
353 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
* This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
* For more details, see
* Common javascript
var transmission;
var dialog;
// Test for a Webkit build that supports box-shadow: 521+ (release Safari 3 is
// actually 523.10.3). We need 3.1 for CSS animation (dialog sheets) but as it
// degrades gracefully let's not worry too much.
var Safari3 = testSafari3();
var iPhone = RegExp("(iPhone|iPod)").test(navigator.userAgent);
if (iPhone) var scroll_timeout;
function testSafari3()
var minimum = new Array(521,0);
var webKitFields = RegExp("( AppleWebKit/)([^ ]+)").exec(navigator.userAgent);
if (!webKitFields || webKitFields.length < 3) return false;
var version = webKitFields[2].split(".");
for (var i = 0; i < minimum.length; i++) {
var toInt = parseInt(version[i]);
var versionField = isNaN(toInt) ? 0 : toInt;
var minimumField = minimum[i];
if (versionField > minimumField) return true;
if (versionField < minimumField) return false;
return true;
$(document).ready( function() {
// Initialise the dialog controller
dialog = new Dialog();
// Initialise the main Transmission controller
transmission = new Transmission();
// IE specific fixes here
if ($.browser.msie) {
try {
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch(err) {}
if ($.browser.safari) {
// Move search field's margin down for the styled input
$('#torrent_search').css('margin-top', 3);
if (!Safari3 && !iPhone) {
// Fix for non-Safari-3 browsers: dark borders to replace shadows.
// Opera messes up the menu if we use a border on .trans_menu
// div.outerbox so use ul instead
$('.trans_menu ul, div#jqContextMenu, div.dialog_container div.dialog_window').css('border', '1px solid #777');
// and this kills the border we used to have
$('.trans_menu div.outerbox').css('border', 'none');
} else if (!iPhone) {
// Used for Safari 3.1 CSS animation. Degrades gracefully (so Safari 3
// test is good enough) but we delay our hide/unhide to wait for the
// scrolling - no point making other browsers wait.
$('div#upload_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-205px');
$('div#prefs_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-425px');
$('div#dialog_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-425px');
$('div.dialog_container div.dialog_window').css('-webkit-transition', 'top 0.3s');
// -webkit-appearance makes some links into buttons, but needs
// different padding.
$('div.dialog_container div.dialog_window a').css('padding', '2px 10px 3px');
if (iPhone)
// Fix min height for iPhone when run in full screen mode from home screen
// so the footer appears in the right place
$('body div#torrent_container').css('min-height', '338px');
* Return a copy of the array
* @returns array
Array.prototype.clone = function () {
return this.concat();
* "innerHTML = html" is pretty slow in FF. Happily a lot of our innerHTML
* changes are triggered by periodic refreshes on torrents whose state hasn't
* changed since the last update, so even this simple test helps a lot.
function setInnerHTML( e, html )
/* innerHTML is listed as a string, but the browser seems to change it.
* For example, "&infin;" gets changed to "∞" somewhere down the line.
* So, let's use an arbitrary different field to test our state... */
if( e.currentHTML != html )
e.currentHTML = html;
e.innerHTML = html;
* Converts file & folder byte size values to more
* readable values (bytes, KB, MB, GB or TB).
* @param integer bytes
* @returns string
Math.formatBytes = function(bytes) {
var size;
var unit;
// Terabytes (TB).
if ( bytes >= 1099511627776 ) {
size = bytes / 1099511627776;
unit = ' TB';
// Gigabytes (GB).
} else if ( bytes >= 1073741824 ) {
size = bytes / 1073741824;
unit = ' GB';
// Megabytes (MB).
} else if ( bytes >= 1048576 ) {
size = bytes / 1048576;
unit = ' MB';
// Kilobytes (KB).
} else if ( bytes >= 1024 ) {
size = bytes / 1024;
unit = ' KB';
// The file is less than one KB
} else {
size = bytes;
unit = ' bytes';
// Single-digit numbers have greater precision
var precision = 1;
if (size < 10) {
precision = 2;
size = Math.roundWithPrecision(size, precision);
// Add the decimal if this is an integer
if ((size % 1) == 0 && unit != ' bytes') {
size = size + '.0';
return size + unit;
* Converts seconds to more readable units (hours, minutes etc).
* @param integer seconds
* @returns string
Math.formatSeconds = function(seconds)
var result;
var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400);
var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
var seconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60);
if (days > 0 && hours == 0)
result = days + ' days';
else if (days > 0 && hours > 0)
result = days + ' days ' + hours + ' hr';
else if (hours > 0 && minutes == 0)
result = hours + ' hr';
else if (hours > 0 && minutes > 0)
result = hours + ' hr ' + minutes + ' min';
else if (minutes > 0 && seconds == 0)
result = minutes + ' min';
else if (minutes > 0 && seconds > 0)
result = minutes + ' min ' + seconds + ' seconds';
result = seconds + ' seconds';
return result;
* Converts a unix timestamp to a human readable value
* @param integer seconds
* @returns string
Math.formatTimestamp = function(seconds) {
var myDate = new Date(seconds*1000);
return myDate.toGMTString();
* Round a float to a specified number of decimal
* places, stripping trailing zeroes
* @param float floatnum
* @param integer precision
* @returns float
Math.roundWithPrecision = function(floatnum, precision) {
return Math.round ( floatnum * Math.pow ( 10, precision ) ) / Math.pow ( 10, precision );
* Given a numerator and denominator, return a ratio string
Math.ratio = function( numerator, denominator )
var result = Math.floor(100 * numerator / denominator) / 100;
// check for special cases
if (isNaN(result)) result = 0;
if (result=="Infinity") result = "&infin;";
// Add the decimals if this is an integer
if ((result % 1) == 0)
result = result + '.00';
return result;
* Trim whitespace from a string
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
* @brief strcmp()-style compare useful for sorting
String.prototype.compareTo = function( that ) {
// FIXME: how to fold these two comparisons together?
if( this < that ) return -1;
if( this > that ) return 1;
return 0;
**** Preferences
function Prefs() { }
Prefs.prototype = { };
Prefs._AutoStart = 'auto-start-torrents';
Prefs._RefreshRate = 'refresh_rate';
Prefs._ShowFilter = 'show_filter';
Prefs._ShowInspector = 'show_inspector';
Prefs._FilterMode = 'filter';
Prefs._FilterAll = 'all';
Prefs._FilterSeeding = 'seeding';
Prefs._FilterDownloading = 'downloading';
Prefs._FilterPaused = 'paused';
Prefs._SortDirection = 'sort_direction';
Prefs._SortAscending = 'ascending';
Prefs._SortDescending = 'descending';
Prefs._SortMethod = 'sort_method';
Prefs._SortByAge = 'age';
Prefs._SortByActivity = 'activity';
Prefs._SortByQueue = 'queue_order';
Prefs._SortByName = 'name';
Prefs._SortByProgress = 'percent_completed';
Prefs._SortByState = 'state';
Prefs._SortByTracker = 'tracker';
Prefs._Defaults =
'auto-start-torrents': true,
'filter': 'all',
'refresh_rate' : 5,
'show_filter': true,
'show_inspector': false,
'sort_direction': 'ascending',
'sort_method': 'name'
* Set a preference option
Prefs.setValue = function( key, val )
if( Prefs._Defaults[key] == undefined )
console.warn( "unrecognized preference key '%s'", key );
var days = 30;
var date = new Date();
document.cookie = key+"="+val+"; expires="+date.toGMTString()+"; path=/";
* Get a preference option
* @param key the preference's key
* @param fallback if the option isn't set, return this instead
Prefs.getValue = function( key, fallback )
var val;
if( Prefs._Defaults[key] == undefined )
console.warn( "unrecognized preference key '%s'", key );
var lines = document.cookie.split( ';' );
for( var i=0, len=lines.length; !val && i<len; ++i ) {
var line = lines[i].trim( );
var delim = line.indexOf( '=' );
if( ( delim == key.length ) && line.indexOf( key ) == 0 )
val = line.substring( delim + 1 );
// FIXME: we support strings and booleans... add number support too?
if( !val ) val = fallback;
else if( val == 'true' ) val = true;
else if( val == 'false' ) val = false;
return val;
* Get an object with all the Clutch preferences set
* @pararm o object to be populated (optional)
Prefs.getClutchPrefs = function( o )
if( !o )
o = { };
for( var key in Prefs._Defaults )
o[key] = Prefs.getValue( key, Prefs._Defaults[key] );
return o;