
685 lines
17 KiB

// This file Copyright © 2008-2022 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#pragma once
#ifndef __TRANSMISSION__
#error only libtransmission should #include this header.
#define TR_NAME "Transmission"
#include <array>
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <cstdint> // uintX_t
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility> // std::pair
#include <vector>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "announce-list.h"
#include "bandwidth.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "interned-string.h"
#include "net.h" // tr_socket_t
#include "open-files.h"
#include "quark.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "torrents.h"
#include "web.h"
enum tr_auto_switch_state_t
tr_peer_id_t tr_peerIdInit();
struct event_base;
struct evdns_base;
class tr_bitfield;
class tr_rpc_server;
class tr_web;
struct BlocklistFile;
struct struct_utp_context;
struct tr_address;
struct tr_announcer;
struct tr_announcer_udp;
struct tr_bandwidth;
struct tr_bindsockets;
struct tr_fdInfo;
struct tr_bindinfo
tr_bindinfo(tr_address addr)
: addr_{ std::move(addr) }
void bindAndListenForIncomingPeers(tr_session* session);
void close();
[[nodiscard]] auto readable() const
return addr_.readable();
tr_address addr_;
struct event* ev_ = nullptr;
tr_socket_t socket_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET;
struct tr_turtle_info
/* TR_UP and TR_DOWN speed limits */
unsigned int speedLimit_Bps[2] = {};
/* is turtle mode on right now? */
bool isEnabled = false;
/* does turtle mode turn itself on and off at given times? */
bool isClockEnabled = false;
/* when clock mode is on, minutes after midnight to turn on turtle mode */
int beginMinute = 0;
/* when clock mode is on, minutes after midnight to turn off turtle mode */
int endMinute = 0;
/* only use clock mode on these days of the week */
tr_sched_day days = {};
/* called when isEnabled changes */
tr_altSpeedFunc callback = nullptr;
/* the callback's user_data argument */
void* callbackUserData = nullptr;
/* the callback's changedByUser argument.
* indicates whether the change came from the user or from the clock. */
bool changedByUser = false;
/* bitfield of all the minutes in a week.
* Each bit's value indicates whether the scheduler wants turtle
* limits on or off at that given minute in the week. */
// Changed to non-owning pointer temporarily till tr_turtle_info becomes C++-constructible and destructible
// TODO: remove * and own the value
tr_bitfield* minutes = nullptr;
/* recent action that was done by turtle's automatic switch */
tr_auto_switch_state_t autoTurtleState = TR_AUTO_SWITCH_UNUSED;
/** @brief handle to an active libtransmission session */
struct tr_session
tr_session(std::string_view config_dir);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& torrents()
return torrents_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& torrents() const
return torrents_;
[[nodiscard]] auto unique_lock() const
return std::unique_lock(session_mutex_);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto isClosing() const noexcept
return is_closing_;
// paths
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& configDir() const noexcept
return config_dir_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& torrentDir() const noexcept
return torrent_dir_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& resumeDir() const noexcept
return resume_dir_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& downloadDir() const noexcept
return download_dir_;
void setDownloadDir(std::string_view dir)
download_dir_ = dir;
// default trackers
// (trackers to apply automatically to public torrents)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& defaultTrackersStr() const noexcept
return default_trackers_str_;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& defaultTrackers() const noexcept
return default_trackers_;
void setDefaultTrackers(std::string_view trackers);
// incomplete dir
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& incompleteDir() const noexcept
return incomplete_dir_;
void setIncompleteDir(std::string_view dir)
incomplete_dir_ = dir;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto useIncompleteDir() const noexcept
return incomplete_dir_enabled_;
constexpr void useIncompleteDir(bool enabled) noexcept
incomplete_dir_enabled_ = enabled;
// scripts
constexpr void useScript(TrScript i, bool enabled)
scripts_enabled_[i] = enabled;
[[nodiscard]] auto useScript(TrScript i) const
return scripts_enabled_[i];
void setScript(TrScript i, std::string_view path)
scripts_[i] = path;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& script(TrScript i) const
return scripts_[i];
// blocklist
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto useBlocklist() const noexcept
return blocklist_enabled_;
void useBlocklist(bool enabled);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& blocklistUrl() const noexcept
return blocklist_url_;
void setBlocklistUrl(std::string_view url)
blocklist_url_ = url;
// RPC
void setRpcWhitelist(std::string_view whitelist) const;
void useRpcWhitelist(bool enabled) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool useRpcWhitelist() const;
[[nodiscard]] auto externalIP() const noexcept
return external_ip_;
void setExternalIP(tr_address external_ip)
external_ip_ = external_ip;
// peer networking
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& peerCongestionAlgorithm() const noexcept
return peer_congestion_algorithm_;
void setPeerCongestionAlgorithm(std::string_view algorithm)
peer_congestion_algorithm_ = algorithm;
void setSocketTOS(tr_socket_t sock, tr_address_type type) const
tr_netSetTOS(sock, peer_socket_tos_, type);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool incPeerCount() noexcept
if (this->peerCount >= this->peerLimit)
return false;
return true;
constexpr void decPeerCount() noexcept
if (this->peerCount > 0)
// bandwidth
[[nodiscard]] tr_bandwidth& getBandwidthGroup(std::string_view name);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto& openFiles() noexcept
return open_files_;
void closeTorrentFiles(tr_torrent* tor) noexcept;
void closeTorrentFile(tr_torrent* tor, tr_file_index_t file_num) noexcept;
// announce ip
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& announceIP() const noexcept
return announce_ip_;
void setAnnounceIP(std::string_view ip)
announce_ip_ = ip;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto useAnnounceIP() const noexcept
return announce_ip_enabled_;
constexpr void useAnnounceIP(bool enabled) noexcept
announce_ip_enabled_ = enabled;
// callbacks
using queue_start_callback_t = void (*)(tr_session*, tr_torrent*, void* user_data);
void setQueueStartCallback(queue_start_callback_t cb, void* user_data)
queue_start_callback_ = cb;
queue_start_user_data_ = user_data;
void onQueuedTorrentStarted(tr_torrent* tor)
if (queue_start_callback_ != nullptr)
queue_start_callback_(this, tor, queue_start_user_data_);
void setIdleLimitHitCallback(tr_session_idle_limit_hit_func cb, void* user_data)
idle_limit_hit_callback_ = cb;
idle_limit_hit_user_data_ = user_data;
void onIdleLimitHit(tr_torrent* tor)
if (idle_limit_hit_callback_ != nullptr)
idle_limit_hit_callback_(this, tor, idle_limit_hit_user_data_);
void setRatioLimitHitCallback(tr_session_ratio_limit_hit_func cb, void* user_data)
ratio_limit_hit_cb_ = cb;
ratio_limit_hit_user_data_ = user_data;
void onRatioLimitHit(tr_torrent* tor)
if (ratio_limit_hit_cb_ != nullptr)
ratio_limit_hit_cb_(this, tor, ratio_limit_hit_user_data_);
void setMetadataCallback(tr_session_metadata_func cb, void* user_data)
got_metadata_cb_ = cb;
got_metadata_user_data_ = user_data;
void onMetadataCompleted(tr_torrent* tor)
if (got_metadata_cb_ != nullptr)
got_metadata_cb_(this, tor, got_metadata_user_data_);
void setTorrentCompletenessCallback(tr_torrent_completeness_func cb, void* user_data)
completeness_func_ = cb;
completeness_func_user_data_ = user_data;
void onTorrentCompletenessChanged(tr_torrent* tor, tr_completeness completeness, bool was_running)
if (completeness_func_ != nullptr)
completeness_func_(tor, completeness, was_running, completeness_func_user_data_);
/// stats
[[nodiscard]] auto& stats() noexcept
return session_stats_;
[[nodiscard]] auto const& stats() const noexcept
return session_stats_;
void addUploaded(uint32_t n_bytes) noexcept
void addDownloaded(uint32_t n_bytes) noexcept
void addFileCreated() noexcept
static constexpr std::array<std::tuple<tr_quark, tr_quark, TrScript>, 3> Scripts{
{ { TR_KEY_script_torrent_added_enabled, TR_KEY_script_torrent_added_filename, TR_SCRIPT_ON_TORRENT_ADDED },
{ TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_enabled, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_filename, TR_SCRIPT_ON_TORRENT_DONE },
{ TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_seeding_enabled,
bool isPortRandom = false;
bool isPexEnabled = false;
bool isDHTEnabled = false;
bool isUTPEnabled = false;
bool isLPDEnabled = false;
bool isPrefetchEnabled = false;
bool is_closing_ = false;
bool isClosed = false;
bool isRatioLimited = false;
bool isIdleLimited = false;
bool isIncompleteFileNamingEnabled = false;
bool pauseAddedTorrent = false;
bool deleteSourceTorrent = false;
bool scrapePausedTorrents = false;
uint8_t peer_id_ttl_hours = 0;
bool stalledEnabled = false;
bool queueEnabled[2] = { false, false };
int queueSize[2] = { 0, 0 };
int queueStalledMinutes = 0;
int umask = 0;
unsigned int speedLimit_Bps[2] = { 0, 0 };
bool speedLimitEnabled[2] = { false, false };
struct tr_turtle_info turtle;
int magicNumber = 0;
tr_encryption_mode encryptionMode;
tr_preallocation_mode preallocationMode;
struct event_base* event_base = nullptr;
struct evdns_base* evdns_base = nullptr;
struct tr_event_handle* events = nullptr;
uint16_t peerCount = 0;
uint16_t peerLimit = 200;
uint16_t peerLimitPerTorrent = 50;
int uploadSlotsPerTorrent = 0;
/* The UDP sockets used for the DHT and uTP. */
tr_port udp_port;
tr_socket_t udp_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET;
tr_socket_t udp6_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET;
unsigned char* udp6_bound = nullptr;
struct event* udp_event = nullptr;
struct event* udp6_event = nullptr;
struct struct_utp_context* utp_context = nullptr;
struct event* utp_timer = nullptr;
/* The open port on the local machine for incoming peer requests */
tr_port private_peer_port;
* The open port on the public device for incoming peer requests.
* This is usually the same as private_peer_port but can differ
* if the public device is a router and it decides to use a different
* port than the one requested by Transmission.
tr_port public_peer_port;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto peerPort() const noexcept
return public_peer_port;
constexpr auto setPeerPort(tr_port port) noexcept
public_peer_port = port;
tr_port randomPortLow;
tr_port randomPortHigh;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BlocklistFile>> blocklists;
struct tr_peerMgr* peerMgr = nullptr;
struct tr_shared* shared = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Cache> cache;
class WebMediator final : public tr_web::Mediator
explicit WebMediator(tr_session* session)
: session_{ session }
~WebMediator() override = default;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<std::string> cookieFile() const override;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<std::string> publicAddress() const override;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<std::string_view> userAgent() const override;
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int clamp(int torrent_id, unsigned int byte_count) const override;
void notifyBandwidthConsumed(int torrent_id, size_t byte_count) override;
// runs the tr_web::fetch response callback in the libtransmission thread
void run(tr_web::FetchDoneFunc&& func, tr_web::FetchResponse&& response) const override;
tr_session* const session_;
WebMediator web_mediator{ this };
std::unique_ptr<tr_web> web;
struct tr_session_id* session_id = nullptr;
tr_rpc_func rpc_func = nullptr;
void* rpc_func_user_data = nullptr;
struct tr_announcer* announcer = nullptr;
struct tr_announcer_udp* announcer_udp = nullptr;
struct event* nowTimer = nullptr;
struct event* saveTimer = nullptr;
// monitors the "global pool" speeds
tr_bandwidth top_bandwidth_;
std::vector<std::pair<tr_interned_string, std::unique_ptr<tr_bandwidth>>> bandwidth_groups_;
float desiredRatio;
uint16_t idleLimitMinutes;
tr_bindinfo bind_ipv4 = tr_bindinfo{ tr_inaddr_any };
tr_bindinfo bind_ipv6 = tr_bindinfo{ tr_in6addr_any };
std::unique_ptr<tr_rpc_server> rpc_server_;
tr_announce_list default_trackers_;
// One of <netinet/ip.h>'s IPTOS_ values.
// See tr_netTos*() in libtransmission/net.h for more info
// Only should use this.
int peer_socket_tos_ = *tr_netTosFromName(TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS_STR);
static std::recursive_mutex session_mutex_;
tr_torrents torrents_;
std::array<std::string, TR_SCRIPT_N_TYPES> scripts_;
std::string const config_dir_;
std::string const resume_dir_;
std::string const torrent_dir_;
std::string download_dir_;
std::string incomplete_dir_;
std::string blocklist_url_;
std::string default_trackers_str_;
std::string peer_congestion_algorithm_;
tr_stats session_stats_;
std::optional<tr_address> external_ip_;
queue_start_callback_t queue_start_callback_ = nullptr;
void* queue_start_user_data_ = nullptr;
tr_session_idle_limit_hit_func idle_limit_hit_callback_ = nullptr;
void* idle_limit_hit_user_data_ = nullptr;
tr_session_ratio_limit_hit_func ratio_limit_hit_cb_ = nullptr;
void* ratio_limit_hit_user_data_ = nullptr;
tr_session_metadata_func got_metadata_cb_ = nullptr;
void* got_metadata_user_data_ = nullptr;
tr_torrent_completeness_func completeness_func_ = nullptr;
void* completeness_func_user_data_ = nullptr;
std::array<bool, TR_SCRIPT_N_TYPES> scripts_enabled_;
bool blocklist_enabled_ = false;
bool incomplete_dir_enabled_ = false;
tr_open_files open_files_;
std::string announce_ip_;
bool announce_ip_enabled_ = false;
bool tr_sessionAllowsDHT(tr_session const* session);
bool tr_sessionAllowsLPD(tr_session const* session);
bool tr_sessionIsAddressBlocked(tr_session const* session, struct tr_address const* addr);
struct tr_address const* tr_sessionGetPublicAddress(tr_session const* session, int tr_af_type, bool* is_default_value);
struct tr_bindsockets* tr_sessionGetBindSockets(tr_session*);
int tr_sessionCountTorrents(tr_session const* session);
std::vector<tr_torrent*> tr_sessionGetTorrents(tr_session* session);
constexpr bool tr_isSession(tr_session const* session)
return session != nullptr && session->magicNumber == SESSION_MAGIC_NUMBER;
constexpr bool tr_isPriority(tr_priority_t p)
return p == TR_PRI_LOW || p == TR_PRI_NORMAL || p == TR_PRI_HIGH;
unsigned int tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_session const*, tr_direction);
unsigned int tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed_Bps(tr_session const*, tr_direction);
bool tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir, unsigned int* setme);
std::vector<tr_torrent*> tr_sessionGetNextQueuedTorrents(tr_session* session, tr_direction dir, size_t num_wanted);
int tr_sessionCountQueueFreeSlots(tr_session* session, tr_direction);