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- Qt developers and translators are needed
- If you find a bug, please report it at
Transmission-qt is a GUI for Transmission loosely based on the GTK+ client.
This is the only Transmission client that can act as its own self-contained
session (as the GTK+ and Mac clients do), and can also connect to a remote
session (as the web client and transmission-remote terminal client do).
Use Case 1: If you like to run BitTorrent for awhile from your desktop,
then the Mac, GTK+, and Qt clients are a good match.
Use Case 2: If you like to leave BitTorrent running nonstop on your
computer or router, and want to control it from your desktop or
from a remote site, then transmission-remote and the web and Qt clients
are a good match.
To use the Qt client as a remote, in the menu go to Edit > Change Session
The Qt client is also the most likely to wind up running on Windows,
though that's not a high priority at the moment...
1. Prerequisites: Qt >= 4.4 and its development packages
2. Build Transmission as normal
3. In the qt/ directory, type "qmake" or "qmake-qt4"
4. In the qt/ directory, type "make"
5. In the qt/ directory, as root, type "INSTALL_ROOT=/usr make install"
(Feel free to replace /usr with /usr/local or /opt or whatever)