2014 lines
57 KiB
2014 lines
57 KiB
* This file Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <algorithm> // std::partial_sort
#include <limits.h> /* INT_MAX */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* qsort() */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp(), memcpy(), strncmp() */
#include <vector>
#include <event2/buffer.h>
#include <event2/event.h> /* evtimer */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "announcer.h"
#include "announcer-common.h"
#include "crypto-utils.h" /* tr_rand_int(), tr_rand_int_weak() */
#include "log.h"
#include "peer-mgr.h" /* tr_peerMgrCompactToPex() */
#include "ptrarray.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "utils.h"
struct tr_tier;
static void tier_build_log_name(struct tr_tier const* tier, char* buf, size_t buflen);
#define dbgmsg(tier, ...) \
do \
{ \
if (tr_logGetDeepEnabled()) \
{ \
char name[128]; \
tier_build_log_name(tier, name, TR_N_ELEMENTS(name)); \
tr_logAddDeep(__FILE__, __LINE__, name, __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, rescrape this frequently */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce interval */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce min_interval */
/* the value of the 'numwant' argument passed in tracker requests. */
/* how often to announce & scrape */
/* this is how often to call the UDP tracker upkeep */
/* how many infohashes to remove when we get a scrape-too-long error */
char const* tr_announce_event_get_string(tr_announce_event e)
switch (e)
return "completed";
return "started";
return "stopped";
return "";
static int compareTransfer(uint64_t a_uploaded, uint64_t a_downloaded, uint64_t b_uploaded, uint64_t b_downloaded)
/* higher upload count goes first */
if (a_uploaded != b_uploaded)
return a_uploaded > b_uploaded ? -1 : 1;
/* then higher download count goes first */
if (a_downloaded != b_downloaded)
return a_downloaded > b_downloaded ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
* Comparison function for tr_announce_requests.
* The primary key (amount of data transferred) is used to prioritize
* tracker announcements of active torrents. The remaining keys are
* used to satisfy the uniqueness requirement of a sorted tr_ptrArray.
static int compareStops(void const* va, void const* vb)
int i;
auto const* a = static_cast<tr_announce_request const*>(va);
auto const* b = static_cast<tr_announce_request const*>(vb);
/* primary key: volume of data transferred. */
if ((i = compareTransfer(a->up, a->down, b->up, b->down)) != 0)
return i;
/* secondary key: the torrent's info_hash */
if ((i = memcmp(a->info_hash, b->info_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH)) != 0)
return i;
/* tertiary key: the tracker's announce url */
return tr_strcmp0(a->url, b->url);
struct tr_scrape_info
char* url;
int multiscrape_max;
static void scrapeInfoFree(void* va)
auto* a = static_cast<struct tr_scrape_info*>(va);
static int compareScrapeInfo(void const* va, void const* vb)
auto const* a = static_cast<struct tr_scrape_info const*>(va);
auto const* b = static_cast<struct tr_scrape_info const*>(vb);
return tr_strcmp0(a->url, b->url);
* "global" (per-tr_session) fields
typedef struct tr_announcer
tr_ptrArray stops; /* tr_announce_request */
tr_ptrArray scrape_info; /* struct tr_scrape_info */
tr_session* session;
struct event* upkeepTimer;
int key;
time_t tauUpkeepAt;
} tr_announcer;
static struct tr_scrape_info* tr_announcerGetScrapeInfo(struct tr_announcer* announcer, char const* url)
struct tr_scrape_info* info = nullptr;
if (!tr_str_is_empty(url))
bool found;
auto const key = tr_scrape_info{ const_cast<char*>(url), {} };
int const pos = tr_ptrArrayLowerBound(&announcer->scrape_info, &key, compareScrapeInfo, &found);
if (found)
info = static_cast<struct tr_scrape_info*>(tr_ptrArrayNth(&announcer->scrape_info, pos));
info = tr_new0(struct tr_scrape_info, 1);
info->url = tr_strdup(url);
info->multiscrape_max = TR_MULTISCRAPE_MAX;
tr_ptrArrayInsert(&announcer->scrape_info, info, pos);
return info;
static void onUpkeepTimer(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void* vannouncer);
void tr_announcerInit(tr_session* session)
tr_announcer* a = tr_new0(tr_announcer, 1);
a->stops = {};
a->key = tr_rand_int(INT_MAX);
a->session = session;
a->upkeepTimer = evtimer_new(session->event_base, onUpkeepTimer, a);
tr_timerAddMsec(a->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MSEC);
session->announcer = a;
static void flushCloseMessages(tr_announcer* announcer);
void tr_announcerClose(tr_session* session)
tr_announcer* announcer = session->announcer;
announcer->upkeepTimer = nullptr;
tr_ptrArrayDestruct(&announcer->stops, nullptr);
tr_ptrArrayDestruct(&announcer->scrape_info, scrapeInfoFree);
session->announcer = nullptr;
/* a row in tr_tier's list of trackers */
typedef struct
char* key;
char* announce;
struct tr_scrape_info* scrape_info;
char* tracker_id_str;
int seederCount;
int leecherCount;
int downloadCount;
int downloaderCount;
int consecutiveFailures;
uint32_t id;
} tr_tracker;
/* format: host+':'+ port */
static char* getKey(char const* url)
char* ret;
char* scheme = nullptr;
char* host = nullptr;
int port = 0;
tr_urlParse(url, TR_BAD_SIZE, &scheme, &host, &port, nullptr);
ret = tr_strdup_printf("%s://%s:%d", scheme != nullptr ? scheme : "invalid", host != nullptr ? host : "invalid", port);
return ret;
static void trackerConstruct(tr_announcer* announcer, tr_tracker* tracker, tr_tracker_info const* inf)
memset(tracker, 0, sizeof(tr_tracker));
tracker->key = getKey(inf->announce);
tracker->announce = tr_strdup(inf->announce);
tracker->scrape_info = tr_announcerGetScrapeInfo(announcer, inf->scrape);
tracker->id = inf->id;
tracker->seederCount = -1;
tracker->leecherCount = -1;
tracker->downloadCount = -1;
static void trackerDestruct(tr_tracker* tracker)
struct tr_torrent_tiers;
/** @brief A group of trackers in a single tier, as per the multitracker spec */
typedef struct tr_tier
/* number of up/down/corrupt bytes since the last time we sent an
* "event=stopped" message that was acknowledged by the tracker */
uint64_t byteCounts[3];
tr_tracker* trackers;
int tracker_count;
tr_tracker* currentTracker;
int currentTrackerIndex;
tr_torrent* tor;
time_t scrapeAt;
time_t lastScrapeStartTime;
time_t lastScrapeTime;
bool lastScrapeSucceeded;
bool lastScrapeTimedOut;
time_t announceAt;
time_t manualAnnounceAllowedAt;
time_t lastAnnounceStartTime;
time_t lastAnnounceTime;
bool lastAnnounceSucceeded;
bool lastAnnounceTimedOut;
tr_announce_event* announce_events;
int announce_event_priority;
int announce_event_count;
int announce_event_alloc;
/* unique lookup key */
int key;
int scrapeIntervalSec;
int announceIntervalSec;
int announceMinIntervalSec;
int lastAnnouncePeerCount;
bool isRunning;
bool isAnnouncing;
bool isScraping;
bool wasCopied;
char lastAnnounceStr[128];
char lastScrapeStr[128];
} tr_tier;
static time_t get_next_scrape_time(tr_session const* session, tr_tier const* tier, int interval)
time_t ret;
time_t const now = tr_time();
/* Maybe don't scrape paused torrents */
if (!tier->isRunning && !session->scrapePausedTorrents)
ret = 0;
/* Add the interval, and then increment to the nearest 10th second.
* The latter step is to increase the odds of several torrents coming
* due at the same time to improve multiscrape. */
ret = now + interval;
while (ret % 10 != 0)
return ret;
static void tierConstruct(tr_tier* tier, tr_torrent* tor)
static int nextKey = 1;
memset(tier, 0, sizeof(tr_tier));
tier->key = nextKey++;
tier->currentTrackerIndex = -1;
tier->scrapeIntervalSec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceMinIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->scrapeAt = get_next_scrape_time(tor->session, tier, 0);
tier->tor = tor;
static void tierDestruct(tr_tier* tier)
static void tier_build_log_name(tr_tier const* tier, char* buf, size_t buflen)
(tier != nullptr && tier->tor != nullptr) ? tr_torrentName(tier->tor) : "?",
(tier != nullptr && tier->currentTracker != nullptr) ? tier->currentTracker->key : "?");
static void tierIncrementTracker(tr_tier* tier)
/* move our index to the next tracker in the tier */
int const i = tier->currentTracker == nullptr ? 0 : (tier->currentTrackerIndex + 1) % tier->tracker_count;
tier->currentTrackerIndex = i;
tier->currentTracker = &tier->trackers[i];
/* reset some of the tier's fields */
tier->scrapeIntervalSec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->announceMinIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC;
tier->isAnnouncing = false;
tier->isScraping = false;
tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = 0;
tier->lastScrapeStartTime = 0;
* @brief Opaque, per-torrent data structure for tracker announce information
* this opaque data structure can be found in tr_torrent.tiers
typedef struct tr_torrent_tiers
tr_tier* tiers;
int tier_count;
tr_tracker* trackers;
int tracker_count;
tr_tracker_callback callback;
void* callbackData;
} tr_torrent_tiers;
static tr_torrent_tiers* tiersNew(void)
return tr_new0(tr_torrent_tiers, 1);
static void tiersDestruct(tr_torrent_tiers* tt)
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tracker_count; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
static void tiersFree(tr_torrent_tiers* tt)
static tr_tier* getTier(tr_announcer* announcer, uint8_t const* info_hash, int tierId)
tr_tier* tier = nullptr;
if (announcer != nullptr)
tr_session* session = announcer->session;
tr_torrent* tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash(session, info_hash);
if (tor != nullptr && tor->tiers != nullptr)
tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
for (int i = 0; tier == nullptr && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
if (tt->tiers[i].key == tierId)
tier = &tt->tiers[i];
return tier;
static void publishMessage(tr_tier* tier, char const* msg, TrackerEventType type)
if (tier != nullptr && tier->tor != nullptr && tier->tor->tiers != nullptr && tier->tor->tiers->callback != nullptr)
tr_torrent_tiers* tiers = tier->tor->tiers;
auto event = tr_tracker_event{};
event.messageType = type;
event.text = msg;
if (tier->currentTracker != nullptr)
event.tracker = tier->currentTracker->announce;
(*tiers->callback)(tier->tor, &event, tiers->callbackData);
static void publishErrorClear(tr_tier* tier)
publishMessage(tier, nullptr, TR_TRACKER_ERROR_CLEAR);
static void publishWarning(tr_tier* tier, char const* msg)
publishMessage(tier, msg, TR_TRACKER_WARNING);
static void publishError(tr_tier* tier, char const* msg)
publishMessage(tier, msg, TR_TRACKER_ERROR);
static void publishPeerCounts(tr_tier* tier, int seeders, int leechers)
if (tier->tor->tiers->callback != nullptr)
auto e = tr_tracker_event{};
e.messageType = TR_TRACKER_COUNTS;
e.seeders = seeders;
e.leechers = leechers;
dbgmsg(tier, "peer counts: %d seeders, %d leechers.", seeders, leechers);
(*tier->tor->tiers->callback)(tier->tor, &e, nullptr);
static void publishPeersPex(tr_tier* tier, int seeders, int leechers, tr_pex const* pex, int n)
if (tier->tor->tiers->callback != nullptr)
auto e = tr_tracker_event{};
e.messageType = TR_TRACKER_PEERS;
e.seeders = seeders;
e.leechers = leechers;
e.pex = pex;
e.pexCount = n;
dbgmsg(tier, "tracker knows of %d seeders and %d leechers and gave a list of %d peers.", seeders, leechers, n);
(*tier->tor->tiers->callback)(tier->tor, &e, nullptr);
struct ann_tracker_info
tr_tracker_info info;
char* scheme;
char* host;
char* path;
int port;
/* primary key: tier
* secondary key: udp comes before http */
static int filter_trackers_compare_func(void const* va, void const* vb)
auto* a = static_cast<struct ann_tracker_info const*>(va);
auto* b = static_cast<struct ann_tracker_info const*>(vb);
if (a->info.tier != b->info.tier)
return a->info.tier - b->info.tier;
return -strcmp(a->scheme, b->scheme);
* Massages the incoming list of trackers into something we can use.
static tr_tracker_info* filter_trackers(tr_tracker_info const* input, int input_count, int* setme_count)
int n = 0;
struct tr_tracker_info* ret;
struct ann_tracker_info* tmp = tr_new0(struct ann_tracker_info, input_count);
/* build a list of valid trackers */
for (int i = 0; i < input_count; ++i)
if (tr_urlIsValidTracker(input[i].announce))
int port;
char* scheme;
char* host;
char* path;
bool is_duplicate = false;
tr_urlParse(input[i].announce, TR_BAD_SIZE, &scheme, &host, &port, &path);
/* weed out one common source of duplicates:
* "http://tracker/announce" +
* "http://tracker:80/announce"
for (int j = 0; !is_duplicate && j < n; ++j)
is_duplicate = tmp[j].port == port && strcmp(tmp[j].scheme, scheme) == 0 && strcmp(tmp[j].host, host) == 0 &&
strcmp(tmp[j].path, path) == 0;
if (is_duplicate)
tmp[n].info = input[i];
tmp[n].scheme = scheme;
tmp[n].host = host;
tmp[n].port = port;
tmp[n].path = path;
/* if two announce URLs differ only by scheme, put them in the same tier.
* (note: this can leave gaps in the `tier' values, but since the calling
* function doesn't care, there's no point in removing the gaps...) */
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
if (tmp[i].info.tier != tmp[j].info.tier && tmp[i].port == tmp[j].port &&
tr_strcmp0(tmp[i].host, tmp[j].host) == 0 && tr_strcmp0(tmp[i].path, tmp[j].path) == 0)
tmp[j].info.tier = tmp[i].info.tier;
/* sort them, for two reasons:
* (1) unjumble the tiers from the previous step
* (2) move the UDP trackers to the front of each tier */
qsort(tmp, n, sizeof(struct ann_tracker_info), filter_trackers_compare_func);
/* build the output */
*setme_count = n;
ret = tr_new0(tr_tracker_info, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ret[i] = tmp[i].info;
/* cleanup */
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
return ret;
static void addTorrentToTier(tr_torrent_tiers* tt, tr_torrent* tor)
int n;
int tier_count;
tr_tier* tier;
tr_tracker_info* infos = filter_trackers(tor->info.trackers, tor->info.trackerCount, &n);
/* build the array of trackers */
tt->trackers = tr_new0(tr_tracker, n);
tt->tracker_count = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
trackerConstruct(tor->session->announcer, &tt->trackers[i], &infos[i]);
/* count how many tiers there are */
tier_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i == 0 || infos[i].tier != infos[i - 1].tier)
/* build the array of tiers */
tier = nullptr;
tt->tiers = tr_new0(tr_tier, tier_count);
tt->tier_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i != 0 && infos[i].tier == infos[i - 1].tier)
tier = &tt->tiers[tt->tier_count++];
tierConstruct(tier, tor);
tier->trackers = &tt->trackers[i];
tier->tracker_count = 1;
/* cleanup */
tr_torrent_tiers* tr_announcerAddTorrent(tr_torrent* tor, tr_tracker_callback callback, void* callbackData)
tr_torrent_tiers* tiers = tiersNew();
tiers->callback = callback;
tiers->callbackData = callbackData;
addTorrentToTier(tiers, tor);
return tiers;
static bool tierCanManualAnnounce(tr_tier const* tier)
return tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt <= tr_time();
bool tr_announcerCanManualAnnounce(tr_torrent const* tor)
TR_ASSERT(tor->tiers != nullptr);
struct tr_torrent_tiers const* tt = nullptr;
if (tor->isRunning)
tt = tor->tiers;
/* return true if any tier can manual announce */
for (int i = 0; tt != nullptr && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
if (tierCanManualAnnounce(&tt->tiers[i]))
return true;
return false;
time_t tr_announcerNextManualAnnounce(tr_torrent const* tor)
time_t ret = ~(time_t)0;
struct tr_torrent_tiers const* tt = tor->tiers;
/* find the earliest manual announce time from all peers */
for (int i = 0; tt != nullptr && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
if (tt->tiers[i].isRunning)
ret = MIN(ret, tt->tiers[i].manualAnnounceAllowedAt);
return ret;
static void dbgmsg_tier_announce_queue(tr_tier const* tier)
if (tr_logGetDeepEnabled())
char name[128];
char* message;
struct evbuffer* buf = evbuffer_new();
tier_build_log_name(tier, name, sizeof(name));
for (int i = 0; i < tier->announce_event_count; ++i)
tr_announce_event const e = tier->announce_events[i];
char const* str = tr_announce_event_get_string(e);
evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "[%d:%s]", i, str);
message = evbuffer_free_to_str(buf, nullptr);
tr_logAddDeep(__FILE__, __LINE__, name, "announce queue is %s", message);
// higher priorities go to the front of the announce queue
static void tier_update_announce_priority(tr_tier* tier)
int priority = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tier->announce_event_count; ++i)
priority = MAX(priority, (int)tier->announce_events[i]);
tier->announce_event_priority = priority;
static void tier_announce_remove_trailing(tr_tier* tier, tr_announce_event e)
while (tier->announce_event_count > 0 && tier->announce_events[tier->announce_event_count - 1] == e)
static void tier_announce_event_push(tr_tier* tier, tr_announce_event e, time_t announceAt)
TR_ASSERT(tier != nullptr);
dbgmsg(tier, "queued \"%s\"", tr_announce_event_get_string(e));
if (tier->announce_event_count > 0)
/* special case #1: if we're adding a "stopped" event,
* dump everything leading up to it except "completed" */
bool has_completed = false;
tr_announce_event const c = TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_COMPLETED;
for (int i = 0; !has_completed && i < tier->announce_event_count; ++i)
has_completed = c == tier->announce_events[i];
tier->announce_event_count = 0;
if (has_completed)
tier->announce_events[tier->announce_event_count++] = c;
/* special case #2: dump all empty strings leading up to this event */
tier_announce_remove_trailing(tier, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_NONE);
/* special case #3: no consecutive duplicates */
tier_announce_remove_trailing(tier, e);
/* make room in the array for another event */
if (tier->announce_event_alloc <= tier->announce_event_count)
tier->announce_event_alloc += 4;
tier->announce_events = tr_renew(tr_announce_event, tier->announce_events, tier->announce_event_alloc);
/* add it */
tier->announceAt = announceAt;
tier->announce_events[tier->announce_event_count++] = e;
dbgmsg(tier, "announcing in %d seconds", (int)difftime(announceAt, tr_time()));
static tr_announce_event tier_announce_event_pull(tr_tier* tier)
tr_announce_event const e = tier->announce_events[0];
tr_removeElementFromArray(tier->announce_events, 0, sizeof(tr_announce_event), tier->announce_event_count);
return e;
static void torrentAddAnnounce(tr_torrent* tor, tr_announce_event e, time_t announceAt)
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
/* walk through each tier and tell them to announce */
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tier_announce_event_push(&tt->tiers[i], e, announceAt);
void tr_announcerTorrentStarted(tr_torrent* tor)
torrentAddAnnounce(tor, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STARTED, tr_time());
void tr_announcerManualAnnounce(tr_torrent* tor)
torrentAddAnnounce(tor, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_NONE, tr_time());
void tr_announcerTorrentStopped(tr_torrent* tor)
torrentAddAnnounce(tor, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STOPPED, tr_time());
void tr_announcerTorrentCompleted(tr_torrent* tor)
torrentAddAnnounce(tor, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_COMPLETED, tr_time());
void tr_announcerChangeMyPort(tr_torrent* tor)
void tr_announcerAddBytes(tr_torrent* tor, int type, uint32_t byteCount)
TR_ASSERT(type == TR_ANN_UP || type == TR_ANN_DOWN || type == TR_ANN_CORRUPT);
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tt->tiers[i].byteCounts[type] += byteCount;
static tr_announce_request* announce_request_new(
tr_announcer const* announcer,
tr_torrent* tor,
tr_tier const* tier,
tr_announce_event event)
tr_announce_request* req = tr_new0(tr_announce_request, 1);
req->port = tr_sessionGetPublicPeerPort(announcer->session);
req->url = tr_strdup(tier->currentTracker->announce);
req->tracker_id_str = tr_strdup(tier->currentTracker->tracker_id_str);
memcpy(req->info_hash, tor->info.hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
memcpy(req->peer_id, tr_torrentGetPeerId(tor), PEER_ID_LEN);
req->up = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP];
req->down = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN];
req->corrupt = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT];
req->leftUntilComplete = tr_torrentHasMetadata(tor) ? tor->info.totalSize - tr_torrentHaveTotal(tor) : INT64_MAX;
req->event = event;
req->numwant = event == TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STOPPED ? 0 : NUMWANT;
req->key = announcer->key;
req->partial_seed = tr_torrentGetCompleteness(tor) == TR_PARTIAL_SEED;
tier_build_log_name(tier, req->log_name, sizeof(req->log_name));
return req;
static void announce_request_free(tr_announce_request* req);
void tr_announcerRemoveTorrent(tr_announcer* announcer, tr_torrent* tor)
struct tr_torrent_tiers const* tt = tor->tiers;
if (tt != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tr_tier const* tier = &tt->tiers[i];
if (tier->isRunning)
tr_announce_event const e = TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STOPPED;
tr_announce_request* req = announce_request_new(announcer, tor, tier, e);
if (tr_ptrArrayFindSorted(&announcer->stops, req, compareStops) != nullptr)
tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted(&announcer->stops, req, compareStops);
tor->tiers = nullptr;
static int getRetryInterval(tr_tracker const* t)
switch (t->consecutiveFailures)
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
return 20;
case 2:
return tr_rand_int_weak(60) + 60 * 5;
case 3:
return tr_rand_int_weak(60) + 60 * 15;
case 4:
return tr_rand_int_weak(60) + 60 * 30;
case 5:
return tr_rand_int_weak(60) + 60 * 60;
return tr_rand_int_weak(60) + 60 * 120;
struct announce_data
int tierId;
time_t timeSent;
tr_announce_event event;
tr_session* session;
/** If the request succeeds, the value for tier's "isRunning" flag */
bool isRunningOnSuccess;
static void on_announce_error(tr_tier* tier, char const* err, tr_announce_event e)
int interval;
/* increment the error count */
if (tier->currentTracker != nullptr)
/* set the error message */
dbgmsg(tier, "%s", err);
tr_logAddTorInfo(tier->tor, "%s", err);
tr_strlcpy(tier->lastAnnounceStr, err, sizeof(tier->lastAnnounceStr));
/* switch to the next tracker */
/* schedule a reannounce */
interval = getRetryInterval(tier->currentTracker);
dbgmsg(tier, "Retrying announce in %d seconds.", interval);
tr_logAddTorInfo(tier->tor, "Retrying announce in %d seconds.", interval);
tier_announce_event_push(tier, e, tr_time() + interval);
static void on_announce_done(tr_announce_response const* response, void* vdata)
auto* data = static_cast<struct announce_data*>(vdata);
tr_announcer* announcer = data->session->announcer;
tr_tier* tier = getTier(announcer, response->info_hash, data->tierId);
time_t const now = tr_time();
tr_announce_event const event = data->event;
if (tier != nullptr)
tr_tracker* tracker;
"Got announce response: "
"connected:%d "
"timeout:%d "
"seeders:%d "
"leechers:%d "
"downloads:%d "
"interval:%d "
"min_interval:%d "
"tracker_id_str:%s "
"pex:%zu "
"pex6:%zu "
"err:%s "
response->tracker_id_str != nullptr ? response->tracker_id_str : "none",
response->errmsg != nullptr ? response->errmsg : "none",
response->warning != nullptr ? response->warning : "none");
tier->lastAnnounceTime = now;
tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut = response->did_timeout;
tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded = false;
tier->isAnnouncing = false;
tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = now + tier->announceMinIntervalSec;
if (!response->did_connect)
on_announce_error(tier, _("Could not connect to tracker"), event);
else if (response->did_timeout)
on_announce_error(tier, _("Tracker did not respond"), event);
else if (response->errmsg != nullptr)
/* If the torrent's only tracker returned an error, publish it.
Don't bother publishing if there are other trackers -- it's
all too common for people to load up dozens of dead trackers
in a torrent's metainfo... */
if (tier->tor->info.trackerCount < 2)
publishError(tier, response->errmsg);
on_announce_error(tier, response->errmsg, event);
int i;
char const* str;
int scrape_fields = 0;
int seeders = 0;
int leechers = 0;
bool const isStopped = event == TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STOPPED;
if ((tracker = tier->currentTracker) != nullptr)
tracker->consecutiveFailures = 0;
if (response->seeders >= 0)
tracker->seederCount = seeders = response->seeders;
if (response->leechers >= 0)
tracker->leecherCount = leechers = response->leechers;
if (response->downloads >= 0)
tracker->downloadCount = response->downloads;
if ((str = response->tracker_id_str) != nullptr)
tracker->tracker_id_str = tr_strdup(str);
if ((str = response->warning) != nullptr)
tr_strlcpy(tier->lastAnnounceStr, str, sizeof(tier->lastAnnounceStr));
dbgmsg(tier, "tracker gave \"%s\"", str);
publishWarning(tier, str);
tr_strlcpy(tier->lastAnnounceStr, _("Success"), sizeof(tier->lastAnnounceStr));
if ((i = response->min_interval) != 0)
tier->announceMinIntervalSec = i;
if ((i = response->interval) != 0)
tier->announceIntervalSec = i;
if (response->pex_count > 0)
publishPeersPex(tier, seeders, leechers, response->pex, response->pex_count);
if (response->pex6_count > 0)
publishPeersPex(tier, seeders, leechers, response->pex6, response->pex6_count);
publishPeerCounts(tier, seeders, leechers);
tier->isRunning = data->isRunningOnSuccess;
/* if the tracker included scrape fields in its announce response,
then a separate scrape isn't needed */
if (scrape_fields >= 3 || (scrape_fields >= 1 && tracker->scrape_info == nullptr))
"Announce response contained scrape info; "
"rescheduling next scrape to %d seconds from now.",
tier->scrapeAt = get_next_scrape_time(announcer->session, tier, tier->scrapeIntervalSec);
tier->lastScrapeTime = now;
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = true;
else if (tier->lastScrapeTime + tier->scrapeIntervalSec <= now)
tier->scrapeAt = get_next_scrape_time(announcer->session, tier, 0);
tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded = true;
tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount = response->pex_count + response->pex6_count;
if (isStopped)
/* now that we've successfully stopped the torrent,
* we can reset the up/down/corrupt count we've kept
* for this tracker */
tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP] = 0;
tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN] = 0;
tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT] = 0;
if (!isStopped && tier->announce_event_count == 0)
/* the queue is empty, so enqueue a perodic update */
i = tier->announceIntervalSec;
dbgmsg(tier, "Sending periodic reannounce in %d seconds", i);
tier_announce_event_push(tier, TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_NONE, now + i);
static void announce_request_free(tr_announce_request* req)
static void announce_request_delegate(
tr_announcer* announcer,
tr_announce_request* request,
tr_announce_response_func callback,
void* callback_data)
tr_session* session = announcer->session;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "ANNOUNCE: event %s isPartialSeed %d port %d key %d numwant %d up %" PRIu64 " down %" PRIu64
" corrupt %" PRIu64 " left %" PRIu64 " url [%s] tracker_id_str [%s] peer_id [%20.20s]\n",
tr_announce_event_get_string(request->event), (int)request->partial_seed, (int)request->port, request->key,
request->numwant, request->up, request->down, request->corrupt, request->leftUntilComplete, request->url,
request->tracker_id_str, request->peer_id);
if (strncmp(request->url, "http", 4) == 0)
tr_tracker_http_announce(session, request, callback, callback_data);
else if (strncmp(request->url, "udp://", 6) == 0)
tr_tracker_udp_announce(session, request, callback, callback_data);
tr_logAddError("Unsupported url: %s", request->url);
static void tierAnnounce(tr_announcer* announcer, tr_tier* tier)
TR_ASSERT(tier->announce_event_count > 0);
time_t const now = tr_time();
tr_torrent* tor = tier->tor;
tr_announce_event announce_event = tier_announce_event_pull(tier);
tr_announce_request* req = announce_request_new(announcer, tor, tier, announce_event);
struct announce_data* data = tr_new0(struct announce_data, 1);
data->session = announcer->session;
data->tierId = tier->key;
data->isRunningOnSuccess = tor->isRunning;
data->timeSent = now;
data->event = announce_event;
tier->isAnnouncing = true;
tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = now;
announce_request_delegate(announcer, req, on_announce_done, data);
static bool multiscrape_too_big(char const* errmsg)
/* Found a tracker that returns some bespoke string for this case?
Add your patch here and open a PR */
static char const* const too_long_errors[] = {
"Bad Request",
"GET string too long",
"Request-URI Too Long",
if (errmsg == nullptr)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < TR_N_ELEMENTS(too_long_errors); ++i)
if (strstr(errmsg, too_long_errors[i]) != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
static void on_scrape_error(tr_session const* session, tr_tier* tier, char const* errmsg)
int interval;
/* increment the error count */
if (tier->currentTracker != nullptr)
/* set the error message */
dbgmsg(tier, "Scrape error: %s", errmsg);
tr_logAddTorInfo(tier->tor, "Scrape error: %s", errmsg);
tr_strlcpy(tier->lastScrapeStr, errmsg, sizeof(tier->lastScrapeStr));
/* switch to the next tracker */
/* schedule a rescrape */
interval = getRetryInterval(tier->currentTracker);
dbgmsg(tier, "Retrying scrape in %zu seconds.", (size_t)interval);
tr_logAddTorInfo(tier->tor, "Retrying scrape in %zu seconds.", (size_t)interval);
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = false;
tier->scrapeAt = get_next_scrape_time(session, tier, interval);
static tr_tier* find_tier(tr_torrent* tor, char const* scrape)
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
for (int i = 0; tt != nullptr && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tr_tracker const* const tracker = tt->tiers[i].currentTracker;
if (tracker != nullptr && tracker->scrape_info != nullptr && tr_strcmp0(scrape, tracker->scrape_info->url) == 0)
return &tt->tiers[i];
return nullptr;
static void on_scrape_done(tr_scrape_response const* response, void* vsession)
time_t const now = tr_time();
auto* session = static_cast<tr_session*>(vsession);
tr_announcer* announcer = session->announcer;
for (int i = 0; i < response->row_count; ++i)
struct tr_scrape_response_row const* row = &response->rows[i];
tr_torrent* tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash(session, row->info_hash);
if (tor != nullptr)
tr_tier* tier = find_tier(tor, response->url);
if (tier != nullptr)
"scraped url:%s -- "
"did_connect:%d "
"did_timeout:%d "
"seeders:%d "
"leechers:%d "
"downloads:%d "
"downloaders:%d "
"min_request_interval:%d "
"err:%s ",
response->errmsg != nullptr ? response->errmsg : "none");
tier->isScraping = false;
tier->lastScrapeTime = now;
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = false;
tier->lastScrapeTimedOut = response->did_timeout;
if (!response->did_connect)
on_scrape_error(session, tier, _("Could not connect to tracker"));
else if (response->did_timeout)
on_scrape_error(session, tier, _("Tracker did not respond"));
else if (response->errmsg != nullptr)
on_scrape_error(session, tier, response->errmsg);
tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = true;
tier->scrapeIntervalSec = MAX(DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC, response->min_request_interval);
tier->scrapeAt = get_next_scrape_time(session, tier, tier->scrapeIntervalSec);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tier->tor, "Scrape successful. Rescraping in %d seconds.", tier->scrapeIntervalSec);
tr_tracker* const tracker = tier->currentTracker;
if (tracker != nullptr)
if (row->seeders >= 0)
tracker->seederCount = row->seeders;
if (row->leechers >= 0)
tracker->leecherCount = row->leechers;
if (row->downloads >= 0)
tracker->downloadCount = row->downloads;
tracker->downloaderCount = row->downloaders;
tracker->consecutiveFailures = 0;
if (row->seeders >= 0 && row->leechers >= 0 && row->downloads >= 0)
publishPeerCounts(tier, row->seeders, row->leechers);
/* Maybe reduce the number of torrents in a multiscrape req */
if (multiscrape_too_big(response->errmsg))
char const* url = response->url;
struct tr_scrape_info* const scrape_info = tr_announcerGetScrapeInfo(announcer, url);
if (scrape_info != nullptr)
int* multiscrape_max = &scrape_info->multiscrape_max;
/* Lower the max only if it hasn't already lowered for a similar error.
For example if N parallel multiscrapes all have the same `max` and
error out, lower the value once for that batch, not N times. */
if (*multiscrape_max >= response->row_count)
int const n = MAX(1, *multiscrape_max - TR_MULTISCRAPE_STEP);
if (*multiscrape_max != n)
char* scheme = nullptr;
char* host = nullptr;
int port;
if (tr_urlParse(url, strlen(url), &scheme, &host, &port, nullptr))
/* don't log the full URL, since that might have a personal announce id */
char* sanitized_url = tr_strdup_printf("%s://%s:%d", scheme, host, port);
tr_logAddNamedInfo(sanitized_url, "Reducing multiscrape max to %d", n);
*multiscrape_max = n;
static void scrape_request_delegate(
tr_announcer* announcer,
tr_scrape_request const* request,
tr_scrape_response_func callback,
void* callback_data)
tr_session* session = announcer->session;
if (strncmp(request->url, "http", 4) == 0)
tr_tracker_http_scrape(session, request, callback, callback_data);
else if (strncmp(request->url, "udp://", 6) == 0)
tr_tracker_udp_scrape(session, request, callback, callback_data);
tr_logAddError("Unsupported url: %s", request->url);
static void multiscrape(tr_announcer* announcer, std::vector<tr_tier*> const& tiers)
size_t request_count = 0;
time_t const now = tr_time();
tr_scrape_request requests[MAX_SCRAPES_PER_UPKEEP] = {};
/* batch as many info_hashes into a request as we can */
for (auto* tier : tiers)
struct tr_scrape_info* const scrape_info = tier->currentTracker->scrape_info;
uint8_t const* hash = tier->tor->info.hash;
bool found = false;
TR_ASSERT(scrape_info != nullptr);
/* if there's a request with this scrape URL and a free slot, use it */
for (size_t j = 0; !found && j < request_count; ++j)
tr_scrape_request* req = &requests[j];
if (req->info_hash_count >= scrape_info->multiscrape_max)
if (tr_strcmp0(req->url, scrape_info->url) != 0)
memcpy(req->info_hash[req->info_hash_count++], hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
tier->isScraping = true;
tier->lastScrapeStartTime = now;
found = true;
/* otherwise, if there's room for another request, build a new one */
if (!found && request_count < MAX_SCRAPES_PER_UPKEEP)
tr_scrape_request* req = &requests[request_count++];
req->url = scrape_info->url;
tier_build_log_name(tier, req->log_name, sizeof(req->log_name));
memcpy(req->info_hash[req->info_hash_count++], hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
tier->isScraping = true;
tier->lastScrapeStartTime = now;
/* send the requests we just built */
for (size_t i = 0; i < request_count; ++i)
scrape_request_delegate(announcer, &requests[i], on_scrape_done, announcer->session);
static void flushCloseMessages(tr_announcer* announcer)
for (int i = 0, n = tr_ptrArraySize(&announcer->stops); i < n; ++i)
static_cast<tr_announce_request*>(tr_ptrArrayNth(&announcer->stops, i)),
static inline bool tierNeedsToAnnounce(tr_tier const* tier, time_t const now)
return !tier->isAnnouncing && !tier->isScraping && tier->announceAt != 0 && tier->announceAt <= now &&
tier->announce_event_count > 0;
static inline bool tierNeedsToScrape(tr_tier const* tier, time_t const now)
return !tier->isScraping && tier->scrapeAt != 0 && tier->scrapeAt <= now && tier->currentTracker != nullptr &&
tier->currentTracker->scrape_info != nullptr;
static inline int countDownloaders(tr_tier const* tier)
tr_tracker const* const tracker = tier->currentTracker;
return tracker == nullptr ? 0 : tracker->downloaderCount + tracker->leecherCount;
static int compareAnnounceTiers(tr_tier const* a, tr_tier const* b)
/* prefer higher-priority events */
int const priority_a = a->announce_event_priority;
int const priority_b = b->announce_event_priority;
if (priority_a != priority_b)
return priority_a > priority_b ? -1 : 1;
/* prefer swarms where we might upload */
int const downloader_count_a = countDownloaders(a);
int const downloader_count_b = countDownloaders(b);
if (downloader_count_a != downloader_count_b)
return downloader_count_a > downloader_count_b ? -1 : 1;
/* prefer swarms where we might download */
bool const is_seed_a = tr_torrentIsSeed(a->tor);
bool const is_seed_b = tr_torrentIsSeed(b->tor);
if (is_seed_a != is_seed_b)
return is_seed_a ? 1 : -1;
/* prefer larger stats, to help ensure stats get recorded when stopping on shutdown */
int const xfer = compareTransfer(
if (xfer)
return xfer;
// announcements that have been waiting longer go first
if (a->announceAt != b->announceAt)
return a->announceAt < b->announceAt ? -1 : 1;
// the tiers are effectively equal priority, but add an arbitrary
// differentiation because ptrArray sorted mode hates equal items.
return a < b ? -1 : 1;
static void scrapeAndAnnounceMore(tr_announcer* announcer)
time_t const now = tr_time();
/* build a list of tiers that need to be announced */
auto announce_me = std::vector<tr_tier*>{};
auto scrape_me = std::vector<tr_tier*>{};
tr_torrent* tor = nullptr;
while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(announcer->session, tor)) != nullptr)
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
for (int i = 0; tt != nullptr && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tr_tier* tier = &tt->tiers[i];
if (tierNeedsToAnnounce(tier, now))
if (tierNeedsToScrape(tier, now))
/* First, scrape what we can. We handle scrapes first because
* we can work through that queue much faster than announces
* (thanks to multiscrape) _and_ the scrape responses will tell
* us which swarms are interesting and should be announced next. */
multiscrape(announcer, scrape_me);
/* Second, announce what we can. If there aren't enough slots
* available, use compareAnnounceTiers to prioritize. */
if (announce_me.size() > MAX_ANNOUNCES_PER_UPKEEP)
std::begin(announce_me) + MAX_ANNOUNCES_PER_UPKEEP,
[](auto const* a, auto const* b) { return compareAnnounceTiers(a, b) < 0; });
for (auto*& tier : announce_me)
tr_logAddTorDbg(tier->tor, "%s", "Announcing to tracker");
tierAnnounce(announcer, tier);
static void onUpkeepTimer(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void* vannouncer)
auto* announcer = static_cast<tr_announcer*>(vannouncer);
tr_session* session = announcer->session;
bool const is_closing = session->isClosed;
time_t const now = tr_time();
/* maybe send out some "stopped" messages for closed torrents */
/* maybe kick off some scrapes / announces whose time has come */
if (!is_closing)
/* TAU upkeep */
if (announcer->tauUpkeepAt <= now)
announcer->tauUpkeepAt = now + TAU_UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS;
/* set up the next timer */
tr_timerAddMsec(announcer->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MSEC);
tr_tracker_stat* tr_announcerStats(tr_torrent const* torrent, int* setmeTrackerCount)
time_t const now = tr_time();
int out = 0;
struct tr_torrent_tiers const* const tt = torrent->tiers;
/* alloc the stats */
*setmeTrackerCount = tt->tracker_count;
tr_tracker_stat* const ret = tr_new0(tr_tracker_stat, tt->tracker_count);
/* populate the stats */
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
tr_tier const* const tier = &tt->tiers[i];
for (int j = 0; j < tier->tracker_count; ++j)
tr_tracker const* const tracker = &tier->trackers[j];
tr_tracker_stat* st = &ret[out++];
st->id = tracker->id;
tr_strlcpy(st->host, tracker->key, sizeof(st->host));
tr_strlcpy(st->announce, tracker->announce, sizeof(st->announce));
st->tier = i;
st->isBackup = tracker != tier->currentTracker;
st->lastScrapeStartTime = tier->lastScrapeStartTime;
if (tracker->scrape_info != nullptr)
tr_strlcpy(st->scrape, tracker->scrape_info->url, sizeof(st->scrape));
st->scrape[0] = '\0';
st->seederCount = tracker->seederCount;
st->leecherCount = tracker->leecherCount;
st->downloadCount = tracker->downloadCount;
if (st->isBackup)
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
st->nextScrapeTime = 0;
st->nextAnnounceTime = 0;
if ((st->hasScraped = tier->lastScrapeTime != 0))
st->lastScrapeTime = tier->lastScrapeTime;
st->lastScrapeSucceeded = tier->lastScrapeSucceeded;
st->lastScrapeTimedOut = tier->lastScrapeTimedOut;
tr_strlcpy(st->lastScrapeResult, tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof(st->lastScrapeResult));
if (tier->isScraping)
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE;
else if (tier->scrapeAt == 0)
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
else if (tier->scrapeAt > now)
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING;
st->nextScrapeTime = tier->scrapeAt;
st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED;
st->lastAnnounceStartTime = tier->lastAnnounceStartTime;
if ((st->hasAnnounced = tier->lastAnnounceTime != 0))
st->lastAnnounceTime = tier->lastAnnounceTime;
tr_strlcpy(st->lastAnnounceResult, tier->lastAnnounceStr, sizeof(st->lastAnnounceResult));
st->lastAnnounceSucceeded = tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded;
st->lastAnnounceTimedOut = tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut;
st->lastAnnouncePeerCount = tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount;
if (tier->isAnnouncing)
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE;
else if (!torrent->isRunning || tier->announceAt == 0)
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE;
else if (tier->announceAt > now)
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING;
st->nextAnnounceTime = tier->announceAt;
st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED;
return ret;
void tr_announcerStatsFree(tr_tracker_stat* trackers, int trackerCount)
static void copy_tier_attributes_impl(struct tr_tier* tgt, int trackerIndex, tr_tier const* src)
/* sanity clause */
TR_ASSERT(trackerIndex < tgt->tracker_count);
TR_ASSERT(tr_strcmp0(tgt->trackers[trackerIndex].announce, src->currentTracker->announce) == 0);
tr_tier const keep = *tgt;
/* bitwise copy will handle most of tr_tier's fields... */
*tgt = *src;
/* ...fix the fields that can't be cleanly bitwise-copied */
tgt->wasCopied = true;
tgt->trackers = keep.trackers;
tgt->tracker_count = keep.tracker_count;
tgt->announce_events = static_cast<tr_announce_event*>(
tr_memdup(src->announce_events, sizeof(tr_announce_event) * src->announce_event_count));
tgt->announce_event_priority = src->announce_event_priority;
tgt->announce_event_count = src->announce_event_count;
tgt->announce_event_alloc = src->announce_event_count;
tgt->currentTrackerIndex = trackerIndex;
tgt->currentTracker = &tgt->trackers[trackerIndex];
tgt->currentTracker->seederCount = src->currentTracker->seederCount;
tgt->currentTracker->leecherCount = src->currentTracker->leecherCount;
tgt->currentTracker->downloadCount = src->currentTracker->downloadCount;
tgt->currentTracker->downloaderCount = src->currentTracker->downloaderCount;
static void copy_tier_attributes(struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt, tr_tier const* src)
bool found = false;
/* find a tier (if any) which has a match for src->currentTracker */
for (int i = 0; !found && i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
for (int j = 0; !found && j < tt->tiers[i].tracker_count; ++j)
if (tr_strcmp0(src->currentTracker->announce, tt->tiers[i].trackers[j].announce) == 0)
found = true;
copy_tier_attributes_impl(&tt->tiers[i], j, src);
void tr_announcerResetTorrent(tr_announcer* announcer, tr_torrent* tor)
TR_ASSERT(tor->tiers != nullptr);
time_t const now = tr_time();
struct tr_torrent_tiers* tt = tor->tiers;
tr_torrent_tiers old = *tt;
/* remove the old tiers / trackers */
tt->tiers = nullptr;
tt->trackers = nullptr;
tt->tier_count = 0;
tt->tracker_count = 0;
/* create the new tiers / trackers */
addTorrentToTier(tt, tor);
/* copy the old tiers' states into their replacements */
for (int i = 0; i < old.tier_count; ++i)
if (old.tiers[i].currentTracker != nullptr)
copy_tier_attributes(tt, &old.tiers[i]);
/* kickstart any tiers that didn't get started */
if (tor->isRunning)
for (int i = 0; i < tt->tier_count; ++i)
if (!tt->tiers[i].wasCopied)
tier_announce_event_push(&tt->tiers[i], TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STARTED, now);
/* cleanup */