mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 05:14:09 +00:00
* refactor: update bep links * chore: use more appropriate data types * chore: checkpoint * refactor: split `can_request()` into each of their own different signature * chore: checkpoint * refactor: convert tr_peerMsgsImpl functions to methods * chore: checkpoint * refactor: store peer info as reference * refactor: convert all member variables to private * chore: re-arrange methods * refactor: optimise tmp vector default size in `send_ut_pex()` * chore: housekeeping * chore: housekeeping * refactor: avoid `dynamic_cast` when sending cancel * fix: restore `blocks_sent_to_peer` stat regressione91af26923
* fix: choke first then reject * refactor: convert `tr_peerMsgsNew()` to static factory function * refactor: store `tr_torrent` reference instead of pointer * Revert "refactor: store peer info as reference" This reverts commitbb419bf2
--------- Co-authored-by: Charles Kerr <charles@charleskerr.com>
2089 lines
62 KiB
2089 lines
62 KiB
// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint> // uint8_t, uint32_t, int64_t
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <ratio>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <small/vector.hpp>
#include "libtransmission/transmission.h"
#include "libtransmission/bitfield.h"
#include "libtransmission/block-info.h"
#include "libtransmission/cache.h"
#include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h"
#include "libtransmission/interned-string.h"
#include "libtransmission/log.h"
#include "libtransmission/peer-common.h"
#include "libtransmission/peer-io.h"
#include "libtransmission/peer-mgr.h"
#include "libtransmission/peer-msgs.h"
#include "libtransmission/quark.h"
#include "libtransmission/session.h"
#include "libtransmission/timer.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent-magnet.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-buffer.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-macros.h"
#include "libtransmission/utils.h"
#include "libtransmission/variant.h"
#include "libtransmission/version.h"
struct tr_error;
#ifndef EBADMSG
using namespace std::literals;
// initial capacity is big enough to hold a BtPeerMsgs::Piece message
using MessageBuffer = libtransmission::StackBuffer<tr_block_info::BlockSize + 16U, std::byte, std::ratio<5, 1>>;
using MessageReader = libtransmission::BufferReader<std::byte>;
using MessageWriter = libtransmission::BufferWriter<std::byte>;
// these values are hardcoded by various BEPs as noted
namespace BtPeerMsgs
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html#peer-messages
auto constexpr Choke = uint8_t{ 0 };
auto constexpr Unchoke = uint8_t{ 1 };
auto constexpr Interested = uint8_t{ 2 };
auto constexpr NotInterested = uint8_t{ 3 };
auto constexpr Have = uint8_t{ 4 };
auto constexpr Bitfield = uint8_t{ 5 };
auto constexpr Request = uint8_t{ 6 };
auto constexpr Piece = uint8_t{ 7 };
auto constexpr Cancel = uint8_t{ 8 };
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html#bittorrent-protocol-extension
auto constexpr Port = uint8_t{ 9 };
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0006.html
auto constexpr FextSuggest = uint8_t{ 13 };
auto constexpr FextHaveAll = uint8_t{ 14 };
auto constexpr FextHaveNone = uint8_t{ 15 };
auto constexpr FextReject = uint8_t{ 16 };
auto constexpr FextAllowedFast = uint8_t{ 17 };
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// see also LtepMessageIds below
auto constexpr Ltep = uint8_t{ 20 };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view debug_name(uint8_t type) noexcept
switch (type)
case Bitfield:
return "bitfield"sv;
case Cancel:
return "cancel"sv;
case Choke:
return "choke"sv;
case FextAllowedFast:
return "fext-allow-fast"sv;
case FextHaveAll:
return "fext-have-all"sv;
case FextHaveNone:
return "fext-have-none"sv;
case FextReject:
return "fext-reject"sv;
case FextSuggest:
return "fext-suggest"sv;
case Have:
return "have"sv;
case Interested:
return "interested"sv;
case Ltep:
return "ltep"sv;
case NotInterested:
return "not-interested"sv;
case Piece:
return "piece"sv;
case Port:
return "port"sv;
case Request:
return "request"sv;
case Unchoke:
return "unchoke"sv;
return "unknown"sv;
} // namespace BtPeerMsgs
namespace LtepMessages
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
auto constexpr Handshake = uint8_t{ 0 };
} // namespace LtepMessages
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// Client-defined extension message IDs that we tell peers about
// in the LTEP handshake and will respond to when sent in an LTEP
// message.
enum LtepMessageIds : uint8_t
// we support peer exchange (bep 11)
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0011.html
UT_PEX_ID = 1,
// we support sending metadata files (bep 9)
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html
// see also MetadataMsgType below
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html
namespace MetadataMsgType
auto constexpr Request = 0;
auto constexpr Data = 1;
auto constexpr Reject = 2;
} // namespace MetadataMsgType
auto constexpr MinChokePeriodSec = time_t{ 10 };
// idle seconds before we send a keepalive
auto constexpr KeepaliveIntervalSecs = time_t{ 100 };
auto constexpr MetadataReqQ = size_t{ 64U };
auto constexpr ReqQ = 512;
// when we're making requests from another peer,
// batch them together to send enough requests to
// meet our bandwidth goals for the next N seconds
auto constexpr RequestBufSecs = time_t{ 10 };
// ---
auto constexpr MaxPexPeerCount = size_t{ 50U };
// ---
enum class EncryptionPreference : uint8_t
// ---
struct peer_request
uint32_t index = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t length = 0;
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr operator==(peer_request const& that) const noexcept
return this->index == that.index && this->offset == that.offset && this->length == that.length;
[[nodiscard]] static auto from_block(tr_torrent const& tor, tr_block_index_t block) noexcept
auto const loc = tor.block_loc(block);
return peer_request{ loc.piece, loc.piece_offset, tor.block_size(block) };
// ---
/* this is raw, unchanged data from the peer regarding
* the current message that it's sending us. */
struct tr_incoming
std::optional<uint32_t> length; // the full message payload length. Includes the +1 for id length
std::optional<uint8_t> id; // the protocol message, e.g. BtPeerMsgs::Piece
MessageBuffer payload;
struct incoming_piece_data
explicit incoming_piece_data(uint32_t block_size)
: buf{ std::make_unique<Cache::BlockData>(block_size) }
, block_size_{ block_size }
[[nodiscard]] bool add_span(size_t begin, size_t end)
if (begin > end || end > block_size_)
return false;
for (; begin < end; ++begin)
return true;
[[nodiscard]] auto has_all() const noexcept
return have_.count() >= block_size_;
std::unique_ptr<Cache::BlockData> buf;
std::bitset<tr_block_info::BlockSize> have_;
uint32_t const block_size_;
std::unordered_map<tr_block_index_t, incoming_piece_data> blocks;
#define myLogMacro(msgs, level, text) \
do \
{ \
if (tr_logLevelIsActive(level)) \
{ \
tr_logAddMessage( \
__FILE__, \
__LINE__, \
(level), \
fmt::format("{:s} [{:s}]: {:s}", (msgs)->display_name(), (msgs)->user_agent().sv(), text), \
(msgs)->tor_.name()); \
} \
} while (0)
#define logdbg(msgs, text) myLogMacro(msgs, TR_LOG_DEBUG, text)
#define logtrace(msgs, text) myLogMacro(msgs, TR_LOG_TRACE, text)
#define logwarn(msgs, text) myLogMacro(msgs, TR_LOG_WARN, text)
using ReadResult = std::pair<ReadState, size_t /*n_piece_data_bytes_read*/>;
* Low-level communication state information about a connected peer.
* This structure remembers the low-level protocol states that we're
* in with this peer, such as active requests, pex messages, and so on.
* Its fields are all private to peer-msgs.c.
* Data not directly involved with sending & receiving messages is
* stored in tr_peer, where it can be accessed by both peermsgs and
* the peer manager.
* @see tr_peer
* @see tr_peer_info
class tr_peerMsgsImpl final : public tr_peerMsgs
tr_torrent& torrent_in,
tr_peer_info* const peer_info_in,
std::shared_ptr<tr_peerIo> io_in,
tr_interned_string client,
tr_peer_callback_bt callback,
void* callback_data)
: tr_peerMsgs{ torrent_in, peer_info_in, client, io_in->is_encrypted(), io_in->is_incoming(), io_in->is_utp() }
, tor_{ torrent_in }
, io_{ std::move(io_in) }
, have_{ torrent_in.piece_count() }
, callback_{ callback }
, callback_data_{ callback_data }
if (tor_.allows_pex())
pex_timer_ = session->timerMaker().create([this]() { send_ut_pex(); });
if (io_->supports_ltep())
if (session->allowsDHT() && io_->supports_dht())
io_->set_callbacks(can_read, did_write, got_error, this);
tr_peerMsgsImpl(tr_peerMsgsImpl&&) = delete;
tr_peerMsgsImpl(tr_peerMsgsImpl const&) = delete;
tr_peerMsgsImpl& operator=(tr_peerMsgsImpl&&) = delete;
tr_peerMsgsImpl& operator=(tr_peerMsgsImpl const&) = delete;
~tr_peerMsgsImpl() override
set_active(TR_UP, false);
set_active(TR_DOWN, false);
if (io_)
// ---
[[nodiscard]] Speed get_piece_speed(uint64_t now, tr_direction dir) const override
return io_->get_piece_speed(now, dir);
[[nodiscard]] size_t active_req_count(tr_direction dir) const noexcept override
switch (dir)
case TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER: // requests we sent
return tr_peerMgrCountActiveRequestsToPeer(&tor_, this);
case TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT: // requests they sent
return std::size(peer_requested_);
return {};
[[nodiscard]] tr_socket_address socket_address() const override
return io_->socket_address();
[[nodiscard]] std::string display_name() const override
return socket_address().display_name();
[[nodiscard]] tr_bitfield const& has() const noexcept override
return have_;
// ---
void on_torrent_got_metainfo() noexcept override
void cancel_block_request(tr_block_index_t block) override
cancels_sent_to_peer.add(tr_time(), 1);
protocol_send_cancel(peer_request::from_block(tor_, block));
void set_choke(bool peer_is_choked) override
auto const now = tr_time();
auto const fibrillation_time = now - MinChokePeriodSec;
if (choke_changed_at_ > fibrillation_time)
logtrace(this, fmt::format("Not changing choke to {} to avoid fibrillation", peer_is_choked));
else if (this->peer_is_choked() != peer_is_choked)
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0006.html#reject-request
// A peer SHOULD choke first and then reject requests so that
// the peer receiving the choke does not re-request the pieces.
if (peer_is_choked)
choke_changed_at_ = now;
void pulse() override;
void on_piece_completed(tr_piece_index_t piece) override
// since we have more pieces now, we might not be interested in this peer
void set_interested(bool interested) override
if (client_is_interested() != interested)
// ---
void request_blocks(tr_block_span_t const* block_spans, size_t n_spans) override
for (auto const *span = block_spans, *span_end = span + n_spans; span != span_end; ++span)
for (auto [block, block_end] = *span; block < block_end; ++block)
// Note that requests can't cross over a piece boundary.
// So if a piece isn't evenly divisible by the block size,
// we need to split our block request info per-piece chunks.
auto const byte_begin = tor_.block_loc(block).byte;
auto const block_size = tor_.block_size(block);
auto const byte_end = byte_begin + block_size;
for (auto offset = byte_begin; offset < byte_end;)
auto const loc = tor_.byte_loc(offset);
auto const left_in_block = block_size - loc.block_offset;
auto const left_in_piece = tor_.piece_size(loc.piece) - loc.piece_offset;
auto const req_len = std::min(left_in_block, left_in_piece);
protocol_send_request({ loc.piece, loc.piece_offset, req_len });
offset += req_len;
tr_peerMgrClientSentRequests(&tor_, this, *span);
void update_active()
void update_active(tr_direction direction)
set_active(direction, calculate_active(direction));
[[nodiscard]] bool calculate_active(tr_direction direction) const
if (direction == TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER)
return peer_is_interested() && !peer_is_choked();
if (!tor_.has_metainfo())
return true;
auto const active = client_is_interested() && !client_is_choked();
TR_ASSERT(!active || !tor_.is_done());
return active;
// ---
void update_interest()
// TODO(ckerr) -- might need to poke the mgr on startup
// additional note (tearfur)
// by "poke the mgr", Charles probably meant calling isPeerInteresting(),
// then pass the result to set_interesting()
// ---
[[nodiscard]] bool is_valid_request(peer_request const& req) const;
void reject_all_requests()
auto& queue = peer_requested_;
if (auto const must_send_rej = io_->supports_fext(); must_send_rej)
std::for_each(std::begin(queue), std::end(queue), [this](peer_request const& req) { protocol_send_reject(req); });
[[nodiscard]] bool can_add_request_from_peer(peer_request const& req);
void on_peer_made_request(peer_request const& req)
if (can_add_request_from_peer(req))
else if (io_->supports_fext())
// how many blocks could we request from this peer right now?
[[nodiscard]] size_t max_available_reqs() const;
void update_desired_request_count()
desired_request_count_ = max_available_reqs();
void update_block_requests();
// ---
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<int64_t> pop_next_metadata_request()
auto& reqs = peer_requested_metadata_pieces_;
if (std::empty(reqs))
return {};
auto next = reqs.front();
return next;
void update_metadata_requests(time_t now) const;
[[nodiscard]] size_t add_next_metadata_piece();
[[nodiscard]] size_t add_next_block(time_t now_sec, uint64_t now_msec);
[[nodiscard]] size_t fill_output_buffer(time_t now_sec, uint64_t now_msec);
// ---
void send_ltep_handshake();
void parse_ltep_handshake(MessageReader& payload);
void parse_ut_metadata(MessageReader& payload_in);
void parse_ut_pex(MessageReader& payload);
void parse_ltep(MessageReader& payload);
void send_ut_pex();
int client_got_block(std::unique_ptr<Cache::BlockData> block_data, tr_block_index_t block);
ReadResult read_piece_data(MessageReader& payload);
ReadResult process_peer_message(uint8_t id, MessageReader& payload);
// ---
size_t protocol_send_keepalive() const;
template<typename... Args>
size_t protocol_send_message(uint8_t type, Args const&... args) const;
size_t protocol_send_reject(peer_request const& req) const
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::FextReject, req.index, req.offset, req.length);
size_t protocol_send_cancel(peer_request const& req) const
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Cancel, req.index, req.offset, req.length);
size_t protocol_send_request(peer_request const& req) const
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Request, req.index, req.offset, req.length);
size_t protocol_send_port(tr_port const port) const
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Port, port.host());
size_t protocol_send_have(tr_piece_index_t const index) const
static_assert(sizeof(tr_piece_index_t) == sizeof(uint32_t));
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Have, index);
size_t protocol_send_choke(bool const choke) const
return protocol_send_message(choke ? BtPeerMsgs::Choke : BtPeerMsgs::Unchoke);
void protocol_send_interest(bool const b) const
protocol_send_message(b ? BtPeerMsgs::Interested : BtPeerMsgs::NotInterested);
void protocol_send_bitfield();
// ---
void publish(tr_peer_event const& peer_event)
if (callback_ != nullptr)
(*callback_)(this, peer_event, callback_data_);
// ---
static void did_write(tr_peerIo* /*io*/, size_t bytes_written, bool was_piece_data, void* vmsgs);
static ReadState can_read(tr_peerIo* io, void* vmsgs, size_t* piece);
static void got_error(tr_peerIo* /*io*/, tr_error const& /*error*/, void* vmsgs);
// ---
bool peer_supports_pex_ = false;
bool peer_supports_metadata_xfer_ = false;
bool client_sent_ltep_handshake_ = false;
size_t desired_request_count_ = 0;
uint8_t ut_pex_id_ = 0;
uint8_t ut_metadata_id_ = 0;
tr_port dht_port_;
EncryptionPreference encryption_preference_ = EncryptionPreference::Unknown;
tr_torrent& tor_;
std::shared_ptr<tr_peerIo> const io_;
std::deque<peer_request> peer_requested_;
std::array<std::vector<tr_pex>, NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES> pex_;
std::queue<int64_t> peer_requested_metadata_pieces_;
time_t client_sent_at_ = 0;
time_t choke_changed_at_ = 0;
tr_incoming incoming_ = {};
// if the peer supports the Extension Protocol in BEP 10 and
// supplied a reqq argument, it's stored here.
std::optional<size_t> reqq_;
std::unique_ptr<libtransmission::Timer> pex_timer_;
tr_bitfield have_;
tr_peer_callback_bt const callback_;
void* const callback_data_;
// seconds between periodic send_ut_pex() calls
static auto constexpr SendPexInterval = 90s;
// ---
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool is_message_length_correct(tr_torrent const& tor, uint8_t id, uint32_t len)
switch (id)
case BtPeerMsgs::Choke:
case BtPeerMsgs::Unchoke:
case BtPeerMsgs::Interested:
case BtPeerMsgs::NotInterested:
case BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveAll:
case BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveNone:
return len == 1U;
case BtPeerMsgs::Have:
case BtPeerMsgs::FextSuggest:
case BtPeerMsgs::FextAllowedFast:
return len == 5U;
case BtPeerMsgs::Bitfield:
return !tor.has_metainfo() || len == 1 + ((tor.piece_count() + 7U) / 8U);
case BtPeerMsgs::Request:
case BtPeerMsgs::Cancel:
case BtPeerMsgs::FextReject:
return len == 13U;
case BtPeerMsgs::Piece:
len -= sizeof(id) + sizeof(uint32_t /*piece*/) + sizeof(uint32_t /*offset*/);
return len <= tr_block_info::BlockSize;
case BtPeerMsgs::Port:
return len == 3U;
case BtPeerMsgs::Ltep:
return len >= 2U;
default: // unrecognized message
return false;
namespace protocol_send_message_helpers
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto get_param_length(uint8_t param) noexcept
return sizeof(param);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto get_param_length(uint16_t param) noexcept
return sizeof(param);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto get_param_length(uint32_t param) noexcept
return sizeof(param);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] TR_CONSTEXPR20 auto get_param_length(T const& param) noexcept
return std::size(param);
// ---
void add_param(MessageWriter& buffer, uint8_t param) noexcept
void add_param(MessageWriter& buffer, uint16_t param) noexcept
void add_param(MessageWriter& buffer, uint32_t param) noexcept
template<typename T>
void add_param(MessageWriter& buffer, T const& param) noexcept
// ---
[[nodiscard]] std::string log_param(uint8_t param)
return fmt::format(" {:d}", static_cast<int>(param));
[[nodiscard]] std::string log_param(uint16_t param)
return fmt::format(" {:d}", static_cast<int>(param));
[[nodiscard]] std::string log_param(uint32_t param)
return fmt::format(" {:d}", static_cast<int>(param));
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] std::string log_param(T const& /*unused*/)
return " []";
template<typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] std::string build_log_message(uint8_t type, Args const&... args)
auto text = fmt::format("sending '{:s}'", BtPeerMsgs::debug_name(type));
(text.append(log_param(args)), ...);
return text;
template<typename... Args>
size_t build_peer_message(MessageWriter& out, uint8_t type, Args const&... args)
auto msg_len = sizeof(type);
((msg_len += get_param_length(args)), ...);
(add_param(out, args), ...);
return msg_len;
} // namespace protocol_send_message_helpers
template<typename... Args>
size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::protocol_send_message(uint8_t type, Args const&... args) const
using namespace protocol_send_message_helpers;
logtrace(this, build_log_message(type, args...));
auto out = MessageBuffer{};
[[maybe_unused]] auto const msg_len = build_peer_message(out, type, args...);
TR_ASSERT(is_message_length_correct(tor_, type, msg_len));
auto const n_bytes_added = std::size(out);
io_->write(out, type == BtPeerMsgs::Piece);
return n_bytes_added;
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::protocol_send_bitfield()
bool const fext = io_->supports_fext();
if (fext && tor_.has_all())
else if (fext && tor_.has_none())
else if (!tor_.has_none())
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html#peer-messages
// Downloaders which don't have anything yet may skip the 'bitfield' message.
protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Bitfield, tor_.create_piece_bitfield());
size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::protocol_send_keepalive() const
logtrace(this, "sending 'keepalive'");
auto out = MessageBuffer{};
auto const n_bytes_added = std::size(out);
io_->write(out, false);
return n_bytes_added;
// ---
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::parse_ltep(MessageReader& payload)
auto const ltep_msgid = payload.to_uint8();
if (ltep_msgid == LtepMessages::Handshake)
logtrace(this, "got ltep handshake");
if (io_->supports_ltep())
else if (ltep_msgid == UT_PEX_ID)
logtrace(this, "got ut pex");
peer_supports_pex_ = true;
else if (ltep_msgid == UT_METADATA_ID)
logtrace(this, "got ut metadata");
peer_supports_metadata_xfer_ = true;
logtrace(this, fmt::format("skipping unknown ltep message ({:d})", static_cast<int>(ltep_msgid)));
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::parse_ut_pex(MessageReader& payload)
if (!tor_.allows_pex())
if (auto var = tr_variant_serde::benc().inplace().parse(payload.to_string_view()); var)
uint8_t const* added = nullptr;
auto added_len = size_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_added, &added, &added_len))
uint8_t const* added_f = nullptr;
auto added_f_len = size_t{};
if (!tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_added_f, &added_f, &added_f_len))
added_f_len = 0;
added_f = nullptr;
auto pex = tr_pex::from_compact_ipv4(added, added_len, added_f, added_f_len);
pex.resize(std::min(MaxPexPeerCount, std::size(pex)));
tr_peerMgrAddPex(&tor_, TR_PEER_FROM_PEX, std::data(pex), std::size(pex));
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_added6, &added, &added_len))
uint8_t const* added_f = nullptr;
auto added_f_len = size_t{};
if (!tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_added6_f, &added_f, &added_f_len))
added_f_len = 0;
added_f = nullptr;
auto pex = tr_pex::from_compact_ipv6(added, added_len, added_f, added_f_len);
pex.resize(std::min(MaxPexPeerCount, std::size(pex)));
tr_peerMgrAddPex(&tor_, TR_PEER_FROM_PEX, std::data(pex), std::size(pex));
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::send_ut_pex()
// only send pex if both the torrent and peer support it
if (!peer_supports_pex_ || !tor_.allows_pex())
static auto constexpr MaxPexAdded = size_t{ 50U };
static auto constexpr MaxPexDropped = size_t{ 50U };
auto map = tr_variant::Map{ 4U };
auto tmpbuf = small::vector<std::byte, std::max(MaxPexAdded, MaxPexDropped) * tr_socket_address::CompactSockAddrMaxBytes>{};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES; ++i)
static auto constexpr AddedMap = std::array{ TR_KEY_added, TR_KEY_added6 };
static auto constexpr AddedFMap = std::array{ TR_KEY_added_f, TR_KEY_added6_f };
static auto constexpr DroppedMap = std::array{ TR_KEY_dropped, TR_KEY_dropped6 };
auto const ip_type = static_cast<tr_address_type>(i);
auto& old_pex = pex_[i];
auto new_pex = tr_peerMgrGetPeers(&tor_, ip_type, TR_PEERS_CONNECTED, MaxPexPeerCount);
auto added = std::vector<tr_pex>{};
auto dropped = std::vector<tr_pex>{};
// Some peers give us error messages if we send
// more than this many peers in a single pex message.
// https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentPeerExchangeConventions
added.resize(std::min(std::size(added), MaxPexAdded));
dropped.resize(std::min(std::size(dropped), MaxPexDropped));
"pex: old {:s} peer count {:d}, new peer count {:d}, added {:d}, dropped {:d}",
// if there's nothing to send, then we're done
if (std::empty(added) && std::empty(dropped))
// update msgs
std::swap(old_pex, new_pex);
// build the pex payload
if (!std::empty(added))
// "added"
tmpbuf.reserve(std::size(added) * tr_socket_address::CompactSockAddrBytes[i]);
tr_pex::to_compact(std::back_inserter(tmpbuf), std::data(added), std::size(added));
TR_ASSERT(std::size(tmpbuf) == std::size(added) * tr_socket_address::CompactSockAddrBytes[i]);
map.try_emplace(AddedMap[i], std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<char*>(std::data(tmpbuf)), std::size(tmpbuf) });
// "added.f"
auto* begin = std::data(tmpbuf);
auto* walk = begin;
for (auto const& p : added)
*walk++ = std::byte{ p.flags };
auto const f_len = static_cast<size_t>(walk - begin);
TR_ASSERT(f_len == std::size(added));
map.try_emplace(AddedFMap[i], std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<char*>(begin), f_len });
if (!std::empty(dropped))
// "dropped"
tmpbuf.reserve(std::size(dropped) * tr_socket_address::CompactSockAddrBytes[i]);
tr_pex::to_compact(std::back_inserter(tmpbuf), std::data(dropped), std::size(dropped));
TR_ASSERT(std::size(tmpbuf) == std::size(dropped) * tr_socket_address::CompactSockAddrBytes[i]);
map.try_emplace(DroppedMap[i], std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<char*>(std::data(tmpbuf)), std::size(tmpbuf) });
protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, ut_pex_id_, tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(tr_variant{ std::move(map) }));
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::send_ltep_handshake()
if (client_sent_ltep_handshake_)
logtrace(this, "sending an ltep handshake");
client_sent_ltep_handshake_ = true;
/* decide if we want to advertise metadata xfer support (BEP 9) */
bool const allow_metadata_xfer = tor_.is_public();
/* decide if we want to advertise pex support */
bool const allow_pex = tor_.allows_pex();
auto val = tr_variant{};
tr_variantInitDict(&val, 8);
tr_variantDictAddBool(&val, TR_KEY_e, session->encryptionMode() != TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED);
// If connecting to global peer, then use global address
// Otherwise we are connecting to local peer, use bind address directly
if (auto const addr = io_->address().is_global_unicast_address() ? session->global_address(TR_AF_INET) :
addr && !addr->is_any())
tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_ipv4, &addr->addr.addr4, sizeof(addr->addr.addr4));
if (auto const addr = io_->address().is_global_unicast_address() ? session->global_address(TR_AF_INET6) :
addr && !addr->is_any())
tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_ipv6, &addr->addr.addr6, sizeof(addr->addr.addr6));
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html
// It also adds "metadata_size" to the handshake message (not the
// "m" dictionary) specifying an integer value of the number of
// bytes of the metadata.
if (auto const info_dict_size = tor_.info_dict_size(); allow_metadata_xfer && tor_.has_metainfo() && info_dict_size > 0)
tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_metadata_size, info_dict_size);
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// Local TCP listen port. Allows each side to learn about the TCP
// port number of the other side. Note that there is no need for the
// receiving side of the connection to send this extension message,
// since its port number is already known.
tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_p, session->advertisedPeerPort().host());
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// An integer, the number of outstanding request messages this
// client supports without dropping any. The default in in
// libtorrent is 250.
tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_reqq, ReqQ);
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// A string containing the compact representation of the ip address this peer sees
// you as. i.e. this is the receiver's external ip address (no port is included).
// This may be either an IPv4 (4 bytes) or an IPv6 (16 bytes) address.
auto buf = std::array<std::byte, TR_ADDRSTRLEN>{};
auto const begin = std::data(buf);
auto const end = io_->address().to_compact(begin);
auto const len = end - begin;
TR_ASSERT(len == tr_address::CompactAddrBytes[0] || len == tr_address::CompactAddrBytes[1]);
tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_yourip, begin, len);
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// Client name and version (as a utf-8 string). This is a much more
// reliable way of identifying the client than relying on the
// peer id encoding.
tr_variantDictAddStrView(&val, TR_KEY_v, TR_NAME " " USERAGENT_PREFIX);
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0021.html
// A peer that is a partial seed SHOULD include an extra header in
// the extension handshake 'upload_only'. Setting the value of this
// key to 1 indicates that this peer is not interested in downloading
// anything.
tr_variantDictAddBool(&val, TR_KEY_upload_only, tor_.is_done());
if (allow_metadata_xfer || allow_pex)
tr_variant* m = tr_variantDictAddDict(&val, TR_KEY_m, 2);
if (allow_metadata_xfer)
tr_variantDictAddInt(m, TR_KEY_ut_metadata, UT_METADATA_ID);
if (allow_pex)
tr_variantDictAddInt(m, TR_KEY_ut_pex, UT_PEX_ID);
protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, LtepMessages::Handshake, tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(val));
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::parse_ltep_handshake(MessageReader& payload)
auto const handshake_sv = payload.to_string_view();
auto var = tr_variant_serde::benc().inplace().parse(handshake_sv);
if (!var || !var->holds_alternative<tr_variant::Map>())
logtrace(this, "GET extended-handshake, couldn't get dictionary");
logtrace(this, fmt::format("here is the base64-encoded handshake: [{:s}]", tr_base64_encode(handshake_sv)));
// does the peer prefer encrypted connections?
auto pex = tr_pex{};
auto& [addr, port] = pex.socket_address;
if (auto e = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_e, &e))
encryption_preference_ = e != 0 ? EncryptionPreference::Yes : EncryptionPreference::No;
if (encryption_preference_ == EncryptionPreference::Yes)
// check supported messages for utorrent pex
peer_supports_pex_ = false;
peer_supports_metadata_xfer_ = false;
if (tr_variant* sub = nullptr; tr_variantDictFindDict(&*var, TR_KEY_m, &sub))
if (auto ut_pex = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_pex, &ut_pex))
peer_supports_pex_ = ut_pex != 0;
ut_pex_id_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ut_pex);
logtrace(this, fmt::format("msgs->ut_pex is {:d}", ut_pex_id_));
if (auto ut_metadata = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_metadata, &ut_metadata))
peer_supports_metadata_xfer_ = ut_metadata != 0;
ut_metadata_id_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(ut_metadata);
logtrace(this, fmt::format("msgs->ut_metadata_id_ is {:d}", ut_metadata_id_));
if (auto ut_holepunch = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_holepunch, &ut_holepunch))
// Transmission doesn't support this extension yet.
// But its presence does indicate µTP supports,
// which we do care about...
// look for metainfo size (BEP 9)
if (auto metadata_size = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_metadata_size, &metadata_size))
if (!tr_metadata_download::is_valid_metadata_size(metadata_size))
peer_supports_metadata_xfer_ = false;
// look for upload_only (BEP 21)
if (auto upload_only = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_upload_only, &upload_only))
pex.flags |= ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG;
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html
// Client name and version (as a utf-8 string). This is a much more
// reliable way of identifying the client than relying on the
// peer id encoding.
if (auto sv = std::string_view{}; tr_variantDictFindStrView(&*var, TR_KEY_v, &sv))
set_user_agent(tr_interned_string{ sv });
/* get peer's listening port */
if (auto p = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_p, &p) && p > 0)
logtrace(this, fmt::format("peer's port is now {:d}", p));
std::byte const* addr_compact = nullptr;
auto addr_len = size_t{};
if (io_->is_incoming() && tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_ipv4, &addr_compact, &addr_len) &&
addr_len == tr_address::CompactAddrBytes[TR_AF_INET])
std::tie(addr, std::ignore) = tr_address::from_compact_ipv4(addr_compact);
tr_peerMgrAddPex(&tor_, TR_PEER_FROM_LTEP, &pex, 1);
if (io_->is_incoming() && tr_variantDictFindRaw(&*var, TR_KEY_ipv6, &addr_compact, &addr_len) &&
addr_len == tr_address::CompactAddrBytes[TR_AF_INET6])
std::tie(addr, std::ignore) = tr_address::from_compact_ipv6(addr_compact);
tr_peerMgrAddPex(&tor_, TR_PEER_FROM_LTEP, &pex, 1);
/* get peer's maximum request queue size */
if (auto reqq_in = int64_t{}; tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_reqq, &reqq_in))
reqq_ = reqq_in;
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::parse_ut_metadata(MessageReader& payload_in)
int64_t msg_type = -1;
int64_t piece = -1;
int64_t total_size = 0;
auto const tmp = payload_in.to_string_view();
auto const* const msg_end = std::data(tmp) + std::size(tmp);
auto serde = tr_variant_serde::benc();
if (auto var = serde.inplace().parse(tmp); var)
(void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_msg_type, &msg_type);
(void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_piece, &piece);
(void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&*var, TR_KEY_total_size, &total_size);
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got ut_metadata msg: type {:d}, piece {:d}, total_size {:d}", msg_type, piece, total_size));
if (msg_type == MetadataMsgType::Reject)
// no-op
if (auto const piece_len = msg_end - serde.end();
msg_type == MetadataMsgType::Data && piece * MetadataPieceSize + piece_len <= total_size)
tor_.set_metadata_piece(piece, serde.end(), piece_len);
if (msg_type == MetadataMsgType::Request)
if (piece >= 0 && tor_.has_metainfo() && tor_.is_public() && std::size(peer_requested_metadata_pieces_) < MetadataReqQ)
/* send a rejection message */
auto v = tr_variant{};
tr_variantInitDict(&v, 2);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&v, TR_KEY_msg_type, MetadataMsgType::Reject);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&v, TR_KEY_piece, piece);
protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, ut_metadata_id_, serde.to_string(v));
// ---
ReadResult tr_peerMsgsImpl::process_peer_message(uint8_t id, MessageReader& payload)
bool const fext = io_->supports_fext();
auto ui32 = uint32_t{};
"got peer msg '{:s}' ({:d}) with payload len {:d}",
if (!is_message_length_correct(tor_, id, sizeof(id) + std::size(payload)))
"bad msg: '{:s}' ({:d}) with payload len {:d}",
return { READ_ERR, {} };
switch (id)
case BtPeerMsgs::Choke:
logtrace(this, "got Choke");
if (!fext)
case BtPeerMsgs::Unchoke:
logtrace(this, "got Unchoke");
case BtPeerMsgs::Interested:
logtrace(this, "got Interested");
case BtPeerMsgs::NotInterested:
logtrace(this, "got Not Interested");
case BtPeerMsgs::Have:
ui32 = payload.to_uint32();
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got Have: {:d}", ui32));
if (tor_.has_metainfo() && ui32 >= tor_.piece_count())
return { READ_ERR, {} };
/* a peer can send the same HAVE message twice... */
if (!have_.test(ui32))
case BtPeerMsgs::Bitfield:
logtrace(this, "got a bitfield");
have_ = tr_bitfield{ tor_.has_metainfo() ? tor_.piece_count() : std::size(payload) * 8 };
have_.set_raw(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(std::data(payload)), std::size(payload));
case BtPeerMsgs::Request:
struct peer_request r;
r.index = payload.to_uint32();
r.offset = payload.to_uint32();
r.length = payload.to_uint32();
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got Request: {:d}:{:d}->{:d}", r.index, r.offset, r.length));
case BtPeerMsgs::Cancel:
struct peer_request r;
r.index = payload.to_uint32();
r.offset = payload.to_uint32();
r.length = payload.to_uint32();
cancels_sent_to_client.add(tr_time(), 1);
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got a Cancel {:d}:{:d}->{:d}", r.index, r.offset, r.length));
auto& requests = peer_requested_;
if (auto iter = std::find(std::begin(requests), std::end(requests), r); iter != std::end(requests))
// bep6: "Even when a request is cancelled, the peer
// receiving the cancel should respond with either the
// corresponding reject or the corresponding piece"
if (fext)
case BtPeerMsgs::Piece:
return read_piece_data(payload);
case BtPeerMsgs::Port:
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html
// Peers supporting the DHT set the last bit of the 8-byte reserved flags
// exchanged in the BitTorrent protocol handshake. Peer receiving a handshake
// indicating the remote peer supports the DHT should send a PORT message.
// It begins with byte 0x09 and has a two byte payload containing the UDP
// port of the DHT node in network byte order.
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::Port");
auto const hport = payload.to_uint16();
if (auto const dht_port = tr_port::from_host(hport); !std::empty(dht_port))
dht_port_ = dht_port;
session->maybe_add_dht_node(io_->address(), dht_port_);
case BtPeerMsgs::FextSuggest:
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::FextSuggest");
if (fext)
auto const piece = payload.to_uint32();
return { READ_ERR, {} };
case BtPeerMsgs::FextAllowedFast:
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::FextAllowedFast");
if (fext)
auto const piece = payload.to_uint32();
return { READ_ERR, {} };
case BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveAll:
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveAll");
if (fext)
return { READ_ERR, {} };
case BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveNone:
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::FextHaveNone");
if (fext)
return { READ_ERR, {} };
case BtPeerMsgs::FextReject:
struct peer_request r;
r.index = payload.to_uint32();
r.offset = payload.to_uint32();
r.length = payload.to_uint32();
if (fext)
publish(tr_peer_event::GotRejected(tor_.block_info(), tor_.piece_loc(r.index, r.offset).block));
return { READ_ERR, {} };
case BtPeerMsgs::Ltep:
logtrace(this, "Got a BtPeerMsgs::Ltep");
logtrace(this, fmt::format("peer sent us an UNKNOWN: {:d}", static_cast<int>(id)));
return { READ_NOW, {} };
ReadResult tr_peerMsgsImpl::read_piece_data(MessageReader& payload)
// <index><begin><block>
auto const piece = payload.to_uint32();
auto const offset = payload.to_uint32();
auto const len = std::size(payload);
auto const loc = tor_.piece_loc(piece, offset);
auto const block = loc.block;
auto const block_size = tor_.block_size(block);
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got {:d} bytes for req {:d}:{:d}->{:d}", len, piece, offset, len));
if (loc.block_offset + len > block_size)
logwarn(this, fmt::format("got unaligned piece {:d}:{:d}->{:d}", piece, offset, len));
return { READ_ERR, len };
if (!tr_peerMgrDidPeerRequest(&tor_, this, block))
logwarn(this, fmt::format("got unrequested piece {:d}:{:d}->{:d}", piece, offset, len));
return { READ_ERR, len };
if (loc.block_offset == 0U && len == block_size) // simple case: one message has entire block
auto buf = std::make_unique<Cache::BlockData>(block_size);
payload.to_buf(std::data(*buf), len);
auto const ok = client_got_block(std::move(buf), block) == 0;
return { ok ? READ_NOW : READ_ERR, len };
auto& blocks = incoming_.blocks;
auto& incoming_block = blocks.try_emplace(block, block_size).first->second;
payload.to_buf(std::data(*incoming_block.buf) + loc.block_offset, len);
if (!incoming_block.add_span(loc.block_offset, loc.block_offset + len))
return { READ_ERR, len }; // invalid span
if (!incoming_block.has_all())
return { READ_LATER, len }; // we don't have the full block yet
auto block_buf = std::move(incoming_block.buf);
blocks.erase(block); // note: invalidates `incoming_block` local
auto const ok = client_got_block(std::move(block_buf), block) == 0;
return { ok ? READ_NOW : READ_ERR, len };
// returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure
int tr_peerMsgsImpl::client_got_block(std::unique_ptr<Cache::BlockData> block_data, tr_block_index_t const block)
auto const n_expected = tor_.block_size(block);
if (!block_data)
logdbg(this, fmt::format("wrong block size: expected {:d}, got {:d}", n_expected, 0));
return EMSGSIZE;
if (std::size(*block_data) != tor_.block_size(block))
logdbg(this, fmt::format("wrong block size: expected {:d}, got {:d}", n_expected, std::size(*block_data)));
return EMSGSIZE;
logtrace(this, fmt::format("got block {:d}", block));
if (!tr_peerMgrDidPeerRequest(&tor_, this, block))
logdbg(this, "we didn't ask for this message...");
return 0;
auto const loc = tor_.block_loc(block);
if (tor_.has_piece(loc.piece))
logtrace(this, "we did ask for this message, but the piece is already complete...");
return 0;
// NB: if writeBlock() fails the torrent may be paused.
// If this happens, this object will be destructed and must no longer be used.
if (auto const err = session->cache->write_block(tor_.id(), block, std::move(block_data)); err != 0)
return err;
publish(tr_peer_event::GotBlock(tor_.block_info(), block));
return 0;
// ---
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::did_write(tr_peerIo* /*io*/, size_t bytes_written, bool was_piece_data, void* vmsgs)
auto* const msgs = static_cast<tr_peerMsgsImpl*>(vmsgs);
if (was_piece_data)
ReadState tr_peerMsgsImpl::can_read(tr_peerIo* io, void* vmsgs, size_t* piece)
auto* const msgs = static_cast<tr_peerMsgsImpl*>(vmsgs);
// https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html
// Next comes an alternating stream of length prefixes and messages.
// Messages of length zero are keepalives, and ignored.
// All non-keepalive messages start with a single byte which gives their type.
// https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification
// All of the remaining messages in the protocol take the form of
// <length prefix><message ID><payload>. The length prefix is a four byte
// big-endian value. The message ID is a single decimal byte.
// The payload is message dependent.
// read <length prefix>
auto& current_message_len = msgs->incoming_.length; // the full message payload length. Includes the +1 for id length
if (!current_message_len)
auto message_len = uint32_t{};
if (io->read_buffer_size() < sizeof(message_len))
return READ_LATER;
// The keep-alive message is a message with zero bytes,
// specified with the length prefix set to zero.
// There is no message ID and no payload.
if (message_len == 0U)
logtrace(msgs, "got KeepAlive");
return READ_NOW;
current_message_len = message_len;
// read <message ID>
auto& current_message_type = msgs->incoming_.id;
if (!current_message_type)
auto message_type = uint8_t{};
if (io->read_buffer_size() < sizeof(message_type))
return READ_LATER;
current_message_type = message_type;
// read <payload>
auto& current_payload = msgs->incoming_.payload;
auto const full_payload_len = *current_message_len - sizeof(*current_message_type);
auto n_left = full_payload_len - std::size(current_payload);
auto const [buf, n_this_pass] = current_payload.reserve_space(std::min(n_left, io->read_buffer_size()));
io->read_bytes(buf, n_this_pass);
n_left -= n_this_pass;
logtrace(msgs, fmt::format("read {:d} payload bytes; {:d} left to go", n_this_pass, n_left));
if (n_left > 0U)
return READ_LATER;
// The incoming message is now complete. After processing the message
// with `process_peer_message()`, reset the peerMsgs' incoming
// field so it's ready to receive the next message.
auto const [read_state, n_piece_bytes_read] = msgs->process_peer_message(*current_message_type, current_payload);
*piece = n_piece_bytes_read;
return read_state;
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::got_error(tr_peerIo* /*io*/, tr_error const& /*error*/, void* vmsgs)
// ---
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::pulse()
auto const now_sec = tr_time();
auto const now_msec = tr_time_msec();
for (;;)
if (fill_output_buffer(now_sec, now_msec) == 0U)
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::update_metadata_requests(time_t now) const
if (!peer_supports_metadata_xfer_)
if (auto const piece = tor_.get_next_metadata_request(now); piece)
auto tmp = tr_variant{};
tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 3);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, MetadataMsgType::Request);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, *piece);
protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, ut_metadata_id_, tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(tmp));
void tr_peerMsgsImpl::update_block_requests()
if (!tor_.client_can_download())
auto const n_active = tr_peerMgrCountActiveRequestsToPeer(&tor_, this);
if (n_active >= desired_request_count_)
auto const n_wanted = desired_request_count_ - n_active;
if (auto const requests = tr_peerMgrGetNextRequests(&tor_, this, n_wanted); !std::empty(requests))
request_blocks(std::data(requests), std::size(requests));
[[nodiscard]] size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::fill_output_buffer(time_t now_sec, uint64_t now_msec)
auto n_bytes_written = size_t{};
// fulfill metadata requests
for (;;)
auto const old_len = n_bytes_written;
n_bytes_written += add_next_metadata_piece();
if (old_len == n_bytes_written)
// fulfill piece requests
for (;;)
auto const old_len = n_bytes_written;
n_bytes_written += add_next_block(now_sec, now_msec);
if (old_len == n_bytes_written)
if (client_sent_at_ != 0 && now_sec - client_sent_at_ > KeepaliveIntervalSecs)
n_bytes_written += protocol_send_keepalive();
return n_bytes_written;
[[nodiscard]] size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::add_next_metadata_piece()
auto const piece = pop_next_metadata_request();
if (!piece.has_value()) // no pending requests
return {};
auto data = tor_.get_metadata_piece(*piece);
if (!data)
// send a reject
auto tmp = tr_variant{};
tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 2);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, MetadataMsgType::Reject);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, *piece);
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, ut_metadata_id_, tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(tmp));
// send the metadata
auto tmp = tr_variant{};
tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 3);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, MetadataMsgType::Data);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, *piece);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_total_size, tor_.info_dict_size());
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Ltep, ut_metadata_id_, tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(tmp), *data);
[[nodiscard]] size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::add_next_block(time_t now_sec, uint64_t now_msec)
if (std::empty(peer_requested_) || io_->get_write_buffer_space(now_msec) == 0U)
return {};
auto const req = peer_requested_.front();
auto buf = std::array<uint8_t, tr_block_info::BlockSize>{};
auto ok = is_valid_request(req) && tor_.has_piece(req.index);
if (ok)
ok = tor_.ensure_piece_is_checked(req.index);
if (!ok)
tor_.error().set_local_error(fmt::format("Please Verify Local Data! Piece #{:d} is corrupt.", req.index));
if (ok)
ok = session->cache->read_block(tor_, tor_.piece_loc(req.index, req.offset), req.length, std::data(buf)) == 0;
if (ok)
blocks_sent_to_peer.add(now_sec, 1);
auto const piece_data = std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<char const*>(std::data(buf)), req.length };
return protocol_send_message(BtPeerMsgs::Piece, req.index, req.offset, piece_data);
if (io_->supports_fext())
return protocol_send_reject(req);
return {};
// ---
bool tr_peerMsgsImpl::is_valid_request(peer_request const& req) const
int err = 0;
if (req.index >= tor_.piece_count())
err = 1;
else if (req.length < 1)
err = 2;
else if (req.offset + req.length > tor_.piece_size(req.index))
err = 3;
else if (req.length > tr_block_info::BlockSize)
err = 4;
else if (tor_.piece_loc(req.index, req.offset, req.length).byte > tor_.total_size())
err = 5;
if (err != 0)
tr_logAddTraceTor(&tor_, fmt::format("index {} offset {} length {} err {}", req.index, req.offset, req.length, err));
return err == 0;
[[nodiscard]] bool tr_peerMsgsImpl::can_add_request_from_peer(peer_request const& req)
if (peer_is_choked())
logtrace(this, "rejecting request from choked peer");
return false;
if (std::size(peer_requested_) >= ReqQ)
logtrace(this, "rejecting request ... reqq is full");
return false;
if (!is_valid_request(req))
logtrace(this, "rejecting an invalid request.");
return false;
if (!tor_.has_piece(req.index))
logtrace(this, "rejecting request for a piece we don't have.");
return false;
return true;
size_t tr_peerMsgsImpl::max_available_reqs() const
if (tor_.is_done() || !tor_.has_metainfo() || client_is_choked() || !client_is_interested())
return 0;
// Get the rate limit we should use.
// TODO: this needs to consider all the other peers as well...
uint64_t const now = tr_time_msec();
auto rate = get_piece_speed(now, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT);
if (tor_.uses_speed_limit(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT))
rate = std::min(rate, tor_.speed_limit(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT));
// honor the session limits, if enabled
if (tor_.uses_session_limits())
if (auto const limit = session->active_speed_limit(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT))
rate = std::min(rate, *limit);
// use this desired rate to figure out how
// many requests we should send to this peer
static auto constexpr Floor = size_t{ 32 };
static size_t constexpr Seconds = RequestBufSecs;
size_t const estimated_blocks_in_period = (rate.base_quantity() * Seconds) / tr_block_info::BlockSize;
auto const ceil = reqq_.value_or(250);
return std::clamp(estimated_blocks_in_period, Floor, ceil);
} // namespace
tr_torrent const& tor,
tr_peer_info* peer_info_in,
tr_interned_string user_agent,
bool connection_is_encrypted,
bool connection_is_incoming,
bool connection_is_utp)
: tr_peer{ tor }
, peer_info{ peer_info_in }
, user_agent_{ user_agent }
, connection_is_encrypted_{ connection_is_encrypted }
, connection_is_incoming_{ connection_is_incoming }
, connection_is_utp_{ connection_is_utp }
peer_info->set_connected(tr_time(), false);
TR_ASSERT(n_peers > 0U);
tr_peerMsgs* tr_peerMsgs::create(
tr_torrent& torrent,
tr_peer_info* const peer_info,
std::shared_ptr<tr_peerIo> io,
tr_interned_string user_agent,
tr_peer_callback_bt callback,
void* callback_data)
return new tr_peerMsgsImpl{ torrent, peer_info, std::move(io), user_agent, callback, callback_data };