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* This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* $Id$
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/bencode.h>
#include "torrent-delegate.h"
#include "torrent-model.h"
TorrentModel :: clear( )
myIdToRow.clear( );
myIdToTorrent.clear( );
foreach( Torrent * tor, myTorrents ) delete tor;
myTorrents.clear( );
reset( );
TorrentModel :: rowCount( const QModelIndex& parent ) const
Q_UNUSED( parent );
return myTorrents.size( );
TorrentModel :: data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
QVariant var;
const int row = index.row( );
if( row<0 || row>=myTorrents.size() )
return QVariant( );
const Torrent* t = myTorrents.at( row );
switch( role )
case Qt::DisplayRole:
var = QString( t->name() );
case Qt::DecorationRole:
var = t->getMimeTypeIcon( );
case TorrentRole:
var = qVariantFromValue( t );
//std::cerr << "Unhandled role: " << role << std::endl;
return var;
TorrentModel :: addTorrent( Torrent * t )
myIdToTorrent.insert( t->id( ), t );
myIdToRow.insert( t->id( ), myTorrents.size( ) );
myTorrents.append( t );
TorrentModel :: TorrentModel( Prefs& prefs ):
myPrefs( prefs )
TorrentModel :: ~TorrentModel( )
clear( );
TorrentModel :: getTorrentFromId( int id )
id_to_torrent_t::iterator it( myIdToTorrent.find( id ) );
return it == myIdToTorrent.end() ? 0 : it.value( );
const Torrent*
TorrentModel :: getTorrentFromId( int id ) const
id_to_torrent_t::const_iterator it( myIdToTorrent.find( id ) );
return it == myIdToTorrent.end() ? 0 : it.value( );
TorrentModel :: onTorrentChanged( int torrentId )
const int row( myIdToRow.value( torrentId, -1 ) );
if( row >= 0 ) {
QModelIndex qmi( index( row, 0 ) );
emit dataChanged( qmi, qmi );
TorrentModel :: removeTorrents( tr_benc * torrents )
int i = 0;
tr_benc * child;
while(( child = tr_bencListChild( torrents, i++ ))) {
int64_t intVal;
if( tr_bencGetInt( child, &intVal ) )
removeTorrent( intVal );
TorrentModel :: updateTorrents( tr_benc * torrents, bool isCompleteList )
QList<Torrent*> newTorrents;
QSet<int> oldIds( getIds( ) );
QSet<int> addIds;
QSet<int> newIds;
int updatedCount = 0;
if( tr_bencIsList( torrents ) )
size_t i( 0 );
tr_benc * child;
while(( child = tr_bencListChild( torrents, i++ )))
int64_t id;
if( tr_bencDictFindInt( child, "id", &id ) )
newIds.insert( id );
Torrent * tor = getTorrentFromId( id );
if( tor == 0 )
tor = new Torrent( myPrefs, id );
tor->update( child );
if( !tor->hasMetadata() )
tor->setMagnet( true );
newTorrents.append( tor );
connect( tor, SIGNAL(torrentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onTorrentChanged(int)));
tor->update( child );
if( tor->isMagnet() && tor->hasMetadata() )
addIds.insert( tor->id() );
tor->setMagnet( false );
if( !newTorrents.isEmpty( ) )
const int oldCount( rowCount( ) );
const int newCount( oldCount + newTorrents.size( ) );
QSet<int> ids;
beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), oldCount, newCount - 1 );
foreach( Torrent * tor, newTorrents ) {
addTorrent( tor );
addIds.insert( tor->id( ) );
endInsertRows( );
if( !addIds.isEmpty() )
emit torrentsAdded( addIds );
if( isCompleteList )
QSet<int> removedIds( oldIds );
removedIds -= newIds;
foreach( int id, removedIds )
removeTorrent( id );
TorrentModel :: removeTorrent( int id )
const int row = myIdToRow.value( id, -1 );
if( row >= 0 )
Torrent * tor = myIdToTorrent.value( id, 0 );
beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), row, row );
// make the myIdToRow map consistent with list view/model
for( QMap<int,int>::iterator i = myIdToRow.begin(); i != myIdToRow.end(); ++i )
if( i.value() > row )
myIdToRow.remove( id );
myIdToTorrent.remove( id );
myTorrents.remove( myTorrents.indexOf( tor ) );
endRemoveRows( );
delete tor;
TorrentModel :: getUploadSpeed( ) const
Speed up;
foreach( const Torrent * tor, myTorrents )
up += tor->uploadSpeed( );
return up;
TorrentModel :: getDownloadSpeed( ) const
Speed down;
foreach( const Torrent * tor, myTorrents )
down += tor->downloadSpeed( );
return down;
TorrentModel :: getIds( ) const
QSet<int> ids;
foreach( const Torrent * tor, myTorrents )
ids.insert( tor->id( ) );
return ids;
TorrentModel :: hasTorrent( const QString& hashString ) const
foreach( const Torrent * tor, myTorrents )
if( tor->hashString( ) == hashString )
return true;
return false;