
405 lines
12 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include "Application.h"
#include "FaviconCache.h"
#include "Filters.h"
#include "FilterBar.h"
#include "FilterBarComboBox.h"
#include "FilterBarComboBoxDelegate.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Torrent.h"
#include "TorrentFilter.h"
#include "TorrentModel.h"
ActivityRole = FilterBarComboBox::UserRole,
readableHostName (const QString& host)
// get the readable name...
QString name = host;
const int pos = name.lastIndexOf (QLatin1Char ('.'));
if (pos >= 0)
name.truncate (pos);
if (!name.isEmpty ())
name[0] = name[0].toUpper ();
return name;
FilterBarComboBox *
FilterBar::createActivityCombo ()
FilterBarComboBox * c = new FilterBarComboBox (this);
FilterBarComboBoxDelegate * delegate = new FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (this, c);
c->setItemDelegate (delegate);
QStandardItemModel * model = new QStandardItemModel (this);
QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (tr ("All"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ALL, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
model->appendRow (new QStandardItem); // separator
delegate->setSeparator (model, model->index (1, 0));
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("system-run")), tr ("Active"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ACTIVE, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("go-down")), tr ("Downloading"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_DOWNLOADING, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("go-up")), tr ("Seeding"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_SEEDING, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("media-playback-pause")), tr ("Paused"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_PAUSED, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("dialog-ok")), tr ("Finished"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_FINISHED, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("view-refresh")), tr ("Verifying"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_VERIFYING, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme (QLatin1String ("process-stop")), tr ("Error"));
row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ERROR, ActivityRole);
model->appendRow (row);
c->setModel (model);
return c;
FilterBar::refreshTrackers ()
FaviconCache& favicons = qApp->faviconCache ();
const int firstTrackerRow = 2; // skip over the "All" and separator...
// pull info from the tracker model...
QSet<QString> oldHosts;
for (int row=firstTrackerRow; ; ++row)
QModelIndex index = myTrackerModel->index (row, 0);
if (!index.isValid ())
oldHosts << (TrackerRole).toString ();
// pull the new stats from the torrent model...
QSet<QString> newHosts;
QMap<QString,int> torrentsPerHost;
for (int row=0; ; ++row)
QModelIndex index = myTorrents.index (row, 0);
if (!index.isValid ())
const Torrent * tor = (TorrentModel::TorrentRole).value<const Torrent*> ();
QSet<QString> torrentNames;
for (const QString& host: tor->hosts ())
newHosts.insert (host);
torrentNames.insert (readableHostName (host));
for (const QString& name: torrentNames)
// update the "All" row
myTrackerModel->setData (myTrackerModel->index (0,0), myTorrents.rowCount (), FilterBarComboBox::CountRole);
myTrackerModel->setData (myTrackerModel->index (0,0), getCountString (myTorrents.rowCount ()), FilterBarComboBox::CountStringRole);
// rows to update
for (const QString& host: oldHosts & newHosts)
const QString name = readableHostName (host);
QStandardItem * row = myTrackerModel->findItems (name).front ();
const int count = torrentsPerHost[name];
row->setData (count, FilterBarComboBox::CountRole);
row->setData (getCountString (count), FilterBarComboBox::CountStringRole);
row->setData (QIcon (favicons.findFromHost (host)), Qt::DecorationRole);
// rows to remove
for (const QString& host: oldHosts - newHosts)
const QString name = readableHostName (host);
QStandardItem * item = myTrackerModel->findItems (name).front ();
if (!item->data (TrackerRole).toString ().isEmpty ()) // don't remove "All"
myTrackerModel->removeRows (item->row (), 1);
// rows to add
bool anyAdded = false;
for (const QString& host: newHosts - oldHosts)
const QString name = readableHostName (host);
if (!myTrackerModel->findItems (name).isEmpty ())
// find the sorted position to add this row
int i = firstTrackerRow;
for (int n=myTrackerModel->rowCount (); i<n; ++i)
const QString rowName = myTrackerModel->index (i,0).data (Qt::DisplayRole).toString ();
if (rowName >= name)
// add the row
QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (favicons.findFromHost (host), name);
const int count = torrentsPerHost[host];
row->setData (count, FilterBarComboBox::CountRole);
row->setData (getCountString (count), FilterBarComboBox::CountStringRole);
row->setData (QIcon (favicons.findFromHost (host)), Qt::DecorationRole);
row->setData (host, TrackerRole);
myTrackerModel->insertRow (i, row);
anyAdded = true;
if (anyAdded) // the one added might match our filter...
refreshPref (Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS);
FilterBarComboBox *
FilterBar::createTrackerCombo (QStandardItemModel * model)
FilterBarComboBox * c = new FilterBarComboBox (this);
FilterBarComboBoxDelegate * delegate = new FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (this, c);
c->setItemDelegate (delegate);
QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (tr ("All"));
row->setData (QString (), TrackerRole);
const int count = myTorrents.rowCount ();
row->setData (count, FilterBarComboBox::CountRole);
row->setData (getCountString (count), FilterBarComboBox::CountStringRole);
model->appendRow (row);
model->appendRow (new QStandardItem); // separator
delegate->setSeparator (model, model->index (1, 0));
c->setModel (model);
return c;
FilterBar::FilterBar (Prefs& prefs, const TorrentModel& torrents, const TorrentFilter& filter, QWidget * parent):
QWidget (parent),
myPrefs (prefs),
myTorrents (torrents),
myFilter (filter),
myRecountTimer (new QTimer (this)),
myIsBootstrapping (true)
QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout (this);
h->setContentsMargins (3, 3, 3, 3);
myCountLabel = new QLabel (tr ("Show:"), this);
h->addWidget (myCountLabel);
myActivityCombo = createActivityCombo ();
h->addWidget (myActivityCombo);
myTrackerModel = new QStandardItemModel (this);
myTrackerCombo = createTrackerCombo (myTrackerModel);
h->addWidget (myTrackerCombo);
h->addStretch ();
myLineEdit = new QLineEdit (this);
myLineEdit->setClearButtonEnabled (true);
myLineEdit->setPlaceholderText (tr ("Search..."));
myLineEdit->setMaximumWidth (250);
h->addWidget (myLineEdit, 1);
connect (myLineEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onTextChanged (QString)));
// listen for changes from the other players
connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (refreshPref (int)));
connect (myActivityCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onActivityIndexChanged (int)));
connect (myTrackerCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onTrackerIndexChanged (int)));
connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (modelReset ()), this, SLOT (recountSoon ()));
connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (rowsInserted (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (recountSoon ()));
connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (rowsRemoved (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (recountSoon ()));
connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (dataChanged (QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT (recountSoon ()));
connect (myRecountTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (recount ()));
recountSoon ();
refreshTrackers ();
myIsBootstrapping = false;
// initialize our state
QList<int> initKeys;
initKeys << Prefs::FILTER_MODE
for (const int key: initKeys)
refreshPref (key);
FilterBar::~FilterBar ()
delete myRecountTimer;
FilterBar::clear ()
myActivityCombo->setCurrentIndex (0);
myTrackerCombo->setCurrentIndex (0);
myLineEdit->clear ();
FilterBar::refreshPref (int key)
switch (key)
case Prefs::FILTER_MODE:
const FilterMode m = myPrefs.get<FilterMode> (key);
QAbstractItemModel * model = myActivityCombo->model ();
QModelIndexList indices = model->match (model->index (0,0), ActivityRole, m.mode ());
myActivityCombo->setCurrentIndex (indices.isEmpty () ? 0 : indices.first ().row ());
const QString tracker = myPrefs.getString (key);
const QString name = readableHostName (tracker);
QList<QStandardItem*> rows = myTrackerModel->findItems (name);
if (!rows.isEmpty ())
myTrackerCombo->setCurrentIndex (rows.front ()->row ());
else // hm, we don't seem to have this tracker anymore...
const bool isBootstrapping = myTrackerModel->rowCount () <= 2;
if (!isBootstrapping)
myPrefs.set (key, QString ());
FilterBar::onTextChanged (const QString& str)
if (!myIsBootstrapping)
myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_TEXT, str.trimmed ());
FilterBar::onTrackerIndexChanged (int i)
if (!myIsBootstrapping)
QString str;
const bool isTracker = !myTrackerCombo->itemData (i,TrackerRole).toString ().isEmpty ();
if (!isTracker)
// show all
str = myTrackerCombo->itemData (i,TrackerRole).toString ();
const int pos = str.lastIndexOf (QLatin1Char ('.'));
if (pos >= 0)
str.truncate (pos+1);
myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS, str);
FilterBar::onActivityIndexChanged (int i)
if (!myIsBootstrapping)
const FilterMode mode = myActivityCombo->itemData (i, ActivityRole).toInt ();
myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_MODE, mode);
FilterBar::recountSoon ()
if (!myRecountTimer->isActive ())
myRecountTimer->setSingleShot (true);
myRecountTimer->start (800);
FilterBar::recount ()
QAbstractItemModel * model = myActivityCombo->model ();
int torrentsPerMode[FilterMode::NUM_MODES] = {};
myFilter.countTorrentsPerMode (torrentsPerMode);
for (int row=0, n=model->rowCount (); row<n; ++row)
QModelIndex index = model->index (row, 0);
const int mode = (ActivityRole).toInt ();
const int count = torrentsPerMode [mode];
model->setData (index, count, FilterBarComboBox::CountRole);
model->setData (index, getCountString (count), FilterBarComboBox::CountStringRole);
refreshTrackers ();
FilterBar::getCountString (int n) const
return QString::fromLatin1 ("%L1").arg (n);