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// GrowlDefines.h
#ifdef __OBJC__
#define XSTR(x) (@x)
#define STRING NSString *
#define XSTR CFSTR
#define STRING CFStringRef
/*! @header GrowlDefines.h
* @abstract Defines all the notification keys.
* @discussion Defines all the keys used for registration with Growl and for
* Growl notifications.
* Most applications should use the functions or methods of Growl.framework
* instead of posting notifications such as those described here.
* @updated 2004-01-25
// UserInfo Keys for Registration
#pragma mark UserInfo Keys for Registration
/*! @group Registration userInfo keys */
/* @abstract Keys for the userInfo dictionary of a GROWL_APP_REGISTRATION distributed notification.
* @discussion The values of these keys describe the application and the
* notifications it may post.
* Your application must register with Growl before it can post Growl
* notifications (and have them not be ignored). However, as of Growl 0.6,
* posting GROWL_APP_REGISTRATION notifications directly is no longer the
* preferred way to register your application. Your application should instead
* use Growl.framework's delegate system.
* See +[GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:] or Growl_SetDelegate for
* more information.
/*! @defined GROWL_APP_NAME
* @abstract The name of your application.
* @discussion The name of your application. This should remain stable between
* different versions and incarnations of your application.
* For example, "SurfWriter" is a good app name, whereas "SurfWriter 2.0" and
* "SurfWriter Lite" are not.
#define GROWL_APP_NAME XSTR("ApplicationName")
/*! @defined GROWL_APP_ICON
* @abstract The image data for your application's icon.
* @discussion Image data representing your application's icon. This may be
* superimposed on a notification icon as a badge, used as the notification
* icon when a notification-specific icon is not supplied, or ignored
* altogether, depending on the display. Must be in a format supported by
* NSImage, such as TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PICT, or PDF.
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_APP_ICON XSTR("ApplicationIcon")
* @abstract The array of notifications to turn on by default.
* @discussion These are the names of the notifications that should be enabled
* by default when your application registers for the first time. If your
* application reregisters, Growl will look here for any new notification
* names found in GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL, but ignore any others.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT XSTR("DefaultNotifications")
* @abstract The array of all notifications your application can send.
* @discussion These are the names of all of the notifications that your
* application may post. See GROWL_NOTIFICATION_NAME for a discussion of good
* notification names.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL XSTR("AllNotifications")
* @abstract The version of your registration ticket.
* @discussion Include this key in a ticket plist file that you put in your
* application bundle for auto-discovery. The current ticket version is 1.
#define GROWL_TICKET_VERSION XSTR("TicketVersion")
// UserInfo Keys for Notifications
#pragma mark UserInfo Keys for Notifications
/*! @group Notification userInfo keys */
/* @abstract Keys for the userInfo dictionary of a GROWL_NOTIFICATION distributed notification.
* @discussion The values of these keys describe the content of a Growl
* notification.
* Not all of these keys are supported by all displays. Only the name, title,
* and description of a notification are universal. Most of the built-in
* displays do support all of these keys, and most other visual displays
* probably will also. But, as of 0.6, the Log, MailMe, and Speech displays
* support only textual data.
* @abstract The name of the notification.
* @discussion The name of the notification. This should be human-readable, as
* it's shown in the prefpane, in the list of notifications your application
* supports. */
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_NAME XSTR("NotificationName")
* @abstract The title to display in the notification.
* @discussion The title of the notification. Should be very brief.
* The title usually says what happened, e.g. "Download complete".
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE XSTR("NotificationTitle")
* @abstract The description to display in the notification.
* @discussion The description should be longer and more verbose than the title.
* The description usually tells the subject of the action,
* e.g. "Growl-0.6.dmg downloaded in 5.02 minutes".
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_DESCRIPTION XSTR("NotificationDescription")
* @discussion Image data for the notification icon. Must be in a format
* supported by NSImage, such as TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PICT, or PDF.
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_ICON XSTR("NotificationIcon")
* @discussion Image data for the application icon, in case GROWL_APP_ICON does
* not apply for some reason. Must be in a format supported by NSImage, such
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_APP_ICON XSTR("NotificationAppIcon")
* @discussion The priority of the notification as an integer number from
* -2 to +2 (+2 being highest).
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY XSTR("NotificationPriority")
* @discussion A Boolean number controlling whether the notification is sticky.
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_STICKY XSTR("NotificationSticky")
* @abstract Identifies which notification was clicked.
* @discussion An identifier for the notification for clicking purposes.
* This will be passed back to the application when the notification is
* clicked. It must be plist-encodable (a data, dictionary, array, number, or
* string object), and it should be unique for each notification you post.
* A good click context would be a UUID string returned by NSProcessInfo or
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_CLICK_CONTEXT XSTR("NotificationClickContext")
* @discussion The name of a display plugin which should be used for this notification.
* Optional. If this key is not set or the specified display plugin does not
* exist, the display plugin stored in the application ticket is used. This key
* allows applications to use different default display plugins for their
* notifications. The user can still override those settings in the preference
* pane.
#define GROWL_DISPLAY_PLUGIN XSTR("NotificationDisplayPlugin")
* @abstract An identifier for the notification for coalescing purposes.
* Notifications with the same identifier fall into the same class; only
* the last notification of a class is displayed on the screen. If a
* notification of the same class is currently being displayed, it is
* replaced by this notification.
* Optional. Not supported by all display plugins.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION_IDENTIFIER XSTR("GrowlNotificationIdentifier")
/*! @defined GROWL_APP_PID
* @abstract The process identifier of the process which sends this
* notification. If this field is set, the application will only receive
* clicked and timed out notifications which originate from this process.
* Optional.
#define GROWL_APP_PID XSTR("ApplicationPID")
// Notifications
#pragma mark Notifications
/*! @group Notification names */
/* @abstract Names of distributed notifications used by Growl.
* @discussion These are notifications used by applications (directly or
* indirectly) to interact with Growl, and by Growl for interaction between
* its components.
* Most of these should no longer be used in Growl 0.6 and later, in favor of
* Growl.framework's GrowlApplicationBridge APIs.
* @abstract The distributed notification for registering your application.
* @discussion This is the name of the distributed notification that can be
* used to register applications with Growl.
* The userInfo dictionary for this notification can contain these keys:
* <ul>
* <li>GROWL_APP_NAME</li>
* <li>GROWL_APP_ICON</li>
* </ul>
* No longer recommended as of Growl 0.6. An alternate method of registering
* is to use Growl.framework's delegate system.
* See +[GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:] or Growl_SetDelegate for
* more information.
#define GROWL_APP_REGISTRATION XSTR("GrowlApplicationRegistrationNotification")
* @abstract The distributed notification for confirming registration.
* @discussion The name of the distributed notification sent to confirm the
* registration. Used by the Growl preference pane. Your application probably
* does not need to use this notification.
#define GROWL_APP_REGISTRATION_CONF XSTR("GrowlApplicationRegistrationConfirmationNotification")
* @abstract The distributed notification for Growl notifications.
* @discussion This is what it all comes down to. This is the name of the
* distributed notification that your application posts to actually send a
* Growl notification.
* The userInfo dictionary for this notification can contain these keys:
* <ul>
* <li>GROWL_NOTIFICATION_NAME (required)</li>
* <li>GROWL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE (required)</li>
* <li>GROWL_APP_NAME (required)</li>
* </ul>
* No longer recommended as of Growl 0.6. Three alternate methods of posting
* notifications are +[GrowlApplicationBridge notifyWithTitle:description:notificationName:iconData:priority:isSticky:clickContext:],
* Growl_NotifyWithTitleDescriptionNameIconPriorityStickyClickContext, and
* Growl_PostNotification.
#define GROWL_NOTIFICATION XSTR("GrowlNotification")
/*! @defined GROWL_SHUTDOWN
* @abstract The distributed notification name that tells Growl to shutdown.
* @discussion The Growl preference pane posts this notification when the
* "Stop Growl" button is clicked.
#define GROWL_SHUTDOWN XSTR("GrowlShutdown")
/*! @defined GROWL_PING
* @abstract A distributed notification to check whether Growl is running.
* @discussion This is used by the Growl preference pane. If it receives a
* GROWL_PONG, the preference pane takes this to mean that Growl is running.
#define GROWL_PING XSTR("Honey, Mind Taking Out The Trash")
/*! @defined GROWL_PONG
* @abstract The distributed notification sent in reply to GROWL_PING.
* @discussion GrowlHelperApp posts this in reply to GROWL_PING.
#define GROWL_PONG XSTR("What Do You Want From Me, Woman")
/*! @defined GROWL_IS_READY
* @abstract The distributed notification sent when Growl starts up.
* @discussion GrowlHelperApp posts this when it has begin listening on all of
* its sources for new notifications. GrowlApplicationBridge (in
* Growl.framework), upon receiving this notification, reregisters using the
* registration dictionary supplied by its delegate.
#define GROWL_IS_READY XSTR("Lend Me Some Sugar; I Am Your Neighbor!")
* @abstract The distributed notification sent when a supported notification is clicked.
* @discussion When a Growl notification with a click context is clicked on by
* the user, Growl posts this distributed notification.
* The GrowlApplicationBridge responds to this notification by calling a
* callback in its delegate.
/*! @group Other symbols */
/* Symbols which don't fit into any of the other categories. */
* @abstract Used internally as the key for the clickedContext passed over DNC.
* @discussion This key is used in GROWL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED, and contains the
* click context that was supplied in the original notification.
#define GROWL_KEY_CLICKED_CONTEXT XSTR("ClickedContext")
* @abstract The filename extension for registration dictionaries.
* @discussion The GrowlApplicationBridge in Growl.framework registers with
* Growl by creating a file with the extension of .(GROWL_REG_DICT_EXTENSION)
* and opening it in the GrowlHelperApp. This happens whether or not Growl is
* running; if it was stopped, it quits immediately without listening for
* notifications.
#endif //ndef _GROWLDEFINES_H