mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:28:03 +00:00
Use latin1 encoding most of the time where default encoding was used before. Qt 4 assumes latin1 by default while Qt 5 uses utf-8 which is not what we want. Use utf-8 encoding in some places where default encoding was used before. This includes strings coming from RPC. Fix an issue with SortMode::names[] (filters.cc) where missing comma between "sort-by-queue" and "sort-by-ratio" resulted in two array entries being merged into solid "sort-by-queuesort-by-ratio" string and all the following items being shifted compared to their enum counterparts.
454 lines
13 KiB
454 lines
13 KiB
* This file Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
* $Id$
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h> /* mime64 */
#include <libtransmission/variant.h>
#include "add-data.h"
#include "file-tree.h"
#include "freespace-label.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "utils.h"
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog (Session& session, const Prefs& prefs, const AddData& addme, QWidget * parent):
QDialog (parent, Qt::Dialog),
mySession (session),
myAdd (addme),
myHaveInfo (false),
myVerifyButton (nullptr),
myVerifyFile (nullptr),
myVerifyHash (QCryptographicHash::Sha1),
myEditTimer (this)
ui.setupUi (this);
QString title;
if (myAdd.type == AddData::FILENAME)
title = tr ("Open Torrent from File");
title = tr ("Open Torrent from URL or Magnet Link");
setWindowTitle (title);
myEditTimer.setInterval (2000);
myEditTimer.setSingleShot (true);
connect (&myEditTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (onDestinationChanged ()));
if (myAdd.type == AddData::FILENAME)
ui.sourceStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.sourceButton);
ui.sourceButton->setMode (TrPathButton::FileMode);
ui.sourceButton->setTitle (tr ("Open Torrent"));
ui.sourceButton->setNameFilter (tr ("Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)"));
ui.sourceButton->setPath (myAdd.filename);
connect (ui.sourceButton, SIGNAL (pathChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
ui.sourceStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.sourceEdit);
ui.sourceEdit->setText (myAdd.readableName ());
ui.sourceEdit->selectAll ();
connect (ui.sourceEdit, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), this, SLOT (onSourceChanged ()));
ui.sourceStack->setFixedHeight (ui.sourceStack->currentWidget ()->sizeHint ().height ());
ui.sourceLabel->setBuddy (ui.sourceStack->currentWidget ());
const QFontMetrics fontMetrics (font ());
const int width = fontMetrics.size (0, QString::fromUtf8 ("This is a pretty long torrent filename indeed.torrent")).width ();
ui.sourceStack->setMinimumWidth (width);
const QString downloadDir (Utils::removeTrailingDirSeparator (prefs.getString (Prefs::DOWNLOAD_DIR)));
ui.freeSpaceLabel->setSession (mySession);
ui.freeSpaceLabel->setPath (downloadDir);
if (session.isLocal ())
ui.destinationStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.destinationButton);
ui.destinationButton->setMode (TrPathButton::DirectoryMode);
ui.destinationButton->setTitle (tr ("Select Destination"));
ui.destinationButton->setPath (downloadDir);
myLocalDestination = downloadDir;
connect (ui.destinationButton, SIGNAL (pathChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onDestinationChanged ()));
ui.destinationStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.destinationEdit);
ui.destinationEdit->setText (downloadDir);
ui.freeSpaceLabel->setPath (downloadDir);
connect (ui.destinationEdit, SIGNAL (textEdited (QString)), &myEditTimer, SLOT (start ()));
connect (ui.destinationEdit, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), this, SLOT (onDestinationChanged ()));
ui.destinationStack->setFixedHeight (ui.destinationStack->currentWidget ()->sizeHint ().height ());
ui.destinationLabel->setBuddy (ui.destinationStack->currentWidget ());
ui.filesView->setEditable (false);
if (!session.isLocal ())
ui.filesView->hideColumn (2); // hide the % done, since we've no way of knowing
ui.priorityCombo->addItem (tr ("High"), TR_PRI_HIGH);
ui.priorityCombo->addItem (tr ("Normal"), TR_PRI_NORMAL);
ui.priorityCombo->addItem (tr ("Low"), TR_PRI_LOW);
ui.priorityCombo->setCurrentIndex (1); // Normal
if (session.isLocal ())
myVerifyButton = new QPushButton (tr ("&Verify Local Data"), this);
ui.dialogButtons->addButton (myVerifyButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
connect (myVerifyButton, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SLOT (onVerify ()));
ui.startCheck->setChecked (prefs.getBool (Prefs::START));
ui.trashCheck->setChecked (prefs.getBool (Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL));
connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (rejected ()), this, SLOT (deleteLater ()));
connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (accepted ()), this, SLOT (onAccepted ()));
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (priorityChanged (QSet<int>, int)), this, SLOT (onPriorityChanged (QSet<int>, int)));
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (wantedChanged (QSet<int>, bool)), this, SLOT (onWantedChanged (QSet<int>, bool)));
connect (&myVerifyTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (onTimeout ()));
reload ();
OptionsDialog::~OptionsDialog ()
clearInfo ();
OptionsDialog::clearInfo ()
if (myHaveInfo)
tr_metainfoFree (&myInfo);
myHaveInfo = false;
myFiles.clear ();
OptionsDialog::reload ()
clearInfo ();
clearVerify ();
tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew (0);
switch (myAdd.type)
case AddData::MAGNET:
tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromMagnetLink (ctor, myAdd.magnet.toUtf8 ().constData ());
case AddData::FILENAME:
tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, myAdd.filename.toUtf8 ().constData ());
case AddData::METAINFO:
tr_ctorSetMetainfo (ctor, reinterpret_cast<const quint8*> (myAdd.metainfo.constData ()), myAdd.metainfo.size ());
const int err = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &myInfo);
myHaveInfo = !err;
tr_ctorFree (ctor);
ui.filesView->clear ();
myFiles.clear ();
myPriorities.clear ();
myWanted.clear ();
const bool haveFilesToShow = myHaveInfo && myInfo.fileCount > 0;
ui.filesView->setVisible (haveFilesToShow);
if (myVerifyButton != nullptr)
myVerifyButton->setVisible (haveFilesToShow);
layout ()->setSizeConstraint (haveFilesToShow ? QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint : QLayout::SetFixedSize);
if (myHaveInfo)
myPriorities.insert (0, myInfo.fileCount, TR_PRI_NORMAL);
myWanted.insert (0, myInfo.fileCount, true);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < myInfo.fileCount; ++i)
TrFile file;
file.index = i;
file.priority = myPriorities[i];
file.wanted = myWanted[i];
file.size = myInfo.files[i].length;
file.have = 0;
file.filename = QString::fromUtf8 (myInfo.files[i].name);
myFiles.append (file);
ui.filesView->update (myFiles);
OptionsDialog::onPriorityChanged (const QSet<int>& fileIndices, int priority)
foreach (int i, fileIndices)
myPriorities[i] = priority;
OptionsDialog::onWantedChanged (const QSet<int>& fileIndices, bool isWanted)
foreach (int i, fileIndices)
myWanted[i] = isWanted;
OptionsDialog::onAccepted ()
// rpc spec section 3.4 "adding a torrent"
tr_variant args;
tr_variantInitDict (&args, 10);
QString downloadDir;
// "download-dir"
if (ui.destinationStack->currentWidget () == ui.destinationButton)
downloadDir = myLocalDestination.absolutePath ();
downloadDir = ui.destinationEdit->text ();
tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, TR_KEY_download_dir, downloadDir.toUtf8 ().constData ());
// paused
tr_variantDictAddBool (&args, TR_KEY_paused, !ui.startCheck->isChecked ());
// priority
const int index = ui.priorityCombo->currentIndex ();
const int priority = ui.priorityCombo->itemData (index).toInt ();
tr_variantDictAddInt (&args, TR_KEY_bandwidthPriority, priority);
// files-unwanted
int count = myWanted.count (false);
if (count > 0)
tr_variant * l = tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_files_unwanted, count);
for (int i = 0, n = myWanted.size (); i < n; ++i)
if (myWanted.at (i) == false)
tr_variantListAddInt (l, i);
// priority-low
count = myPriorities.count (TR_PRI_LOW);
if (count > 0)
tr_variant * l = tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_priority_low, count);
for (int i = 0, n = myPriorities.size (); i < n; ++i)
if (myPriorities.at (i) == TR_PRI_LOW)
tr_variantListAddInt (l, i);
// priority-high
count = myPriorities.count (TR_PRI_HIGH);
if (count > 0)
tr_variant * l = tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_priority_high, count);
for (int i = 0, n = myPriorities.size (); i < n; ++i)
if (myPriorities.at (i) == TR_PRI_HIGH)
tr_variantListAddInt (l, i);
mySession.addTorrent (myAdd, &args, ui.trashCheck->isChecked ());
deleteLater ();
OptionsDialog::onSourceChanged ()
if (ui.sourceStack->currentWidget () == ui.sourceButton)
myAdd.set (ui.sourceButton->path ());
myAdd.set (ui.sourceEdit->text ());
reload ();
OptionsDialog::onDestinationChanged ()
if (ui.destinationStack->currentWidget () == ui.destinationButton)
myLocalDestination = ui.destinationButton->path ();
ui.freeSpaceLabel->setPath (myLocalDestination.absolutePath ());
ui.freeSpaceLabel->setPath (ui.destinationEdit->text ());
OptionsDialog::clearVerify ()
myVerifyHash.reset ();
myVerifyFile.close ();
myVerifyFilePos = 0;
myVerifyFlags.clear ();
myVerifyFileIndex = 0;
myVerifyPieceIndex = 0;
myVerifyPiecePos = 0;
myVerifyTimer.stop ();
for (int i = 0, n = myFiles.size (); i < n; ++i)
myFiles[i].have = 0;
ui.filesView->update (myFiles);
OptionsDialog::onVerify ()
clearVerify ();
myVerifyFlags.insert (0, myInfo.pieceCount, false);
myVerifyTimer.setSingleShot (false);
myVerifyTimer.start (0);
uint64_t getPieceSize (const tr_info * info, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex)
if (pieceIndex != info->pieceCount - 1)
return info->pieceSize;
return info->totalSize % info->pieceSize;
OptionsDialog::onTimeout ()
if (myFiles.isEmpty ())
myVerifyTimer.stop ();
const tr_file * file = &myInfo.files[myVerifyFileIndex];
if (!myVerifyFilePos && !myVerifyFile.isOpen ())
const QFileInfo fileInfo (myLocalDestination, QString::fromUtf8 (file->name));
myVerifyFile.setFileName (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());
myVerifyFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly);
int64_t leftInPiece = getPieceSize (&myInfo, myVerifyPieceIndex) - myVerifyPiecePos;
int64_t leftInFile = file->length - myVerifyFilePos;
int64_t bytesThisPass = qMin (leftInFile, leftInPiece);
bytesThisPass = qMin (bytesThisPass, static_cast<int64_t> (sizeof (myVerifyBuf)));
if (myVerifyFile.isOpen () && myVerifyFile.seek (myVerifyFilePos))
int64_t numRead = myVerifyFile.read (myVerifyBuf, bytesThisPass);
if (numRead == bytesThisPass)
myVerifyHash.addData (myVerifyBuf, numRead);
leftInPiece -= bytesThisPass;
leftInFile -= bytesThisPass;
myVerifyPiecePos += bytesThisPass;
myVerifyFilePos += bytesThisPass;
myVerifyBins[myVerifyFileIndex] += bytesThisPass;
if (leftInPiece == 0)
const QByteArray result (myVerifyHash.result ());
const bool matches = !memcmp (result.constData (),
myVerifyFlags[myVerifyPieceIndex] = matches;
myVerifyPiecePos = 0;
myVerifyHash.reset ();
FileList changedFiles;
if (matches)
for (auto i = myVerifyBins.begin (), end = myVerifyBins.end (); i != end; ++i)
TrFile& f (myFiles[i.key ()]);
f.have += i.value ();
changedFiles.append (f);
ui.filesView->update (changedFiles);
myVerifyBins.clear ();
if (leftInFile == 0)
myVerifyFile.close ();
myVerifyFilePos = 0;
bool done = myVerifyPieceIndex >= myInfo.pieceCount;
if (done)
uint64_t have = 0;
foreach (const TrFile& f, myFiles)
have += f.have;
if (!have) // everything failed
// did the user accidentally specify the child directory instead of the parent?
const QStringList tokens = QString::fromUtf8 (file->name).split (QLatin1Char ('/'));
if (!tokens.empty () && myLocalDestination.dirName () == tokens.at (0))
// move up one directory and try again
myLocalDestination.cdUp ();
onVerify ();
done = false;
if (done)
myVerifyTimer.stop ();