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synced 2025-03-03 10:15:45 +00:00
* test: fuzz test tr_torrent_metainfo.parseBenc() * fix: better error-checking in benc string parsing * fix: return benc failure if the parse stack is unbalanced * fix: stack range error when logging json parse errors * test: fuzz test tr_variantFromBuf()
350 lines
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350 lines
8.5 KiB
// This file Copyright © 2008-2022 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <array>
#include <cctype> /* isdigit() */
#include <deque>
#include <string_view>
#include <optional>
#include <event2/buffer.h>
#include <fmt/compile.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "benc.h"
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "quark.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "variant-common.h"
#include "variant.h"
using namespace std::literals;
auto constexpr MaxBencStrLength = size_t{ 128 * 1024 * 1024 }; // arbitrary
namespace transmission::benc::impl
* The initial i and trailing e are beginning and ending delimiters.
* You can have negative numbers such as i-3e. You cannot prefix the
* number with a zero such as i04e. However, i0e is valid.
* Example: i3e represents the integer "3"
* The maximum number of bit of this integer is unspecified,
* but to handle it as a signed 64bit integer is mandatory to handle
* "large files" aka .torrent for more that 4Gbyte
std::optional<int64_t> ParseInt(std::string_view* benc)
auto constexpr Prefix = "i"sv;
auto constexpr Suffix = "e"sv;
// find the beginning delimiter
auto walk = *benc;
if (std::size(walk) < 3 || !tr_strvStartsWith(walk, Prefix))
return {};
// find the ending delimiter
if (auto const pos = walk.find(Suffix); pos == std::string_view::npos)
return {};
// leading zeroes are not allowed
if ((walk[0] == '0' && (isdigit(walk[1]) != 0)) || (walk[0] == '-' && walk[1] == '0' && (isdigit(walk[2]) != 0)))
return {};
// parse the string and make sure the next char is `Suffix`
auto const value = tr_parseNum<int64_t>(walk);
if (!value || !tr_strvStartsWith(walk, Suffix))
return {};
*benc = walk;
return *value;
* Byte strings are encoded as follows:
* <string length encoded in base ten ASCII>:<string data>
* Note that there is no constant beginning delimiter, and no ending delimiter.
* Example: 4:spam represents the string "spam"
std::optional<std::string_view> ParseString(std::string_view* benc)
// find the ':' delimiter
auto const colon_pos = benc->find(':');
if (colon_pos == std::string_view::npos)
return {};
// get the string length
auto svtmp = benc->substr(0, colon_pos);
if (!std::all_of(std::begin(svtmp), std::end(svtmp), [](auto ch) { return isdigit(ch) != 0; }))
return {};
auto const len = tr_parseNum<size_t>(svtmp);
if (!len || *len >= MaxBencStrLength)
return {};
// do we have `len` bytes of string data?
svtmp = benc->substr(colon_pos + 1);
if (std::size(svtmp) < len)
return {};
auto const string = svtmp.substr(0, *len);
*benc = svtmp.substr(*len);
return string;
} // namespace transmission::benc::impl
**** tr_variantParse()
**** tr_variantLoad()
struct MyHandler : public transmission::benc::Handler
tr_variant* const top_;
int const parse_opts_;
std::deque<tr_variant*> stack_;
std::optional<tr_quark> key_;
MyHandler(tr_variant* top, int parse_opts)
: top_{ top }
, parse_opts_{ parse_opts }
~MyHandler() override = default;
bool Int64(int64_t value, Context const& /*context*/) final
auto* const variant = get_node();
if (variant == nullptr)
return false;
tr_variantInitInt(variant, value);
return true;
bool String(std::string_view sv, Context const& /*context*/) final
auto* const variant = get_node();
if (variant == nullptr)
return false;
if ((parse_opts_ & TR_VARIANT_PARSE_INPLACE) != 0)
tr_variantInitStrView(variant, sv);
tr_variantInitStr(variant, sv);
return true;
bool StartDict(Context const& /*context*/) final
auto* const variant = get_node();
if (variant == nullptr)
return false;
tr_variantInitDict(variant, 0);
return true;
bool Key(std::string_view sv, Context const& /*context*/) final
key_ = tr_quark_new(sv);
return true;
bool EndDict(Context const& /*context*/) final
if (std::empty(stack_))
return false;
return true;
bool StartArray(Context const& /*context*/) final
auto* const variant = get_node();
if (variant == nullptr)
return false;
tr_variantInitList(variant, 0);
return true;
bool EndArray(Context const& /*context*/) final
if (std::empty(stack_))
return false;
return true;
tr_variant* get_node()
tr_variant* node = nullptr;
if (std::empty(stack_))
node = top_;
else if (auto* parent = stack_.back(); tr_variantIsList(parent))
node = tr_variantListAdd(parent);
else if (key_ && tr_variantIsDict(parent))
node = tr_variantDictAdd(parent, *key_);
return node;
bool tr_variantParseBenc(tr_variant& top, int parse_opts, std::string_view benc, char const** setme_end, tr_error** error)
using Stack = transmission::benc::ParserStack<512>;
auto stack = Stack{};
auto handler = MyHandler{ &top, parse_opts };
return transmission::benc::parse(benc, stack, handler, setme_end, error) && std::empty(stack);
static void saveIntFunc(tr_variant const* val, void* vevbuf)
auto buf = std::array<char, 64>{};
auto const out = fmt::format_to(std::data(buf), FMT_COMPILE("i{:d}e"), val->val.i);
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
evbuffer_add(evbuf, std::data(buf), static_cast<size_t>(out - std::data(buf)));
static void saveBoolFunc(tr_variant const* val, void* vevbuf)
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
if (val->val.b)
evbuffer_add(evbuf, "i1e", 3);
evbuffer_add(evbuf, "i0e", 3);
static void saveStringImpl(evbuffer* evbuf, std::string_view sv)
// `${sv.size()}:${sv}`
auto prefix = std::array<char, 32>{};
auto out = fmt::format_to(std::data(prefix), FMT_COMPILE("{:d}:"), std::size(sv));
evbuffer_add(evbuf, std::data(prefix), out - std::data(prefix));
evbuffer_add(evbuf, std::data(sv), std::size(sv));
static void saveStringFunc(tr_variant const* v, void* vevbuf)
auto sv = std::string_view{};
(void)!tr_variantGetStrView(v, &sv);
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
saveStringImpl(evbuf, sv);
static void saveRealFunc(tr_variant const* val, void* vevbuf)
// the benc spec doesn't handle floats; save it as a string.
auto buf = std::array<char, 64>{};
auto out = fmt::format_to(std::data(buf), FMT_COMPILE("{:f}"), val->val.d);
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
saveStringImpl(evbuf, { std::data(buf), static_cast<size_t>(out - std::data(buf)) });
static void saveDictBeginFunc(tr_variant const* /*val*/, void* vevbuf)
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
evbuffer_add(evbuf, "d", 1);
static void saveListBeginFunc(tr_variant const* /*val*/, void* vevbuf)
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
evbuffer_add(evbuf, "l", 1);
static void saveContainerEndFunc(tr_variant const* /*val*/, void* vevbuf)
auto* const evbuf = static_cast<evbuffer*>(vevbuf);
evbuffer_add(evbuf, "e", 1);
static struct VariantWalkFuncs const walk_funcs = {
saveIntFunc, //
saveBoolFunc, //
saveRealFunc, //
saveStringFunc, //
saveDictBeginFunc, //
saveListBeginFunc, //
saveContainerEndFunc, //
void tr_variantToBufBenc(tr_variant const* top, evbuffer* buf)
tr_variantWalk(top, &walk_funcs, buf, true);