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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-12 15:14:12 +00:00

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* This file Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Charles Kerr <charles@transmissionbt.com>
* This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the
* Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b)
* so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license.
* This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by
* the Transmission project.
* $Id$
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "natpmp.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "peer-io.h"
#include "peer-mgr.h"
#include "port-forwarding.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "trevent.h"
#include "upnp.h"
#include "utils.h"
static const char *
getKey( void ) { return _( "Port Forwarding" ); }
struct tr_shared
tr_bool isEnabled;
tr_bool isShuttingDown;
tr_port_forwarding natpmpStatus;
tr_port_forwarding upnpStatus;
tr_bool shouldChange;
tr_socketList * bindSockets;
tr_port publicPort;
tr_timer * pulseTimer;
tr_timer * recheckTimer;
tr_upnp * upnp;
tr_natpmp * natpmp;
tr_session * session;
static const char*
getNatStateStr( int state )
switch( state )
/* we're in the process of trying to set up port forwarding */
return _( "Starting" );
/* we've successfully forwarded the port */
return _( "Forwarded" );
/* we're cancelling the port forwarding */
return _( "Stopping" );
/* the port isn't forwarded */
return _( "Not forwarded" );
return "???";
return "notfound";
static void
natPulse( tr_shared * s, tr_bool doPortCheck )
const tr_port port = s->publicPort;
const int isEnabled = s->isEnabled && !s->isShuttingDown;
int oldStatus;
int newStatus;
oldStatus = tr_sharedTraversalStatus( s );
s->natpmpStatus = tr_natpmpPulse( s->natpmp, port, isEnabled );
s->upnpStatus = tr_upnpPulse( s->upnp, port, isEnabled, doPortCheck );
newStatus = tr_sharedTraversalStatus( s );
if( newStatus != oldStatus )
tr_ninf( getKey( ), _( "State changed from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" ),
getNatStateStr( oldStatus ),
getNatStateStr( newStatus ) );
* Callbacks for socket list
static void
closeCb( int * const socket,
tr_address * const addr,
void * const userData )
tr_shared * s = ( tr_shared * )userData;
if( *socket >= 0 )
tr_ninf( getKey( ), _( "Closing port %d on %s" ), s->publicPort,
tr_ntop_non_ts( addr ) );
tr_netClose( *socket );
static void
acceptCb( int * const socket,
tr_address * const addr UNUSED,
void * const userData )
tr_shared * s = ( tr_shared * )userData;
tr_address clientAddr;
tr_port clientPort;
int clientSocket;
clientSocket = tr_netAccept( s->session, *socket, &clientAddr, &clientPort );
if( clientSocket > 0 )
tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL,
"New INCOMING connection %d (%s)",
clientSocket, tr_peerIoAddrStr( &clientAddr, clientPort ) );
tr_peerMgrAddIncoming( s->session->peerMgr, &clientAddr, clientPort,
clientSocket );
static void
bindCb( int * const socket,
tr_address * const addr,
void * const userData )
tr_shared * s = ( tr_shared * )userData;
*socket = tr_netBindTCP( addr, s->publicPort, FALSE );
if( *socket >= 0 )
tr_ninf( getKey( ),
_( "Opened port %d on %s to listen for incoming peer connections" ),
s->publicPort, tr_ntop_non_ts( addr ) );
listen( *socket, 10 );
tr_nerr( getKey( ),
"Couldn't open port %d on %s to listen for incoming peer connections (errno %d - %s)" ),
s->publicPort, tr_ntop_non_ts( addr ), errno, tr_strerror( errno ) );
static void
incomingPeersPulse( tr_shared * s )
if( s->shouldChange )
tr_socketListForEach( s->bindSockets, &closeCb, s );
s->shouldChange = FALSE;
if( s->publicPort > 0 )
tr_socketListForEach( s->bindSockets, &bindCb, s );
/* (jhujhiti):
* This has been changed from a loop that will end when the listener queue
* is exhausted to one that will only check for one connection at a time.
* I think it unlikely that we get many more than one connection in the
* time between pulses (currently one second). However, just to be safe,
* I have increased the length of the listener queue from 5 to 10
* (see acceptCb() above). */
tr_socketListForEach( s->bindSockets, &acceptCb, s );
static int
sharedPulse( void * vshared )
tr_bool keepPulsing = TRUE;
tr_shared * shared = vshared;
natPulse( shared, FALSE );
if( !shared->isShuttingDown )
incomingPeersPulse( shared );
tr_ninf( getKey( ), _( "Stopped" ) );
tr_timerFree( &shared->pulseTimer );
tr_timerFree( &shared->recheckTimer );
tr_socketListForEach( shared->bindSockets, &closeCb, shared );
tr_socketListFree( shared->bindSockets );
tr_natpmpClose( shared->natpmp );
tr_upnpClose( shared->upnp );
shared->session->shared = NULL;
tr_free( shared );
keepPulsing = FALSE;
return keepPulsing;
static int
recheckPulse( void * vshared )
tr_bool keepPulsing = TRUE;
tr_shared * shared = vshared;
tr_ninf( getKey( ), _( "Checking to see if port %d is still open" ), shared->publicPort );
natPulse( shared, TRUE );
if( shared->isShuttingDown )
keepPulsing = FALSE;
return keepPulsing;
tr_shared *
tr_sharedInit( tr_session * session,
tr_bool isEnabled,
tr_port publicPort,
tr_socketList * socks )
tr_shared * s = tr_new0( tr_shared, 1 );
s->session = session;
s->publicPort = publicPort;
s->bindSockets = socks;
s->shouldChange = TRUE;
s->natpmp = tr_natpmpInit( );
s->upnp = tr_upnpInit( );
s->pulseTimer = tr_timerNew( session, sharedPulse, s, 1000 );
s->recheckTimer = tr_timerNew( session, recheckPulse, s, 1000*60*20 ); /* 20 minutes */
s->isEnabled = isEnabled;
s->upnpStatus = TR_PORT_UNMAPPED;
s->natpmpStatus = TR_PORT_UNMAPPED;
return s;
tr_sharedShuttingDown( tr_shared * s )
s->isShuttingDown = 1;
tr_sharedSetPort( tr_shared * s, tr_port port )
tr_torrent * tor = NULL;
s->publicPort = port;
s->shouldChange = TRUE;
while( ( tor = tr_torrentNext( s->session, tor ) ) )
tr_torrentChangeMyPort( tor );
tr_sharedGetPeerPort( const tr_shared * s )
return s->publicPort;
tr_sharedTraversalEnable( tr_shared * s, tr_bool isEnabled )
s->isEnabled = isEnabled;
tr_sharedTraversalIsEnabled( const tr_shared * s )
return s->isEnabled;
tr_sharedTraversalStatus( const tr_shared * s )
return MAX( s->natpmpStatus, s->upnpStatus );
const tr_socketList *
tr_sharedGetBindSockets( const tr_shared * shared )
return shared->bindSockets;