Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 18:25:35 +00:00

1621 lines
36 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC
* This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the
* Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b)
* so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license.
* This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by
* the Transmission project.
* $Id$
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* glibc's string.h needs this to pick up memmem */
#if defined(SYS_DARWIN)
#undef HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN /* not supported on OS X 10.5 and lower */
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* isalpha(), tolower() */
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h> /* pow(), fabs() */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* strerror(), memset(), memmem() */
#include <time.h> /* nanosleep() */
#include <libgen.h> /* basename() */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* stat(), getcwd(), getpagesize() */
#include "event.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <w32api.h>
#define WINVER WindowsXP /* freeaddrinfo(), getaddrinfo(), getnameinfo() */
#include <direct.h> /* _getcwd() */
#include <windows.h> /* Sleep() */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "fdlimit.h"
#include "ConvertUTF.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "version.h"
time_t transmission_now = 0;
tr_msg_level messageLevel = TR_MSG_INF;
static tr_lock * messageLock = NULL;
static tr_bool messageQueuing = FALSE;
static tr_msg_list * messageQueue = NULL;
static tr_msg_list ** messageQueueTail = &messageQueue;
static int messageQueueCount = 0;
#ifndef WIN32
/* make null versions of these win32 functions */
static inline int IsDebuggerPresent( void ) { return FALSE; }
static inline void OutputDebugString( const void * unused UNUSED ) { }
tr_msgInit( void )
const char * env = getenv( "TR_DEBUG" );
messageLevel = ( env ? atoi( env ) : 0 ) + 1;
messageLevel = MAX( 1, messageLevel );
if( messageLock == NULL )
messageLock = tr_lockNew( );
tr_getLog( void )
static tr_bool initialized = FALSE;
static FILE * file = NULL;
if( !initialized )
const char * str = getenv( "TR_DEBUG_FD" );
int fd = 0;
if( str && *str )
fd = atoi( str );
switch( fd )
case 1:
file = stdout; break;
case 2:
file = stderr; break;
file = NULL; break;
initialized = TRUE;
return file;
tr_setMessageLevel( tr_msg_level level )
messageLevel = level;
tr_getMessageLevel( void )
return messageLevel;
tr_setMessageQueuing( tr_bool enabled )
messageQueuing = enabled;
tr_getMessageQueuing( void )
return messageQueuing != 0;
tr_msg_list *
tr_getQueuedMessages( void )
tr_msg_list * ret;
tr_lockLock( messageLock );
ret = messageQueue;
messageQueue = NULL;
messageQueueTail = &messageQueue;
messageQueueCount = 0;
tr_lockUnlock( messageLock );
return ret;
tr_freeMessageList( tr_msg_list * list )
tr_msg_list * next;
while( NULL != list )
next = list->next;
free( list->message );
free( list->name );
free( list );
list = next;
struct tm *
tr_localtime_r( const time_t *_clock, struct tm *_result )
return localtime_r( _clock, _result );
struct tm *p = localtime( _clock );
if( p )
*(_result) = *p;
return p;
tr_getLogTimeStr( char * buf, int buflen )
char tmp[64];
struct tm now_tm;
struct timeval tv;
time_t seconds;
int milliseconds;
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
seconds = tv.tv_sec;
tr_localtime_r( &seconds, &now_tm );
strftime( tmp, sizeof( tmp ), "%H:%M:%S", &now_tm );
milliseconds = (int)( tv.tv_usec / 1000 );
tr_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%s.%03d", tmp, milliseconds );
return buf;
tr_deepLoggingIsActive( void )
static int8_t deepLoggingIsActive = -1;
if( deepLoggingIsActive < 0 )
deepLoggingIsActive = IsDebuggerPresent() || (tr_getLog()!=NULL);
return deepLoggingIsActive != 0;
tr_deepLog( const char * file,
int line,
const char * name,
const char * fmt,
... )
FILE * fp = tr_getLog( );
if( fp || IsDebuggerPresent( ) )
va_list args;
char timestr[64];
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
char * base = tr_basename( file );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "[%s] ",
tr_getLogTimeStr( timestr, sizeof( timestr ) ) );
if( name )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s ", name );
va_start( args, fmt );
evbuffer_add_vprintf( buf, fmt, args );
va_end( args );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, " (%s:%d)\n", base, line );
/* FIXME(libevent2) ifdef this out for nonwindows platforms */
OutputDebugString( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ) );
if(fp) /* FIXME(libevent2) tr_getLog() should return an fd, then use evbuffer_write() here ) */
(void) fwrite( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), 1, EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ), fp );
tr_free( base );
evbuffer_free( buf );
tr_msg( const char * file, int line,
tr_msg_level level,
const char * name,
const char * fmt, ... )
const int err = errno; /* message logging shouldn't affect errno */
char buf[1024];
va_list ap;
if( messageLock != NULL )
tr_lockLock( messageLock );
/* build the text message */
*buf = '\0';
va_start( ap, fmt );
evutil_vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
OutputDebugString( buf );
if( *buf )
if( messageQueuing )
tr_msg_list * newmsg;
newmsg = tr_new0( tr_msg_list, 1 );
newmsg->level = level;
newmsg->when = tr_time( );
newmsg->message = tr_strdup( buf );
newmsg->file = file;
newmsg->line = line;
newmsg->name = tr_strdup( name );
*messageQueueTail = newmsg;
messageQueueTail = &newmsg->next;
if( messageQueueCount > TR_MAX_MSG_LOG )
tr_msg_list * old = messageQueue;
messageQueue = old->next;
old->next = NULL;
assert( messageQueueCount == TR_MAX_MSG_LOG );
char timestr[64];
FILE * fp;
fp = tr_getLog( );
if( fp == NULL )
fp = stderr;
tr_getLogTimeStr( timestr, sizeof( timestr ) );
if( name )
fprintf( fp, "[%s] %s: %s\n", timestr, name, buf );
fprintf( fp, "[%s] %s\n", timestr, buf );
fflush( fp );
if( messageLock != NULL )
tr_lockUnlock( messageLock );
errno = err;
tr_set_compare( const void * va,
size_t aCount,
const void * vb,
size_t bCount,
int compare( const void * a, const void * b ),
size_t elementSize,
tr_set_func in_a_cb,
tr_set_func in_b_cb,
tr_set_func in_both_cb,
void * userData )
const uint8_t * a = (const uint8_t *) va;
const uint8_t * b = (const uint8_t *) vb;
const uint8_t * aend = a + elementSize * aCount;
const uint8_t * bend = b + elementSize * bCount;
while( a != aend || b != bend )
if( a == aend )
( *in_b_cb )( (void*)b, userData );
b += elementSize;
else if( b == bend )
( *in_a_cb )( (void*)a, userData );
a += elementSize;
const int val = ( *compare )( a, b );
if( !val )
( *in_both_cb )( (void*)a, userData );
a += elementSize;
b += elementSize;
else if( val < 0 )
( *in_a_cb )( (void*)a, userData );
a += elementSize;
else if( val > 0 )
( *in_b_cb )( (void*)b, userData );
b += elementSize;
const char*
tr_strip_positional_args( const char* str )
const char * in = str;
static size_t bufsize = 0;
static char * buf = NULL;
const size_t len = strlen( str );
char * out;
if( bufsize < len )
bufsize = len * 2;
buf = tr_renew( char, buf, bufsize );
for( out = buf; *str; ++str )
*out++ = *str;
if( ( *str == '%' ) && isdigit( str[1] ) )
const char * tmp = str + 1;
while( isdigit( *tmp ) )
if( *tmp == '$' )
str = tmp[1]=='\'' ? tmp+1 : tmp;
if( ( *str == '%' ) && ( str[1] == '\'' ) )
str = str + 1;
*out = '\0';
return strcmp( buf, in ) ? buf : in;
tr_timerAdd( struct event * timer, int seconds, int microseconds )
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = seconds;
tv.tv_usec = microseconds;
assert( tv.tv_sec >= 0 );
assert( tv.tv_usec >= 0 );
assert( tv.tv_usec < 1000000 );
evtimer_add( timer, &tv );
tr_timerAddMsec( struct event * timer, int msec )
const int seconds = msec / 1000;
const int usec = (msec%1000) * 1000;
tr_timerAdd( timer, seconds, usec );
uint8_t *
tr_loadFile( const char * path,
size_t * size )
uint8_t * buf;
struct stat sb;
int fd;
ssize_t n;
const char * const err_fmt = _( "Couldn't read \"%1$s\": %2$s" );
/* try to stat the file */
errno = 0;
if( stat( path, &sb ) )
const int err = errno;
tr_dbg( err_fmt, path, tr_strerror( errno ) );
errno = err;
return NULL;
if( ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) != S_IFREG )
tr_err( err_fmt, path, _( "Not a regular file" ) );
errno = EISDIR;
return NULL;
/* Load the torrent file into our buffer */
fd = tr_open_file_for_scanning( path );
if( fd < 0 )
const int err = errno;
tr_err( err_fmt, path, tr_strerror( errno ) );
errno = err;
return NULL;
buf = malloc( sb.st_size + 1 );
if( !buf )
const int err = errno;
tr_err( err_fmt, path, _( "Memory allocation failed" ) );
tr_close_file( fd );
errno = err;
return NULL;
n = read( fd, buf, (size_t)sb.st_size );
if( n == -1 )
const int err = errno;
tr_err( err_fmt, path, tr_strerror( errno ) );
tr_close_file( fd );
free( buf );
errno = err;
return NULL;
tr_close_file( fd );
buf[ sb.st_size ] = '\0';
*size = sb.st_size;
return buf;
tr_basename( const char * path )
char * tmp = tr_strdup( path );
char * ret = tr_strdup( basename( tmp ) );
tr_free( tmp );
return ret;
tr_dirname( const char * path )
char * tmp = tr_strdup( path );
char * ret = tr_strdup( dirname( tmp ) );
tr_free( tmp );
return ret;
tr_mkdir( const char * path,
int permissions
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef WIN32
if( path && isalpha( path[0] ) && path[1] == ':' && !path[2] )
return 0;
return mkdir( path );
return mkdir( path, permissions );
tr_mkdirp( const char * path_in,
int permissions )
char * path = tr_strdup( path_in );
char * p, * pp;
struct stat sb;
int done;
/* walk past the root */
p = path;
while( *p == TR_PATH_DELIMITER )
pp = p;
done = 0;
while( ( p =
strchr( pp, TR_PATH_DELIMITER ) ) || ( p = strchr( pp, '\0' ) ) )
if( !*p )
done = 1;
*p = '\0';
if( stat( path, &sb ) )
/* Folder doesn't exist yet */
if( tr_mkdir( path, permissions ) )
const int err = errno;
tr_err( _(
"Couldn't create \"%1$s\": %2$s" ), path,
tr_strerror( err ) );
tr_free( path );
errno = err;
return -1;
else if( ( sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) != S_IFDIR )
/* Node exists but isn't a folder */
char * buf = tr_strdup_printf( _( "File \"%s\" is in the way" ), path );
tr_err( _( "Couldn't create \"%1$s\": %2$s" ), path_in, buf );
tr_free( buf );
tr_free( path );
errno = ENOTDIR;
return -1;
if( done )
pp = p;
tr_free( path );
return 0;
tr_buildPath( const char *first_element, ... )
size_t bufLen = 0;
const char * element;
char * buf;
char * pch;
va_list vl;
/* pass 1: allocate enough space for the string */
va_start( vl, first_element );
element = first_element;
while( element ) {
bufLen += strlen( element ) + 1;
element = (const char*) va_arg( vl, const char* );
pch = buf = tr_new( char, bufLen );
va_end( vl );
/* pass 2: build the string piece by piece */
va_start( vl, first_element );
element = first_element;
while( element ) {
const size_t elementLen = strlen( element );
memcpy( pch, element, elementLen );
pch += elementLen;
element = (const char*) va_arg( vl, const char* );
va_end( vl );
/* terminate the string. if nonempty, eat the unwanted trailing slash */
if( pch != buf )
*pch++ = '\0';
/* sanity checks & return */
assert( pch - buf == (off_t)bufLen );
return buf;
tr_strndup( const void * in, int len )
char * out = NULL;
if( len < 0 )
out = tr_strdup( in );
else if( in )
out = tr_malloc( len + 1 );
memcpy( out, in, len );
out[len] = '\0';
return out;
const char*
tr_memmem( const char * haystack, size_t haystacklen,
const char * needle, size_t needlelen )
return memmem( haystack, haystacklen, needle, needlelen );
size_t i;
if( !needlelen )
return haystack;
if( needlelen > haystacklen || !haystack || !needle )
return NULL;
for( i=0; i<=haystacklen-needlelen; ++i )
if( !memcmp( haystack+i, needle, needlelen ) )
return haystack+i;
return NULL;
tr_strdup_printf( const char * fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
char * ret;
size_t len;
char statbuf[2048];
va_start( ap, fmt );
len = evutil_vsnprintf( statbuf, sizeof( statbuf ), fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
if( len < sizeof( statbuf ) )
ret = tr_strndup( statbuf, len );
else {
ret = tr_new( char, len + 1 );
va_start( ap, fmt );
evutil_vsnprintf( ret, len + 1, fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
return ret;
const char*
tr_strerror( int i )
const char * ret = strerror( i );
if( ret == NULL )
ret = "Unknown Error";
return ret;
tr_strstrip( char * str )
if( str != NULL )
size_t pos;
size_t len = strlen( str );
while( len && isspace( str[len - 1] ) )
for( pos = 0; pos < len && isspace( str[pos] ); )
len -= pos;
memmove( str, str + pos, len );
str[len] = '\0';
return str;
tr_str_has_suffix( const char *str, const char *suffix )
size_t str_len;
size_t suffix_len;
if( !str )
return FALSE;
if( !suffix )
return TRUE;
str_len = strlen( str );
suffix_len = strlen( suffix );
if( str_len < suffix_len )
return FALSE;
return !strncasecmp( str + str_len - suffix_len, suffix, suffix_len );
tr_date( void )
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
return (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000 + ( tv.tv_usec / 1000 );
tr_wait_msec( long int msec )
#ifdef WIN32
Sleep( (DWORD)msec );
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = msec / 1000;
ts.tv_nsec = ( msec % 1000 ) * 1000000;
nanosleep( &ts, NULL );
tr_snprintf( char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * fmt, ... )
int len;
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt );
len = evutil_vsnprintf( buf, buflen, fmt, args );
va_end( args );
return len;
* Copy src to string dst of size siz. At most siz-1 characters
* will be copied. Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
* Returns strlen(src); if retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
tr_strlcpy( char * dst,
const void * src,
size_t siz )
return strlcpy( dst, src, siz );
char * d = dst;
const char *s = src;
size_t n = siz;
assert( s );
assert( d );
/* Copy as many bytes as will fit */
if( n != 0 )
while( --n != 0 )
if( ( *d++ = *s++ ) == '\0' )
/* Not enough room in dst, add NUL and traverse rest of src */
if( n == 0 )
if( siz != 0 )
*d = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate dst */
while( *s++ )
return s - (char*)src - 1; /* count does not include NUL */
tr_getRatio( uint64_t numerator, uint64_t denominator )
double ratio;
if( denominator > 0 )
ratio = numerator / (double)denominator;
else if( numerator > 0 )
ratio = TR_RATIO_INF;
ratio = TR_RATIO_NA;
return ratio;
tr_sha1_to_hex( char * out, const uint8_t * sha1 )
int i;
static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
for( i=0; i<20; ++i )
const unsigned int val = *sha1++;
*out++ = hex[val >> 4];
*out++ = hex[val & 0xf];
*out = '\0';
tr_hex_to_sha1( uint8_t * out, const char * in )
int i;
static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
for( i=0; i<20; ++i )
const int hi = strchr( hex, tolower( *in++ ) ) - hex;
const int lo = strchr( hex, tolower( *in++ ) ) - hex;
*out++ = (uint8_t)( (hi<<4) | lo );
static tr_bool
isValidURLChars( const char * url )
const char * c;
static const char * rfc2396_valid_chars =
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" /* lowalpha */
"0123456789" /* digit */
"-_.!~*'()" /* mark */
";/?:@&=+$," /* reserved */
"<>#%<\"" /* delims */
"{}|\\^[]`"; /* unwise */
if( url == NULL )
return FALSE;
for( c = url; c && *c; ++c )
if( !strchr( rfc2396_valid_chars, *c ) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/** @brief return TRUE if the url is a http or https url that Transmission understands */
tr_urlIsValidTracker( const char * url )
tr_bool valid;
char * scheme = NULL;
valid = isValidURLChars( url )
&& !tr_urlParse( url, -1, &scheme, NULL, NULL, NULL )
&& ( scheme != NULL )
&& ( !strcmp(scheme,"http") || !strcmp(scheme,"https") );
tr_free( scheme );
return valid;
/** @brief return TRUE if the url is a http or https or ftp or sftp url that Transmission understands */
tr_urlIsValid( const char * url )
tr_bool valid;
char * scheme = NULL;
valid = isValidURLChars( url )
&& !tr_urlParse( url, -1, &scheme, NULL, NULL, NULL )
&& ( scheme != NULL )
&& ( !strcmp(scheme,"http") || !strcmp(scheme,"https") || !strcmp(scheme,"ftp") || !strcmp(scheme,"sftp") );
tr_free( scheme );
return valid;
tr_addressIsIP( const char * address )
tr_address tempAddr;
return tr_pton(address, &tempAddr) != NULL;
tr_urlParse( const char * url_in,
int len,
char ** setme_protocol,
char ** setme_host,
int * setme_port,
char ** setme_path )
int err;
int port = 0;
int n;
char * tmp;
char * pch;
const char * protocol = NULL;
const char * host = NULL;
const char * path = NULL;
tmp = tr_strndup( url_in, len );
if( ( pch = strstr( tmp, "://" ) ) )
*pch = '\0';
protocol = tmp;
pch += 3;
/*fprintf( stderr, "protocol is [%s]... what's left is [%s]\n", protocol, pch);*/
if( ( n = strcspn( pch, ":/" ) ) )
const int havePort = pch[n] == ':';
host = pch;
pch += n;
*pch++ = '\0';
/*fprintf( stderr, "host is [%s]... what's left is [%s]\n", host, pch );*/
if( havePort )
char * end;
port = strtol( pch, &end, 10 );
pch = end;
/*fprintf( stderr, "port is [%d]... what's left is [%s]\n", port, pch );*/
path = pch;
/*fprintf( stderr, "path is [%s]\n", path );*/
err = !host || !path || !protocol;
if( !err && !port )
if( !strcmp( protocol, "ftp" ) ) port = 21;
if( !strcmp( protocol, "sftp" ) ) port = 22;
if( !strcmp( protocol, "http" ) ) port = 80;
if( !strcmp( protocol, "https" ) ) port = 443;
if( !err )
if( setme_protocol ) *setme_protocol = tr_strdup( protocol );
if( setme_host ){ ( (char*)host )[-3] = ':'; *setme_host =
tr_strdup( host ); }
if( setme_path ){ if( path[0] == '/' ) *setme_path = tr_strdup( path );
else { ( (char*)path )[-1] = '/'; *setme_path = tr_strdup( path - 1 ); } }
if( setme_port ) *setme_port = port;
tr_free( tmp );
return err;
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/buffer.h>
char *
tr_base64_encode( const void * input, int length, int * setme_len )
int retlen = 0;
char * ret = NULL;
if( input != NULL )
BIO * b64;
BIO * bmem;
BUF_MEM * bptr;
if( length < 1 )
length = strlen( input );
bmem = BIO_new( BIO_s_mem( ) );
b64 = BIO_new( BIO_f_base64( ) );
b64 = BIO_push( b64, bmem );
BIO_write( b64, input, length );
(void) BIO_flush( b64 );
BIO_get_mem_ptr( b64, &bptr );
ret = tr_strndup( bptr->data, bptr->length );
retlen = bptr->length;
BIO_free_all( b64 );
if( setme_len )
*setme_len = retlen;
return ret;
char *
tr_base64_decode( const void * input,
int length,
int * setme_len )
char * ret;
BIO * b64;
BIO * bmem;
int retlen;
if( length < 1 )
length = strlen( input );
ret = tr_new0( char, length );
b64 = BIO_new( BIO_f_base64( ) );
bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf( (unsigned char*)input, length );
bmem = BIO_push( b64, bmem );
retlen = BIO_read( bmem, ret, length );
if( !retlen )
/* try again, but with the BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL flag */
BIO_free_all( bmem );
b64 = BIO_new( BIO_f_base64( ) );
BIO_set_flags( b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL );
bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf( (unsigned char*)input, length );
bmem = BIO_push( b64, bmem );
retlen = BIO_read( bmem, ret, length );
if( setme_len )
*setme_len = retlen;
BIO_free_all( bmem );
return ret;
tr_lowerBound( const void * key,
const void * base,
size_t nmemb,
size_t size,
int (* compar)(const void* key, const void* arrayMember),
tr_bool * exact_match )
size_t first = 0;
const char * cbase = base;
tr_bool exact = FALSE;
while( nmemb != 0 )
const size_t half = nmemb / 2;
const size_t middle = first + half;
const int c = compar( key, cbase + size*middle );
if( c <= 0 ) {
if( c == 0 )
exact = TRUE;
nmemb = half;
} else {
first = middle + 1;
nmemb = nmemb - half - 1;
*exact_match = exact;
return first;
tr_utf8clean( const char * str, int max_len, tr_bool * err )
char * ret;
const char * end;
if( max_len < 0 )
max_len = (int) strlen( str );
if( err != NULL )
*err = FALSE;
if( tr_utf8_validate( str, max_len, &end ) )
ret = tr_strndup( str, max_len );
const char zero = '\0';
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
while( !tr_utf8_validate ( str, max_len, &end ) )
const int good_len = end - str;
evbuffer_add( buf, str, good_len );
max_len -= ( good_len + 1 );
str += ( good_len + 1 );
evbuffer_add( buf, "?", 1 );
if( err != NULL )
*err = TRUE;
evbuffer_add( buf, str, max_len );
evbuffer_add( buf, &zero, 1 );
ret = tr_memdup( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ) );
evbuffer_free( buf );
assert( tr_utf8_validate( ret, -1, NULL ) );
return ret;
struct number_range
int low;
int high;
* This should be a single number (ex. "6") or a range (ex. "6-9").
* Anything else is an error and will return failure.
static tr_bool
parseNumberSection( const char * str, int len, struct number_range * setme )
long a, b;
tr_bool success;
char * end;
const int error = errno;
char * tmp = tr_strndup( str, len );
errno = 0;
a = b = strtol( tmp, &end, 10 );
if( errno || ( end == tmp ) ) {
success = FALSE;
} else if( *end != '-' ) {
b = a;
success = TRUE;
} else {
const char * pch = end + 1;
b = strtol( pch, &end, 10 );
if( errno || ( pch == end ) )
success = FALSE;
else if( *end ) /* trailing data */
success = FALSE;
success = TRUE;
tr_free( tmp );
setme->low = MIN( a, b );
setme->high = MAX( a, b );
errno = error;
return success;
static int
compareInt( const void * va, const void * vb )
const int a = *(const int *)va;
const int b = *(const int *)vb;
return a - b;
* Given a string like "1-4" or "1-4,6,9,14-51", this allocates and returns an
* array of setmeCount ints of all the values in the array.
* For example, "5-8" will return [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] and setmeCount will be 4.
* It's the caller's responsibility to call tr_free() on the returned array.
* If a fragment of the string can't be parsed, NULL is returned.
tr_parseNumberRange( const char * str_in, int len, int * setmeCount )
int n = 0;
int * uniq = NULL;
char * str = tr_strndup( str_in, len );
const char * walk;
tr_list * ranges = NULL;
tr_bool success = TRUE;
walk = str;
while( walk && *walk && success ) {
struct number_range range;
const char * pch = strchr( walk, ',' );
if( pch ) {
success = parseNumberSection( walk, pch-walk, &range );
walk = pch + 1;
} else {
success = parseNumberSection( walk, strlen( walk ), &range );
walk += strlen( walk );
if( success )
tr_list_append( &ranges, tr_memdup( &range, sizeof( struct number_range ) ) );
if( !success )
*setmeCount = 0;
uniq = NULL;
int i;
int n2;
tr_list * l;
int * sorted = NULL;
/* build a sorted number array */
n = n2 = 0;
for( l=ranges; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) {
const struct number_range * r = l->data;
n += r->high + 1 - r->low;
sorted = tr_new( int, n );
for( l=ranges; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) {
const struct number_range * r = l->data;
int i;
for( i=r->low; i<=r->high; ++i )
sorted[n2++] = i;
qsort( sorted, n, sizeof( int ), compareInt );
assert( n == n2 );
/* remove duplicates */
uniq = tr_new( int, n );
for( i=n=0; i<n2; ++i )
if( !n || uniq[n-1] != sorted[i] )
uniq[n++] = sorted[i];
tr_free( sorted );
/* cleanup */
tr_list_free( &ranges, tr_free );
tr_free( str );
/* return the result */
*setmeCount = n;
return uniq;
tr_truncd( double x, int decimal_places )
const int i = (int) pow( 10, decimal_places );
double x2 = (int)(x*i);
return x2 / i;
tr_strtruncd( char * buf, double x, int precision, size_t buflen )
tr_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%.*f", precision, tr_truncd( x, precision ) );
return buf;
tr_strpercent( char * buf, double x, size_t buflen )
if( x < 10.0 )
tr_strtruncd( buf, x, 2, buflen );
else if( x < 100.0 )
tr_strtruncd( buf, x, 1, buflen );
tr_strtruncd( buf, x, 0, buflen );
return buf;
tr_strratio( char * buf, size_t buflen, double ratio, const char * infinity )
if( (int)ratio == TR_RATIO_NA )
tr_strlcpy( buf, _( "None" ), buflen );
else if( (int)ratio == TR_RATIO_INF )
tr_strlcpy( buf, infinity, buflen );
tr_strpercent( buf, ratio, buflen );
return buf;
tr_moveFile( const char * oldpath, const char * newpath, tr_bool * renamed )
int in;
int out;
char * buf;
struct stat st;
off_t bytesLeft;
const size_t buflen = 1024 * 128; /* 128 KiB buffer */
/* make sure the old file exists */
if( stat( oldpath, &st ) ) {
const int err = errno;
errno = err;
return -1;
if( !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) ) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
bytesLeft = st.st_size;
/* make sure the target directory exists */
char * newdir = tr_dirname( newpath );
int i = tr_mkdirp( newdir, 0777 );
tr_free( newdir );
if( i )
return i;
/* they might be on the same filesystem... */
const int i = rename( oldpath, newpath );
if( renamed != NULL )
*renamed = i == 0;
if( !i )
return 0;
/* copy the file */
in = tr_open_file_for_scanning( oldpath );
out = tr_open_file_for_writing( newpath );
buf = tr_valloc( buflen );
while( bytesLeft > 0 )
ssize_t bytesWritten;
const off_t bytesThisPass = MIN( bytesLeft, buflen );
const int numRead = read( in, buf, bytesThisPass );
if( numRead < 0 )
bytesWritten = write( out, buf, numRead );
if( bytesWritten < 0 )
bytesLeft -= bytesWritten;
/* cleanup */
tr_free( buf );
tr_close_file( out );
tr_close_file( in );
if( bytesLeft != 0 )
return -1;
unlink( oldpath );
return 0;
tr_valloc( size_t bufLen )
size_t allocLen;
void * buf = NULL;
static size_t pageSize = 0;
if( !pageSize ) {
pageSize = getpagesize();
#else /* guess */
pageSize = 4096;
allocLen = pageSize;
while( allocLen < bufLen )
allocLen += pageSize;
if( !buf )
posix_memalign( &buf, pageSize, allocLen );
if( !buf )
buf = valloc( allocLen );
if( !buf )
buf = malloc( allocLen );
tr_dbg( "tr_valloc(%zu) allocating %zu bytes", bufLen, allocLen );
return buf;
char *
tr_realpath( const char * path, char * resolved_path )
#ifdef WIN32
/* From a message to the Mingw-msys list, Jun 2, 2005 by Mark Junker. */
if( GetFullPathNameA( path, TR_PATH_MAX, resolved_path, NULL ) == 0 )
return NULL;
return resolved_path;
return realpath( path, resolved_path );
struct formatter_unit
char * name;
double value;
struct formatter_units
struct formatter_unit units[4];
static void
formatter_init( struct formatter_units * units,
double kilo,
const char * b, const char * kb,
const char * mb, const char * gb )
units->units[TR_FMT_B].name = tr_strdup( b );
units->units[TR_FMT_B].value = 1;
units->units[TR_FMT_KB].name = tr_strdup( kb );
units->units[TR_FMT_KB].value = kilo;
units->units[TR_FMT_MB].name = tr_strdup( mb );
units->units[TR_FMT_MB].value = pow( kilo, 2 );
units->units[TR_FMT_GB].name = tr_strdup( gb );
units->units[TR_FMT_GB].value = pow( kilo, 3 );
static const char*
tr_formatter_units( const struct formatter_units * u, int size )
assert( u != NULL );
assert( 0<=size && size<4 );
return u->units[size].name;
static char*
formatter_get_size_str( const struct formatter_units * u,
char * buf, uint64_t bytes, size_t buflen )
int precision;
double value;
const char * units;
const struct formatter_unit * unit;
if( bytes < u->units[1].value ) unit = &u->units[0];
else if( bytes < u->units[2].value ) unit = &u->units[1];
else if( bytes < u->units[3].value ) unit = &u->units[2];
else unit = &u->units[3];
value = bytes / unit->value;
units = unit->name;
if( unit->value == 1 )
precision = 0;
else if( value < 100 )
precision = 2;
precision = 1;
tr_snprintf( buf, buflen, "%.*f %s", precision, value, units );
return buf;
static struct formatter_units size_units;
tr_formatter_size_init( double kilo, const char * b, const char * kb,
const char * mb, const char * gb )
formatter_init( &size_units, kilo, b, kb, mb, gb );
tr_formatter_size( char * buf, uint64_t bytes, size_t buflen )
return formatter_get_size_str( &size_units, buf, bytes, buflen );
const char*
tr_formatter_size_units( int i )
return tr_formatter_units( &size_units, i );
static struct formatter_units speed_units;
tr_formatter_speed_init( double kilo, const char * b, const char * kb,
const char * mb, const char * gb )
formatter_init( &speed_units, kilo, b, kb, mb, gb );
tr_formatter_speed( char * buf, uint64_t bytes_per_second, size_t buflen )
return formatter_get_size_str( &speed_units, buf, bytes_per_second, buflen );
const char*
tr_formatter_speed_units( int i )
return tr_formatter_units( &speed_units, i );