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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-19 10:15:36 +00:00
Mike Gelfand be74cb6356
Qt 6 support (#2069)
* Bump minimum Qt version to 5.6

* Switch from QRegExp to QRegularExpression

While still available, QRegExp has been moved to Qt6::Core5Compat module
and is not part of Qt6::Core.

* Use qIsEffectiveTLD instead of QUrl::topLevelDomain

The latter is not part of Qt6::Core. The former is a private utility in
Qt6::Network; using it for now, until (and if) we switch to something

* Use QStyle::State_Horizontal state when drawing progress bars

Although available for a long time, this state either didn't apply to
progress bars before Qt 6, or was deduced based on bar size. With Qt 6,
failing to specify it results in bad rendering.

* Don't use QStringRef (and associated methods)

While still available, QStringRef has been moved to Qt6::Core5Compat
module and is not part of Qt6::Core. Related method (e.g.
QString::midRef) have been removed in Qt 6.

* Use Qt::ItemIsAutoTristate instead of Qt::ItemIsTristate

The latter was deprecated and replaced with the former in Qt 5.6.

* Don't use QApplication::globalStrut

This property has been deprecated in Qt 5.15 and removed in Qt 6.

* Use QImage::fromHICON instead of QtWin::fromHICON

WinExtras module (providind the latter helper) has been removed in Qt 6.

* Use QStringDecoder instead of QTextCodec

While still available, QTextCodec has been moved to Qt6::Core5Compat
module and is not part of Qt6::Core.

* Don't forward-declare QStringList

Instead of being a standalone class, its definition has changed to
QList<QString> template specialization in Qt 6.

* Use explicit (since Qt 6) QFileInfo constructor

* Use QDateTime's {to,from}SecsSinceEpoch instead of {to,from}Time_t

The latter was deprecated in Qt 5.8 and removed in Qt 6.

* Don't use QFuture<>'s operator==

It has been removed in Qt 6. Since the original issue this code was
solving was caused by future reuse, just don't reuse futures and create
new finished ones when necessary.

* Use std::vector<> instead of QVector<>

The latter has been changed to a typedef for QList<>, which might not be
what one wants, and which also changed behavior a bit leading to
compilation errors.

* Don't use + for flags, cast to int explicitly

Operator+ for enum values has been deleted in Qt 6, so using operator|
instead. Then, there's no conversion from QFlags<> to QVariant, so need
to cast to int.

* Support Qt 6 in CMake and for MSI packaging

* Remove extra (empty) CMake variable use when constructing Qt target names

* Simplify logic in tr_qt_add_translation CMake helper

Co-authored-by: Charles Kerr <charles@charleskerr.com>
2021-11-04 00:20:11 +03:00

284 lines
6.6 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <array>
#include <QDir>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include "FaviconCache.h"
Q_NETWORK_EXPORT bool qIsEffectiveTLD(QStringView domain);
QString getTopLevelDomain(QUrl const& url)
auto const host = url.host();
auto const dot = QChar(QLatin1Char('.'));
for (auto dot_pos = host.indexOf(dot); dot_pos != -1; dot_pos = host.indexOf(dot, dot_pos + 1))
if (qIsEffectiveTLD(QStringView(&host.data()[dot_pos + 1], host.size() - dot_pos - 1)))
return host.mid(dot_pos);
return {};
return url.topLevelDomain();
} // namespace
: nam_(new QNetworkAccessManager(this))
connect(nam_, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &FaviconCache::onRequestFinished);
QPixmap scale(QPixmap const& pixmap)
return pixmap.scaled(FaviconCache::getIconSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
QString getCacheDir()
auto const base = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation);
return QDir(base).absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("favicons"));
QString getScrapedFile()
auto const base = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation);
return QDir(base).absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("favicons-scraped.txt"));
void markUrlAsScraped(QString const& url_str)
auto skip_file = QFile(getScrapedFile());
if (skip_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append))
} // namespace
void FaviconCache::ensureCacheDirHasBeenScanned()
static bool has_been_scanned = false;
if (has_been_scanned)
has_been_scanned = true;
// remember which hosts we've asked for a favicon so that we
// don't re-ask them every time we start a new session
auto skip_file = QFile(getScrapedFile());
if (skip_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
while (!skip_file.atEnd())
auto const url = QString::fromUtf8(skip_file.readLine()).trimmed();
auto const key = getKey(QUrl{ url });
keys_.insert({ url, key });
// load the cached favicons
auto cache_dir = QDir(getCacheDir());
QStringList const files = cache_dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::Readable);
for (auto const& file : files)
QPixmap pixmap(cache_dir.absoluteFilePath(file));
if (!pixmap.isNull())
pixmaps_[file] = scale(pixmap);
QString FaviconCache::getDisplayName(Key const& key)
auto name = key;
if (!name.isEmpty())
name.front() = name.front().toTitleCase();
return name;
FaviconCache::Key FaviconCache::getKey(QUrl const& url)
auto host = url.host();
// remove tld
auto const suffix = getTopLevelDomain(url);
host.truncate(host.size() - suffix.size());
// remove subdomain
auto const pos = host.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
return pos < 0 ? host : host.remove(0, pos + 1);
FaviconCache::Key FaviconCache::getKey(QString const& displayName)
return displayName.toLower();
QSize FaviconCache::getIconSize()
return QSize(16, 16);
QPixmap FaviconCache::find(Key const& key)
return pixmaps_[key];
FaviconCache::Key FaviconCache::add(QString const& url_str)
// find or add this url's key
auto k_it = keys_.find(url_str);
if (k_it != keys_.end())
return k_it->second;
auto const url = QUrl{ url_str };
auto const key = getKey(url);
keys_.insert({ url_str, key });
// Try to download a favicon if we don't have one.
// Add a placeholder to prevent repeat downloads.
if (pixmaps_.try_emplace(key).second)
auto const scrape = [this](auto const host)
auto const schemes = std::array<QString, 2>{
auto const suffixes = std::array<QString, 5>{
QStringLiteral("gif"), //
QStringLiteral("ico"), //
QStringLiteral("jpg"), //
QStringLiteral("png"), //
QStringLiteral("svg"), //
for (auto const& scheme : schemes)
for (auto const& suffix : suffixes)
auto const path = QStringLiteral("%1://%2/favicon.%3").arg(scheme).arg(host).arg(suffix);
// tracker.domain.com
auto host = url.host();
auto const delim = QStringLiteral(".");
auto const has_subdomain = host.count(delim) > 1;
if (has_subdomain)
auto const original_subdomain = host.left(host.indexOf(delim));
host.remove(0, original_subdomain.size() + 1);
// domain.com
auto const www = QStringLiteral("www");
if (original_subdomain != www)
// www.domain.com
return key;
void FaviconCache::onRequestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply)
auto const key = getKey(reply->url());
QPixmap pixmap;
QByteArray const content = reply->readAll();
if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)
if (!pixmap.isNull())
// save it in memory...
pixmaps_[key] = scale(pixmap);
// save it on disk...
QDir cache_dir(getCacheDir());
QFile file(cache_dir.absoluteFilePath(key));
// notify listeners
emit pixmapReady(key);