
979 lines
27 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "magnet-metainfo.h"
#include "metainfo.h" /* tr_metainfoGetBasename() */
#include "peer-mgr.h" /* pex */
#include "platform.h" /* tr_getResumeDir() */
#include "resume.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "variant.h"
using namespace std::literals;
constexpr int MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS = 200;
} // unnamed namespace
static std::string getResumeFilename(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat format)
return tr_magnet_metainfo::makeFilename(
static void savePeers(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_pex* pex = nullptr;
int count = tr_peerMgrGetPeers(tor, &pex, TR_AF_INET, TR_PEERS_INTERESTING, MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS);
if (count > 0)
tr_variantDictAddRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2, pex, sizeof(tr_pex) * count);
count = tr_peerMgrGetPeers(tor, &pex, TR_AF_INET6, TR_PEERS_INTERESTING, MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS);
if (count > 0)
tr_variantDictAddRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2_6, pex, sizeof(tr_pex) * count);
static size_t addPeers(tr_torrent* tor, uint8_t const* buf, size_t buflen)
size_t const n_in = buflen / sizeof(tr_pex);
size_t const n_pex = std::min(n_in, size_t{ MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS });
memcpy(pex, buf, sizeof(tr_pex) * n_pex);
return tr_peerMgrAddPex(tor, TR_PEER_FROM_RESUME, pex, n_pex);
static uint64_t loadPeers(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
uint8_t const* str = nullptr;
auto len = size_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2, &str, &len))
size_t const numAdded = addPeers(tor, str, len);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Loaded %zu IPv4 peers from resume file", numAdded);
ret = TR_FR_PEERS;
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2_6, &str, &len))
size_t const numAdded = addPeers(tor, str, len);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Loaded %zu IPv6 peers from resume file", numAdded);
ret = TR_FR_PEERS;
return ret;
static void saveLabels(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
auto const& labels = tor->labels;
tr_variant* list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_labels, std::size(labels));
for (auto const& label : labels)
tr_variantListAddStr(list, label);
static uint64_t loadLabels(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* list = nullptr;
if (!tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_labels, &list))
return 0;
int const n = tr_variantListSize(list);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
auto sv = std::string_view{};
if (tr_variantGetStrView(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &sv) && !std::empty(sv))
return TR_FR_LABELS;
static void saveDND(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
auto const n = tor->fileCount();
tr_variant* const list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_dnd, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddBool(list, !tr_torrentFile(tor, i).wanted);
static uint64_t loadDND(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
uint64_t ret = 0;
tr_variant* list = nullptr;
auto const n = tor->fileCount();
if (tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_dnd, &list) && tr_variantListSize(list) == n)
auto wanted = std::vector<tr_file_index_t>{};
auto unwanted = std::vector<tr_file_index_t>{};
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
auto tmp = false;
if (tr_variantGetBool(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &tmp) && tmp)
tor->initFilesWanted(std::data(unwanted), std::size(unwanted), false);
tor->initFilesWanted(std::data(wanted), std::size(wanted), true);
ret = TR_FR_DND;
"Couldn't load DND flags. DND list (%p) has %zu"
" children; torrent has %d files",
return ret;
static void saveFilePriorities(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
auto const n = tor->fileCount();
tr_variant* const list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_priority, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddInt(list, tr_torrentFile(tor, i).priority);
static uint64_t loadFilePriorities(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
auto const n = tor->fileCount();
tr_variant* list = nullptr;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_priority, &list) && tr_variantListSize(list) == n)
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
auto priority = int64_t{};
if (tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &priority))
tor->setFilePriority(i, tr_priority_t(priority));
return ret;
static void saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variant* d, tr_torrent* tor, tr_direction dir)
tr_variantDictReserve(d, 3);
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_Bps, tor->speedLimitBps(dir));
tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_use_global_speed_limit, tr_torrentUsesSessionLimits(tor));
tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_use_speed_limit, tr_torrentUsesSpeedLimit(tor, dir));
static void saveSpeedLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, 0), tor, TR_DOWN);
saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, 0), tor, TR_UP);
static void saveRatioLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, 2);
tr_variantDictAddReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, tr_torrentGetRatioLimit(tor));
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_ratio_mode, tr_torrentGetRatioMode(tor));
static void saveIdleLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_idle_limit, 2);
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_limit, tr_torrentGetIdleLimit(tor));
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_mode, tr_torrentGetIdleMode(tor));
static void loadSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variant* d, tr_direction dir, tr_torrent* tor)
auto i = int64_t{};
auto boolVal = false;
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_Bps, &i))
tor->setSpeedLimitBps(dir, i);
else if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_speed, &i))
tor->setSpeedLimitBps(dir, i * 1024);
if (tr_variantDictFindBool(d, TR_KEY_use_speed_limit, &boolVal))
tr_torrentUseSpeedLimit(tor, dir, boolVal);
if (tr_variantDictFindBool(d, TR_KEY_use_global_speed_limit, &boolVal))
tr_torrentUseSessionLimits(tor, boolVal);
static uint64_t loadSpeedLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
tr_variant* d = nullptr;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, &d))
loadSingleSpeedLimit(d, TR_UP, tor);
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, &d))
loadSingleSpeedLimit(d, TR_DOWN, tor);
return ret;
static uint64_t loadRatioLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
tr_variant* d = nullptr;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, &d))
auto dratio = double{};
if (tr_variantDictFindReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, &dratio))
tr_torrentSetRatioLimit(tor, dratio);
auto i = int64_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_ratio_mode, &i))
tr_torrentSetRatioMode(tor, tr_ratiolimit(i));
return ret;
static uint64_t loadIdleLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
tr_variant* d = nullptr;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_idle_limit, &d))
auto imin = int64_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_limit, &imin))
tr_torrentSetIdleLimit(tor, imin);
auto i = int64_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_mode, &i))
tr_torrentSetIdleMode(tor, tr_idlelimit(i));
return ret;
static void saveName(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_variantDictAddStrView(dict, TR_KEY_name, tr_torrentName(tor));
static uint64_t loadName(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto name = std::string_view{};
if (!tr_variantDictFindStrView(dict, TR_KEY_name, &name))
return 0;
name = tr_strvStrip(name);
if (std::empty(name))
return 0;
return TR_FR_NAME;
static void saveFilenames(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
auto const n = tor->fileCount();
tr_variant* const list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_files, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddStrView(list, tor->fileSubpath(i));
static uint64_t loadFilenames(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* list = nullptr;
if (!tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_files, &list))
return 0;
auto const n_files = tor->fileCount();
auto const n_list = tr_variantListSize(list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_files && i < n_list; ++i)
auto sv = std::string_view{};
if (tr_variantGetStrView(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &sv) && !std::empty(sv))
tor->setFileSubpath(i, sv);
static void bitfieldToRaw(tr_bitfield const& b, tr_variant* benc)
if (b.hasNone() || std::empty(b))
tr_variantInitStr(benc, "none"sv);
else if (b.hasAll())
tr_variantInitStrView(benc, "all"sv);
auto const raw = b.raw();
tr_variantInitRaw(benc,, std::size(raw));
static void rawToBitfield(tr_bitfield& bitfield, uint8_t const* raw, size_t rawlen)
if (raw == nullptr || rawlen == 0 || (rawlen == 4 && memcmp(raw, "none", 4) == 0))
else if (rawlen == 3 && memcmp(raw, "all", 3) == 0)
bitfield.setRaw(raw, rawlen);
static void saveProgress(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_variant* const prog = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_progress, 4);
// add the mtimes
auto const& mtimes = tor->file_mtimes_;
auto const n = std::size(mtimes);
tr_variant* const l = tr_variantDictAddList(prog, TR_KEY_mtimes, n);
for (auto const& mtime : mtimes)
tr_variantListAddInt(l, mtime);
// add the 'checked pieces' bitfield
bitfieldToRaw(tor->checked_pieces_, tr_variantDictAdd(prog, TR_KEY_pieces));
/* add the progress */
if (tor->completeness == TR_SEED)
tr_variantDictAddStrView(prog, TR_KEY_have, "all"sv);
/* add the blocks bitfield */
bitfieldToRaw(tor->blocks(), tr_variantDictAdd(prog, TR_KEY_blocks));
* Transmisison has iterated through a few strategies here, so the
* code has some added complexity to support older approaches.
* Current approach: 'progress' is a dict with two entries:
* - 'pieces' a bitfield for whether each piece has been checked.
* - 'mtimes', an array of per-file timestamps
* On startup, 'pieces' is loaded. Then we check to see if the disk
* mtimes differ from the 'mtimes' list. Changed files have their
* pieces cleared from the bitset.
* Second approach (2.20 - 3.00): the 'progress' dict had a
* 'time_checked' entry which was a list with fileCount items.
* Each item was either a list of per-piece timestamps, or a
* single timestamp if either all or none of the pieces had been
* tested more recently than the file's mtime.
* First approach (pre-2.20) had an "mtimes" list identical to
* 3.10, but not the 'pieces' bitfield.
static uint64_t loadProgress(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
auto ret = uint64_t{};
if (tr_variant* prog = nullptr; tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_progress, &prog))
auto checked = tr_bitfield(tor->pieceCount());
auto mtimes = std::vector<time_t>{};
auto const n_files = tor->fileCount();
// try to load mtimes
tr_variant* l = nullptr;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(prog, TR_KEY_mtimes, &l))
auto fi = size_t{};
auto t = int64_t{};
while (tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(l, fi++), &t))
// try to load the piece-checked bitfield
uint8_t const* raw = nullptr;
auto rawlen = size_t{};
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(prog, TR_KEY_pieces, &raw, &rawlen))
rawToBitfield(checked, raw, rawlen);
// maybe it's a .resume file from [2.20 - 3.00] with the per-piece mtimes
if (tr_variantDictFindList(prog, TR_KEY_time_checked, &l))
for (tr_file_index_t fi = 0; fi < n_files; ++fi)
tr_variant* const b = tr_variantListChild(l, fi);
auto time_checked = time_t{};
if (tr_variantIsInt(b))
auto t = int64_t{};
tr_variantGetInt(b, &t);
time_checked = time_t(t);
else if (tr_variantIsList(b))
auto offset = int64_t{};
tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(b, 0), &offset);
time_checked = tr_time();
auto const [begin, end] = tor->piecesInFile(fi);
for (size_t i = 0, n = end - begin; i < n; ++i)
int64_t piece_time = 0;
tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(b, i + 1), &piece_time);
time_checked = std::min(time_checked, time_t(piece_time));
if (std::size(mtimes) != n_files)
tr_logAddTorErr(tor, "got %zu mtimes; expected %zu", std::size(mtimes), size_t(n_files));
// if resizing grows the vector, we'll get 0 mtimes for the
// new items which is exactly what we want since the pieces
// in an unknown state should be treated as untested
tor->initCheckedPieces(checked, std::data(mtimes));
auto blocks = tr_bitfield{ tor->blockCount() };
char const* err = nullptr;
auto sv = std::string_view{};
tr_variant const* const b = tr_variantDictFind(prog, TR_KEY_blocks);
if (b != nullptr)
uint8_t const* buf = nullptr;
auto buflen = size_t{};
if (!tr_variantGetRaw(b, &buf, &buflen))
err = "Invalid value for \"blocks\"";
rawToBitfield(blocks, buf, buflen);
else if (tr_variantDictFindStrView(prog, TR_KEY_have, &sv))
if (sv == "all"sv)
err = "Invalid value for HAVE";
else if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(prog, TR_KEY_bitfield, &raw, &rawlen))
blocks.setRaw(raw, rawlen);
err = "Couldn't find 'pieces' or 'have' or 'bitfield'";
if (err != nullptr)
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Torrent needs to be verified - %s", err);
return ret;
void tr_torrentSaveResume(tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant top;
if (!tr_isTorrent(tor))
tr_variantInitDict(&top, 50); /* arbitrary "big enough" number */
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_seeding_time_seconds, tor->secondsSeeding);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloading_time_seconds, tor->secondsDownloading);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_activity_date, tor->activityDate);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_added_date, tor->addedDate);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_corrupt, tor->corruptPrev + tor->corruptCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_done_date, tor->doneDate);
tr_variantDictAddQuark(&top, TR_KEY_destination, tor->downloadDir().quark());
if (!std::empty(tor->incompleteDir()))
tr_variantDictAddQuark(&top, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, tor->incompleteDir().quark());
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloaded, tor->downloadedPrev + tor->downloadedCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_uploaded, tor->uploadedPrev + tor->uploadedCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_max_peers, tor->maxConnectedPeers);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_bandwidth_priority, tr_torrentGetPriority(tor));
tr_variantDictAddBool(&top, TR_KEY_paused, !tor->isRunning && !tor->isQueued());
savePeers(&top, tor);
if (tor->hasMetadata())
saveFilePriorities(&top, tor);
saveDND(&top, tor);
saveProgress(&top, tor);
saveSpeedLimits(&top, tor);
saveRatioLimits(&top, tor);
saveIdleLimits(&top, tor);
saveFilenames(&top, tor);
saveName(&top, tor);
saveLabels(&top, tor);
auto const filename = getResumeFilename(tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat::Hash);
auto const err = tr_variantToFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, filename.c_str());
if (err != 0)
tor->setLocalError(tr_strvJoin("Unable to save resume file: ", tr_strerror(err)));
static uint64_t loadFromFile(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fieldsToLoad, bool* didRenameToHashOnlyName)
auto boolVal = false;
auto const wasDirty = tor->isDirty;
auto fieldsLoaded = uint64_t{};
auto i = int64_t{};
auto top = tr_variant{};
auto sv = std::string_view{};
tr_error* error = nullptr;
if (didRenameToHashOnlyName != nullptr)
*didRenameToHashOnlyName = false;
std::string const filename = getResumeFilename(tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat::Hash);
auto buf = std::vector<char>{};
if (!tr_loadFile(buf, filename, &error) ||
{ std::data(buf), std::size(buf) },
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Couldn't read \"%s\": %s", filename.c_str(), error->message);
std::string const old_filename = getResumeFilename(tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat::NameAndPartialHash);
if (!tr_variantFromFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_PARSE_BENC, old_filename.c_str(), &error))
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Couldn't read \"%s\" either: %s", old_filename.c_str(), error->message);
return fieldsLoaded;
if (tr_sys_path_rename(old_filename.c_str(), filename.c_str(), nullptr))
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Migrated resume file from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", old_filename.c_str(), filename.c_str());
if (didRenameToHashOnlyName != nullptr)
*didRenameToHashOnlyName = true;
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Read resume file \"%s\"", filename.c_str());
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_CORRUPT) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_corrupt, &i))
tor->corruptPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_CORRUPT;
if ((fieldsToLoad & (TR_FR_PROGRESS | TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR)) != 0 &&
tr_variantDictFindStrView(&top, TR_KEY_destination, &sv) && !std::empty(sv))
bool const is_current_dir = tor->current_dir == tor->download_dir;
tor->download_dir = sv;
if (is_current_dir)
tor->current_dir = sv;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR;
if ((fieldsToLoad & (TR_FR_PROGRESS | TR_FR_INCOMPLETE_DIR)) != 0 &&
tr_variantDictFindStrView(&top, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, &sv) && !std::empty(sv))
bool const is_current_dir = tor->current_dir == tor->incomplete_dir;
tor->incomplete_dir = sv;
if (is_current_dir)
tor->current_dir = sv;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_INCOMPLETE_DIR;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DOWNLOADED) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloaded, &i))
tor->downloadedPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DOWNLOADED;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_UPLOADED) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_uploaded, &i))
tor->uploadedPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_UPLOADED;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_MAX_PEERS) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_max_peers, &i))
tor->maxConnectedPeers = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_MAX_PEERS;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_RUN) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindBool(&top, TR_KEY_paused, &boolVal))
tor->isRunning = !boolVal;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_RUN;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_ADDED_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_added_date, &i))
tor->addedDate = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_ADDED_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DONE_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_done_date, &i))
tor->doneDate = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DONE_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_ACTIVITY_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_activity_date, &i))
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_ACTIVITY_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_TIME_SEEDING) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_seeding_time_seconds, &i))
tor->secondsSeeding = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_TIME_SEEDING;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_TIME_DOWNLOADING) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloading_time_seconds, &i))
tor->secondsDownloading = i;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_BANDWIDTH_PRIORITY) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_bandwidth_priority, &i) &&
tr_torrentSetPriority(tor, i);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_PEERS) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadPeers(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_PROGRESS) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadProgress(&top, tor);
// Only load file priorities if we are actually downloading.
// If we're a seed or partial seed, loading it is a waste of time.
// NB: this is why loadProgress() comes before loadFilePriorities()
if (!tor->isDone() && (fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_FILE_PRIORITIES) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadFilePriorities(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DND) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadDND(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_SPEEDLIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadSpeedLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_RATIOLIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadRatioLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_IDLELIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadIdleLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_FILENAMES) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadFilenames(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_NAME) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadName(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_LABELS) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadLabels(&top, tor);
/* loading the resume file triggers of a lot of changes,
* but none of them needs to trigger a re-saving of the
* same resume information... */
tor->isDirty = wasDirty;
return fieldsLoaded;
static uint64_t setFromCtor(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor, tr_ctorMode mode)
uint64_t ret = 0;
if ((fields & TR_FR_RUN) != 0)
auto isPaused = bool{};
if (tr_ctorGetPaused(ctor, mode, &isPaused))
tor->isRunning = !isPaused;
ret |= TR_FR_RUN;
if (((fields & TR_FR_MAX_PEERS) != 0) && tr_ctorGetPeerLimit(ctor, mode, &tor->maxConnectedPeers))
if ((fields & TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != 0)
char const* path = nullptr;
if (tr_ctorGetDownloadDir(ctor, mode, &path) && !tr_str_is_empty(path))
tor->download_dir = path;
return ret;
static uint64_t useManditoryFields(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor)
return setFromCtor(tor, fields, ctor, TR_FORCE);
static uint64_t useFallbackFields(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor)
return setFromCtor(tor, fields, ctor, TR_FALLBACK);
uint64_t tr_torrentLoadResume(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fieldsToLoad, tr_ctor const* ctor, bool* didRenameToHashOnlyName)
uint64_t ret = 0;
ret |= useManditoryFields(tor, fieldsToLoad, ctor);
fieldsToLoad &= ~ret;
ret |= loadFromFile(tor, fieldsToLoad, didRenameToHashOnlyName);
fieldsToLoad &= ~ret;
ret |= useFallbackFields(tor, fieldsToLoad, ctor);
return ret;
void tr_torrentRemoveResume(tr_torrent const* tor)
std::string filename = getResumeFilename(tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat::Hash);
tr_sys_path_remove(filename.c_str(), nullptr);
filename = getResumeFilename(tor, tr_magnet_metainfo::BasenameFormat::NameAndPartialHash);
tr_sys_path_remove(filename.c_str(), nullptr);