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* jquery.ui-contextmenu.js plugin.
* jQuery plugin that provides a context menu (based on the jQueryUI menu widget).
* @see https://github.com/mar10/jquery-ui-contextmenu
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Martin Wendt (http://wwWendt.de). Licensed MIT.
(function( factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([ "jquery", "jquery-ui/menu" ], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}(function( $ ) {
"use strict";
var supportSelectstart = "onselectstart" in document.createElement("div"),
match = $.ui.menu.version.match(/^(\d)\.(\d+)/),
uiVersion = {
major: parseInt(match[1], 10),
minor: parseInt(match[2], 10)
isLTE110 = ( uiVersion.major < 2 && uiVersion.minor < 11 );
$.widget("moogle.contextmenu", {
version: "@VERSION",
options: {
addClass: "ui-contextmenu", // Add this class to the outer <ul>
autoFocus: false, // Set keyboard focus to first entry on open
autoTrigger: true, // open menu on browser's `contextmenu` event
delegate: null, // selector
hide: { effect: "fadeOut", duration: "fast" },
ignoreParentSelect: true, // Don't trigger 'select' for sub-menu parents
menu: null, // selector or jQuery pointing to <UL>, or a definition hash
position: null, // popup positon
preventContextMenuForPopup: false, // prevent opening the browser's system
// context menu on menu entries
preventSelect: false, // disable text selection of target
show: { effect: "slideDown", duration: "fast" },
taphold: false, // open menu on taphold events (requires external plugins)
uiMenuOptions: {}, // Additional options, used when UI Menu is created
// Events:
beforeOpen: $.noop, // menu about to open; return `false` to prevent opening
blur: $.noop, // menu option lost focus
close: $.noop, // menu was closed
create: $.noop, // menu was initialized
createMenu: $.noop, // menu was initialized (original UI Menu)
focus: $.noop, // menu option got focus
open: $.noop, // menu was opened
select: $.noop // menu option was selected; return `false` to prevent closing
/** Constructor */
_create: function() {
var cssText, eventNames, targetId,
opts = this.options;
this.$headStyle = null;
this.$menu = null;
this.menuIsTemp = false;
this.currentTarget = null;
this.previousFocus = null;
if (opts.preventSelect) {
// Create a global style for all potential menu targets
// If the contextmenu was bound to `document`, we apply the
// selector relative to the <body> tag instead
targetId = ($(this.element).is(document) ? $("body")
: this.element).uniqueId().attr("id");
cssText = "#" + targetId + " " + opts.delegate + " { " +
"-webkit-user-select: none; " +
"-khtml-user-select: none; " +
"-moz-user-select: none; " +
"-ms-user-select: none; " +
"user-select: none; " +
this.$headStyle = $("<style class='moogle-contextmenu-style' />")
.prop("type", "text/css")
try {
} catch ( e ) {
// issue #47: fix for IE 6-8
this.$headStyle[0].styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
// TODO: the selectstart is not supported by FF?
if (supportSelectstart) {
this.element.delegate(opts.delegate, "selectstart" + this.eventNamespace,
function(event) {
eventNames = "contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace;
if (opts.taphold) {
eventNames += " taphold" + this.eventNamespace;
this.element.delegate(opts.delegate, eventNames, $.proxy(this._openMenu, this));
/** Destructor, called on $().contextmenu("destroy"). */
_destroy: function() {
if (this.$headStyle) {
this.$headStyle = null;
/** (Re)Create jQuery UI Menu. */
_createUiMenu: function(menuDef) {
var ct,
opts = this.options;
// Remove temporary <ul> if any
if (this.isOpen()) {
// #58: 'replaceMenu' in beforeOpen causing select: to lose ui.target
ct = this.currentTarget;
// close without animation, to force async mode
this.currentTarget = ct;
if (this.menuIsTemp) {
this.$menu.remove(); // this will also destroy ui.menu
} else if (this.$menu) {
this.$menu = null;
this.menuIsTemp = false;
// If a menu definition array was passed, create a hidden <ul>
// and generate the structure now
if ( !menuDef ) {
} else if ($.isArray(menuDef)) {
this.$menu = $.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(menuDef);
this.menuIsTemp = true;
}else if ( typeof menuDef === "string" ) {
this.$menu = $(menuDef);
} else {
this.$menu = menuDef;
// Create - but hide - the jQuery UI Menu widget
// Create a menu instance that delegates events to our widget
.menu($.extend(true, {}, opts.uiMenuOptions, {
blur: $.proxy(opts.blur, this),
create: $.proxy(opts.createMenu, this),
focus: $.proxy(opts.focus, this),
select: $.proxy(function(event, ui) {
// User selected a menu entry
var retval,
isParent = $.moogle.contextmenu.isMenu(ui.item),
actionHandler = ui.item.data("actionHandler");
ui.cmd = ui.item.attr("data-command");
ui.target = $(this.currentTarget);
// ignore clicks, if they only open a sub-menu
if ( !isParent || !opts.ignoreParentSelect) {
retval = this._trigger.call(this, "select", event, ui);
if ( actionHandler ) {
retval = actionHandler.call(this, event, ui);
if ( retval !== false ) {
}, this)
/** Open popup (called on 'contextmenu' event). */
_openMenu: function(event, recursive) {
var res, promise,
opts = this.options,
posOption = opts.position,
self = this,
manualTrigger = !!event.isTrigger,
ui = { menu: this.$menu, target: $(event.target),
extraData: event.extraData, originalEvent: event,
result: null };
if ( !opts.autoTrigger && !manualTrigger ) {
// ignore browser's `contextmenu` events
// Prevent browser from opening the system context menu
this.currentTarget = event.target;
if ( !recursive ) {
res = this._trigger("beforeOpen", event, ui);
promise = (ui.result && $.isFunction(ui.result.promise)) ? ui.result : null;
ui.result = null;
if ( res === false ) {
this.currentTarget = null;
return false;
} else if ( promise ) {
// Handler returned a Deferred or Promise. Delay menu open until
// the promise is resolved
promise.done(function() {
self._openMenu(event, true);
this.currentTarget = null;
return false;
ui.menu = this.$menu; // Might have changed in beforeOpen
// Register global event handlers that close the dropdown-menu
$(document).bind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace, function(event) {
if ( event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {
}).bind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace + " touchstart" + this.eventNamespace,
function(event) {
// Close menu when clicked outside menu
if ( !$(event.target).closest(".ui-menu-item").length ) {
// required for custom positioning (issue #18 and #13).
if ($.isFunction(posOption)) {
posOption = posOption(event, ui);
posOption = $.extend({
my: "left top",
at: "left bottom",
// if called by 'open' method, event does not have pageX/Y
of: (event.pageX === undefined) ? event.target : event,
collision: "fit"
}, posOption);
// Finally display the popup
.show() // required to fix positioning error
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
top: 0
.hide(); // hide again, so we can apply nice effects
if ( opts.preventContextMenuForPopup ) {
this.$menu.bind("contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace, function(event) {
this._show(this.$menu, opts.show, function() {
// Set focus to first active menu entry
if ( opts.autoFocus ) {
// var $first = self.$menu.children(".ui-menu-item:enabled:first");
// self.$menu.menu("focus", event, $first).focus();
self.previousFocus = $(event.target);
self._trigger.call(self, "open", event, ui);
/** Close popup. */
_closeMenu: function(immediately) {
var self = this,
hideOpts = immediately ? false : this.options.hide;
// Note: we don't want to unbind the 'contextmenu' event
.unbind("mousedown" + this.eventNamespace)
.unbind("touchstart" + this.eventNamespace)
.unbind("keydown" + this.eventNamespace);
self.currentTarget = null; // issue #44 after hide animation is too late
if ( this.$menu ) { // #88: widget might have been destroyed already
.unbind("contextmenu" + this.eventNamespace);
this._hide(this.$menu, hideOpts, function() {
if ( self.previousFocus ) {
self.previousFocus = null;
} else {
/** Handle $().contextmenu("option", key, value) calls. */
_setOption: function(key, value) {
switch (key) {
case "menu":
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
/** Return ui-menu entry (<LI> tag). */
_getMenuEntry: function(cmd) {
return this.$menu.find("li[data-command=" + cmd + "]");
/** Close context menu. */
close: function() {
if (this.isOpen()) {
/** Enable or disable the menu command. */
enableEntry: function(cmd, flag) {
this._getMenuEntry(cmd).toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", (flag === false));
/** Return Menu element (UL). */
getMenu: function() {
return this.$menu;
/** Return true if menu is open. */
isOpen: function() {
// return this.$menu && this.$menu.is(":visible");
return !!this.$menu && !!this.currentTarget;
/** Open context menu on a specific target (must match options.delegate)
* Optional `extraData` is passed to event handlers as `ui.extraData`.
open: function(target, extraData) {
// Fake a 'contextmenu' event
extraData = extraData || {};
var e = jQuery.Event("contextmenu", { target: target.get(0), extraData: extraData });
return this.element.trigger(e);
/** Replace the menu altogether. */
replaceMenu: function(data) {
/** Redefine menu entry (title or all of it). */
setEntry: function(cmd, entry) {
var $ul,
$entryLi = this._getMenuEntry(cmd);
if (typeof entry === "string") {
$.moogle.contextmenu.updateTitle($entryLi, entry);
} else {
entry.cmd = entry.cmd || cmd;
$.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(entry, $entryLi);
if ($.isArray(entry.children)) {
$ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo($entryLi);
$.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(entry.children, $ul);
/** Show or hide the menu command. */
showEntry: function(cmd, flag) {
this._getMenuEntry(cmd).toggle(flag !== false);
* Global functions
$.extend($.moogle.contextmenu, {
/** Convert a menu description into a into a <li> content. */
createEntryMarkup: function(entry, $parentLi) {
var $a = null;
if ( !/[^\-\u2014\u2013\s]/.test( entry.title ) ) {
// hyphen, em dash, en dash: separator as defined by UI Menu 1.10
} else {
if ( isLTE110 ) {
// jQuery UI Menu 1.10 or before required an `<a>` tag
$parentLi.attr("data-command", entry.cmd);
$a = $("<a/>", {
html: "" + entry.title,
href: "#"
if ( entry.uiIcon ) {
$a.append($("<span class='ui-icon' />").addClass(entry.uiIcon));
} else {
// jQuery UI Menu 1.11+ preferes to avoid `<a>` tags
.attr("data-command", entry.cmd)
.html("" + entry.title);
if ( $.isFunction(entry.action) ) {
$parentLi.data("actionHandler", entry.action);
if ( entry.uiIcon ) {
.append($("<span class='ui-icon' />")
if ( $.isFunction(entry.action) ) {
$parentLi.data("actionHandler", entry.action);
if ( entry.disabled ) {
if ( entry.addClass ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject(entry.data) ) {
/** Convert a nested array of command objects into a <ul> structure. */
createMenuMarkup: function(options, $parentUl) {
var i, menu, $ul, $li;
if ( $parentUl == null ) {
$parentUl = $("<ul class='ui-helper-hidden' />").appendTo("body");
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
menu = options[i];
$li = $("<li/>").appendTo($parentUl);
$.moogle.contextmenu.createEntryMarkup(menu, $li);
if ( $.isArray(menu.children) ) {
$ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo($li);
$.moogle.contextmenu.createMenuMarkup(menu.children, $ul);
return $parentUl;
/** Returns true if the menu item has child menu items */
isMenu: function(item) {
if ( isLTE110 ) {
return item.has(">a[aria-haspopup='true']").length > 0;
} else {
return item.is("[aria-haspopup='true']");
/** Replaces the value of elem's first text node child */
replaceFirstTextNodeChild: function(elem, text) {
.filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; })
/** Updates the menu item's title */
updateTitle: function(item, title) {
if ( isLTE110 ) {
$.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild($("a", item), title);
} else {
$.moogle.contextmenu.replaceFirstTextNodeChild(item, title);