
276 lines
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// This file Copyright 2010-2022 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib> // std::lldiv()
#include <iterator> // std::distance(), std::next(), std::prev()
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
#include <memory>
#include <numeric> // std::accumulate()
#include <utility> // std::make_pair()
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "libtransmission/transmission.h"
#include "libtransmission/cache.h"
#include "libtransmission/inout.h"
#include "libtransmission/log.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrents.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h"
#include "libtransmission/utils.h" // tr_time(), tr_formatter
Cache::Key Cache::make_key(tr_torrent const* torrent, tr_block_info::Location loc) noexcept
return std::make_pair(torrent->id(), loc.block);
std::pair<Cache::CIter, Cache::CIter> Cache::find_contiguous(CIter const begin, CIter const end, CIter const iter) noexcept
if (iter == end)
return std::make_pair(end, end);
auto span_begin = iter;
for (auto key = iter->key;;)
if (span_begin == begin)
auto const prev = std::prev(span_begin);
if (prev->key != key)
auto span_end = std::next(iter);
for (auto key = iter->key;;)
if (span_end == end)
if (span_end->key != key)
return std::make_pair(span_begin, span_end);
int Cache::write_contiguous(CIter const begin, CIter const end) const
// The most common case without an extra data copy.
auto const* towrite = begin->buf.get();
// Contiguous area to join more than one block, if any.
auto buf = std::vector<uint8_t>{};
if (end - begin > 1)
// Yes, there are.
auto const buflen = std::accumulate(
[](size_t sum, auto const& block) { return sum + std::size(*block.buf); });
for (auto iter = begin; iter != end; ++iter)
TR_ASSERT(begin->key.first == iter->key.first);
TR_ASSERT(begin->key.second + std::distance(begin, iter) == iter->key.second);
buf.insert(std::end(buf), std::begin(*iter->buf), std::end(*iter->buf));
TR_ASSERT(std::size(buf) == buflen);
towrite = &buf;
// save it
auto const& [torrent_id, block] = begin->key;
auto* const tor = torrents_.get(torrent_id);
if (tor == nullptr)
return EINVAL;
auto const loc = tor->block_loc(block);
if (auto const err = tr_ioWrite(tor, loc, std::size(*towrite), std::data(*towrite)); err != 0)
return err;
disk_write_bytes_ += std::size(*towrite);
return {};
size_t Cache::get_max_blocks(int64_t max_bytes) noexcept
return std::lldiv(max_bytes, tr_block_info::BlockSize).quot;
int Cache::set_limit(int64_t new_limit)
max_bytes_ = new_limit;
max_blocks_ = get_max_blocks(new_limit);
tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("Maximum cache size set to {} ({} blocks)", tr_formatter_mem_B(max_bytes_), max_blocks_));
return cache_trim();
Cache::Cache(tr_torrents& torrents, int64_t max_bytes)
: torrents_{ torrents }
, max_blocks_(get_max_blocks(max_bytes))
, max_bytes_(max_bytes)
// ---
int Cache::write_block(tr_torrent_id_t tor_id, tr_block_index_t block, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> writeme)
auto const key = Key{ tor_id, block };
auto iter = std::lower_bound(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), key, CompareCacheBlockByKey{});
if (iter == std::end(blocks_) || iter->key != key)
iter = blocks_.emplace(iter);
iter->key = key;
iter->time_added = tr_time();
iter->buf = std::move(writeme);
cache_write_bytes_ += std::size(*iter->buf);
return cache_trim();
Cache::CIter Cache::get_block(tr_torrent const* torrent, tr_block_info::Location const& loc) noexcept
if (auto const [begin, end] = std::equal_range(
make_key(torrent, loc),
begin < end)
return begin;
return std::end(blocks_);
int Cache::read_block(tr_torrent* torrent, tr_block_info::Location const& loc, uint32_t len, uint8_t* setme)
if (auto const iter = get_block(torrent, loc); iter != std::end(blocks_))
std::copy_n(std::begin(*iter->buf), len, setme);
return {};
return tr_ioRead(torrent, loc, len, setme);
int Cache::prefetch_block(tr_torrent* torrent, tr_block_info::Location const& loc, uint32_t len)
if (auto const iter = get_block(torrent, loc); iter != std::end(blocks_))
return {}; // already have it
return tr_ioPrefetch(torrent, loc, len);
// ---
int Cache::flush_span(CIter const begin, CIter const end)
for (auto walk = begin; walk < end;)
auto const [contig_begin, contig_end] = find_contiguous(begin, end, walk);
if (auto const err = write_contiguous(contig_begin, contig_end); err != 0)
return err;
walk = contig_end;
blocks_.erase(begin, end);
return {};
int Cache::flush_file(tr_torrent const* torrent, tr_file_index_t file)
auto const compare = CompareCacheBlockByKey{};
auto const tor_id = torrent->id();
auto const [block_begin, block_end] = tr_torGetFileBlockSpan(torrent, file);
return flush_span(
std::lower_bound(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), std::make_pair(tor_id, block_begin), compare),
std::lower_bound(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), std::make_pair(tor_id, block_end), compare));
int Cache::flush_torrent(tr_torrent const* torrent)
auto const compare = CompareCacheBlockByKey{};
auto const tor_id = torrent->id();
return flush_span(
std::lower_bound(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), std::make_pair(tor_id, 0), compare),
std::lower_bound(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), std::make_pair(tor_id + 1, 0), compare));
int Cache::flush_oldest()
auto const oldest = std::min_element(
[](auto const& a, auto const& b) { return a.time_added < b.time_added; });
if (oldest == std::end(blocks_)) // nothing to flush
return 0;
auto const [begin, end] = find_contiguous(std::begin(blocks_), std::end(blocks_), oldest);
if (auto const err = write_contiguous(begin, end); err != 0)
return err;
blocks_.erase(begin, end);
return 0;
int Cache::cache_trim()
while (std::size(blocks_) > max_blocks_)
if (auto const err = flush_oldest(); err != 0)
return err;
return 0;