
1026 lines
28 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2007 Charles Kerr <>
* This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the
* Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b)
* so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license.
* This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by
* the Transmission project.
* $Id$
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* isalnum */
#include <stdio.h> /* snprintf */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* strcmp, strchr */
#include <libgen.h> /* basename */
#include <sys/queue.h> /* evhttp.h needs this */
#include <event.h>
#include <evhttp.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "bencode.h"
#include "completion.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "publish.h"
#include "shared.h"
#include "tracker.h"
#include "trevent.h"
#include "utils.h"
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, rescrape this frequently */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce interval */
/* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce min_interval */
/* this is how long we'll leave a request hanging before timeout */
/* this is how long we'll leave a 'stop' request hanging before timeout.
we wait less time for this so it doesn't slow down shutdowns */
/* the value of the 'numwant' argument passed in tracker requests. */
NUMWANT = 200,
/* the length of the 'key' argument passed in tracker requests */
struct tr_tracker
tr_handle * handle;
/* these are set from the latest scrape or tracker response */
int announceIntervalSec;
int announceMinIntervalSec;
int scrapeIntervalSec;
tr_tracker_info * redirect;
tr_tracker_info * addresses;
int addressIndex;
int addressCount;
int * tierFronts;
/* sent as the "key" argument in tracker requests
to verify us if our IP address changes.
This is immutable for the life of the tracker object. */
char key_param[KEYLEN+1];
tr_publisher_t * publisher;
/* torrent hash string */
uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char escaped[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 3 + 1];
char * name;
/* corresponds to the peer_id sent as a tracker request parameter.
one tracker admin says: "When the same torrent is opened and
closed and opened again without quitting Transmission ...
change the peerid. It would help sometimes if a stopped event
was missed to ensure that we didn't think someone was cheating. */
char peer_id[TR_ID_LEN + 1];
/* these are set from the latest tracker response... -1 is 'unknown' */
int timesDownloaded;
int seederCount;
int leecherCount;
char * trackerID;
/* the last tracker request we sent. (started, stopped, etc.)
automatic announces are an empty string;
NULL means no message has ever been sent */
char * lastRequest;
time_t manualAnnounceAllowedAt;
tr_timer * scrapeTimer;
tr_timer * reannounceTimer;
unsigned int isRunning : 1;
static void
myDebug( const char * file, int line, const tr_tracker * t, const char * fmt, ... )
FILE * fp = tr_getLog( );
if( fp != NULL )
va_list args;
char timestr[64];
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
char * myfile = tr_strdup( file );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "[%s] ", tr_getLogTimeStr( timestr, sizeof(timestr) ) );
if( t != NULL )
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s ", t->name );
va_start( args, fmt );
evbuffer_add_vprintf( buf, fmt, args );
va_end( args );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, " (%s:%d)\n", basename(myfile), line );
fwrite( EVBUFFER_DATA(buf), 1, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(buf), fp );
tr_free( myfile );
evbuffer_free( buf );
#define dbgmsg(t, fmt...) myDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__, t, ##fmt )
**** Connections that know how to clean up after themselves
static int
freeConnection( void * evcon )
evhttp_connection_free( evcon );
return FALSE;
static void
connectionClosedCB( struct evhttp_connection * evcon, void * handle )
/* libevent references evcon right after calling this function,
so we can't free it yet... defer it to after this call chain
has played out */
tr_timerNew( handle, freeConnection, evcon, 100 );
static struct evhttp_connection*
getConnection( tr_tracker * t, const char * address, int port )
struct evhttp_connection * c = evhttp_connection_new( address, port );
evhttp_connection_set_closecb( c, connectionClosedCB, t->handle );
return c;
static const tr_tracker_event emptyEvent = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 };
static void
publishMessage( tr_tracker * t, const char * msg, int type )
tr_tracker_event event = emptyEvent;
event.hash = t->hash;
event.messageType = type;
event.text = msg;
tr_publisherPublish( t->publisher, t, &event );
static void
publishErrorClear( tr_tracker * t )
publishMessage( t, NULL, TR_TRACKER_ERROR_CLEAR );
static void
publishErrorMessage( tr_tracker * t, const char * msg )
publishMessage( t, msg, TR_TRACKER_ERROR );
static void
publishWarning( tr_tracker * t, const char * msg )
publishMessage( t, msg, TR_TRACKER_WARNING );
static void
publishNewPeers( tr_tracker * t, int count, uint8_t * peers )
tr_tracker_event event = emptyEvent;
event.hash = t->hash;
event.messageType = TR_TRACKER_PEERS;
event.peerCount = count;
event.peerCompact = peers;
tr_inf( "Torrent \"%s\" got %d new peers", t->name, count );
tr_publisherPublish( t->publisher, t, &event );
static void
generateKeyParam( char * msg, int len )
int i;
const char * pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
const int poolSize = strlen( pool );
for( i=0; i<len; ++i )
*msg++ = pool[tr_rand(poolSize)];
*msg = '\0';
static void
escape( char * out, const uint8_t * in, int in_len ) /* rfc2396 */
const uint8_t *end = in + in_len;
while( in != end )
if( isalnum(*in) )
*out++ = (char) *in++;
out += snprintf( out, 4, "%%%02X", (unsigned int)*in++ );
*out = '\0';
static void scrapeNow( tr_tracker * );
tr_tracker *
tr_trackerNew( const tr_torrent * torrent )
const tr_info * info = &torrent->info;
int i, j, sum, *iwalk;
tr_tracker_info * nwalk;
tr_tracker * t;
tr_dbg( "making a new tracker for \"%s\"", info->primaryAddress );
t = tr_new0( tr_tracker, 1 );
t->handle = torrent->handle;
generateKeyParam( t->key_param, KEYLEN );
t->publisher = tr_publisherNew( );
t->timesDownloaded = -1;
t->seederCount = -1;
t->leecherCount = -1;
t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0;
t->name = tr_strdup( info->name );
memcpy( t->hash, info->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH );
escape( t->escaped, info->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH );
for( sum=i=0; i<info->trackerTiers; ++i )
sum += info->trackerList[i].count;
t->addresses = nwalk = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, sum );
t->addressIndex = 0;
t->addressCount = sum;
t->tierFronts = iwalk = tr_new0( int, sum );
for( i=0; i<info->trackerTiers; ++i )
const int tierFront = nwalk - t->addresses;
for( j=0; j<info->trackerList[i].count; ++j )
const tr_tracker_info * src = &info->trackerList[i].list[j];
nwalk->address = tr_strdup( src->address );
nwalk->port = src->port;
nwalk->announce = tr_strdup( src->announce );
nwalk->scrape = tr_strdup( src->scrape );
*iwalk++ = tierFront;
assert( nwalk - t->addresses == sum );
assert( iwalk - t->tierFronts == sum );
scrapeNow( t );
return t;
static void
onTrackerFreeNow( void * vt )
int i;
tr_tracker * t = vt;
tr_timerFree( &t->scrapeTimer );
tr_timerFree( &t->reannounceTimer );
tr_publisherFree( &t->publisher );
tr_free( t->name );
tr_free( t->trackerID );
tr_free( t->lastRequest );
/* addresses... */
for( i=0; i<t->addressCount; ++i )
tr_trackerInfoClear( &t->addresses[i] );
tr_free( t->addresses );
tr_free( t->tierFronts );
/* redirect... */
if( t->redirect ) {
tr_trackerInfoClear( t->redirect );
tr_free( t->redirect );
tr_free( t );
tr_trackerFree( tr_tracker * t )
tr_runInEventThread( t->handle, onTrackerFreeNow, t );
**** UTIL
static int
parseBencResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, benc_val_t * setme )
const unsigned char * body = EVBUFFER_DATA( req->input_buffer );
const int bodylen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH( req->input_buffer );
int ret = 1;
int i;
for( i=0; ret && i<bodylen; ++i )
if( !tr_bencLoad( body+i, bodylen-1, setme, NULL ) )
ret = 0;
return ret;
static const char*
updateAddresses( tr_tracker * t, const struct evhttp_request * req )
const char * ret = NULL;
int moveToNextAddress = FALSE;
if( !req )
ret = "Tracker hasn't responded yet. Retrying...";
tr_inf( ret );
moveToNextAddress = TRUE;
else if( req->response_code == HTTP_OK )
if( t->redirect != NULL )
/* multitracker spec: "if a connection with a tracker is
successful, it will be moved to the front of the tier." */
const int i = t->addressIndex;
const int j = t->tierFronts[i];
const tr_tracker_info swap = t->addresses[i];
t->addresses[i] = t->addresses[j];
t->addresses[j] = swap;
else if( ( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVEPERM )
|| ( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVETEMP ) )
const char * loc = evhttp_find_header( req->input_headers, "Location" );
tr_tracker_info tmp;
if( tr_trackerInfoInit( &tmp, loc, -1 ) ) /* a bad redirect? */
moveToNextAddress = TRUE;
else if( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVEPERM )
tr_tracker_info * cur = &t->addresses[t->addressIndex];
tr_trackerInfoClear( cur );
*cur = tmp;
else if( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVETEMP )
if( t->redirect == NULL )
t->redirect = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, 1 );
tr_trackerInfoClear( t->redirect );
*t->redirect = tmp;
moveToNextAddress = TRUE;
if( moveToNextAddress )
if ( ++t->addressIndex >= t->addressCount )
t->addressIndex = 0;
return ret;
static tr_tracker_info *
getCurrentAddress( const tr_tracker * t )
assert( t->addresses != NULL );
assert( t->addressIndex >= 0 );
assert( t->addressIndex < t->addressCount );
return &t->addresses[t->addressIndex];
static int
trackerSupportsScrape( const tr_tracker * t )
const tr_tracker_info * info = getCurrentAddress( t );
return ( info != NULL )
&& ( info->scrape != NULL )
&& ( info->scrape[0] != '\0' );
static void
addCommonHeaders( const tr_tracker * t,
struct evhttp_request * req )
char buf[1024];
const tr_tracker_info * address = getCurrentAddress( t );
snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d", address->address, address->port );
evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Host", buf );
evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Connection", "close" );
evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Content-Length", "0" );
evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "User-Agent",
struct torrent_hash
tr_handle * handle;
uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
static struct torrent_hash*
torrentHashNew( tr_tracker * t )
struct torrent_hash * data = tr_new( struct torrent_hash, 1 );
data->handle = t->handle;
memcpy( data->hash, t->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH );
return data;
tr_tracker *
findTrackerFromHash( struct torrent_hash * data )
tr_torrent * torrent = tr_torrentFindFromHash( data->handle, data->hash );
return torrent ? torrent->tracker : NULL;
static int
onScrapeNow( void * vt );
static void
onScrapeResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, void * vhash )
const char * warning;
time_t nextScrapeSec = 60;
tr_tracker * t;
t = findTrackerFromHash( vhash );
tr_free( vhash );
if( t == NULL ) /* tracker's been closed... */
tr_inf( "Got scrape response for '%s': %s",
( ( req && req->response_code_line ) ? req->response_code_line
: "(null)") );
if( req && ( req->response_code == HTTP_OK ) )
benc_val_t benc, *files;
const int bencLoaded = !parseBencResponse( req, &benc );
if( bencLoaded
&& (( files = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "files" ) ))
&& ( files->type == TYPE_DICT ) )
int i;
for( i=0; i<files->val.l.count; i+=2 )
const uint8_t* hash =
(const uint8_t*) files->val.l.vals[i].val.s.s;
benc_val_t *tmp, *flags;
benc_val_t *tordict = &files->val.l.vals[i+1];
if( memcmp( t->hash, hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) )
publishErrorClear( t );
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "complete" )))
t->seederCount = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "incomplete" )))
t->leecherCount = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "downloaded" )))
t->timesDownloaded = tmp->val.i;
if(( flags = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "flags" )))
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( flags, "min_request_interval")))
t->scrapeIntervalSec = tmp->val.i;
tr_dbg( "Torrent '%s' scrape successful."
" Rescraping in %d seconds",
t->name, t->scrapeIntervalSec );
nextScrapeSec = t->scrapeIntervalSec;
if( bencLoaded )
tr_bencFree( &benc );
if (( warning = updateAddresses( t, req ) )) {
tr_err( warning );
publishWarning( t, warning );
tr_timerFree( &t->scrapeTimer );
t->scrapeTimer = tr_timerNew( t->handle,
onScrapeNow, t,
nextScrapeSec*1000 );
static int
onScrapeNow( void * vt )
tr_tracker * t = vt;
const tr_tracker_info * address = getCurrentAddress( t );
if( trackerSupportsScrape( t ) )
char * uri;
struct evhttp_connection * evcon;
struct evhttp_request *req;
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s%sinfo_hash=%s",
( strchr(address->scrape, '?') == NULL ? "?" : "&" ),
t->escaped );
uri = tr_strdup( (char*) EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ) );
evbuffer_free( buf );
tr_inf( "Sending scrape to tracker %s:%d: %s",
address->address, address->port, uri );
evcon = getConnection( t, address->address, address->port );
evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon, TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC );
req = evhttp_request_new( onScrapeResponse, torrentHashNew( t ) );
addCommonHeaders( t, req );
tr_evhttp_make_request( t->handle, evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, uri );
t->scrapeTimer = NULL;
return FALSE;
static void
scrapeNow( tr_tracker * t )
onScrapeNow( t );
static char*
buildTrackerRequestURI( const tr_tracker * t,
const tr_torrent * torrent,
const char * eventName )
const int isStopping = !strcmp( eventName, "stopped" );
const int numwant = isStopping ? 0 : NUMWANT;
struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );
char * ret;
char * ann = getCurrentAddress(t)->announce;
evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s"
strchr(ann, '?') ? '&' : '?',
tr_sharedGetPublicPort( t->handle->shared ),
tr_cpLeftUntilComplete( torrent->completion ),
( t->handle->encryptionMode==TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED ? 1 : 0 ),
( ( eventName && *eventName ) ? "&event=" : "" ),
( ( eventName && *eventName ) ? eventName : "" ),
( ( t->trackerID && *t->trackerID ) ? "&trackerid=" : "" ),
( ( t->trackerID && *t->trackerID ) ? t->trackerID : "" ) );
ret = tr_strdup( (char*) EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ) );
evbuffer_free( buf );
return ret;
/* Convert to compact form */
static uint8_t *
parseOldPeers( benc_val_t * bePeers, int * setmePeerCount )
int i;
uint8_t *compact, *walk;
const int peerCount = bePeers->val.l.count;
assert( bePeers->type == TYPE_LIST );
compact = tr_new( uint8_t, peerCount*6 );
for( i=0, walk=compact; i<peerCount; ++i )
struct in_addr addr;
tr_port_t port;
benc_val_t * val;
benc_val_t * peer = &bePeers->val.l.vals[i];
val = tr_bencDictFind( peer, "ip" );
if( !val || val->type!=TYPE_STR || tr_netResolve(val->val.s.s, &addr) )
memcpy( walk, &addr, 4 );
walk += 4;
val = tr_bencDictFind( peer, "port" );
if( !val || val->type!=TYPE_INT || val->val.i<0 || val->val.i>0xffff )
port = htons( val->val.i );
memcpy( walk, &port, 2 );
walk += 2;
*setmePeerCount = peerCount;
return compact;
static int onRetry( void * vt );
static int onReannounce( void * vt );
static void
onStoppedResponse( struct evhttp_request * req UNUSED, void * handle UNUSED )
dbgmsg( NULL, "got a response to some `stop' message" );
static void
onTrackerResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, void * torrent_hash )
const char * warning;
tr_tracker * t;
int responseCode;
t = findTrackerFromHash( torrent_hash );
tr_free( torrent_hash );
if( t == NULL ) /* tracker has been closed */
dbgmsg( t, "got response from tracker: \"%s\"",
( req && req->response_code_line ) ? req->response_code_line
: "(null)" );
tr_inf( "Torrent \"%s\" tracker response: %s",
( req ? req->response_code_line : "(null)") );
if( req && ( req->response_code == HTTP_OK ) )
benc_val_t benc;
const int bencLoaded = !parseBencResponse( req, &benc );
publishErrorClear( t );
if( bencLoaded && benc.type==TYPE_DICT )
benc_val_t * tmp;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "failure reason" ))) {
dbgmsg( t, "got failure message [%s]", tmp->val.s.s );
publishErrorMessage( t, tmp->val.s.s );
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "warning message" ))) {
dbgmsg( t, "got warning message [%s]", tmp->val.s.s );
publishWarning( t, tmp->val.s.s );
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "interval" ))) {
dbgmsg( t, "setting interval to %d", tmp->val.i );
t->announceIntervalSec = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "min interval" ))) {
dbgmsg( t, "setting min interval to %d", tmp->val.i );
t->announceMinIntervalSec = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "tracker id" )))
t->trackerID = tr_strndup( tmp->val.s.s, tmp->val.s.i );
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "complete" )))
t->seederCount = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "incomplete" )))
t->leecherCount = tmp->val.i;
if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "peers" )))
int peerCount = 0;
uint8_t * peerCompact = NULL;
if( tmp->type == TYPE_LIST ) /* original protocol */
if( tmp->val.l.count > 0 )
peerCompact = parseOldPeers( tmp, &peerCount );
else if( tmp->type == TYPE_STR ) /* "compact" extension */
if( tmp->val.s.i >= 6 )
peerCount = tmp->val.s.i / 6;
peerCompact = tr_new( uint8_t, tmp->val.s.i );
memcpy( peerCompact, tmp->val.s.s, tmp->val.s.i );
publishNewPeers( t, peerCount, peerCompact );
tr_free( peerCompact );
if( bencLoaded )
tr_bencFree( &benc );
if (( warning = updateAddresses( t, req ) )) {
publishWarning( t, warning );
tr_err( warning );
responseCode = req ? req->response_code : 503;
if( 200<=responseCode && responseCode<=299 )
dbgmsg( t, "request succeeded. reannouncing in %d seconds",
t->announceIntervalSec );
t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = time(NULL)
+ t->announceMinIntervalSec;
t->reannounceTimer = tr_timerNew( t->handle,
onReannounce, t,
t->announceIntervalSec * 1000 );
else if( 300<=responseCode && responseCode<=399 )
dbgmsg( t, "got a redirect; retrying immediately" );
/* it's a redirect... updateAddresses() has already
* parsed the redirect, all that's left is to retry */
onRetry( t );
else if( 400<=responseCode && responseCode<=499 )
dbgmsg( t, "got a 4xx error." );
/* The request could not be understood by the server due to
* malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the
* request without modifications. */
if( req && req->response_code_line )
publishErrorMessage( t, req->response_code_line );
t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0;
t->reannounceTimer = NULL;
else if( 500<=responseCode && responseCode<=599 )
dbgmsg( t, "Got a 5xx error... retrying in 15 seconds." );
/* Response status codes beginning with the digit "5" indicate
* cases in which the server is aware that it has erred or is
* incapable of performing the request. So we pause a bit and
* try again. */
if( req && req->response_code_line )
publishWarning( t, req->response_code_line );
t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0;
t->reannounceTimer = tr_timerNew( t->handle, onRetry, t, 15 * 1000 );
dbgmsg( t, "Invalid response from tracker... retrying in 120 seconds." );
/* WTF did we get?? */
if( req && req->response_code_line )
publishErrorMessage( t, req->response_code_line );
t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0;
t->reannounceTimer = tr_timerNew( t->handle, onRetry, t, 120 * 1000 );
static int
sendTrackerRequest( void * vt, const char * eventName )
tr_tracker * t = vt;
const int isStopping = eventName && !strcmp( eventName, "stopped" );
const tr_tracker_info * address = getCurrentAddress( t );
char * uri;
struct evhttp_connection * evcon;
const tr_torrent * tor;
tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash( t->handle, t->hash );
if( tor == NULL )
return FALSE;
uri = buildTrackerRequestURI( t, tor, eventName );
tr_inf( "Torrent \"%s\" sending '%s' to tracker %s:%d: %s",
(eventName ? eventName : "periodic announce"),
address->address, address->port,
uri );
/* kill any pending requests */
dbgmsg( t, "clearing announce timer" );
tr_timerFree( &t->reannounceTimer );
evcon = getConnection( t, address->address, address->port );
if ( !evcon ) {
tr_err( "Can't make a connection to %s:%d", address->address, address->port );
tr_free( uri );
} else {
struct evhttp_request * req;
tr_free( t->lastRequest );
t->lastRequest = tr_strdup( eventName );
if( isStopping ) {
evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon, STOP_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC );
req = evhttp_request_new( onStoppedResponse, t->handle );
} else {
evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon, TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC );
req = evhttp_request_new( onTrackerResponse, torrentHashNew(t) );
dbgmsg( t, "sending \"%s\" request to tracker", eventName ? eventName : "reannounce" );
addCommonHeaders( t, req );
tr_evhttp_make_request( t->handle, evcon,
req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, uri );
return FALSE;
static int
onReannounce( void * vt )
tr_tracker * t = vt;
dbgmsg( t, "onReannounce" );
sendTrackerRequest( t, "" );
dbgmsg( t, "onReannounce setting announceTimer to NULL" );
t->reannounceTimer = NULL;
return FALSE;
static int
onRetry( void * vt )
tr_tracker * t = vt;
dbgmsg( t, "onRetry" );
sendTrackerRequest( t, t->lastRequest );
dbgmsg( t, "onRetry setting announceTimer to NULL" );
t->reannounceTimer = NULL;
return FALSE;
tr_trackerSubscribe( tr_tracker * t,
tr_delivery_func func,
void * user_data )
return tr_publisherSubscribe( t->publisher, func, user_data );
tr_trackerUnsubscribe( tr_tracker * t,
tr_publisher_tag tag )
tr_publisherUnsubscribe( t->publisher, tag );
const tr_tracker_info *
tr_trackerGetAddress( const tr_tracker * t )
return getCurrentAddress( t );
tr_trackerCanManualAnnounce ( const tr_tracker * t)
return t->isRunning
&& ( time(NULL) >= t->manualAnnounceAllowedAt );
tr_trackerGetCounts( const tr_tracker * t,
int * setme_completedCount,
int * setme_leecherCount,
int * setme_seederCount )
if( setme_completedCount )
*setme_completedCount = t->timesDownloaded;
if( setme_leecherCount )
*setme_leecherCount = t->leecherCount;
if( setme_seederCount )
*setme_seederCount = t->seederCount;
tr_trackerStart( tr_tracker * t )
tr_peerIdNew( t->peer_id, sizeof(t->peer_id) );
if( !t->reannounceTimer && !t->isRunning )
t->isRunning = 1;
sendTrackerRequest( t, "started" );
tr_trackerReannounce( tr_tracker * t )
sendTrackerRequest( t, "started" );
tr_trackerCompleted( tr_tracker * t )
sendTrackerRequest( t, "completed" );
tr_trackerStop( tr_tracker * t )
if( t->isRunning )
t->isRunning = 0;
sendTrackerRequest( t, "stopped" );
tr_trackerChangeMyPort( tr_tracker * t )
if( t->isRunning )
tr_trackerReannounce( t );