Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-17 09:15:44 +00:00
Charles Kerr 0bfbc3eba7
Sonarcloud warnings 4 (#1499)
* chore: fix some sonarcloud html warnings (e.g. deprecated attribute use)

* chore: uppercase literal suffixes

* chore: remove redundant casts

* chore: remove commented-out code

* chore: use qInfo() instead of std::cerr
2020-11-02 09:16:12 -06:00

477 lines
13 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#pragma once
#ifndef __TRANSMISSION__
#error only libtransmission should #include this header.
#include "bandwidth.h" /* tr_bandwidth */
#include "completion.h" /* tr_completion */
#include "session.h" /* tr_sessionLock(), tr_sessionUnlock() */
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "tr-macros.h"
#include "utils.h" /* TR_GNUC_PRINTF */
#include "ptrarray.h"
struct tr_torrent_tiers;
struct tr_magnet_info;
*** Package-visible ctor API
void tr_torrentFree(tr_torrent* tor);
void tr_ctorSetSave(tr_ctor* ctor, bool saveMetadataInOurTorrentsDir);
bool tr_ctorGetSave(tr_ctor const* ctor);
void tr_ctorInitTorrentPriorities(tr_ctor const* ctor, tr_torrent* tor);
void tr_ctorInitTorrentWanted(tr_ctor const* ctor, tr_torrent* tor);
/* just like tr_torrentSetFileDLs but doesn't trigger a fastresume save */
void tr_torrentInitFileDLs(tr_torrent* tor, tr_file_index_t const* files, tr_file_index_t fileCount, bool do_download);
void tr_torrentSetLabels(tr_torrent* tor, tr_ptrArray* labels);
void tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness(tr_torrent*);
void tr_torrentSetHasPiece(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, bool has);
void tr_torrentChangeMyPort(tr_torrent* session);
tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromHashString(tr_session* session, char const* hashString);
tr_torrent* tr_torrentFindFromObfuscatedHash(tr_session* session, uint8_t const* hash);
bool tr_torrentIsPieceTransferAllowed(tr_torrent const* torrent, tr_direction direction);
#define tr_block(a, b) _tr_block(tor, a, b)
tr_block_index_t _tr_block(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset);
bool tr_torrentReqIsValid(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length);
uint64_t tr_pieceOffset(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length);
void tr_torrentGetBlockLocation(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_block_index_t block, tr_piece_index_t* piece, uint32_t* offset,
uint32_t* length);
void tr_torGetFileBlockRange(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_file_index_t const file, tr_block_index_t* first,
tr_block_index_t* last);
void tr_torGetPieceBlockRange(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t const piece, tr_block_index_t* first,
tr_block_index_t* last);
void tr_torrentInitFilePriority(tr_torrent* tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, tr_priority_t priority);
void tr_torrentSetPieceChecked(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t piece);
void tr_torrentSetChecked(tr_torrent* tor, time_t when);
void tr_torrentCheckSeedLimit(tr_torrent* tor);
/** save a torrent's .resume file if it's changed since the last time it was saved */
void tr_torrentSave(tr_torrent* tor);
void tr_torrentSetLocalError(tr_torrent* tor, char const* fmt, ...) TR_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
void tr_torrentSetDateAdded(tr_torrent* torrent, time_t addedDate);
void tr_torrentSetDateActive(tr_torrent* torrent, time_t activityDate);
void tr_torrentSetDateDone(tr_torrent* torrent, time_t doneDate);
/** Return the mime-type (e.g. "audio/x-flac") that matches more of the
torrent's content than any other mime-type. */
char const* tr_torrentPrimaryMimeType(tr_torrent const* tor);
typedef enum
void tr_torrentSetVerifyState(tr_torrent* tor, tr_verify_state state);
tr_torrent_activity tr_torrentGetActivity(tr_torrent const* tor);
struct tr_incomplete_metadata;
/** @brief Torrent object */
struct tr_torrent
tr_session* session;
tr_info info;
int magicNumber;
tr_stat_errtype error;
char errorString[128];
char errorTracker[128];
uint8_t obfuscatedHash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
/* Used when the torrent has been created with a magnet link
* and we're in the process of downloading the metainfo from
* other peers */
struct tr_incomplete_metadata* incompleteMetadata;
/* If the initiator of the connection receives a handshake in which the
* peer_id does not match the expected peerid, then the initiator is
* expected to drop the connection. Note that the initiator presumably
* received the peer information from the tracker, which includes the
* peer_id that was registered by the peer. The peer_id from the tracker
* and in the handshake are expected to match.
unsigned char peer_id[PEER_ID_LEN + 1];
time_t peer_id_creation_time;
/* Where the files will be when it's complete */
char* downloadDir;
/* Where the files are when the torrent is incomplete */
char* incompleteDir;
/* Length, in bytes, of the "info" dict in the .torrent file. */
size_t infoDictLength;
/* Offset, in bytes, of the beginning of the "info" dict in the .torrent file.
* Used by the torrent-magnet code for serving metainfo to peers.
* This field is lazy-generated and might not be initialized yet. */
size_t infoDictOffset;
/* Where the files are now.
* This pointer will be equal to downloadDir or incompleteDir */
char const* currentDir;
/* How many bytes we ask for per request */
uint32_t blockSize;
tr_block_index_t blockCount;
uint32_t lastBlockSize;
uint32_t lastPieceSize;
uint16_t blockCountInPiece;
uint16_t blockCountInLastPiece;
struct tr_completion completion;
tr_completeness completeness;
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tiers;
time_t dhtAnnounceAt;
time_t dhtAnnounce6At;
bool dhtAnnounceInProgress;
bool dhtAnnounce6InProgress;
time_t lpdAnnounceAt;
uint64_t downloadedCur;
uint64_t downloadedPrev;
uint64_t uploadedCur;
uint64_t uploadedPrev;
uint64_t corruptCur;
uint64_t corruptPrev;
uint64_t etaDLSpeedCalculatedAt;
unsigned int etaDLSpeed_Bps;
uint64_t etaULSpeedCalculatedAt;
unsigned int etaULSpeed_Bps;
time_t activityDate;
time_t addedDate;
time_t anyDate;
time_t doneDate;
time_t editDate;
time_t startDate;
int secondsDownloading;
int secondsSeeding;
int queuePosition;
tr_torrent_metadata_func metadata_func;
void* metadata_func_user_data;
tr_torrent_completeness_func completeness_func;
void* completeness_func_user_data;
tr_torrent_ratio_limit_hit_func ratio_limit_hit_func;
void* ratio_limit_hit_func_user_data;
tr_torrent_idle_limit_hit_func idle_limit_hit_func;
void* idle_limit_hit_func_user_data;
void* queue_started_user_data;
void (* queue_started_callback)(tr_torrent*, void* queue_started_user_data);
bool isRunning;
bool isStopping;
bool isDeleting;
bool startAfterVerify;
bool isDirty;
bool isQueued;
bool magnetVerify;
bool infoDictOffsetIsCached;
uint16_t maxConnectedPeers;
tr_verify_state verifyState;
time_t lastStatTime;
tr_stat stats;
tr_torrent* next;
int uniqueId;
struct tr_bandwidth bandwidth;
struct tr_swarm* swarm;
float desiredRatio;
tr_ratiolimit ratioLimitMode;
uint16_t idleLimitMinutes;
tr_idlelimit idleLimitMode;
bool finishedSeedingByIdle;
tr_ptrArray labels;
static inline tr_torrent* tr_torrentNext(tr_session* session, tr_torrent* current)
return current != NULL ? current->next : session->torrentList;
/* what piece index is this block in? */
static inline tr_piece_index_t tr_torBlockPiece(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_block_index_t const block)
return block / tor->blockCountInPiece;
/* how many bytes are in this piece? */
static inline uint32_t tr_torPieceCountBytes(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t const piece)
return piece + 1 == tor->info.pieceCount ? tor->lastPieceSize : tor->info.pieceSize;
/* how many bytes are in this block? */
static inline uint32_t tr_torBlockCountBytes(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_block_index_t const block)
return block + 1 == tor->blockCount ? tor->lastBlockSize : tor->blockSize;
static inline void tr_torrentLock(tr_torrent const* tor)
static inline bool tr_torrentIsLocked(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_sessionIsLocked(tor->session);
static inline void tr_torrentUnlock(tr_torrent const* tor)
static inline bool tr_torrentExists(tr_session const* session, uint8_t const* torrentHash)
return tr_torrentFindFromHash((tr_session*)session, torrentHash) != NULL;
static inline tr_completeness tr_torrentGetCompleteness(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor->completeness;
static inline bool tr_torrentIsSeed(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_torrentGetCompleteness(tor) != TR_LEECH;
static inline bool tr_torrentIsPrivate(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor != NULL && tor->info.isPrivate;
static inline bool tr_torrentAllowsPex(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor != NULL && tor->session->isPexEnabled && !tr_torrentIsPrivate(tor);
static inline bool tr_torrentAllowsDHT(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor != NULL && tr_sessionAllowsDHT(tor->session) && !tr_torrentIsPrivate(tor);
static inline bool tr_torrentAllowsLPD(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor != NULL && tr_sessionAllowsLPD(tor->session) && !tr_torrentIsPrivate(tor);
static inline bool tr_isTorrent(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor != NULL && tor->magicNumber == TORRENT_MAGIC_NUMBER && tr_isSession(tor->session);
/* set a flag indicating that the torrent's .resume file
* needs to be saved when the torrent is closed */
static inline void tr_torrentSetDirty(tr_torrent* tor)
tor->isDirty = true;
/* note that the torrent's tr_info just changed */
static inline void tr_torrentMarkEdited(tr_torrent* tor)
tor->editDate = tr_time();
uint32_t tr_getBlockSize(uint32_t pieceSize);
* Tell the tr_torrent that it's gotten a block
void tr_torrentGotBlock(tr_torrent* tor, tr_block_index_t blockIndex);
* @brief Like tr_torrentFindFile(), but splits the filename into base and subpath.
* If the file is found, "tr_buildPath(base, subpath, NULL)"
* will generate the complete filename.
* @return true if the file is found, false otherwise.
* @param base if the torrent is found, this will be either
* tor->downloadDir or tor->incompleteDir
* @param subpath on success, this pointer is assigned a newly-allocated
* string holding the second half of the filename.
bool tr_torrentFindFile2(tr_torrent const*, tr_file_index_t fileNo, char const** base, char** subpath, time_t* mtime);
/* Returns a newly-allocated version of the tr_file.name string
* that's been modified to denote that it's not a complete file yet.
* In the current implementation this is done by appending ".part"
* a la Firefox. */
char* tr_torrentBuildPartial(tr_torrent const*, tr_file_index_t fileNo);
/* for when the info dict has been fundamentally changed wrt files,
* piece size, etc. such as in BEP 9 where peers exchange metadata */
void tr_torrentGotNewInfoDict(tr_torrent* tor);
void tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_torrent*, tr_direction, unsigned int Bps);
unsigned int tr_torrentGetSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_torrent const*, tr_direction);
* @return true if this piece needs to be tested
bool tr_torrentPieceNeedsCheck(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex);
* @brief Test a piece against its info dict checksum
* @return true if the piece's passes the checksum test
bool tr_torrentCheckPiece(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex);
time_t tr_torrentGetFileMTime(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_file_index_t i);
uint64_t tr_torrentGetCurrentSizeOnDisk(tr_torrent const* tor);
bool tr_torrentIsStalled(tr_torrent const* tor);
unsigned char const* tr_torrentGetPeerId(tr_torrent* tor);
static inline uint64_t tr_torrentGetLeftUntilDone(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_cpLeftUntilDone(&tor->completion);
static inline bool tr_torrentHasAll(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_cpHasAll(&tor->completion);
static inline bool tr_torrentHasNone(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_cpHasNone(&tor->completion);
static inline bool tr_torrentPieceIsComplete(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t i)
return tr_cpPieceIsComplete(&tor->completion, i);
static inline bool tr_torrentBlockIsComplete(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_block_index_t i)
return tr_cpBlockIsComplete(&tor->completion, i);
static inline size_t tr_torrentMissingBlocksInPiece(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t i)
return tr_cpMissingBlocksInPiece(&tor->completion, i);
static inline size_t tr_torrentMissingBytesInPiece(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t i)
return tr_cpMissingBytesInPiece(&tor->completion, i);
static inline void* tr_torrentCreatePieceBitfield(tr_torrent const* tor, size_t* byte_count)
return tr_cpCreatePieceBitfield(&tor->completion, byte_count);
static inline uint64_t tr_torrentHaveTotal(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_cpHaveTotal(&tor->completion);
static inline bool tr_torrentIsQueued(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tor->isQueued;
static inline tr_direction tr_torrentGetQueueDirection(tr_torrent const* tor)
return tr_torrentIsSeed(tor) ? TR_UP : TR_DOWN;