );
tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &announcer->stops, s, compareStops );
tiersFree( tor->tiers );
tor->tiers = NULL;
static tr_bool
parseAnnounceResponse( tr_tier * tier,
const char * response,
size_t responseLen,
tr_bool * gotScrape )
tr_benc benc;
tr_bool success = FALSE;
int scrapeFields = 0;
const int bencLoaded = !tr_bencLoad( response, responseLen, &benc, NULL );
if( getenv( "TR_CURL_VERBOSE" ) != NULL )
char * str = tr_bencToStr( &benc, TR_FMT_JSON, NULL );
fprintf( stderr, "Announce response:\n< %s\n", str );
tr_free( str );
dbgmsg( tier, "response len: %d, isBenc: %d", (int)responseLen, (int)bencLoaded );
publishErrorClear( tier );
if( bencLoaded && tr_bencIsDict( &benc ) )
size_t rawlen;
int64_t i;
tr_benc * tmp;
const char * str;
const uint8_t * raw;
tr_bool gotPeers = FALSE;
int peerCount = 0;
success = TRUE;
if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "failure reason", &str ) )
tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, str,
sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) );
dbgmsg( tier, "tracker gave \"%s\"", str );
publishMessage( tier, str, TR_TRACKER_ERROR );
success = FALSE;
if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "warning message", &str ) )
tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, str,
sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) );
dbgmsg( tier, "tracker gave \"%s\"", str );
publishWarning( tier, str );
if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "interval", &i ) )
dbgmsg( tier, "setting interval to %d", (int)i );
tier->announceIntervalSec = i;
if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "min interval", &i ) )
dbgmsg( tier, "setting min interval to %d", (int)i );
tier->announceMinIntervalSec = i;
if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "tracker id", &str ) )
tier->currentTracker->tracker_id = tr_strdup( str );
if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "complete", &i ) )
tier->currentTracker->seederCount = 0;
else {
tier->currentTracker->seederCount = i;
if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "incomplete", &i ) )
tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = 0;
else {
tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = i;
if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "downloaded", &i ) )
tier->currentTracker->downloadCount = i;
if( tr_bencDictFindRaw( &benc, "peers", &raw, &rawlen ) )
/* "compact" extension */
const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount;
const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount;
peerCount += publishPeersCompact( tier, seeders, leechers, raw, rawlen );
gotPeers = TRUE;
else if( tr_bencDictFindList( &benc, "peers", &tmp ) )
/* original version of peers */
const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount;
const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount;
peerCount += publishPeersDict( tier, seeders, leechers, tmp );
gotPeers = TRUE;
if( tr_bencDictFindRaw( &benc, "peers6", &raw, &rawlen ) )
/* "compact" extension */
const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount;
const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount;
peerCount += publishPeersCompact6( tier, seeders, leechers, raw, rawlen );
gotPeers = TRUE;
if( tier->lastAnnounceStr[0] == '\0' )
tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, _( "Success" ),
sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) );
if( gotPeers )
tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount = peerCount;
if( bencLoaded )
tr_bencFree( &benc );
*gotScrape = scrapeFields >= 2;
return success;
static int
getRetryInterval( const tr_tracker_item * t )
int minutes;
const unsigned int jitter_seconds = tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 60 );
switch( t->consecutiveAnnounceFailures ) {
case 0: minutes = 1; break;
case 1: minutes = 5; break;
case 2: minutes = 15; break;
case 3: minutes = 30; break;
case 4: minutes = 60; break;
default: minutes = 120; break;
return ( minutes * 60 ) + jitter_seconds;
struct announce_data
int torrentId;
int tierId;
time_t timeSent;
const char * event;
/** If the request succeeds, the value for tier's "isRunning" flag */
tr_bool isRunningOnSuccess;
static void
onAnnounceDone( tr_session * session,
long responseCode,
const void * response,
size_t responseLen,
void * vdata )
tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer;
struct announce_data * data = vdata;
tr_tier * tier = getTier( announcer, data->torrentId, data->tierId );
const time_t now = tr_time( );
const char * announceEvent = data->event;
if( tier )
tr_tracker_item * tracker;
tier->lastAnnounceTime = now;
tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut = responseCode == 0;
tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded = FALSE;
tier->isAnnouncing = FALSE;
tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = now + tier->announceMinIntervalSec;
if(( tracker = tier->currentTracker ))
if( responseCode == HTTP_OK )
tr_bool gotScrape;
const tr_bool isStopped = !strcmp( announceEvent, "stopped" );
if( parseAnnounceResponse( tier, response, responseLen, &gotScrape ) )
tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded = TRUE;
tier->isRunning = data->isRunningOnSuccess;
if(( tracker = tier->currentTracker ))
tracker->consecutiveAnnounceFailures = 0;
if( gotScrape )
tier->lastScrapeTime = now;
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = TRUE;
tier->scrapeAt = now + tier->scrapeIntervalSec;
if( isStopped )
/* now that we've successfully stopped the torrent,
* we can reset the up/down/corrupt count we've kept
* for this tracker */
tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_UP ] = 0;
tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_DOWN ] = 0;
tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_CORRUPT ] = 0;
if( !isStopped && !tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->announceEvents ) )
/* the queue is empty, so enqueue a perodic update */
const int interval = tier->announceIntervalSec;
dbgmsg( tier, "Sending periodic reannounce in %d seconds", interval );
tierAddAnnounce( tier, "", now + interval );
int interval;
if( !responseCode )
tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr,
_( "Tracker did not respond" ),
sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) );
else {
/* %1$ld - http status code, such as 404
* %2$s - human-readable explanation of the http status code */
tr_snprintf( tier->lastAnnounceStr, sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ),
_( "Tracker gave HTTP response code %1$ld (%2$s)" ),
tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) );
if( responseCode >= 400 )
if( tr_torrentIsPrivate( tier->tor ) || ( tier->tor->info.trackerCount == 1 ) )
publishWarning( tier, tier->lastAnnounceStr );
dbgmsg( tier, "%s", tier->lastAnnounceStr );
tr_torinf( tier->tor, "%s", tier->lastAnnounceStr );
tierIncrementTracker( tier );
/* schedule the next announce */
interval = getRetryInterval( tier->currentTracker );
dbgmsg( tier, "Retrying announce in %d seconds.", interval );
tierAddAnnounce( tier, announceEvent, now + interval );
if( announcer )
tr_free( data );
static const char*
getNextAnnounceEvent( tr_tier * tier )
int i, n;
int pos = -1;
tr_ptrArray tmp;
const char ** events;
const char * str = NULL;
assert( tier != NULL );
assert( tr_isTorrent( tier->tor ) );
events = (const char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &tier->announceEvents, &n );
/* special case #1: if "stopped" is in the queue,
* ignore everything before it except "completed" */
if( pos == -1 ) {
tr_bool completed = FALSE;
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
if( !strcmp( events[i], "completed" ) )
completed = TRUE;
if( !strcmp( events[i], "stopped" ) )
if( !completed && ( i < n ) )
pos = i;
/* special case #2: don't use empty strings if something follows them */
if( pos == -1 ) {
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
if( *events[i] )
if( i < n )
pos = i;
/* default: use the next in the queue */
if( ( pos == -1 ) && ( n > 0 ) )
pos = 0;
/* special case #3: if there are duplicate requests in a row, skip to the last one */
if( pos >= 0 ) {
for( i=pos+1; i<n; ++i )
if( strcmp( events[pos], events[i] ) )
pos = i - 1;
/* special case #4: BEP 21: "In order to tell the tracker that a peer is a
* partial seed, it MUST send an event=paused parameter in every
* announce while it is a partial seed." */
str = pos>=0 ? events[pos] : NULL;
if( tr_cpGetStatus( &tier->tor->completion ) == TR_PARTIAL_SEED )
if( !str || strcmp( str, "stopped" ) )
str = "paused";
#if 0
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) fprintf( stderr, "(%d)\"%s\" ", i, events[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "using (%d)\"%s\"\n", pos, events[pos] );
if( strcmp( events[pos], str ) ) fprintf( stderr, "...but really using [%s]\n", str );
/* announceEvents array upkeep */
for( i=pos+1; i<n; ++i )
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tmp, (void*)events[i] );
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tier->announceEvents, NULL );
tier->announceEvents = tmp;
return str;
static void
tierAnnounce( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_tier * tier )
const char * announceEvent = getNextAnnounceEvent( tier );
assert( !tier->isAnnouncing );
if( announceEvent != NULL )
char * url;
struct announce_data * data;
const tr_torrent * tor = tier->tor;
const time_t now = tr_time( );
data = tr_new0( struct announce_data, 1 );
data->torrentId = tr_torrentId( tor );
data->tierId = tier->key;
data->isRunningOnSuccess = tor->isRunning;
data->timeSent = now;
data->event = announceEvent;
url = createAnnounceURL( announcer, tor, tier, data->event );
tier->isAnnouncing = TRUE;
tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = now;
tr_webRun( announcer->session, url, NULL, onAnnounceDone, data );
tr_free( url );
static tr_bool
parseScrapeResponse( tr_tier * tier,
const char * response,
size_t responseLen,
char * result,
size_t resultlen )
tr_bool success = FALSE;
tr_benc benc, *files;
const int bencLoaded = !tr_bencLoad( response, responseLen, &benc, NULL );
if( bencLoaded && tr_bencDictFindDict( &benc, "files", &files ) )
const char * key;
tr_benc * val;
int i = 0;
while( tr_bencDictChild( files, i++, &key, &val ))
int64_t intVal;
tr_benc * flags;
if( memcmp( tier->tor->info.hash, key, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) )
success = TRUE;
publishErrorClear( tier );
if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "complete", &intVal ) ) )
tier->currentTracker->seederCount = intVal;
if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "incomplete", &intVal ) ) )
tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = intVal;
if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "downloaded", &intVal ) ) )
tier->currentTracker->downloadCount = intVal;
if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "downloaders", &intVal ) ) )
tier->currentTracker->downloaderCount = intVal;
if( tr_bencDictFindDict( val, "flags", &flags ) )
if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( flags, "min_request_interval", &intVal ) ) )
tier->scrapeIntervalSec = MAX( DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC, (int)intVal );
tr_tordbg( tier->tor,
"Scrape successful. Rescraping in %d seconds.",
tier->scrapeIntervalSec );
if( bencLoaded )
tr_bencFree( &benc );
if( success )
tr_strlcpy( result, _( "Success" ), resultlen );
tr_strlcpy( result, _( "Error parsing response" ), resultlen );
return success;
static void
onScrapeDone( tr_session * session,
long responseCode,
const void * response,
size_t responseLen,
void * vdata )
tr_bool success = FALSE;
tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer;
struct announce_data * data = vdata;
tr_tier * tier = getTier( announcer, data->torrentId, data->tierId );
const time_t now = tr_time( );
if( announcer )
if( announcer && tier )
tier->isScraping = FALSE;
tier->lastScrapeTime = now;
if( 200 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 299 )
const int interval = tier->scrapeIntervalSec;
tier->scrapeAt = now + interval;
if( responseCode == HTTP_OK )
success = parseScrapeResponse( tier, response, responseLen,
tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ) );
tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ),
_( "tracker gave HTTP Response Code %1$ld (%2$s)" ),
responseCode, tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) );
dbgmsg( tier, "%s", tier->lastScrapeStr );
else if( 300 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 399 )
/* this shouldn't happen; libcurl should handle this */
const int interval = 5;
tier->scrapeAt = now + interval;
tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ),
"Got a redirect. Retrying in %d seconds", interval );
dbgmsg( tier, "%s", tier->lastScrapeStr );
const int interval = getRetryInterval( tier->currentTracker );
/* Don't retry on a 4xx.
* Retry at growing intervals on a 5xx */
if( 400 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 499 )
tier->scrapeAt = 0;
tier->scrapeAt = now + interval;
/* %1$ld - http status code, such as 404
* %2$s - human-readable explanation of the http status code */
if( !responseCode )
tr_strlcpy( tier->lastScrapeStr, _( "tracker did not respond" ),
sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ) );
tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ),
_( "tracker gave HTTP Response Code %1$ld (%2$s)" ),
responseCode, tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) );
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = success;
tier->lastScrapeTimedOut = responseCode == 0;
tr_free( data );
static void
tierScrape( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_tier * tier )
char * url;
const char * scrape;
struct announce_data * data;
assert( tier );
assert( !tier->isScraping );
assert( tier->currentTracker != NULL );
assert( tr_isTorrent( tier->tor ) );
data = tr_new0( struct announce_data, 1 );
data->torrentId = tr_torrentId( tier->tor );
data->tierId = tier->key;
scrape = tier->currentTracker->scrape;
url = tr_strdup_printf( "%s%cinfo_hash=%s",
strchr( scrape, '?' ) ? '&' : '?',
tier->tor->info.hashEscaped );
tier->isScraping = TRUE;
tier->lastScrapeStartTime = tr_time( );
dbgmsg( tier, "scraping \"%s\"", url );
tr_webRun( announcer->session, url, NULL, onScrapeDone, data );
tr_free( url );
static void
flushCloseMessages( tr_announcer * announcer )
int i;
const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &announcer->stops );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
struct stop_message * stop = tr_ptrArrayNth( &announcer->stops, i );
tr_webRun( announcer->session, stop->url, NULL, NULL, NULL );
stopFree( stop );
tr_ptrArrayClear( &announcer->stops );
static tr_bool
tierNeedsToAnnounce( const tr_tier * tier, const time_t now )
return !tier->isAnnouncing
&& !tier->isScraping
&& ( tier->announceAt != 0 )
&& ( tier->announceAt <= now )
&& ( tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->announceEvents ) != 0 );
static tr_bool
tierNeedsToScrape( const tr_tier * tier, const time_t now )
return ( !tier->isScraping )
&& ( tier->scrapeAt != 0 )
&& ( tier->scrapeAt <= now )
&& ( tier->currentTracker != NULL )
&& ( tier->currentTracker->scrape != NULL );
static int
compareTiers( const void * va, const void * vb )
int ret;
const tr_tier * a = *(const tr_tier**)va;
const tr_tier * b = *(const tr_tier**)vb;
/* primary key: larger stats come before smaller */
ret = compareTransfer( a->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP], a->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN],
b->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP], b->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN] );
/* secondary key: announcements that have been waiting longer go first */
if( !ret && ( a->announceAt != b->announceAt ) )
ret = a->announceAt < b->announceAt ? -1 : 1;
return ret;
static void
announceMore( tr_announcer * announcer )
tr_torrent * tor = NULL;
const time_t now = tr_time( );
if( announcer->slotsAvailable > 0 )
int i;
int n;
tr_ptrArray announceMe = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
tr_ptrArray scrapeMe = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
/* build a list of tiers that need to be announced */
while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( announcer->session, tor ))) {
if( tor->tiers ) {
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &tor->tiers->tiers, i );
if( tierNeedsToAnnounce( tier, now ) )
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &announceMe, tier );
else if( tierNeedsToScrape( tier, now ) )
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &scrapeMe, tier );
/* if there are more tiers than slots available, prioritize */
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &announceMe );
if( n > announcer->slotsAvailable )
qsort( tr_ptrArrayBase( &announceMe ), n, sizeof( tr_tier * ), compareTiers );
/* announce some */
n = MIN( tr_ptrArraySize( &announceMe ), announcer->slotsAvailable );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &announceMe, i );
dbgmsg( tier, "announcing tier %d of %d", i, n );
tierAnnounce( announcer, tier );
/* scrape some */
n = MIN( tr_ptrArraySize( &scrapeMe ), announcer->slotsAvailable );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &scrapeMe, i );
dbgmsg( tier, "scraping tier %d of %d", (i+1), n );
tierScrape( announcer, tier );
#if 0
char timebuf[64];
tr_getLogTimeStr( timebuf, 64 );
fprintf( stderr, "[%s] announce.c has %d requests ready to send (announce: %d, scrape: %d)\n", timebuf, (int)(tr_ptrArraySize(&announceMe)+tr_ptrArraySize(&scrapeMe)), (int)tr_ptrArraySize(&announceMe), (int)tr_ptrArraySize(&scrapeMe) );
/* cleanup */
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &scrapeMe, NULL );
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &announceMe, NULL );
tor = NULL;
while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( announcer->session, tor ))) {
if( tor->dhtAnnounceAt <= now ) {
if( tor->isRunning && tr_torrentAllowsDHT(tor) ) {
int rc;
rc = tr_dhtAnnounce(tor, AF_INET, 1);
if(rc == 0)
/* The DHT is not ready yet. Try again soon. */
tor->dhtAnnounceAt = now + 5 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 5 );
/* We should announce at least once every 30 minutes. */
tor->dhtAnnounceAt =
now + 25 * 60 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 3 * 60 );
if( tor->dhtAnnounce6At <= now ) {
if( tor->isRunning && tr_torrentAllowsDHT(tor) ) {
int rc;
rc = tr_dhtAnnounce(tor, AF_INET6, 1);
if(rc == 0)
tor->dhtAnnounce6At = now + 5 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 5 );
tor->dhtAnnounce6At =
now + 25 * 60 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 3 * 60 );
/* Local Peer Discovery */
if( announcer->lpdHouseKeepingAt <= now )
tr_lpdAnnounceMore( now, LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS );
/* reschedule more LDS announces for ( the future + jitter ) */
announcer->lpdHouseKeepingAt =
static void
onUpkeepTimer( int foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void * vannouncer )
tr_announcer * announcer = vannouncer;
tr_sessionLock( announcer->session );
/* maybe send out some "stopped" messages for closed torrents */
flushCloseMessages( announcer );
/* maybe send out some announcements to trackers */
announceMore( announcer );
/* set up the next timer */
tr_timerAdd( announcer->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS, 0 );
tr_sessionUnlock( announcer->session );
tr_tracker_stat *
tr_announcerStats( const tr_torrent * torrent,
int * setmeTrackerCount )
int i;
int n;
int out = 0;
int tierCount;
tr_tracker_stat * ret;
const time_t now = tr_time( );
assert( tr_isTorrent( torrent ) );
assert( tr_torrentIsLocked( torrent ) );
/* count the trackers... */
for( i=n=0, tierCount=tr_ptrArraySize( &torrent->tiers->tiers ); i<tierCount; ++i ) {
const tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &torrent->tiers->tiers, i );
n += tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers );
/* alloc the stats */
*setmeTrackerCount = n;
ret = tr_new0( tr_tracker_stat, n );
/* populate the stats */
for( i=0, tierCount=tr_ptrArraySize( &torrent->tiers->tiers ); i<tierCount; ++i )
int j;
const tr_tier * tier = tr_ptrArrayNth( &torrent->tiers->tiers, i );
n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers );
for( j=0; j<n; ++j )
const tr_tracker_item * tracker = tr_ptrArrayNth( (tr_ptrArray*)&tier->trackers, j );
tr_tracker_stat * st = ret + out++;
st->id = tracker->id;
tr_strlcpy( st->host, tracker->hostname, sizeof( st->host ) );
tr_strlcpy( st->announce, tracker->announce, sizeof( st->announce ) );
st->tier = i;
st->isBackup = tracker != tier->currentTracker;
st->lastScrapeStartTime = tier->lastScrapeStartTime;
if( tracker->scrape )
tr_strlcpy( st->scrape, tracker->scrape, sizeof( st->scrape ) );
st->scrape[0] = '\0';
st->seederCount = tracker->seederCount;
st->leecherCount = tracker->leecherCount;
st->downloadCount = tracker->downloadCount;
if( st->isBackup )
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
st->nextScrapeTime = 0;
st->nextAnnounceTime = 0;
if(( st->hasScraped = tier->lastScrapeTime != 0 )) {
st->lastScrapeTime = tier->lastScrapeTime;
st->lastScrapeSucceeded = tier->lastScrapeSucceeded;
st->lastScrapeTimedOut = tier->lastScrapeTimedOut;
tr_strlcpy( st->lastScrapeResult, tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( st->lastScrapeResult ) );
if( tier->isScraping )
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE;
else if( !tier->scrapeAt )
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
else if( tier->scrapeAt > now )
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING;
st->nextScrapeTime = tier->scrapeAt;
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED;
st->lastAnnounceStartTime = tier->lastAnnounceStartTime;
if(( st->hasAnnounced = tier->lastAnnounceTime != 0 )) {
st->lastAnnounceTime = tier->lastAnnounceTime;
tr_strlcpy( st->lastAnnounceResult, tier->lastAnnounceStr, sizeof( st->lastAnnounceResult ) );
st->lastAnnounceSucceeded = tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded;
st->lastAnnounceTimedOut = tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut;
st->lastAnnouncePeerCount = tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount;
if( tier->isAnnouncing )
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE;
else if( !torrent->isRunning || !tier->announceAt )
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
else if( tier->announceAt > now )
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING;
st->nextAnnounceTime = tier->announceAt;
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED;
return ret;
tr_announcerStatsFree( tr_tracker_stat * trackers,
int trackerCount UNUSED )
tr_free( trackers );
static void
trackerItemCopyAttributes( tr_tracker_item * t, const tr_tracker_item * o )
assert( t != o );
assert( t != NULL );
assert( o != NULL );
t->seederCount = o->seederCount;
t->leecherCount = o->leecherCount;
t->downloadCount = o->downloadCount;
t->downloaderCount = o->downloaderCount;
memcpy( t->key_param, o->key_param, sizeof( t->key_param ) );
static void
tierCopyAttributes( tr_tier * t, const tr_tier * o )
int i, n;
tr_tier bak;
assert( t != NULL );
assert( o != NULL );
assert( t != o );
bak = *t;
*t = *o;
t->tor = bak.tor;
t->trackers = bak.trackers;
t->announceEvents = bak.announceEvents;
t->currentTracker = bak.currentTracker;
t->currentTrackerIndex = bak.currentTrackerIndex;
tr_ptrArrayClear( &t->announceEvents );
for( i=0, n=tr_ptrArraySize(&o->announceEvents); i<n; ++i )
tr_ptrArrayAppend( &t->announceEvents, tr_ptrArrayNth((tr_ptrArray*)&o->announceEvents,i) );
tr_announcerResetTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer UNUSED, tr_torrent * tor )
tr_ptrArray oldTiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
/* if we had tiers already, make a backup of them */
if( tor->tiers != NULL )
oldTiers = tor->tiers->tiers;
tor->tiers->tiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
/* create the new tier/tracker structs */
addTorrentToTier( tor->tiers, tor );
/* if we had tiers already, merge their state into the new structs */
if( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( &oldTiers ) )
int i, in;
for( i=0, in=tr_ptrArraySize(&oldTiers); i<in; ++i )
int j, jn;
const tr_tier * o = tr_ptrArrayNth( &oldTiers, i );
if( o->currentTracker == NULL )
for( j=0, jn=tr_ptrArraySize(&tor->tiers->tiers); j<jn; ++j )
int k, kn;
tr_tier * t = tr_ptrArrayNth(&tor->tiers->tiers,j);
for( k=0, kn=tr_ptrArraySize(&t->trackers); k<kn; ++k )
tr_tracker_item * item = tr_ptrArrayNth(&t->trackers,k);
if( strcmp( o->currentTracker->announce, item->announce ) )
tierCopyAttributes( t, o );
t->currentTracker = item;
t->currentTrackerIndex = k;
t->wasCopied = TRUE;
trackerItemCopyAttributes( item, o->currentTracker );
dbgmsg( t, "attributes copied to tier %d, tracker %d"
"from tier %d, tracker %d",
i, o->currentTrackerIndex, j, k );
/* kickstart any tiers that didn't get started */
if( tor->isRunning )
int i, n;
const time_t now = tr_time( );
tr_tier ** tiers = (tr_tier**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &tor->tiers->tiers, &n );
for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
tr_tier * tier = tiers[i];
if( !tier->wasCopied )
tierAddAnnounce( tier, STARTED, now );
/* cleanup */
tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &oldTiers, tierFree );