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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-14 07:59:15 +00:00
2023-12-24 11:02:54 -06:00

321 lines
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// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm> // for std::copy_n
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <memory> // std::allocator
#include <ratio>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <small/vector.hpp>
#include "libtransmission/error.h"
#include "libtransmission/net.h" // tr_socket_t
#include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-macros.h" // TR_CONSTEXPR
#include "libtransmission/utils.h" // for tr_htonll(), tr_ntohll()
namespace libtransmission
template<typename value_type>
class BufferReader
virtual ~BufferReader() = default;
virtual void drain(size_t n_bytes) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual size_t size() const noexcept = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual value_type const* data() const noexcept = 0;
[[nodiscard]] auto empty() const noexcept
return size() == 0;
[[nodiscard]] auto const* begin() const noexcept
return data();
[[nodiscard]] auto const* end() const noexcept
return begin() + size();
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] TR_CONSTEXPR20 bool starts_with(T const& needle) const
auto const n_bytes = std::size(needle);
auto const needle_begin = reinterpret_cast<value_type const*>(std::data(needle));
auto const needle_end = needle_begin + n_bytes;
return n_bytes <= size() && std::equal(needle_begin, needle_end, data());
[[nodiscard]] auto to_string_view() const
return std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<char const*>(data()), size() };
[[nodiscard]] auto to_string() const
return std::string{ to_string_view() };
void to_buf(void* tgt, size_t n_bytes)
n_bytes = std::min(n_bytes, size());
std::copy_n(data(), n_bytes, static_cast<value_type*>(tgt));
[[nodiscard]] auto to_uint8()
auto tmp = uint8_t{};
to_buf(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
return tmp;
[[nodiscard]] uint16_t to_uint16()
auto tmp = uint16_t{};
to_buf(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
return ntohs(tmp);
[[nodiscard]] uint32_t to_uint32()
auto tmp = uint32_t{};
to_buf(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
return ntohl(tmp);
[[nodiscard]] uint64_t to_uint64()
auto tmp = uint64_t{};
to_buf(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
return tr_ntohll(tmp);
// Returns the number of bytes written. Check `error` for error.
size_t to_socket(tr_socket_t sockfd, size_t n_bytes, tr_error* error = nullptr)
n_bytes = std::min(n_bytes, size());
if (n_bytes == 0U)
return {};
if (auto const n_sent = send(sockfd, reinterpret_cast<char const*>(data()), n_bytes, 0); n_sent >= 0U)
return n_sent;
if (error != nullptr)
auto const err = sockerrno;
error->set(err, tr_net_strerror(err));
return {};
void clear()
template<typename value_type>
class BufferWriter
virtual ~BufferWriter() = default;
virtual std::pair<value_type*, size_t> reserve_space(size_t n_bytes) = 0;
virtual void commit_space(size_t n_bytes) = 0;
void add(void const* span_begin, size_t span_len)
auto [buf, buflen] = reserve_space(span_len);
std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<value_type const*>(span_begin), span_len, buf);
template<typename ContiguousContainer>
void add(ContiguousContainer const& container)
add(std::data(container), std::size(container));
template<typename OneByteType>
void push_back(OneByteType ch)
add(&ch, 1);
void add_uint8(uint8_t uch)
add(&uch, 1);
void add_uint16(uint16_t hs)
void add_uint16_n(uint16_t ns)
add(&ns, sizeof(ns));
void add_uint32(uint32_t hl)
void add_uint32_n(uint32_t nl)
add(&nl, sizeof(nl));
void add_uint64(uint64_t hll)
void add_uint64_n(uint64_t nll)
add(&nll, sizeof(nll));
void add_port(tr_port port)
auto nport = port.network();
add(&nport, sizeof(nport));
void add_address(tr_address const& addr)
switch (addr.type)
case TR_AF_INET:
add(&addr.addr.addr4.s_addr, sizeof(addr.addr.addr4.s_addr));
case TR_AF_INET6:
add(&addr.addr.addr6.s6_addr, sizeof(addr.addr.addr6.s6_addr));
TR_ASSERT_MSG(false, "invalid type");
size_t add_socket(tr_socket_t sockfd, size_t n_bytes, tr_error* error = nullptr)
auto const [buf, buflen] = reserve_space(n_bytes);
n_bytes = std::min(n_bytes, buflen);
TR_ASSERT(n_bytes > 0U);
auto const n_read = recv(sockfd, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), n_bytes, 0);
auto const err = sockerrno;
if (n_read > 0)
return static_cast<size_t>(n_read);
// When a stream socket peer has performed an orderly shutdown,
// the return value will be 0 (the traditional "end-of-file" return).
if (error != nullptr)
if (n_read == 0)
error->set(err, tr_net_strerror(err));
return {};
template<size_t N, typename value_type = std::byte, typename GrowthFactor = std::ratio<3, 2>>
class StackBuffer final
: public BufferReader<value_type>
, public BufferWriter<value_type>
StackBuffer() = default;
StackBuffer(StackBuffer&&) = delete;
StackBuffer(StackBuffer const&) = delete;
StackBuffer& operator=(StackBuffer&&) = delete;
StackBuffer& operator=(StackBuffer const&) = delete;
template<typename ContiguousContainer>
explicit StackBuffer(ContiguousContainer const& data)
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const noexcept override
return end_pos_ - begin_pos_;
[[nodiscard]] value_type const* data() const noexcept override
return std::data(buf_) + begin_pos_;
void drain(size_t n_bytes) override
begin_pos_ += std::min(n_bytes, size());
if (begin_pos_ == end_pos_) // empty; reuse the buf
begin_pos_ = end_pos_ = 0U;
std::pair<value_type*, size_t> reserve_space(size_t n_bytes) override
if (auto const free_at_end = buf_.size() - end_pos_; free_at_end < n_bytes)
if (auto const total_free = begin_pos_ + free_at_end; total_free >= n_bytes)
// move data so that all free space is at the end
auto const size = this->size();
std::copy(data(), data() + size, std::data(buf_));
begin_pos_ = 0;
end_pos_ = size;
else // even `total_free` is not enough, so resize
buf_.resize(end_pos_ + n_bytes);
return { buf_.data() + end_pos_, n_bytes };
void commit_space(size_t n_bytes) override
end_pos_ += n_bytes;
small::vector<value_type, N, std::allocator<value_type>, std::true_type, size_t, GrowthFactor> buf_ = {};
size_t begin_pos_ = {};
size_t end_pos_ = {};
} // namespace libtransmission