
206 lines
7.8 KiB

// This file copyright Transmission authors and contributors.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <cstdint> // uint64_t
#include <string_view>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/error.h>
#include <libtransmission/file.h>
#include <libtransmission/open-files.h>
#include <libtransmission/tr-strbuf.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "test-fixtures.h"
using namespace std::literals;
using OpenFilesTest = libtransmission::test::SessionTest;
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, getCachedFailsIfNotCached)
auto const fd = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false);
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, getOpensIfNotCached)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
// confirm that it's not pre-cached
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
// confirm that we can cache the file
auto fd = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents));
// test the file contents to confirm that fd points to the right file
auto buf = std::array<char, std::size(Contents) + 1>{};
auto bytes_read = uint64_t{};
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_at(*fd, std::data(buf), std::size(Contents), 0, &bytes_read));
auto const contents = std::string_view{ std::data(buf), static_cast<size_t>(bytes_read) };
EXPECT_EQ(Contents, contents);
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, getCacheSucceedsIfCached)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, getCachedReturnsTheSameFd)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
auto const fd1 = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents));
auto const fd2 = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false);
EXPECT_EQ(*fd1, *fd2);
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, getCachedFailsIfWrongPermissions)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
// cache it in ro mode
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
// now try to get it in r/w mode
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, true));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, opensInReadOnlyUnlessWritableIsRequested)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
// cache a file read-only mode
auto fd = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents));
// confirm that writing to it fails
auto error = tr_error{};
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_file_write(*fd, std::data(Contents), std::size(Contents), nullptr, &error));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, createsMissingFileIfWriteRequested)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
auto fd = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false);
fd = session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, true, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, closeFileClosesTheFile)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/test-file.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
// cache a file read-only mode
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
// close the file
session_->openFiles().close_file(0, 0);
// confirm that its fd is no longer cached
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(0, 0, false));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, closeTorrentClosesTheTorrentFiles)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
static auto constexpr TorId = tr_torrent_id_t{ 0 };
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/a.txt" };
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 1, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
filename.assign(sandboxDir(), "/b.txt");
createFileWithContents(filename, Contents);
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 3, false, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
// confirm that closing a different torrent does not affect these files
session_->openFiles().close_torrent(TorId + 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 1, false));
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 3, false));
// confirm that closing this torrent closes and uncaches the files
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 1, false));
EXPECT_FALSE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, 3, false));
TEST_F(OpenFilesTest, closesLeastRecentlyUsedFile)
static auto constexpr Contents = "Hello, World!\n"sv;
static auto constexpr TorId = tr_torrent_id_t{ 0 };
static auto constexpr LargerThanCacheLimit = 100;
// Walk through a number of files. Confirm that they all succeed
// even when the number exhausts the cache size, and newer files
// supplant older ones.
for (int i = 0; i < LargerThanCacheLimit; ++i)
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), fmt::format("/file-{:d}.txt"sv, i) };
EXPECT_TRUE(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, i, true, filename, TR_PREALLOCATE_FULL, std::size(Contents)));
// Do a lookup-only for the files again *in the same order*. By following the
// order, the first files we check will be the oldest from the last pass and
// should have aged out. So we should have a nonzero number of failures; but
// once we get a success, all the remaining should also succeed.
auto results = std::array<bool, LargerThanCacheLimit>{};
auto sorted = std::array<bool, LargerThanCacheLimit>{};
for (int i = 0; i < LargerThanCacheLimit; ++i)
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), fmt::format("/file-{:d}.txt"sv, i) };
results[i] = static_cast<bool>(session_->openFiles().get(TorId, i, false));
sorted = results;
std::sort(std::begin(sorted), std::end(sorted));
EXPECT_EQ(sorted, results);
EXPECT_GT(std::count(std::begin(results), std::end(results), true), 0);