mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 22:52:53 +00:00
We don't currently (if ever) provide context help, so the button is useless. Moreover, on Windows 10 it's even larger than before and sometimes title text doesn't fit because of it.
284 lines
7.6 KiB
284 lines
7.6 KiB
* This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
* $Id$
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QTimer>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/makemeta.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h>
#include "ColumnResizer.h"
#include "Formatter.h"
#include "MakeDialog.h"
#include "Session.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "ui_MakeProgressDialog.h"
class MakeProgressDialog: public BaseDialog
MakeProgressDialog (Session& session, tr_metainfo_builder& builder, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
private slots:
void onButtonBoxClicked (QAbstractButton *);
void onProgress ();
Session& mySession;
tr_metainfo_builder& myBuilder;
Ui::MakeProgressDialog ui;
QTimer myTimer;
MakeProgressDialog::MakeProgressDialog (Session& session, tr_metainfo_builder& builder, QWidget * parent):
BaseDialog (parent),
mySession (session),
myBuilder (builder)
ui.setupUi (this);
connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (clicked (QAbstractButton *)),
this, SLOT (onButtonBoxClicked (QAbstractButton *)));
connect (&myTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (onProgress ()));
myTimer.start (100);
onProgress ();
MakeProgressDialog::onButtonBoxClicked (QAbstractButton * button)
switch (ui.dialogButtons->standardButton (button))
case QDialogButtonBox::Open:
mySession.addNewlyCreatedTorrent (QString::fromUtf8 (myBuilder.outputFile),
QFileInfo (QString::fromUtf8 (myBuilder.top)).dir ().path ());
case QDialogButtonBox::Abort:
myBuilder.abortFlag = true;
default: // QDialogButtonBox::Ok:
close ();
MakeProgressDialog::onProgress ()
// progress bar
const tr_metainfo_builder& b = myBuilder;
const double denom = b.pieceCount ? b.pieceCount : 1;
ui.progressBar->setValue (static_cast<int> ((100.0 * b.pieceIndex) / denom));
// progress label
const QString top = QString::fromUtf8 (b.top);
const QString base (QFileInfo (top).completeBaseName ());
QString str;
if (!b.isDone)
str = tr ("Creating \"%1\"").arg (base);
else if (b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_OK)
str = tr ("Created \"%1\"!").arg (base);
else if (b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_URL)
str = tr ("Error: invalid announce URL \"%1\"").arg (QString::fromUtf8 (b.errfile));
else if (b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_CANCELLED)
str = tr ("Cancelled");
else if (b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_IO_READ)
str = tr ("Error reading \"%1\": %2").arg (QString::fromUtf8 (b.errfile)).
arg (QString::fromLocal8Bit (tr_strerror (b.my_errno)));
else if (b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_IO_WRITE)
str = tr ("Error writing \"%1\": %2").arg (QString::fromUtf8 (b.errfile)).
arg (QString::fromLocal8Bit (tr_strerror (b.my_errno)));
ui.progressLabel->setText (str);
// buttons
ui.dialogButtons->button (QDialogButtonBox::Abort)->setEnabled (!b.isDone);
ui.dialogButtons->button (QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled (b.isDone);
ui.dialogButtons->button (QDialogButtonBox::Open)->setEnabled (b.isDone && b.result == TR_MAKEMETA_OK);
#include "MakeDialog.moc"
MakeDialog::makeTorrent ()
if (myBuilder == nullptr)
// get the tiers
int tier = 0;
QVector<tr_tracker_info> trackers;
for (const QString& line: ui.trackersEdit->toPlainText ().split (QLatin1Char ('\n')))
const QString announceUrl = line.trimmed ();
if (announceUrl.isEmpty ())
tr_tracker_info tmp;
tmp.announce = tr_strdup (announceUrl.toUtf8 ().constData ());
tmp.tier = tier;
trackers.append (tmp);
// the file to create
const QString path = QString::fromUtf8 (myBuilder->top);
const QString torrentName = QFileInfo (path).completeBaseName () + QLatin1String (".torrent");
const QString target = QDir (ui.destinationButton->path ()).filePath (torrentName);
// comment
QString comment;
if (ui.commentCheck->isChecked ())
comment = ui.commentEdit->text ();
// start making the torrent
tr_makeMetaInfo (myBuilder.get (),
target.toUtf8 ().constData (),
trackers.isEmpty () ? NULL : trackers.data (),
trackers.size (),
comment.isEmpty () ? NULL : comment.toUtf8 ().constData (),
ui.privateCheck->isChecked ());
// pop up the dialog
MakeProgressDialog * dialog = new MakeProgressDialog (mySession, *myBuilder, this);
dialog->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
dialog->open ();
MakeDialog::getSource () const
return (ui.sourceFileRadio->isChecked () ? ui.sourceFileButton : ui.sourceFolderButton)->path ();
MakeDialog::onSourceChanged ()
myBuilder.reset ();
const QString filename = getSource ();
if (!filename.isEmpty ())
myBuilder.reset (tr_metaInfoBuilderCreate (filename.toUtf8 ().constData ()));
QString text;
if (myBuilder == nullptr)
text = tr ("<i>No source selected<i>");
QString files = tr ("%Ln File(s)", 0, myBuilder->fileCount);
QString pieces = tr ("%Ln Piece(s)", 0, myBuilder->pieceCount);
text = tr ("%1 in %2; %3 @ %4")
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (myBuilder->totalSize))
.arg (files)
.arg (pieces)
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (myBuilder->pieceSize));
ui.sourceSizeLabel->setText (text);
MakeDialog::MakeDialog (Session& session, QWidget * parent):
BaseDialog (parent),
mySession (session),
myBuilder (nullptr, &tr_metaInfoBuilderFree)
ui.setupUi (this);
ui.destinationButton->setMode (PathButton::DirectoryMode);
ui.destinationButton->setPath (QDir::homePath ());
ui.sourceFolderButton->setMode (PathButton::DirectoryMode);
ui.sourceFileButton->setMode (PathButton::FileMode);
ColumnResizer * cr (new ColumnResizer (this));
cr->addLayout (ui.filesSectionLayout);
cr->addLayout (ui.propertiesSectionLayout);
cr->update ();
resize (minimumSizeHint ());
connect (ui.sourceFolderRadio, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
connect (ui.sourceFolderButton, SIGNAL (pathChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
connect (ui.sourceFileRadio, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
connect (ui.sourceFileButton, SIGNAL (pathChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (accepted ()), this, SLOT (makeTorrent ()));
connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (rejected ()), this, SLOT (close ()));
onSourceChanged ();
MakeDialog::~MakeDialog ()
MakeDialog::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent * event)
const QMimeData * mime = event->mimeData ();
if (!mime->urls ().isEmpty () && QFileInfo (mime->urls ().front ().path ()).exists ())
event->acceptProposedAction ();
MakeDialog::dropEvent (QDropEvent * event)
const QString filename = event->mimeData ()->urls ().front ().path ();
const QFileInfo fileInfo (filename);
if (fileInfo.exists ())
if (fileInfo.isDir ())
ui.sourceFolderRadio->setChecked (true);
ui.sourceFolderButton->setPath (filename);
else // it's a file
ui.sourceFileRadio->setChecked (true);
ui.sourceFileButton->setPath (filename);