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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-12 15:14:12 +00:00
2009-10-31 22:16:06 +00:00

339 lines
8.5 KiB
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#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "bitfield.h"
#include "ConvertUTF.h" /* tr_utf8_validate*/
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#undef VERBOSE
#define NUM_LOOPS 1
#define SPEED_TEST 0
#define VERBOSE
#undef NUM_LOOPS
#define NUM_LOOPS 200
static int test = 0;
#ifdef VERBOSE
#define check( A ) \
{ \
++test; \
if( A ){ \
fprintf( stderr, "PASS test #%d (%s, %d)\n", test, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
} else { \
fprintf( stderr, "FAIL test #%d (%s, %d)\n", test, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
return test; \
} \
#define check( A ) \
{ \
++test; \
if( !( A ) ){ \
fprintf( stderr, "FAIL test #%d (%s, %d)\n", test, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
return test; \
} \
static int
test_bitfields( void )
unsigned int i;
unsigned int bitcount = 5000000;
tr_bitfield * field = tr_bitfieldNew( bitcount );
/* test tr_bitfieldAdd */
for( i = 0; i < bitcount; ++i )
if( !( i % 7 ) )
tr_bitfieldAdd( field, i );
for( i = 0; i < bitcount; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( !( i % 7 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldAddRange */
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 0, bitcount );
for( i = 0; i < bitcount; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldRemRange in the middle of a boundary */
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 4, 21 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( i < 4 ) || ( i >= 21 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldRemRange on the boundaries */
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 0, 64 );
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 8, 24 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( i < 8 ) || ( i >= 24 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldRemRange when begin & end is on the same word */
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 0, 64 );
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 4, 5 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( i < 4 ) || ( i >= 5 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldAddRange */
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 0, 64 );
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 4, 21 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( 4 <= i ) && ( i < 21 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldAddRange on the boundaries */
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 0, 64 );
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 8, 24 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( 8 <= i ) && ( i < 24 ) ) );
/* test tr_bitfieldAddRange when begin & end is on the same word */
tr_bitfieldRemRange( field, 0, 64 );
tr_bitfieldAddRange( field, 4, 5 );
for( i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
check( tr_bitfieldHas( field, i ) == ( ( 4 <= i ) && ( i < 5 ) ) );
tr_bitfieldFree( field );
return 0;
static int
test_strstrip( void )
char *in, *out;
/* strstrip */
in = tr_strdup( " test " );
out = tr_strstrip( in );
check( in == out );
check( !strcmp( in, "test" ) );
tr_free( in );
/* strstrip */
in = tr_strdup( " test test " );
out = tr_strstrip( in );
check( in == out );
check( !strcmp( in, "test test" ) );
tr_free( in );
/* strstrip */
in = tr_strdup( "test" );
out = tr_strstrip( in );
check( in == out );
check( !strcmp( in, "test" ) );
tr_free( in );
return 0;
static int
test_buildpath( void )
char * out;
out = tr_buildPath( "foo", "bar", NULL );
check( !strcmp( out, "foo" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "bar" ) );
tr_free( out );
out = tr_buildPath( "", "foo", "bar", NULL );
check( !strcmp( out, TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "foo" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "bar" ) );
tr_free( out );
return 0;
static int
test_utf8( void )
const char * in;
char * out;
tr_bool err;
in = "hello world";
out = tr_utf8clean( in, -1, &err );
check( err == FALSE )
check( out != NULL )
check( !strcmp( out, in ) )
tr_free( out );
in = "hello world";
out = tr_utf8clean( in, 5, &err );
check( err == FALSE )
check( out != NULL )
check( !strcmp( out, "hello" ) )
tr_free( out );
/* this version is not utf-8 */
out = tr_utf8clean( in, 17, &err );
check( out != NULL )
check( err != 0 )
check( strlen( out ) == 17 )
check( tr_utf8_validate( out, -1, NULL ) )
tr_free( out );
/* same string, but utf-8 clean */
in = "Òðóäíî áûòü Áîãîì";
out = tr_utf8clean( in, -1, &err );
check( out != NULL )
check( !err );
check( tr_utf8_validate( out, -1, NULL ) )
check ( !strcmp( in, out ) )
tr_free( out );
return 0;
static int
test_numbers( void )
int i;
int count;
int * numbers;
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange( "1-10,13,16-19", -1, &count );
check( count == 15 );
check( numbers != NULL );
check( numbers[0] == 1 );
check( numbers[5] == 6 );
check( numbers[9] == 10 );
check( numbers[10] == 13 );
check( numbers[11] == 16 );
check( numbers[14] == 19 );
tr_free( numbers );
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange( "1-5,3-7,2-6", -1, &count );
check( count == 7 );
check( numbers != NULL );
for( i=0; i<count; ++i )
check( numbers[i] == i+1 );
tr_free( numbers );
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange( "1-Hello", -1, &count );
check( count == 0 );
check( numbers == NULL );
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange( "1-", -1, &count );
check( count == 0 );
check( numbers == NULL );
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange( "Hello", -1, &count );
check( count == 0 );
check( numbers == NULL );
return 0;
static int
compareInts( const void * va, const void * vb )
const int a = *(const int *)va;
const int b = *(const int*)vb;
return a - b;
static int
test_lowerbound( void )
int i;
const int A[] = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 8 };
const int expected_pos[] = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7 };
const int expected_exact[] = { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE };
const int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);
for( i=1; i<=10; ++i )
tr_bool exact;
const int pos = tr_lowerBound( &i, A, N, sizeof(int), compareInts, &exact );
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "searching for %d. ", i );
fprintf( stderr, "result: index = %d, ", pos );
if( pos != N )
fprintf( stderr, "A[%d] == %d\n", pos, A[pos] );
fprintf( stderr, "which is off the end.\n" );
check( pos == expected_pos[i-1] )
check( exact == expected_exact[i-1] )
return 0;
static int
test_memmem( void )
char const haystack[12] = "abcabcabcabc";
char const needle[3] = "cab";
check( tr_memmem( haystack, sizeof haystack, haystack, sizeof haystack) == haystack )
check( tr_memmem( haystack, sizeof haystack, needle, sizeof needle) == haystack + 2 )
check( tr_memmem( needle, sizeof needle, haystack, sizeof haystack) == NULL )
check( tr_memmem( haystack, sizeof haystack, "", 0) == haystack )
check( tr_memmem( haystack, sizeof haystack, NULL, 0) == haystack )
check( tr_memmem( haystack, 0, "", 0) == haystack )
return 0;
main( void )
char buf[32];
char *in, *out;
int len;
int i;
int l;
/* tr_truncd */
tr_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.2f%%", 99.999 );
check( !strcmp( buf, "100.00%" ) );
tr_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%.2f%%", tr_truncd( 99.999, 2 ) );
check( !strcmp( buf, "99.99%" ) );
/* base64 */
out = tr_base64_encode( "YOYO!", -1, &len );
check( out );
check( !strcmp( out, "WU9ZTyE=\n" ) );
check( len == 9 );
in = tr_base64_decode( out, -1, &len );
check( in );
check( !strcmp( in, "YOYO!" ) );
check( len == 5 );
tr_free( in );
tr_free( out );
if( ( i = test_lowerbound( ) ) )
return i;
if( ( i = test_strstrip( ) ) )
return i;
if( ( i = test_buildpath( ) ) )
return i;
if( ( i = test_utf8( ) ) )
return i;
if( ( i = test_numbers( ) ) )
return i;
if( ( i = test_memmem( ) ) )
return i;
/* test that tr_cryptoRandInt() stays in-bounds */
for( i = 0; i < 100000; ++i )
const int val = tr_cryptoRandInt( 100 );
check( val >= 0 );
check( val < 100 );
/* simple bitfield tests */
for( l = 0; l < NUM_LOOPS; ++l )
if( ( i = test_bitfields( ) ) )
return i;
return 0;