Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-04 18:48:06 +00:00
Jordan Lee fbc7f3dc3c (trunk) use base-10 units for network bandwidth (ie, speed) and disk sizes.
It looks like the Mac client is already doing this and it's clearly the trend in other apps as well. Even apt-get is using kB/s, ferchrissake... :)

Flame away.
2012-02-03 21:21:52 +00:00

568 lines
20 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* $Id$
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit, atoi */
#include <fcntl.h> /* open */
#include <signal.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* daemon */
#include <event2/buffer.h>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/bencode.h>
#include <libtransmission/tr-getopt.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h>
#include <libtransmission/version.h>
#include "watch.h"
#define MY_NAME "transmission-daemon"
#define PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH "watch-dir"
#define PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED "watch-dir-enabled"
#define PREF_KEY_PIDFILE "pidfile"
#define MEM_K 1024
#define MEM_K_STR "KiB"
#define MEM_M_STR "MiB"
#define MEM_G_STR "GiB"
#define MEM_T_STR "TiB"
#define DISK_K 1000
#define DISK_B_STR "B"
#define DISK_K_STR "kB"
#define DISK_M_STR "MB"
#define DISK_G_STR "GB"
#define DISK_T_STR "TB"
#define SPEED_K 1000
#define SPEED_B_STR "B/s"
#define SPEED_K_STR "kB/s"
#define SPEED_M_STR "MB/s"
#define SPEED_G_STR "GB/s"
#define SPEED_T_STR "TB/s"
static bool paused = false;
static bool closing = false;
static tr_session * mySession = NULL;
**** Config File
static const char *
getUsage( void )
return "Transmission " LONG_VERSION_STRING
" http://www.transmissionbt.com/\n"
"A fast and easy BitTorrent client\n"
MY_NAME " is a headless Transmission session\n"
"that can be controlled via transmission-remote\n"
"or the web interface.\n"
"Usage: " MY_NAME " [options]";
static const struct tr_option options[] =
{ 'a', "allowed", "Allowed IP addresses. (Default: " TR_DEFAULT_RPC_WHITELIST ")", "a", 1, "<list>" },
{ 'b', "blocklist", "Enable peer blocklists", "b", 0, NULL },
{ 'B', "no-blocklist", "Disable peer blocklists", "B", 0, NULL },
{ 'c', "watch-dir", "Where to watch for new .torrent files", "c", 1, "<directory>" },
{ 'C', "no-watch-dir", "Disable the watch-dir", "C", 0, NULL },
{ 941, "incomplete-dir", "Where to store new torrents until they're complete", NULL, 1, "<directory>" },
{ 942, "no-incomplete-dir", "Don't store incomplete torrents in a different location", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 'd', "dump-settings", "Dump the settings and exit", "d", 0, NULL },
{ 'e', "logfile", "Dump the log messages to this filename", "e", 1, "<filename>" },
{ 'f', "foreground", "Run in the foreground instead of daemonizing", "f", 0, NULL },
{ 'g', "config-dir", "Where to look for configuration files", "g", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'p', "port", "RPC port (Default: " TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR ")", "p", 1, "<port>" },
{ 't', "auth", "Require authentication", "t", 0, NULL },
{ 'T', "no-auth", "Don't require authentication", "T", 0, NULL },
{ 'u', "username", "Set username for authentication", "u", 1, "<username>" },
{ 'v', "password", "Set password for authentication", "v", 1, "<password>" },
{ 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", 0, NULL },
{ 810, "log-error", "Show error messages", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 811, "log-info", "Show error and info messages", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 812, "log-debug", "Show error, info, and debug messages", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 'w', "download-dir", "Where to save downloaded data", "w", 1, "<path>" },
{ 800, "paused", "Pause all torrents on startup", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 'o', "dht", "Enable distributed hash tables (DHT)", "o", 0, NULL },
{ 'O', "no-dht", "Disable distributed hash tables (DHT)", "O", 0, NULL },
{ 'y', "lpd", "Enable local peer discovery (LPD)", "y", 0, NULL },
{ 'Y', "no-lpd", "Disable local peer discovery (LPD)", "Y", 0, NULL },
{ 830, "utp", "Enable uTP for peer connections", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 831, "no-utp", "Disable uTP for peer connections", NULL, 0, NULL },
{ 'P', "peerport", "Port for incoming peers (Default: " TR_DEFAULT_PEER_PORT_STR ")", "P", 1, "<port>" },
{ 'm', "portmap", "Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP", "m", 0, NULL },
{ 'M', "no-portmap", "Disable portmapping", "M", 0, NULL },
{ 'L', "peerlimit-global", "Maximum overall number of peers (Default: " TR_DEFAULT_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL_STR ")", "L", 1, "<limit>" },
{ 'l', "peerlimit-torrent", "Maximum number of peers per torrent (Default: " TR_DEFAULT_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT_STR ")", "l", 1, "<limit>" },
{ 910, "encryption-required", "Encrypt all peer connections", "er", 0, NULL },
{ 911, "encryption-preferred", "Prefer encrypted peer connections", "ep", 0, NULL },
{ 912, "encryption-tolerated", "Prefer unencrypted peer connections", "et", 0, NULL },
{ 'i', "bind-address-ipv4", "Where to listen for peer connections", "i", 1, "<ipv4 addr>" },
{ 'I', "bind-address-ipv6", "Where to listen for peer connections", "I", 1, "<ipv6 addr>" },
{ 'r', "rpc-bind-address", "Where to listen for RPC connections", "r", 1, "<ipv4 addr>" },
{ 953, "global-seedratio", "All torrents, unless overridden by a per-torrent setting, should seed until a specific ratio", "gsr", 1, "ratio" },
{ 954, "no-global-seedratio", "All torrents, unless overridden by a per-torrent setting, should seed regardless of ratio", "GSR", 0, NULL },
{ 'x', "pid-file", "Enable PID file", "x", 1, "<pid-file>" },
{ 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
static void
showUsage( void )
tr_getopt_usage( MY_NAME, getUsage( ), options );
exit( 0 );
static void
gotsig( int sig )
switch( sig )
case SIGHUP:
tr_benc settings;
const char * configDir = tr_sessionGetConfigDir( mySession );
tr_inf( "Reloading settings from \"%s\"", configDir );
tr_bencInitDict( &settings, 0 );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_ENABLED, true );
tr_sessionLoadSettings( &settings, configDir, MY_NAME );
tr_sessionSet( mySession, &settings );
tr_bencFree( &settings );
tr_sessionReloadBlocklists( mySession );
closing = true;
#if defined(WIN32)
#elif !defined(HAVE_DAEMON) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
static int
tr_daemon( int nochdir, int noclose )
#if defined(USE_OS_DAEMON)
return daemon( nochdir, noclose );
#elif defined(USE_TR_DAEMON)
/* this is loosely based off of glibc's daemon() implementation
* http://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob_plain;f=misc/daemon.c */
switch( fork( ) ) {
case -1: return -1;
case 0: break;
default: _exit(0);
if( setsid( ) == -1 )
return -1;
if( !nochdir )
chdir( "/" );
if( !noclose ) {
int fd = open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0 );
dup2( fd, STDIN_FILENO );
dup2( fd, STDOUT_FILENO );
dup2( fd, STDERR_FILENO );
close( fd );
return 0;
#else /* USE_NO_DAEMON */
return 0;
static const char*
getConfigDir( int argc, const char ** argv )
int c;
const char * configDir = NULL;
const char * optarg;
const int ind = tr_optind;
while(( c = tr_getopt( getUsage( ), argc, argv, options, &optarg ))) {
if( c == 'g' ) {
configDir = optarg;
tr_optind = ind;
if( configDir == NULL )
configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir( MY_NAME );
return configDir;
static void
onFileAdded( tr_session * session, const char * dir, const char * file )
char * filename = tr_buildPath( dir, file, NULL );
tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew( session );
int err = tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename );
if( !err )
tr_torrentNew( ctor, &err );
if( err == TR_PARSE_ERR )
tr_err( "Error parsing .torrent file \"%s\"", file );
bool trash = false;
int test = tr_ctorGetDeleteSource( ctor, &trash );
tr_inf( "Parsing .torrent file successful \"%s\"", file );
if( !test && trash )
tr_inf( "Deleting input .torrent file \"%s\"", file );
if( remove( filename ) )
tr_err( "Error deleting .torrent file: %s", tr_strerror( errno ) );
char * new_filename = tr_strdup_printf( "%s.added", filename );
rename( filename, new_filename );
tr_free( new_filename );
tr_ctorFree( ctor );
tr_free( filename );
static void
printMessage( FILE * logfile, int level, const char * name, const char * message, const char * file, int line )
if( logfile != NULL )
char timestr[64];
tr_getLogTimeStr( timestr, sizeof( timestr ) );
if( name )
fprintf( logfile, "[%s] %s %s (%s:%d)\n", timestr, name, message, file, line );
fprintf( logfile, "[%s] %s (%s:%d)\n", timestr, message, file, line );
else /* daemon... write to syslog */
int priority;
/* figure out the syslog priority */
switch( level ) {
case TR_MSG_ERR: priority = LOG_ERR; break;
case TR_MSG_DBG: priority = LOG_DEBUG; break;
default: priority = LOG_INFO; break;
if( name )
syslog( priority, "%s %s (%s:%d)", name, message, file, line );
syslog( priority, "%s (%s:%d)", message, file, line );
static void
pumpLogMessages( FILE * logfile )
const tr_msg_list * l;
tr_msg_list * list = tr_getQueuedMessages( );
for( l=list; l!=NULL; l=l->next )
printMessage( logfile, l->level, l->name, l->message, l->file, l->line );
if( logfile != NULL )
fflush( logfile );
tr_freeMessageList( list );
static tr_rpc_callback_status
on_rpc_callback( tr_session * session UNUSED,
tr_rpc_callback_type type,
struct tr_torrent * tor UNUSED,
void * user_data UNUSED )
if( type == TR_RPC_SESSION_CLOSE )
closing = true;
return TR_RPC_OK;
main( int argc, char ** argv )
int c;
const char * optarg;
tr_benc settings;
bool boolVal;
bool loaded;
bool foreground = false;
bool dumpSettings = false;
const char * configDir = NULL;
const char * pid_filename;
dtr_watchdir * watchdir = NULL;
FILE * logfile = NULL;
bool pidfile_created = false;
signal( SIGINT, gotsig );
signal( SIGTERM, gotsig );
#ifndef WIN32
signal( SIGHUP, gotsig );
/* load settings from defaults + config file */
tr_bencInitDict( &settings, 0 );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_ENABLED, true );
configDir = getConfigDir( argc, (const char**)argv );
loaded = tr_sessionLoadSettings( &settings, configDir, MY_NAME );
/* overwrite settings from the comamndline */
tr_optind = 1;
while(( c = tr_getopt( getUsage(), argc, (const char**)argv, options, &optarg ))) {
switch( c ) {
case 'a': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST, optarg );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, true );
case 'b': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, true );
case 'B': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, false );
case 'c': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH, optarg );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED, true );
case 'C': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED, false );
case 941: tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR, optarg );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED, true );
case 942: tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED, false );
case 'd': dumpSettings = true;
case 'e': logfile = fopen( optarg, "a+" );
if( logfile == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't open \"%s\": %s\n", optarg, tr_strerror( errno ) );
case 'f': foreground = true;
case 'g': /* handled above */
case 'V': /* version */
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", MY_NAME, LONG_VERSION_STRING);
exit( 0 );
case 'o': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_DHT_ENABLED, true );
case 'O': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_DHT_ENABLED, false );
case 'p': tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PORT, atoi( optarg ) );
case 't': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, true );
case 'T': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, false );
case 'u': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_USERNAME, optarg );
case 'v': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PASSWORD, optarg );
case 'w': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_DIR, optarg );
case 'P': tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT, atoi( optarg ) );
case 'm': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_PORT_FORWARDING, true );
case 'M': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_PORT_FORWARDING, false );
case 'L': tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, atoi( optarg ) );
case 'l': tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT, atoi( optarg ) );
case 800: paused = true;
case 910: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_ENCRYPTION, TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED );
case 911: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_ENCRYPTION, TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED );
case 912: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_ENCRYPTION, TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED );
case 'i': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4, optarg );
case 'I': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV6, optarg );
case 'r': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_BIND_ADDRESS, optarg );
case 953: tr_bencDictAddReal( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO, atof(optarg) );
tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO_ENABLED, true );
case 954: tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO_ENABLED, false );
case 'x': tr_bencDictAddStr( &settings, PREF_KEY_PIDFILE, optarg );
case 'y': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_LPD_ENABLED, true );
case 'Y': tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_LPD_ENABLED, false );
case 810: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_MSGLEVEL, TR_MSG_ERR );
case 811: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_MSGLEVEL, TR_MSG_INF );
case 812: tr_bencDictAddInt( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_MSGLEVEL, TR_MSG_DBG );
case 830: tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_UTP_ENABLED, true );
case 831: tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_UTP_ENABLED, false );
default: showUsage( );
if( foreground && !logfile )
logfile = stderr;
if( !loaded )
printMessage( logfile, TR_MSG_ERR, MY_NAME, "Error loading config file -- exiting.", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
return -1;
if( dumpSettings )
char * str = tr_bencToStr( &settings, TR_FMT_JSON, NULL );
fprintf( stderr, "%s", str );
tr_free( str );
return 0;
if( !foreground && tr_daemon( true, false ) < 0 )
char buf[256];
tr_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Failed to daemonize: %s", tr_strerror( errno ) );
printMessage( logfile, TR_MSG_ERR, MY_NAME, buf, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
exit( 1 );
/* start the session */
tr_formatter_mem_init( MEM_K, MEM_K_STR, MEM_M_STR, MEM_G_STR, MEM_T_STR );
tr_formatter_size_init( DISK_K, DISK_K_STR, DISK_M_STR, DISK_G_STR, DISK_T_STR );
tr_formatter_speed_init( SPEED_K, SPEED_K_STR, SPEED_M_STR, SPEED_G_STR, SPEED_T_STR );
mySession = tr_sessionInit( "daemon", configDir, true, &settings );
tr_sessionSetRPCCallback( mySession, on_rpc_callback, NULL );
tr_ninf( NULL, "Using settings from \"%s\"", configDir );
tr_sessionSaveSettings( mySession, configDir, &settings );
pid_filename = NULL;
tr_bencDictFindStr( &settings, PREF_KEY_PIDFILE, &pid_filename );
if( pid_filename && *pid_filename )
FILE * fp = fopen( pid_filename, "w+" );
if( fp != NULL )
fprintf( fp, "%d", (int)getpid() );
fclose( fp );
tr_inf( "Saved pidfile \"%s\"", pid_filename );
pidfile_created = true;
tr_err( "Unable to save pidfile \"%s\": %s", pid_filename, tr_strerror( errno ) );
if( tr_bencDictFindBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, &boolVal ) && boolVal )
tr_ninf( MY_NAME, "requiring authentication" );
/* maybe add a watchdir */
const char * dir;
if( tr_bencDictFindBool( &settings, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED, &boolVal )
&& boolVal
&& tr_bencDictFindStr( &settings, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH, &dir )
&& dir
&& *dir )
tr_inf( "Watching \"%s\" for new .torrent files", dir );
watchdir = dtr_watchdir_new( mySession, dir, onFileAdded );
/* load the torrents */
tr_torrent ** torrents;
tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew( mySession );
if( paused )
tr_ctorSetPaused( ctor, TR_FORCE, true );
torrents = tr_sessionLoadTorrents( mySession, ctor, NULL );
tr_free( torrents );
tr_ctorFree( ctor );
if( !foreground )
while( !closing ) {
tr_wait_msec( 1000 ); /* sleep one second */
dtr_watchdir_update( watchdir );
pumpLogMessages( logfile );
printf( "Closing transmission session..." );
tr_sessionSaveSettings( mySession, configDir, &settings );
dtr_watchdir_free( watchdir );
tr_sessionClose( mySession );
pumpLogMessages( logfile );
printf( " done.\n" );
/* shutdown */
if( !foreground )
syslog( LOG_INFO, "%s", "Closing session" );
closelog( );
/* cleanup */
if( pidfile_created )
remove( pid_filename );
tr_bencFree( &settings );
return 0;