mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 06:02:57 +00:00
937 lines
56 KiB
937 lines
56 KiB
/* Torrent -> progress string */
" - %@ remaining" = " - %@ resterend";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
" - remaining time unknown" = " - resterende tijd onbekend";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */
" Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files." = "Eenmaal verwijderd, zijn de originele torrent bestanden nodig om de transfer verder te zetten.";
/* stats total */
" total" = " totaal";
/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> progress */
"%.2f%% (%.2f%% selected)" = "%1$.2f%% (%2$.2f%% geselecteerd)";
/* Inspector -> Files tab -> file status string */
"%.2f%% of %@" = "%.2f%% van %@";
/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> have */
"%@ (%@ verified)" = "%1$@ (%2$@ geverifieerd)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ (%.2f%%)" = "%1$@ van %2$@ (%3$.2f%%)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ (%.2f%%), uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@ van %2$@ (%3$.2f%%), verstuurd %4$@ (Ratio: %5$@)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ selected (%.2f%%)" = "%1$@ van %2$@ geselecteerd (%3$.2f%%)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ selected, uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@ geselecteerd, geupload %2$@ (Ratio: %3$@)";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents */
"%@ Total" = "%@ Totaal";
/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> have */
"%@ verified" = "%@ geverifieerd";
/* Add torrent -> info */
"%@, %@ (%@ selected)" = "%1$@, %2$@ (%3$@ geselecteerd)";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"%@, %@ each" = "%1$@, %2$@ elk";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@, uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@, verstuurd %2$@ (Ratio: %3$@)";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d cache" = "%d cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d Connected" = "%d Verbonden";
/* Dock item - Downloading */
"%d Downloading" = "%d Downloaden";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents
Create torrent -> info
Add torrent -> info
Drag overlay -> torrents
Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"%d Files" = "%d Bestanden";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d incoming" = "%d inkomende";
/* Action menu -> upload/download limit */
"%d KB/s" = "%d KB/s";
/* Status bar transfer count */
"%d of %@" = "%1$d van %2$@";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d PEX" = "%d PEX";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"%d pieces" = "%d fragmenten";
/* Dock item - Seeding */
"%d Seeding" = "%d Seeden";
/* stats window -> times opened */
"%d times" = "%d keer";
/* Drag overlay -> torrents */
"%d Torrent Files" = "%d Torrent Bestanden";
/* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"%d Torrents Selected" = "%d Torrents Geselecteerd";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d tracker" = "%d tracker";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip
Filter Bar Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count */
"%d transfers" = "%d transfers";
/* File size */
"%lld bytes" = "%lld bytes";
/* stats -> bytes
Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"%u bytes" = "%u bytes";
/* time string */
"%u days" = "%u dagen";
/* time string */
"%u hr" = "%u uur";
/* time string */
"%u min" = "%u min";
/* time string */
"%u sec" = "%u sec";
/* Torrent -> error string unreadable */
"(unreadable error)" = "(onleesbare error)";
/* time string */
"1 day" = "1 dag";
/* Create torrent -> info
Add torrent -> info
Drag overlay -> torrents
Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"1 File" = "1 Bestand";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"1 piece" = "1 fragment";
/* stats window -> times opened */
"1 time" = "1 keer";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip
Filter Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count */
"1 transfer" = "1 transfer";
/* Move folder cannot be used alert -> message */
"\"%@\" cannot be used. The file will remain in its current location." = "\"%@\" kan niet gebruikt worden. Het bestand zal niet worden verplaatst.";
/* Folder cannot be used alert -> message */
"\"%@\" cannot be used. The transfer will be paused." = "\"%@\" kan niet gebruikt worden. De transfer zal gepauzeerd worden.";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> warning */
"A file with the name \"%@\" already exists in the directory \"%@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent." = "Een bestand met de naam \"%1$@\" bestaat al in de map \"%2$@\". Kies een nieuwe naam of map om de torrent te maken.";
/* Move inside itself alert -> title */
"A folder cannot be moved to inside itself." = "Een map kan niet in zichzelf verplaatst worden.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> warning */
"A torrent file cannot be created for files with no size." = "Een torrent bestand kan niet gemaakt worden voor bestanden zonder grootte.";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> title */
"A torrent file with this name and directory cannot be created." = "Een torrent met deze naam en map kan niet gemaakt worden.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> title */
"A transfer of \"%@\" already exists." = "Een transfer van \"%@\" bestaat al.";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Activity" = "Activiteitenoverzicht";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> button */
"Add" = "Voeg toe";
/* Preferences -> Advanced toolbar item title */
"Advanced" = "Geavanceerd";
/* Groups -> Button */
"All Groups" = "Alle groepen";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */
"Always Download" = "Download altijd";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Apply All" = "Pas toe op alles";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Apply Selected" = "Pas toe op geselecteerde";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Available" = "Beschikbaar";
/* Transfer speed (Bytes per second) */
"B/s" = "B/s";
/* Preferences -> Bandwidth toolbar item title */
"Bandwidth" = "Bandbreedte";
/* Growl notification description */
"Bandwidth settings changed" = "Bandbreedte instelling veranderde";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Blue" = "Blauw";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> button
Removal confirm panel -> button
Add torrent -> same name -> button */
"Cancel" = "Annuleer";
/* Create torrent -> no url warning -> warning
Create torrent -> http warning -> warning */
"Change the tracker address to create the torrent." = "Verander de tracker adres om de torrent te maken.";
/* Torrent Table -> tooltip */
"Change transfer settings" = "Verander transfer instellingen";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Check Selected" = "Vink geselecteerde aan";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Checking existing data (%.2f%%)" = "Verifiëren van data (%.2f%%)";
/* Preferences -> Advanced -> port status */
"Checking port status" = "Verifiëren van poort status";
/* Folder cannot be used alert -> location button */
"Choose New Location" = "Kies een nieuwe locatie";
/* Message window -> save button */
"Clear" = "Wis";
/* Groups -> Color Button */
"Color" = "Kleur";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> title */
"Confirm Quit" = "Bevestig Stop";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van %d transfers van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van zowel de data als de torrent bestanden naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash data file." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van %d transfers van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van de data naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash torrent file." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van %d transfers van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van het torrent bestand naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van %d transfers van de transfer lijst.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van \"%@\" van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van zowel de data als de torrent bestanden naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash data file." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van \"%@\" van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van de data naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash torrent file." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van \"%@\" van de transfer lijst en de verplaatsing van het torrent bestand naar de prullenmand.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list." = "Bevestig de verwijdering van \"%@\" van de transfer lijst.";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> title */
"Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "Copie van \"%@\" kan niet gemaakt worden";
/* Create toolbar item -> label */
"Create" = "Maak aan";
/* Drag overlay -> file */
"Create a Torrent File" = "Maak een torrent bestand";
/* Create toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Create torrent file" = "Maak torrent bestand";
/* Create torrent -> select file
Create toolbar item -> palette label */
"Create Torrent File" = "Maak torrent bestand";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> title */
"Creation of \"%@\" failed." = "Maken van \"%@\" faalde.";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Currently downloading (interested and not choked)" = "Momenteel downloaden (geïnteresseerd en niet choked)";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Currently uploading (interested and not choked)" = "Momenteel uploaden (geïnteresseerd en niet choked)";
/* Message window -> table column */
"Date" = "Datum";
/* Message window -> level string
Message window -> level */
"Debug" = "Debug";
/* Torrent -> status string
status bar -> status label */
"DL" = "DL";
/* Open duplicate alert -> button
Add torrent -> same name -> button */
"Don't Alert Again" = "Waarschuw niet meer";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Don't Download" = "Niet downloaden";
/* file table -> header tool tip
files tab -> tooltip */
"Download" = "Download";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */
"Download Anyway" = "Download alsnog";
/* Growl notification title */
"Download Complete" = "Download klaar";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Download Some" = "Download enkele";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"Download speed" = "Download snelheid";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Downloaded" = "Gedownload";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading" = "Downloaden";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of %d peers" = "Downloaden van %1$d van %2$d peers";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of 1 peer" = "Downloaden van %d van 1 peer";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Downloading From Peer" = "Downloaden van peer";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip
Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Encrypted Connection" = "Gecodeerde verbinding";
/* Message window -> level string
Torrent -> status string
Message window -> level */
"Error" = "Error";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Files" = "Bestanden";
/* Filter toolbar item -> label */
"Filter" = "Filter";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: cache" = "Van: cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: incoming connection" = "Van: inkomende verbinding";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: peer exchange" = "Van: peer exchange";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: tracker" = "Van: tracker";
/* File size */
"GB" = "GB";
/* Preferences -> General toolbar item title */
"General" = "Algemeen";
/* Inspector -> title */
"General Info" = "Algemene info";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Gray" = "Grijs";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Green" = "Groen";
/* Groups -> Button */
"Group: " = "Groep:";
/* Groups -> Button */
"Group: No Label" = "Groep: geen label";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Hide Filter Bar" = "Verberg filter balk";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Hide Inspector" = "Verberg info-overzicht";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Hide Status Bar" = "Verberg statusbalk";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"High" = "Hoog";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"High Priority" = "Hoge prioriteit";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> message */
"If you are attempting to use already existing data, the root data directory should be inside the destination directory." = "Als je probeert bestaande data te gebruiken, moet de hoofd data map in de bestemmings folder zitten.";
/* Message window -> level string
Message window -> level */
"Info" = "Info";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"info not available" = "info niet beschikbaar";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> label */
"Inspector" = "Infovenster";
/* Download not a torrent -> message */
"It appears that the file \"%@\" from %@ is not a torrent file." = "Het blijkt dat bestand \"%1$@\" van %2$@ geen torrent bestand is.";
/* File size */
"KB" = "KB";
/* About window -> license button */
"License" = "Licentie";
/* torrent action menu -> upload/download limit
Action menu -> upload/download limit */
"Limit (%d KB/s)" = "Limiet (%d KB/s)";
/* Save log alert panel -> title */
"Log Could Not Be Saved" = "Het log kon niet worden bewaard";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"Low" = "Laag";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Low Priority" = "Lage prioriteit";
/* File size */
"MB" = "MB";
/* Message window -> table column */
"Message" = "Bericht";
/* Message window -> title */
"Message Log" = "Berichten log";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Multiple Priorities" = "Meerdere Prioriteiten";
/* Torrent -> status string
No Ratio */
"N/A" = "N/B";
/* Group table row */
"No Group" = "Geen groep";
/* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"No Torrents Selected" = "Geen torrents geselecteerd";
/* Groups -> Menu */
"None" = "Geen";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"Normal" = "Normaal";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Normal Priority" = "Normale prioriteit";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> title */
"Not enough remaining disk space to download \"%@\" completely." = "Niet genoeg harde-schijf ruimte om \"%@\" volledig te downloaden.";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> button
Move error alert -> button
Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> button
Save log alert panel -> button
Folder cannot be used alert -> button
Create torrent -> no url warning -> button
Torrent download failed -> button
Torrent file disk space alert -> button
Create torrent -> failed -> button
Create torrent -> no files -> button
Download not a torrent -> button
About window -> license close button
Open duplicate alert -> button
Create torrent -> http warning -> button
Create torrent -> zero size -> button
Move folder cannot be used alert -> button
Move inside itself alert -> button */
"OK" = "OK";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Only Check Selected" = "Vink enkel geselecteerde aan";
/* Open toolbar item -> label */
"Open" = "Open";
/* Open address toolbar item -> label */
"Open Address" = "Open adres";
/* Open address toolbar item -> palette label */
"Open Torrent Address" = "Open torrent adres";
/* Open toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Open torrent files" = "Open torrent bestanden";
/* Open toolbar item -> palette label */
"Open Torrent Files" = "Open torrent bestanden";
/* Open address toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Open torrent web address" = "Open torrent web adres";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Options" = "Opties";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Orange" = "Oranje";
/* All toolbar item -> palette label */
"Pause / Resume All" = "Pauzeer / Hervat alles";
/* Selected toolbar item -> palette label */
"Pause / Resume Selected" = "Pauzeer / Hervat geselecteerde";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Pause All" = "Pauzeer alles";
/* All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause all transfers" = "Pauzeer alle transfers";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Pause Selected" = "Pauzeer geselecteerde";
/* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause selected transfers" = "Pauzeer geselecteerde transfers";
/* Torrent Table -> tooltip */
"Pause the transfer" = "Pauzeer de transfer";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Paused" = "Gepauzeerd";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Peer is unchoking you, but you are not interested" = "Peer is ongechoked, maar wij zijn niet geïnteresseerd";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Peer wants you to upload, but you do not want to (interested and choked)" = "Peer wil dat we uploaden, maar wij willen niet (geïnteresseerd en choked)";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Peers" = "Peers";
/* Preferences -> Advanced -> port status */
"Port is closed" = "Poort is gesloten";
/* Preferences -> Advanced -> port status */
"Port is open" = "Poort is open";
/* Preferences -> Advanced -> port status */
"Port is stealth" = "Poort is stealth";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Port: %d" = "Poort: %d";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Port: N/A" = "Poort: N/B";
/* file table -> header tool tip
File Outline -> Menu */
"Priority" = "Prioriteit";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Priority Not Available" = "Prioriteit niet beschikbaar";
/* Inspector -> private torrent */
"Private Torrent, PEX automatically disabled" = "Private torrent, PEX automatisch uitgeschakeld";
/* Message window -> table column */
"Process" = "Proces";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Program Started" = "Programma gestart";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Progress: %.1f%%" = "Vooruitgang: %.1f%%";
/* Inspector -> private torrent */
"Public Torrent" = "Publieke Torrent";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Purple" = "Paars";
/* Transmission already running alert -> button
Confirm Quit panel -> button */
"Quit" = "Stop";
/* Dock Badger -> quit message
Dock Badger -> quit */
"Quitting" = "Afsluiten";
/* Stats window -> label
status bar -> status label
Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip
Torrent -> status string */
"Ratio" = "Ratio";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Red" = "Rood";
/* Removal confirm panel -> button
Remove toolbar item -> label */
"Remove" = "Verwijder";
/* Remove toolbar item -> palette label */
"Remove Selected" = "Verwijder geselecterde";
/* Remove toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Remove selected transfers" = "Verwijder geselecteerde transfers";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Resume All" = "Hervat alles";
/* All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume all transfers" = "Hervat alle transfers";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Resume Selected" = "Hervat geselecteerde";
/* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume selected transfers" = "Hervat geselecteerde transfers";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Resume the transfer" = "Hervat de transfer";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Resume the transfer right away" = "Hervat de transfer onmiddellijk";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Reveal in Finder" = "Toon in Finder";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Reveal the data file in Finder" = "Toon data bestand in Finder";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Running Time" = "Loop tijd";
/* Message window -> save button */
"Save" = "Bewaar";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding" = "Seeden";
/* Growl notification title */
"Seeding Complete" = "Seeden klaar";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding complete" = "Seeden klaar";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of %d peers" = "Seeden naar %1$d van %2$d peers";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of 1 peer" = "Seeden naar %d van 1 peer";
/* Default incomplete folder cannot be used alert -> prompt
Move torrent -> prompt
Open torrent -> prompt
Preferences -> Open panel prompt
Create torrent -> select file
Create torrent -> location sheet -> button
Default folder cannot be used alert -> prompt
Folder cannot be used alert -> prompt */
"Select" = "Selecteer";
/* Create torrent -> select file */
"Select a file or folder for the torrent file." = "Selecteer een bestand of map voor het torrent bestand.";
/* Folder cannot be used alert -> select destination folder
Add -> select destination folder */
"Select the download folder for \"%@\"" = "Selecteer de download map voor \"%@\"";
/* Create torrent -> location sheet -> message */
"Select the name and location for the torrent file." = "Selecteer de naam en locatie voor het torrent bestand.";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for %d data files." = "Selecteer de nieuwe map voor %d data bestanden.";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for \"%@\"." = "Selecteer de nieuwe map voor \"%@\".";
/* Main window -> 1st bottom left button (action) tooltip */
"Shortcuts for changing global settings." = "Binnenweg voor aanpassen van globale instellingen.";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Show Filter Bar" = "Toon filter balk";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Show Inspector" = "Toon infovenster";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Show Status Bar" = "Toon statusbalk";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Disabled" = "Snelheidslimiet automatisch uitgeschakeld";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Enabled" = "Snelheidslimiet automatisch ingeschakeld";
/* Main window -> 2nd bottom left button (turtle) tooltip */
"Speed Limit overrides the total bandwidth limits with its own limits." = "Snelheidslimiet verandert de totale bandbreedte met zijn eigen limieten.";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Stalled, " = "Passief, ";
/* torrent action menu -> ratio stop
Action menu -> ratio stop */
"Stop at Ratio (%.2f)" = "Stop aan Ratio (%.2f)";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Stop waiting to start" = "Stop wachten om te starten";
/* File size */
"TB" = "TB";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> title */
"The destination directory and root data directory have the same name." = "De bestemmings map en de hoofd download map hebben dezelfde naam.";
/* Default folder cannot be used alert -> message */
"The download folder cannot be used. Choose a new location." = "De download map kan niet gebruikt worden. Kies een nieuwe Locatie.";
/* Folder cannot be used alert -> title */
"The folder for downloading \"%@\" cannot be used." = "De download map van \"%@\" kan niet gebruikt worden.";
/* Move folder cannot be used alert -> title */
"The folder for moving the completed \"%@\" cannot be used." = "De map voor het verplaatsen van vervolledigt \"%@\" kan niet gebruikt worden.";
/* Default incomplete folder cannot be used alert -> message */
"The incomplete folder cannot be used. Choose a new location or cancel for none." = "De onvoltooide map kan niet gebruikt worden. Kies een nieuwe locatie of annuleer.";
/* Move error alert -> message
Move inside itself alert -> message */
"The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done." = "Het verplaatsen van \"%@\" kan niet ongedaan worden.";
/* Torrent download failed -> message */
"The torrent could not be downloaded from %@ because an error occurred (%@)." = "De torrent kon niet gedownload worden van %1$@ wegens een error (%2$@).";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> message */
"The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "Het torrent bestand (%@) kan niet gevonden worden.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> message */
"The torrent file cannot be opened because it is a duplicate of an already added transfer." = "Het torrent bestand kan niet geopend worden omdat het een duplicaat is van een al toegevoegd transfer.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> title */
"The total file size is zero bytes." = "De totale bestand grootte is nul bytes.";
/* Create torrent -> no url warning -> title */
"The tracker address cannot be blank." = "Het tracker adres kan niet leeg zijn.";
/* Create torrent -> http warning -> title */
"The tracker address must begin with \"http://\"." = "Het tracker adres moet beginnen met \"http://\".";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> message */
"The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue." = "De transfer zal gepauzeerd worden. Maak wat ruimte vrij op %@ of deselecteer bestanden in het infovenster.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d active transfers." = "Er zijn %d actieve transfers.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There are %d active transfers. Do you really want to quit?" = "Er zijn %d actieve transfers. Wilt u echt afsluiten?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "Er zijn %1$d transfers (%2$d actief).";
/* Transmission already running alert -> message */
"There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "Er is al een copie van Transmission actief. Deze copie kan niet geopend worden voordat de ander afgesloten is.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There is an active transfer. Do you really want to quit?" = "Er is een actieve transfer. Wilt u echt afsluiten?";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> warning */
"There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file." = "Er moet minstens een bestand in een map zitten om een torrent te maken.";
/* Save log alert panel -> message */
"There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "Er was een probleem bij het maken van het bestand \"%@\".";
/* Move error alert -> title */
"There was an error moving the data file." = "Er was een error bij het verplaatsen van het data bestand.";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"There was an error parsing the data file. The torrent file was not created." = "Er was een error bij het lezen van het data bestand. Het torrent bestand is niet gemaakt.";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> title */
"This folder contains no files." = "Deze map bevat geen bestanden.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message */
"This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file." = "Deze transfer is actief. Eenmaal verwijdert is het originele torrent bestand nodig om de transfer verder te zetten.";
/* Inspector -> tracker table */
"Tier %d" = "Tier %d";
/* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Filter" = "Schakel filter";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Inspector" = "Schakel infovenster";
/* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the filter bar" = "Schakel de filter balk";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the torrent inspector" = "Schakel het infovenster";
/* Torrent download error -> title
Download not a torrent -> title */
"Torrent download failed" = "Torrent download mislukt";
/* Growl notification title */
"Torrent File Auto Added" = "Torrent bestand automatisch toegevoegd";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Torrent Inspector" = "Torrent infovenster";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"Total download speed" = "Totaal download snelheid";
/* stats total */
"Total N/A" = "Totaal N/B";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"Total upload speed" = "totaal upload snelheid";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Tracker" = "Tracker";
/* Preferences -> Transfers toolbar item title */
"Transfers" = "Transfers";
/* Transmission already running alert -> title */
"Transmission is already running." = "Transmission is al actief.";
/* Torrent -> location when deleting original */
"Transmission Support Folder" = "Transmission support map";
/* Torrent -> status string
status bar -> status label */
"UL" = "UL";
/* Preferences -> Advanced -> port status */
"Unable to check port status" = "Kan poort status niet controleren";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Uncheck Selected" = "Vink geselecteerde af";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"Unknown" = "Onbekend";
/* Save log panel -> default file name */
"untitled" = "naamloos";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"Upload speed" = "Upload snelheid";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Uploaded" = "Geupload";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Uploading To Peer" = "Uploaden naar peer";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to check existing data" = "Wachten om lokale data te verifiëren";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to download" = "Wachten om te downloaden";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to seed" = "Wachten om te seeden";
/* Drag overlay -> url */
"Web Address" = "Web Adres";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Yellow" = "Geel";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"You unchoked the peer, but the peer is not interested" = "We ontchokedte de peer, maar hij is niet geïnteresseerd";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"You want to download, but peer does not want to send (interested and choked)" = "We willen downloaden, maar de peer will niets versturen (geïnteresseerd en choked)"; |