
801 lines
29 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2009 Charles Kerr <>
* This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the
* Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b)
* so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license.
* This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by
* the Transmission project.
* $Id:$
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QSize>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
#include <QUrl>
#include "about.h"
#include "details.h"
#include "mainwin.h"
#include "make-dialog.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "prefs-dialog.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "speed.h"
#include "stats-dialog.h"
#include "torrent-delegate.h"
#include "torrent-delegate-min.h"
#include "torrent-filter.h"
#include "torrent-model.h"
#include "ui_mainwin.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "qticonloader.h"
#define PREFS_KEY "prefs-key";
TrMainWindow :: getStockIcon( const QString& freedesktop_name, int fallback )
QIcon fallbackIcon;
if( fallback > 0 )
fallbackIcon = style()->standardIcon( QStyle::StandardPixmap( fallback ), 0, this );
return QtIconLoader::icon( freedesktop_name, fallbackIcon );
QSize calculateTextButtonSizeHint( QPushButton * button )
QStyleOptionButton opt;
opt.initFrom( button );
QString s( button->text( ) );
if( s.isEmpty( ) )
s = QString::fromLatin1( "XXXX" );
QFontMetrics fm = button->fontMetrics( );
QSize sz = fm.size( Qt::TextShowMnemonic, s );
return button->style()->sizeFromContents( QStyle::CT_PushButton, &opt, sz, button ).expandedTo( QApplication::globalStrut( ) );
void setTextButtonSizeHint( QPushButton * button )
/* this is kind of a hack, possibly coming from my being new to Qt.
* Qt 4.4's sizeHint calculations for QPushButton have it include
* space for an icon, even if no icon is used. because of this,
* default pushbuttons look way too wide in the filterbar...
* so this routine recalculates the sizeHint without icons.
* If there's a Right Way to do this that I've missed, let me know */
button->setMaximumSize( calculateTextButtonSizeHint( button ) );
TrMainWindow :: TrMainWindow( Session& session, Prefs& prefs, TorrentModel& model, bool minimized ):
myLastFullUpdateTime( 0 ),
myPrefsDialog( new PrefsDialog( session, prefs, this ) ),
myAboutDialog( new AboutDialog( this ) ),
myStatsDialog( new StatsDialog( session, this ) ),
myFileDialog( 0 ),
myFilterModel( prefs ),
myTorrentDelegate( new TorrentDelegate( this ) ),
myTorrentDelegateMin( new TorrentDelegateMin( this ) ),
mySession( session ),
myPrefs( prefs ),
myModel( model ),
mySpeedModeOffIcon( ":/icons/alt-limit-off.png" ),
mySpeedModeOnIcon( ":/icons/alt-limit-on.png" ),
myLastSendTime( 0 ),
myLastReadTime( 0 ),
myNetworkTimer( this )
QAction * sep = new QAction( this );
sep->setSeparator( true );
ui.setupUi( this );
QString title( "Transmission" );
const QUrl remoteUrl( session.getRemoteUrl( ) );
if( !remoteUrl.isEmpty( ) )
title += tr( " - %1" ).arg( remoteUrl.toString() );
setWindowTitle( title );
QStyle * style = this->style();
int i = style->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize, 0, this );
const QSize smallIconSize( i, i );
// icons
ui.action_Add->setIcon( getStockIcon( "list-add", QStyle::SP_DialogOpenButton ) );
ui.action_New->setIcon( getStockIcon( "document-new", QStyle::SP_DesktopIcon ) );
ui.action_Properties->setIcon( getStockIcon( "document-properties", QStyle::SP_DesktopIcon ) );
ui.action_OpenFolder->setIcon( getStockIcon( "folder-open", QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon ) );
ui.action_Start->setIcon( getStockIcon( "media-playback-start", QStyle::SP_MediaPlay ) );
ui.action_Announce->setIcon( getStockIcon( "network-transmit-receive" ) );
ui.action_Pause->setIcon( getStockIcon( "media-playback-pause", QStyle::SP_MediaPause ) );
ui.action_Remove->setIcon( getStockIcon( "list-remove", QStyle::SP_TrashIcon ) );
ui.action_Delete->setIcon( getStockIcon( "edit-delete", QStyle::SP_TrashIcon ) );
ui.action_StartAll->setIcon( getStockIcon( "media-playback-start", QStyle::SP_MediaPlay ) );
ui.action_PauseAll->setIcon( getStockIcon( "media-playback-pause", QStyle::SP_MediaPause ) );
ui.action_Quit->setIcon( getStockIcon( "application-exit" ) );
ui.action_SelectAll->setIcon( getStockIcon( "edit-select-all" ) );
ui.action_ReverseSortOrder->setIcon( getStockIcon( "view-sort-ascending", QStyle::SP_ArrowDown ) );
ui.action_Preferences->setIcon( getStockIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
ui.action_Contents->setIcon( getStockIcon( "help-contents", QStyle::SP_DialogHelpButton ) );
ui.action_About->setIcon( getStockIcon( "help-about" ) );
ui.statusbarStatsButton->setIcon( getStockIcon( "view-refresh", QStyle::SP_BrowserReload ) );
ui.downloadIconLabel->setPixmap( getStockIcon( "go-down", QStyle::SP_ArrowDown ).pixmap( smallIconSize ) );
ui.uploadIconLabel->setPixmap( getStockIcon( "go-up", QStyle::SP_ArrowUp ).pixmap( smallIconSize ) );
ui.filterEntryModeButton->setIcon( getStockIcon( "edit-find", QStyle::SP_ArrowForward ) );
ui.filterEntryClearButton->setIcon( getStockIcon( "edit-clear", QStyle::SP_DialogCloseButton ) );
// ui signals
// ccc
connect( ui.action_Toolbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setToolbarVisible(bool)));
connect( ui.action_TrayIcon, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setTrayIconVisible(bool)));
connect( ui.action_Filterbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setFilterbarVisible(bool)));
connect( ui.action_Statusbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setStatusbarVisible(bool)));
connect( ui.action_MinimalView, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setMinimalView(bool)));
connect( ui.action_SortByActivity, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByActivity()) );
connect( ui.action_SortByAge, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByAge()) );
connect( ui.action_SortByETA, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByETA()));
connect( ui.action_SortByName, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByName()));
connect( ui.action_SortByProgress, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByProgress()));
connect( ui.action_SortByRatio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByRatio()));
connect( ui.action_SortBySize, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortBySize()));
connect( ui.action_SortByState, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByState()));
connect( ui.action_SortByTracker, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(sortByTracker()));
connect( ui.action_ReverseSortOrder, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(setAscending(bool)));
connect( ui.action_Start, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startSelected()));
connect( ui.action_Pause, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(pauseSelected()));
connect( ui.action_Remove, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeSelected()));
connect( ui.action_Delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteSelected()));
connect( ui.action_Verify, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(verifySelected()) );
connect( ui.action_Announce, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reannounceSelected()) );
connect( ui.action_StartAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startAll()));
connect( ui.action_PauseAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(pauseAll()));
connect( ui.action_Add, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openTorrent()));
connect( ui.action_New, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newTorrent()));
connect( ui.action_Preferences, SIGNAL(triggered()), myPrefsDialog, SLOT(show()));
connect( ui.action_Statistics, SIGNAL(triggered()), myStatsDialog, SLOT(show()));
connect( ui.action_About, SIGNAL(triggered()), myAboutDialog, SLOT(show()));
connect( ui.action_Contents, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openHelp()));
connect( ui.action_OpenFolder, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openFolder()));
connect( ui.action_Properties, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openProperties()));
connect( ui.listView, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), ui.action_Properties, SLOT(trigger()));
// context menu
QList<QAction*> actions;
actions << ui.action_Properties
<< ui.action_OpenFolder
<< sep
<< ui.action_Start
<< ui.action_Pause
<< ui.action_Verify
<< ui.action_Announce
<< sep
<< ui.action_Remove
<< ui.action_Delete;
addActions( actions );
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::ActionsContextMenu );
// signals
connect( ui.speedLimitModeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleSpeedMode()));
connect( ui.filterAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showAll()));
connect( ui.filterActive, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showActive()));
connect( ui.filterDownloading, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showDownloading()));
connect( ui.filterSeeding, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showSeeding()));
connect( ui.filterPaused, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showPaused()));
connect( ui.filterEntryClearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.filterEntry, SLOT(clear()));
connect( ui.filterEntry, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), &myFilterModel, SLOT(setText(QString)));
connect( ui.action_SelectAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.listView, SLOT(selectAll()));
connect( ui.action_DeselectAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.listView, SLOT(clearSelection()));
setTextButtonSizeHint( ui.filterAll );
setTextButtonSizeHint( ui.filterActive );
setTextButtonSizeHint( ui.filterDownloading );
setTextButtonSizeHint( ui.filterSeeding );
setTextButtonSizeHint( ui.filterPaused );
setShowMode( myFilterModel.getShowMode( ) );
connect( &myFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT(refreshVisibleCount()));
connect( &myFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT(refreshVisibleCount()));
connect( &myFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT(refreshActionSensitivity()));
connect( &myFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT(refreshActionSensitivity()));
connect( ui.action_Quit, SIGNAL(triggered()), QCoreApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()) );
// torrent view
myFilterModel.setSourceModel( &myModel );
ui.listView->setModel( &myFilterModel );
connect( ui.listView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&,const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(refreshActionSensitivity()));
QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_FilterByName );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_FilterByFiles );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_FilterByTracker );
QMenu * menu = new QMenu( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_FilterByName );
menu->addAction( ui.action_FilterByFiles );
menu->addAction( ui.action_FilterByTracker );
ui.filterEntryModeButton->setMenu( menu );
connect( ui.action_FilterByName, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterByName()));
connect( ui.action_FilterByFiles, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterByFiles()));
connect( ui.action_FilterByTracker, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filterByTracker()));
ui.action_FilterByName->setChecked( true );
actionGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_TotalRatio );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_TotalTransfer );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SessionRatio );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SessionTransfer );
menu = new QMenu( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_TotalRatio );
menu->addAction( ui.action_TotalTransfer );
menu->addAction( ui.action_SessionRatio );
menu->addAction( ui.action_SessionTransfer );
connect( ui.action_TotalRatio, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showTotalRatio()));
connect( ui.action_TotalTransfer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showTotalTransfer()));
connect( ui.action_SessionRatio, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showSessionRatio()));
connect( ui.action_SessionTransfer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showSessionTransfer()));
ui.statusbarStatsButton->setMenu( menu );
actionGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByActivity );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByAge );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByETA );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByName );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByProgress );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByRatio );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortBySize );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByState );
actionGroup->addAction( ui.action_SortByTracker );
menu = new QMenu( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_Add );
menu->addSeparator( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_ShowMainWindow );
menu->addAction( ui.action_ShowMessageLog );
menu->addAction( ui.action_About );
menu->addSeparator( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_StartAll );
menu->addAction( ui.action_PauseAll );
menu->addSeparator( );
menu->addAction( ui.action_Quit );
myTrayIcon.setContextMenu( menu );
myTrayIcon.setIcon( QApplication::windowIcon( ) );
connect( ui.action_ShowMainWindow, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleWindows()));
connect( &myTrayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(trayActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)));
connect( &myPrefs, SIGNAL(changed(int)), this, SLOT(refreshPref(int)) );
ui.action_ShowMainWindow->setChecked( !minimized );
ui.action_TrayIcon->setChecked( minimized || prefs.getBool( Prefs::SHOW_TRAY_ICON ) );
QList<int> initKeys;
initKeys << Prefs :: MAIN_WINDOW_X
<< Prefs :: SHOW_TRAY_ICON
<< Prefs :: SORT_MODE
<< Prefs :: FILTERBAR
<< Prefs :: STATUSBAR
<< Prefs :: TOOLBAR
<< Prefs :: MINIMAL_VIEW;
foreach( int key, initKeys )
refreshPref( key );
connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(statsUpdated()), this, SLOT(refreshStatusBar()) );
connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(dataReadProgress()), this, SLOT(dataReadProgress()) );
connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(dataSendProgress()), this, SLOT(dataSendProgress()) );
if( mySession.isServer( ) )
ui.networkLabel->hide( );
else {
connect( &myNetworkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onNetworkTimer()));
myNetworkTimer.start( 1000 );
refreshActionSensitivity( );
refreshStatusBar( );
refreshVisibleCount( );
TrMainWindow :: ~TrMainWindow( )
TrMainWindow :: openProperties( )
const int id( *getSelectedTorrents().begin() );
Torrent * torrent( myModel.getTorrentFromId( id ) );
assert( torrent != 0 );
QDialog * d( new Details( mySession, *torrent, this ) );
d->show( );
TrMainWindow :: openFolder( )
const int torrentId( *getSelectedTorrents().begin() );
const Torrent * tor( myModel.getTorrentFromId( torrentId ) );
const QString path( tor->getPath( ) );
QDesktopServices :: openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( path ) );
TrMainWindow :: openHelp( )
const char * fmt = "";
int major, minor;
sscanf( SHORT_VERSION_STRING, "%d.%d", &major, &minor );
char url[128];
snprintf( url, sizeof( url ), fmt, major, minor/10 );
QDesktopServices :: openUrl( QUrl( QString( url ) ) );
TrMainWindow :: refreshVisibleCount( )
const int visibleCount( myFilterModel.rowCount( ) );
const int totalCount( visibleCount + myFilterModel.hiddenRowCount( ) );
QString str;
if( visibleCount == totalCount )
str = tr( "%Ln Torrent(s)", 0, totalCount );
str = tr( "%L1 of %Ln Torrent(s)", 0, totalCount ).arg( visibleCount );
ui.visibleCountLabel->setText( str );
TrMainWindow :: refreshStatusBar( )
const Speed up( myModel.getUploadSpeed( ) );
const Speed down( myModel.getDownloadSpeed( ) );
ui.uploadTextLabel->setText( Utils :: speedToString( up ) );
ui.downloadTextLabel->setText( Utils :: speedToString( down ) );
const QString mode( myPrefs.getString( Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS ) );
QString str;
if( mode == "session-ratio" )
str = tr( "Ratio: %1" ).arg( Utils :: ratioToString( mySession.getStats().ratio ) );
else if( mode == "session-transfer" )
const tr_session_stats& stats( mySession.getStats( ) );
str = tr( "Down: %1, Up: %2" ).arg( Utils :: sizeToString( stats.downloadedBytes ) )
.arg( Utils :: sizeToString( stats.uploadedBytes ) );
else if( mode == "total-transfer" )
const tr_session_stats& stats( mySession.getCumulativeStats( ) );
str = tr( "Down: %1, Up: %2" ).arg( Utils :: sizeToString( stats.downloadedBytes ) )
.arg( Utils :: sizeToString( stats.uploadedBytes ) );
else /* default is "total-ratio" */
str = tr( "Ratio: %1" ).arg( Utils :: ratioToString( mySession.getCumulativeStats().ratio ) );
ui.statusbarStatsLabel->setText( str );
TrMainWindow :: refreshActionSensitivity( )
int selected( 0 );
int paused( 0 );
int selectedAndPaused( 0 );
int canAnnounce( 0 );
const QAbstractItemModel * model( ui.listView->model( ) );
const QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel( ui.listView->selectionModel( ) );
const int rowCount( model->rowCount( ) );
/* count how many torrents are selected, paused, etc */
for( int row=0; row<rowCount; ++row ) {
const QModelIndex modelIndex( model->index( row, 0 ) );
assert( model == modelIndex.model( ) );
const Torrent * tor( model->data( modelIndex, TorrentModel::TorrentRole ).value<const Torrent*>( ) );
const bool isSelected( selectionModel->isSelected( modelIndex ) );
const bool isPaused( tor->isPaused( ) );
if( isSelected )
if( isPaused )
++ paused;
if( isSelected && isPaused )
if( tor->canManualAnnounce( ) )
const bool haveSelection( selected > 0 );
ui.action_Verify->setEnabled( haveSelection );
ui.action_Remove->setEnabled( haveSelection );
ui.action_Delete->setEnabled( haveSelection );
ui.action_DeselectAll->setEnabled( haveSelection );
const bool oneSelection( selected == 1 );
ui.action_Properties->setEnabled( oneSelection );
ui.action_OpenFolder->setEnabled( oneSelection );
ui.action_SelectAll->setEnabled( selected < rowCount );
ui.action_StartAll->setEnabled( paused > 0 );
ui.action_PauseAll->setEnabled( paused < rowCount );
ui.action_Start->setEnabled( selectedAndPaused > 0 );
ui.action_Pause->setEnabled( selectedAndPaused < selected );
ui.action_Announce->setEnabled( selected > 0 && ( canAnnounce == selected ) );
TrMainWindow :: clearSelection( )
ui.action_DeselectAll->trigger( );
TrMainWindow :: getSelectedTorrents( ) const
QSet<int> ids;
foreach( QModelIndex index, ui.listView->selectionModel( )->selectedRows( ) )
const Torrent * tor( index.model()->data( index, TorrentModel::TorrentRole ).value<const Torrent*>( ) );
ids.insert( tor->id( ) );
return ids;
TrMainWindow :: startSelected( )
mySession.start( getSelectedTorrents( ) );
TrMainWindow :: pauseSelected( )
mySession.pause( getSelectedTorrents( ) );
TrMainWindow :: startAll( )
mySession.start( );
TrMainWindow :: pauseAll( )
mySession.pause( );
TrMainWindow :: removeSelected( )
mySession.removeTorrents( getSelectedTorrents( ), false );
TrMainWindow :: deleteSelected( )
mySession.removeTorrents( getSelectedTorrents( ), true );
TrMainWindow :: verifySelected( )
mySession.verifyTorrents( getSelectedTorrents( ) );
TrMainWindow :: reannounceSelected( )
mySession.reannounceTorrents( getSelectedTorrents( ) );
TrMainWindow :: setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: ShowMode mode )
ui.filterAll->setChecked( mode == TorrentFilter::SHOW_ALL );
ui.filterActive->setChecked( mode == TorrentFilter::SHOW_ACTIVE );
ui.filterDownloading->setChecked( mode == TorrentFilter::SHOW_DOWNLOADING );
ui.filterSeeding->setChecked( mode == TorrentFilter::SHOW_SEEDING );
ui.filterPaused->setChecked( mode == TorrentFilter::SHOW_PAUSED );
myFilterModel.setShowMode( mode );
void TrMainWindow :: showAll ( ) { setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: SHOW_ALL ); }
void TrMainWindow :: showActive ( ) { setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: SHOW_ACTIVE ); }
void TrMainWindow :: showDownloading ( ) { setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: SHOW_DOWNLOADING ); }
void TrMainWindow :: showSeeding ( ) { setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: SHOW_SEEDING ); }
void TrMainWindow :: showPaused ( ) { setShowMode( TorrentFilter :: SHOW_PAUSED ); }
void TrMainWindow :: filterByName ( ) { myFilterModel.setTextMode( TorrentFilter :: FILTER_BY_NAME ); }
void TrMainWindow :: filterByTracker ( ) { myFilterModel.setTextMode( TorrentFilter :: FILTER_BY_TRACKER ); }
void TrMainWindow :: filterByFiles ( ) { myFilterModel.setTextMode( TorrentFilter :: FILTER_BY_FILES ); }
TrMainWindow :: showTotalRatio( )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "total-ratio" );
TrMainWindow :: showTotalTransfer( )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "total-transfer" );
TrMainWindow :: showSessionRatio( )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "session-ratio" );
TrMainWindow :: showSessionTransfer( )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "session-transfer" );
TrMainWindow :: setMinimalView( bool visible )
myPrefs.set( Prefs :: MINIMAL_VIEW, visible );
TrMainWindow :: setTrayIconVisible( bool visible )
myPrefs.set( Prefs :: SHOW_TRAY_ICON, visible );
TrMainWindow :: toggleSpeedMode( )
myPrefs.toggleBool( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED );
TrMainWindow :: setToolbarVisible( bool visible )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::TOOLBAR, visible );
TrMainWindow :: setFilterbarVisible( bool visible )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::FILTERBAR, visible );
TrMainWindow :: setStatusbarVisible( bool visible )
myPrefs.set( Prefs::STATUSBAR, visible );
TrMainWindow :: toggleWindows( )
setVisible( !isVisible( ) );
TrMainWindow :: trayActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason )
if( reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger )
ui.action_ShowMainWindow->toggle( );
TrMainWindow :: refreshPref( int key )
bool b;
QString str;
switch( key )
str = myPrefs.getString( key );
ui.action_TotalRatio->setChecked ( str == "total-ratio" );
ui.action_TotalTransfer->setChecked ( str == "total-transfer" );
ui.action_SessionRatio->setChecked ( str == "session-ratio" );
ui.action_SessionTransfer->setChecked( str == "session-transfer" );
refreshStatusBar( );
case Prefs::SORT_REVERSED:
ui.action_ReverseSortOrder->setChecked( myPrefs.getBool( key ) );
case Prefs::SORT_MODE:
str = myPrefs.getString( key );
ui.action_SortByActivity->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-activity" );
ui.action_SortByAge->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-age" );
ui.action_SortByETA->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-eta" );
ui.action_SortByName->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-name" );
ui.action_SortByProgress->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-progress" );
ui.action_SortByRatio->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-ratio" );
ui.action_SortBySize->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-size" );
ui.action_SortByState->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-state" );
ui.action_SortByTracker->setChecked ( str == "sort-by-tracker" );
case Prefs::FILTERBAR:
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.filterbar->setVisible( b );
ui.action_Filterbar->setChecked( b );
case Prefs::STATUSBAR:
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.statusbar->setVisible( b );
ui.action_Statusbar->setChecked( b );
case Prefs::TOOLBAR:
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.toolBar->setVisible( b );
ui.action_Toolbar->setChecked( b );
case Prefs::SHOW_TRAY_ICON:
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.action_TrayIcon->setChecked( b );
myTrayIcon.setVisible( b );
case Prefs::MINIMAL_VIEW:
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.action_MinimalView->setChecked( b );
ui.listView->setItemDelegate( b ? myTorrentDelegateMin : myTorrentDelegate );
ui.listView->reset( ); // force the rows to resize
case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_X:
case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_Y:
setGeometry( myPrefs.getInt( Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_X ),
myPrefs.getInt( Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_Y ),
myPrefs.getInt( Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH ),
myPrefs.getInt( Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT ) );
b = myPrefs.getBool( key );
ui.speedLimitModeButton->setChecked( b );
ui.speedLimitModeButton->setIcon( b ? mySpeedModeOnIcon : mySpeedModeOffIcon );
ui.speedLimitModeButton->setToolTip( b ? tr( "Click to disable Speed Limit Mode" )
: tr( "Click to enable Speed Limit Mode" ) );
TrMainWindow :: newTorrent( )
MakeDialog * d = new MakeDialog( mySession, this );
d->show( );
TrMainWindow :: openTorrent( )
if( myFileDialog == 0 )
myFileDialog = new QFileDialog( this,
tr( "Add Torrent" ),
myPrefs.getString( Prefs::OPEN_DIALOG_FOLDER ),
tr( "Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)" ) );
myFileDialog->setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFiles );
QCheckBox * button = new QCheckBox( tr( "Display &options dialog" ) );
button->setChecked( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::OPTIONS_PROMPT ) );
QGridLayout * layout = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(myFileDialog->layout());
layout->addWidget( button, layout->rowCount( ), 0, 1, -1, Qt::AlignLeft );
myFileDialogOptionsCheck = button;
connect( myFileDialog, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList&)), this, SLOT(addTorrents(const QStringList&)));
myFileDialog->show( );
TrMainWindow :: addTorrents( const QStringList& filenames )
foreach( const QString& filename, filenames )
addTorrent( filename );
TrMainWindow :: addTorrent( const QString& filename )
if( !myFileDialogOptionsCheck->isChecked( ) ) {
mySession.addTorrent( filename );
QApplication :: alert ( this );
} else {
Options * o = new Options( mySession, myPrefs, filename, this );
o->show( );
QApplication :: alert( o );
TrMainWindow :: updateNetworkIcon( )
const time_t now = time( NULL );
const int period = 3;
const bool isSending = now - myLastSendTime <= period;
const bool isReading = now - myLastReadTime <= period;
const char * key;
if( isSending && isReading )
key = "network-transmit-receive";
else if( isSending )
key = "network-transmit";
else if( isReading )
key = "network-receive";
key = "network-idle";
QIcon icon = getStockIcon( key, QStyle::SP_DriveNetIcon );
QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap ( 16, 16 );
ui.networkLabel->setPixmap( pixmap );
ui.networkLabel->setToolTip( isSending || isReading
? tr( "Transmission server is responding" )
: tr( "Last response from server was %1 ago" ).arg( Utils::timeToString( now-std::max(myLastReadTime,myLastSendTime))));
TrMainWindow :: onNetworkTimer( )
updateNetworkIcon( );
TrMainWindow :: dataReadProgress( )
myLastReadTime = time( NULL );
updateNetworkIcon( );
TrMainWindow :: dataSendProgress( )
myLastSendTime = time( NULL );
updateNetworkIcon( );