
1073 lines
29 KiB

// This file Copyright © 2009-2023 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm> // for std::sort, std::transform
#include <array> // std::array
#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cfloat> // DBL_DIG
#include <chrono>
#include <clocale> // localeconv()
#include <cstdint> // SIZE_MAX
#include <cstdlib> // getenv()
#include <cstring> /* strerror() */
#include <ctime> // nanosleep()
#include <iterator> // for std::back_inserter
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h> /* Sleep(), GetEnvironmentVariable() */
#include <shellapi.h> /* CommandLineToArgv() */
#include <ws2tcpip.h> /* WSAStartup() */
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/stat.h> // mode_t
#define UTF_CPP_CPLUSPLUS 201703L
#include <utf8.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fast_float/fast_float.h>
#include <wildmat.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "error-types.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mime-types.h"
#include "net.h" // ntohl()
#include "platform-quota.h" /* tr_device_info_create(), tr_device_info_get_disk_space(), tr_device_info_free() */
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "tr-strbuf.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "variant.h"
using namespace std::literals;
time_t libtransmission::detail::tr_time::current_time = {};
// ---
bool tr_loadFile(std::string_view filename, std::vector<char>& contents, tr_error** error)
auto const szfilename = tr_pathbuf{ filename };
/* try to stat the file */
tr_error* my_error = nullptr;
auto const info = tr_sys_path_get_info(szfilename, 0, &my_error);
if (my_error != nullptr)
_("Couldn't read '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"),
fmt::arg("path", filename),
fmt::arg("error", my_error->message),
fmt::arg("error_code", my_error->code)));
tr_error_propagate(error, &my_error);
return false;
if (!info || !info->isFile())
tr_logAddError(fmt::format(_("Couldn't read '{path}': Not a regular file"), fmt::arg("path", filename)));
tr_error_set(error, TR_ERROR_EISDIR, "Not a regular file"sv);
return false;
/* Load the torrent file into our buffer */
auto const fd = tr_sys_file_open(szfilename, TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_SEQUENTIAL, 0, &my_error);
if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE)
_("Couldn't read '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"),
fmt::arg("path", filename),
fmt::arg("error", my_error->message),
fmt::arg("error_code", my_error->code)));
tr_error_propagate(error, &my_error);
return false;
if (!tr_sys_file_read(fd, std::data(contents), info->size, nullptr, &my_error))
_("Couldn't read '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"),
fmt::arg("path", filename),
fmt::arg("error", my_error->message),
fmt::arg("error_code", my_error->code)));
tr_error_propagate(error, &my_error);
return false;
return true;
bool tr_saveFile(std::string_view filename, std::string_view contents, tr_error** error)
// follow symlinks to find the "real" file, to make sure the temporary
// we build with tr_sys_file_open_temp() is created on the right partition
if (auto const realname = tr_sys_path_resolve(filename); !std::empty(realname) && realname != filename)
return tr_saveFile(realname, contents, error);
// Write it to a temp file first.
// This is a safeguard against edge cases, e.g. disk full, crash while writing, etc.
auto tmp = tr_pathbuf{ filename, ".tmp.XXXXXX"sv };
auto const fd = tr_sys_file_open_temp(std::data(tmp), error);
if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE)
return false;
// Save the contents. This might take >1 pass.
auto ok = bool{ true };
while (!std::empty(contents))
auto n_written = uint64_t{};
if (!tr_sys_file_write(fd, std::data(contents), std::size(contents), &n_written, error))
ok = false;
// If we saved it to disk successfully, move it from '.tmp' to the correct filename
if (!tr_sys_file_close(fd, error) || !ok || !tr_sys_path_rename(tmp, tr_pathbuf{ filename }, error))
return false;
tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Saved '{}'", filename));
return true;
tr_disk_space tr_dirSpace(std::string_view directory)
if (std::empty(directory))
errno = EINVAL;
return { -1, -1 };
return tr_device_info_get_disk_space(tr_device_info_create(directory));
// ---
size_t tr_strvToBuf(std::string_view src, char* buf, size_t buflen)
size_t const len = std::size(src);
if (buflen >= len)
auto const out = std::copy(std::begin(src), std::end(src), buf);
if (buflen > len)
*out = '\0';
return len;
/* User-level routine. returns whether or not 'text' and 'p' matched */
bool tr_wildmat(std::string_view text, std::string_view pattern)
// TODO(ckerr): replace wildmat with base/strings/
// wildmat wants these to be zero-terminated.
return pattern == "*"sv || DoMatch(std::string{ text }.c_str(), std::string{ pattern }.c_str()) > 0;
char const* tr_strerror(int errnum)
if (char const* const ret = strerror(errnum); ret != nullptr)
return ret;
return "Unknown Error";
// ---
std::string_view tr_strvStrip(std::string_view str)
auto constexpr Test = [](auto ch)
return isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch));
auto const it = std::find_if_not(std::begin(str), std::end(str), Test);
str.remove_prefix(std::distance(std::begin(str), it));
auto const rit = std::find_if_not(std::rbegin(str), std::rend(str), Test);
str.remove_suffix(std::distance(std::rbegin(str), rit));
return str;
// ---
uint64_t tr_time_msec()
return std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() / 1ms;
// ---
* Copy src to string dst of size siz. At most siz-1 characters
* will be copied. Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
* Returns strlen (src); if retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
size_t tr_strlcpy(void* vdst, void const* vsrc, size_t siz)
auto* dst = static_cast<char*>(vdst);
auto const* const src = static_cast<char const*>(vsrc);
TR_ASSERT(dst != nullptr);
TR_ASSERT(src != nullptr);
auto const res = fmt::format_to_n(dst, siz - 1, FMT_STRING("{:s}"), src);
*res.out = '\0';
return res.size;
// ---
double tr_getRatio(uint64_t numerator, uint64_t denominator)
if (denominator > 0)
return numerator / (double)denominator;
if (numerator > 0)
return TR_RATIO_INF;
return TR_RATIO_NA;
// ---
#ifndef __APPLE__
std::string tr_strv_convert_utf8(std::string_view sv)
return tr_strv_replace_invalid(sv);
std::string tr_strv_replace_invalid(std::string_view sv, uint32_t replacement)
// stripping characters after first \0
if (auto first_null = sv.find('\0'); first_null != std::string::npos)
sv = { std::data(sv), first_null };
auto out = std::string{};
utf8::unchecked::replace_invalid(std::data(sv), std::data(sv) + std::size(sv), std::back_inserter(out), replacement);
return out;
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string tr_win32_native_to_utf8(std::wstring_view in)
auto out = std::string{};
out.resize(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, std::data(in), std::size(in), nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr));
[[maybe_unused]] auto
len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, std::data(in), std::size(in), std::data(out), std::size(out), nullptr, nullptr);
TR_ASSERT(len == std::size(out));
return out;
std::wstring tr_win32_utf8_to_native(std::string_view in)
auto out = std::wstring{};
out.resize(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, std::data(in), std::size(in), nullptr, 0));
[[maybe_unused]] auto len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, std::data(in), std::size(in), std::data(out), std::size(out));
TR_ASSERT(len == std::size(out));
return out;
std::string tr_win32_format_message(uint32_t code)
wchar_t* wide_text = nullptr;
auto const wide_size = FormatMessageW(
if (wide_size == 0)
return fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Unknown error ({:#08x})"), code);
auto text = std::string{};
if (wide_size != 0 && wide_text != nullptr)
text = tr_win32_native_to_utf8({ wide_text, wide_size });
// Most (all?) messages contain "\r\n" in the end, chop it
while (!std::empty(text) && isspace(text.back()))
text.resize(text.size() - 1);
return text;
namespace tr_main_win32_impl
std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> win32MakeUtf8Argv()
int argc;
auto argv = std::vector<std::string>{};
if (wchar_t** wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); wargv != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
if (wargv[i] == nullptr)
auto str = tr_win32_native_to_utf8(wargv[i]);
if (std::empty(str))
if (static_cast<int>(std::size(argv)) == argc)
return argv;
return {};
} // namespace tr_main_win32_impl
} // namespace
int tr_main_win32(int argc, char** argv, int (*real_main)(int, char**))
using namespace tr_main_win32_impl;
// build an argv from GetCommandLineW + CommandLineToArgvW
if (auto argv_strs = win32MakeUtf8Argv(); argv_strs)
auto argv_cstrs = std::vector<char*>{};
[](auto& str) { return std::data(str); });
argv_cstrs.push_back(nullptr); // argv is nullptr-terminated
return (*real_main)(std::size(*argv_strs), std::data(argv_cstrs));
return (*real_main)(argc, argv);
// ---
namespace tr_parseNumberRange_impl
struct number_range
int low;
int high;
* This should be a single number (ex. "6") or a range (ex. "6-9").
* Anything else is an error and will return failure.
bool parseNumberSection(std::string_view str, number_range& range)
auto constexpr Delimiter = "-"sv;
auto const first = tr_parseNum<int>(str, &str);
if (!first)
return false;
range.low = range.high = *first;
if (std::empty(str))
return true;
if (!tr_strvStartsWith(str, Delimiter))
return false;
auto const second = tr_parseNum<int>(str);
if (!second)
return false;
range.high = *second;
return true;
} // namespace tr_parseNumberRange_impl
} // namespace
* Given a string like "1-4" or "1-4,6,9,14-51", this allocates and returns an
* array of setmeCount ints of all the values in the array.
* For example, "5-8" will return [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] and setmeCount will be 4.
* If a fragment of the string can't be parsed, nullptr is returned.
std::vector<int> tr_parseNumberRange(std::string_view str)
using namespace tr_parseNumberRange_impl;
auto values = std::set<int>{};
auto token = std::string_view{};
auto range = number_range{};
while (tr_strvSep(&str, &token, ',') && parseNumberSection(token, range))
for (auto i = range.low; i <= range.high; ++i)
return { std::begin(values), std::end(values) };
// ---
double tr_truncd(double x, int decimal_places)
auto buf = std::array<char, 128>{};
auto const [out, len] = fmt::format_to_n(std::data(buf), std::size(buf) - 1, "{:.{}Lf}", x, DBL_DIG);
*out = '\0';
if (auto* const pt = strstr(std::data(buf), localeconv()->decimal_point); pt != nullptr)
pt[decimal_places != 0 ? decimal_places + 1 : 0] = '\0';
return tr_parseNum<double>(std::data(buf)).value_or(0.0);
std::string tr_strpercent(double x)
if (x < 5.0)
return fmt::format("{:.2Lf}", tr_truncd(x, 2));
if (x < 100.0)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf}", tr_truncd(x, 1));
return fmt::format("{:.0Lf}", x);
std::string tr_strratio(double ratio, char const* infinity)
if ((int)ratio == TR_RATIO_NA)
return _("None");
if ((int)ratio == TR_RATIO_INF)
auto buf = std::array<char, 64>{};
tr_strlcpy(std::data(buf), infinity, std::size(buf));
return std::data(buf);
return tr_strpercent(ratio);
// ---
bool tr_moveFile(std::string_view oldpath_in, std::string_view newpath_in, tr_error** error)
auto const oldpath = tr_pathbuf{ oldpath_in };
auto const newpath = tr_pathbuf{ newpath_in };
// make sure the old file exists
auto const info = tr_sys_path_get_info(oldpath, 0, error);
if (!info)
tr_error_prefix(error, "Unable to get information on old file: ");
return false;
if (!info->isFile())
tr_error_set(error, TR_ERROR_EINVAL, "Old path does not point to a file."sv);
return false;
// ensure the target directory exists
auto newdir = tr_pathbuf{ };
if (!tr_sys_dir_create(newdir, TR_SYS_DIR_CREATE_PARENTS, 0777, error))
tr_error_prefix(error, "Unable to create directory for new file: ");
return false;
/* they might be on the same filesystem... */
if (tr_sys_path_rename(oldpath, newpath))
return true;
/* Otherwise, copy the file. */
if (!tr_sys_path_copy(oldpath, newpath, error))
tr_error_prefix(error, "Unable to copy: ");
return false;
if (tr_error* my_error = nullptr; !tr_sys_path_remove(oldpath, &my_error))
_("Couldn't remove '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"),
fmt::arg("path", oldpath),
fmt::arg("error", my_error->message),
fmt::arg("error_code", my_error->code)));
return true;
// ---
uint64_t tr_htonll(uint64_t hostlonglong)
return htonll(hostlonglong);
/* fallback code by bdonlan at */
std::array<uint32_t, 2> lx;
uint64_t llx;
} u = {};
u.lx[0] = htonl(hostlonglong >> 32);
u.lx[1] = htonl(hostlonglong & 0xFFFFFFFFULL);
return u.llx;
uint64_t tr_ntohll(uint64_t netlonglong)
return ntohll(netlonglong);
/* fallback code by bdonlan at */
std::array<uint32_t, 2> lx;
uint64_t llx;
} u = {};
u.llx = netlonglong;
return ((uint64_t)ntohl(u.lx[0]) << 32) | (uint64_t)ntohl(u.lx[1]);
// ---
namespace formatter_impl
struct formatter_unit
std::array<char, 16> name;
uint64_t value;
using formatter_units = std::array<formatter_unit, 4>;
void formatter_init(formatter_units& units, uint64_t kilo, char const* kb, char const* mb, char const* gb, char const* tb)
uint64_t value = kilo;
tr_strlcpy(std::data(units[TR_FMT_KB].name), kb, std::size(units[TR_FMT_KB].name));
units[TR_FMT_KB].value = value;
value *= kilo;
tr_strlcpy(std::data(units[TR_FMT_MB].name), mb, std::size(units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
units[TR_FMT_MB].value = value;
value *= kilo;
tr_strlcpy(std::data(units[TR_FMT_GB].name), gb, std::size(units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
units[TR_FMT_GB].value = value;
value *= kilo;
tr_strlcpy(std::data(units[TR_FMT_TB].name), tb, std::size(units[TR_FMT_TB].name));
units[TR_FMT_TB].value = value;
char* formatter_get_size_str(formatter_units const& u, char* buf, uint64_t bytes, size_t buflen)
formatter_unit const* unit = nullptr;
if (bytes < u[1].value)
unit = std::data(u);
else if (bytes < u[2].value)
unit = &u[1];
else if (bytes < u[3].value)
unit = &u[2];
unit = &u[3];
double const value = double(bytes) / unit->value;
auto const* const units = std::data(unit->name);
auto precision = int{};
if (unit->value == 1)
precision = 0;
else if (value < 100)
precision = 2;
precision = 1;
auto const [out, len] = fmt::format_to_n(buf, buflen - 1, "{:.{}Lf} {:s}", value, precision, units);
*out = '\0';
return buf;
formatter_units size_units;
formatter_units speed_units;
formatter_units mem_units;
} // namespace formatter_impl
} // namespace
size_t tr_speed_K = 0;
void tr_formatter_size_init(uint64_t kilo, char const* kb, char const* mb, char const* gb, char const* tb)
using namespace formatter_impl;
formatter_init(size_units, kilo, kb, mb, gb, tb);
std::string tr_formatter_size_B(uint64_t bytes)
using namespace formatter_impl;
auto buf = std::array<char, 64>{};
return formatter_get_size_str(size_units, std::data(buf), bytes, std::size(buf));
void tr_formatter_speed_init(size_t kilo, char const* kb, char const* mb, char const* gb, char const* tb)
using namespace formatter_impl;
tr_speed_K = kilo;
formatter_init(speed_units, kilo, kb, mb, gb, tb);
std::string tr_formatter_speed_KBps(double kilo_per_second)
using namespace formatter_impl;
auto speed = kilo_per_second;
if (speed < 999.95) // 0.0 KB to 999.9 KB (0.0 KiB to 999.9 KiB)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].name));
double const kilo = speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].value;
speed /= kilo;
if (speed < 99.995) // 0.98 MB to 99.99 MB (1.00 MiB to 99.99 MiB)
return fmt::format("{:.2Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
if (speed < 999.95) // 100.0 MB to 999.9 MB (100.0 MiB to 999.9 MiB)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
speed /= kilo;
if (speed < 99.995) // 0.98 GB to 99.99 GB (1.00 GiB to 99.99 GiB)
return fmt::format("{:.2Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
// 100.0 GB and above (100.0 GiB and above)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
std::string tr_formatter_speed_compact_KBps(double kilo_per_second)
using namespace formatter_impl;
auto speed = kilo_per_second;
if (speed < 99.95) // 0.0 KB to 99.9 KB (0.0 KiB to 99.9 KiB)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].name));
if (speed < 999.5) // 100 KB to 999 KB (100 KiB to 999 KiB)
return fmt::format("{:.0Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].name));
double const kilo = speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].value;
speed /= kilo;
if (speed < 9.995) // 0.98 MB to 9.99 MB (1.00 MiB to 9.99 MiB)
return fmt::format("{:.2Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
if (speed < 99.95) // 10.0 MB to 99.9 MB (10.0 MiB to 99.9 MiB)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
if (speed < 999.5) // 100 MB to 999 MB (100 MiB to 999 MiB)
return fmt::format("{:.0Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_MB].name));
speed /= kilo;
if (speed < 9.995) // 0.98 GB to 9.99 GB (1.00 GiB to 9.99 GiB)
return fmt::format("{:.2Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
if (speed < 99.95) // 10.0 GB to 99.9 GB (10.0 GiB to 99.9 GiB)
return fmt::format("{:.1Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
// 100 GB and above (100 GiB and above)
return fmt::format("{:.0Lf} {:s}", speed, std::data(speed_units[TR_FMT_GB].name));
size_t tr_mem_K = 0;
void tr_formatter_mem_init(size_t kilo, char const* kb, char const* mb, char const* gb, char const* tb)
using namespace formatter_impl;
tr_mem_K = kilo;
formatter_init(mem_units, kilo, kb, mb, gb, tb);
std::string tr_formatter_mem_B(size_t bytes_per_second)
using namespace formatter_impl;
auto buf = std::array<char, 64>{};
return formatter_get_size_str(mem_units, std::data(buf), bytes_per_second, std::size(buf));
void tr_formatter_get_units(void* vdict)
using namespace formatter_impl;
auto* dict = static_cast<tr_variant*>(vdict);
tr_variantDictReserve(dict, 6);
tr_variantDictAddInt(dict, TR_KEY_memory_bytes, mem_units[TR_FMT_KB].value);
tr_variant* l = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_memory_units, std::size(mem_units));
for (auto const& unit : mem_units)
tr_variantListAddStr(l, std::data(;
tr_variantDictAddInt(dict, TR_KEY_size_bytes, size_units[TR_FMT_KB].value);
l = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_size_units, std::size(size_units));
for (auto const& unit : size_units)
tr_variantListAddStr(l, std::data(;
tr_variantDictAddInt(dict, TR_KEY_speed_bytes, speed_units[TR_FMT_KB].value);
l = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_speed_units, std::size(speed_units));
for (auto const& unit : speed_units)
tr_variantListAddStr(l, std::data(;
bool tr_env_key_exists(char const* key)
TR_ASSERT(key != nullptr);
#ifdef _WIN32
return GetEnvironmentVariableA(key, nullptr, 0) != 0;
return getenv(key) != nullptr;
int tr_env_get_int(char const* key, int default_value)
TR_ASSERT(key != nullptr);
if (auto const valstr = tr_env_get_string(key); !std::empty(valstr))
if (auto const valint = tr_parseNum<int>(valstr); valint)
return *valint;
return default_value;
std::string tr_env_get_string(std::string_view key, std::string_view default_value)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (auto const wide_key = tr_win32_utf8_to_native(key); !std::empty(wide_key))
if (auto const size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(wide_key.c_str(), nullptr, 0); size != 0)
auto wide_val = std::wstring{};
if (GetEnvironmentVariableW(wide_key.c_str(), std::data(wide_val), std::size(wide_val)) == std::size(wide_val) - 1)
TR_ASSERT(wide_val.back() == L'\0');
wide_val.resize(std::size(wide_val) - 1);
return tr_win32_native_to_utf8(wide_val);
auto const szkey = tr_strbuf<char, 256>{ key };
if (auto const* const value = getenv(szkey); value != nullptr)
return value;
return std::string{ default_value };
// ---
void tr_net_init()
#ifdef _WIN32
static bool initialized = false;
if (!initialized)
WSADATA wsaData;
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
initialized = true;
// --- mime-type
std::string_view tr_get_mime_type_for_filename(std::string_view filename)
auto constexpr Compare = [](mime_type_suffix const& entry, auto const& suffix)
return entry.suffix < suffix;
if (auto const pos = filename.rfind('.'); pos != std::string_view::npos)
auto const suffix_lc = tr_strlower(filename.substr(pos + 1));
auto const it = std::lower_bound(std::begin(mime_type_suffixes), std::end(mime_type_suffixes), suffix_lc, Compare);
if (it != std::end(mime_type_suffixes) && suffix_lc == it->suffix)
return it->mime_type;
// application/octet-stream is the default value.
// An unknown file type should use this type.
auto constexpr Fallback = "application/octet-stream"sv;
return Fallback;
// --- parseNum()
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !__has_include(<charconv>)
#include <iomanip> // std::setbase
#include <sstream>
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool> = true>
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<T> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base)
auto val = T{};
auto const tmpstr = std::string(std::data(str), std::min(std::size(str), size_t{ 64 }));
auto sstream = std::stringstream{ tmpstr };
auto const oldpos = sstream.tellg();
/* The base parameter only works for bases 8, 10 and 16.
All other bases will be converted to 0 which activates the
prefix based parsing and therefore decimal in our usual cases.
This differs from the from_chars solution below. */
sstream >> std::setbase(base) >> val;
auto const newpos = sstream.tellg();
if ((newpos == oldpos) || ( && !sstream.eof()))
return std::nullopt;
if (remainder != nullptr)
*remainder = str;
remainder->remove_prefix(sstream.eof() ? std::size(str) : newpos - oldpos);
return val;
#else // #if defined(__GNUC__) && !__has_include(<charconv>)
#include <charconv> // std::from_chars()
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool>>
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<T> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base)
auto val = T{};
auto const* const begin_ch = std::data(str);
auto const* const end_ch = begin_ch + std::size(str);
/* The base parameter works for any base from 2 to 36 (inclusive).
This is different from the behaviour of the stringstream
based solution above. */
auto const result = std::from_chars(begin_ch, end_ch, val, base);
if ( != std::errc{})
return std::nullopt;
if (remainder != nullptr)
*remainder = str;
remainder->remove_prefix(result.ptr - std::data(str));
return val;
#endif // #if defined(__GNUC__) && !__has_include(<charconv>)
template std::optional<long long> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<long> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<int> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<char> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<unsigned long long> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<unsigned long> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<unsigned int> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<unsigned short> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template std::optional<unsigned char> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder, int base);
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, bool>>
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<T> tr_parseNum(std::string_view str, std::string_view* remainder)
auto const* const begin_ch = std::data(str);
auto const* const end_ch = begin_ch + std::size(str);
auto val = T{};
auto const result = fast_float::from_chars(begin_ch, end_ch, val);
if ( != std::errc{})
return std::nullopt;
if (remainder != nullptr)
*remainder = str;
remainder->remove_prefix(result.ptr - std::data(str));
return val;
template std::optional<double> tr_parseNum(std::string_view sv, std::string_view* remainder);