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synced 2025-03-04 10:38:13 +00:00
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435 lines
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// This file Copyright © 2012-2023 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits> /* INT_MAX */
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "libtransmission/transmission.h"
#include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h" // for tr_sha1()
#include "libtransmission/error.h"
#include "libtransmission/log.h"
#include "libtransmission/magnet-metainfo.h"
#include "libtransmission/resume.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent-magnet.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent-metainfo.h"
#include "libtransmission/torrent.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h"
#include "libtransmission/utils.h"
#include "libtransmission/variant.h"
struct metadata_node
time_t requested_at = 0U;
int piece = 0;
} // namespace
struct tr_incomplete_metadata
std::vector<char> metadata;
/** sorted from least to most recently requested */
std::deque<metadata_node> pieces_needed;
int piece_count = 0;
// don't ask for the same metadata piece more than this often
auto constexpr MinRepeatIntervalSecs = int{ 3 };
auto create_all_needed(int n_pieces)
auto ret = std::deque<metadata_node>{};
for (int i = 0; i < n_pieces; ++i)
ret[i].piece = i;
return ret;
[[nodiscard]] int div_ceil(int numerator, int denominator)
auto const [quot, rem] = std::div(numerator, denominator);
return quot + (rem == 0 ? 0 : 1);
} // namespace
bool tr_torrentSetMetadataSizeHint(tr_torrent* tor, int64_t size)
if (tor->has_metainfo())
return false;
if (tor->incompleteMetadata != nullptr)
return false;
int const n = (size <= 0 || size > INT_MAX) ? -1 : div_ceil(size, METADATA_PIECE_SIZE);
tr_logAddDebugTor(tor, fmt::format("metadata is {} bytes in {} pieces", size, n));
if (n <= 0)
return false;
auto* const m = new tr_incomplete_metadata{};
if (m == nullptr)
return false;
m->piece_count = n;
m->pieces_needed = create_all_needed(n);
if (std::empty(m->metadata) || std::empty(m->pieces_needed))
delete m;
return false;
tor->incompleteMetadata = m;
return true;
std::optional<std::vector<std::byte>> tr_torrentGetMetadataPiece(tr_torrent const* tor, int piece)
TR_ASSERT(piece >= 0);
if (!tor->has_metainfo())
return {};
auto const n_pieces = std::max(1, div_ceil(tor->info_dict_size(), METADATA_PIECE_SIZE));
if (piece < 0 || piece >= n_pieces)
return {};
auto in = std::ifstream{ tor->torrent_file(), std::ios_base::in };
if (!in.is_open())
return {};
auto const info_dict_size = tor->info_dict_size();
TR_ASSERT(info_dict_size > 0);
auto const offset_in_info_dict = static_cast<uint64_t>(piece) * METADATA_PIECE_SIZE;
if (auto const offset_in_file = tor->info_dict_offset() + offset_in_info_dict; !in.seekg(offset_in_file))
return {};
auto buf = std::vector<std::byte>{};
auto const piece_len = offset_in_info_dict + METADATA_PIECE_SIZE <= info_dict_size ? METADATA_PIECE_SIZE :
info_dict_size - offset_in_info_dict;
if (!in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(std::data(buf)), std::size(buf)))
return {};
return buf;
bool tr_torrentUseMetainfoFromFile(
tr_torrent* tor,
tr_torrent_metainfo const* metainfo,
char const* filename_in,
tr_error** error)
// add .torrent file
if (!tr_sys_path_copy(filename_in, tor->torrent_file(), error))
return false;
// remove .magnet file
// tor should keep this metainfo
if (tor->incompleteMetadata != nullptr)
delete tor->incompleteMetadata;
tor->incompleteMetadata = nullptr;
return true;
// ---
namespace set_metadata_piece_helpers
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_t get_piece_length(struct tr_incomplete_metadata const* m, int piece)
return piece + 1 == m->piece_count ? // last piece
std::size(m->metadata) - (piece * METADATA_PIECE_SIZE) :
void build_metainfo_except_info_dict(tr_torrent_metainfo const& tm, tr_variant* top)
tr_variantInitDict(top, 6);
if (auto const& val = tm.comment(); !std::empty(val))
tr_variantDictAddStr(top, TR_KEY_comment, val);
if (auto const& val = tm.source(); !std::empty(val))
tr_variantDictAddStr(top, TR_KEY_source, val);
if (auto const& val = tm.creator(); !std::empty(val))
tr_variantDictAddStr(top, TR_KEY_created_by, val);
if (auto const val = tm.date_created(); val != 0)
tr_variantDictAddInt(top, TR_KEY_creation_date, val);
if (auto const& announce_list = tm.announce_list(); !std::empty(announce_list))
auto const n = std::size(announce_list);
if (n == 1)
tr_variantDictAddStr(top, TR_KEY_announce, announce_list.at(0).announce.sv());
auto* const announce_list_variant = tr_variantDictAddList(top, TR_KEY_announce_list, n);
tr_variant* tier_variant = nullptr;
auto current_tier = std::optional<tr_tracker_tier_t>{};
for (auto const& tracker : announce_list)
if (!current_tier || *current_tier != tracker.tier)
tier_variant = tr_variantListAddList(announce_list_variant, n);
tr_variantListAddStr(tier_variant, tracker.announce.sv());
if (auto const n_webseeds = tm.webseed_count(); n_webseeds > 0)
auto* const webseeds_variant = tr_variantDictAddList(top, TR_KEY_url_list, n_webseeds);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_webseeds; ++i)
tr_variantListAddStr(webseeds_variant, tm.webseed(i));
bool use_new_metainfo(tr_torrent* tor, tr_incomplete_metadata const* m, tr_error** error)
// test the info_dict checksum
if (tr_sha1::digest(m->metadata) != tor->info_hash())
return false;
// checksum passed; now try to parse it as benc
auto info_dict_v = tr_variant{};
if (!tr_variantFromBuf(&info_dict_v, TR_VARIANT_PARSE_BENC | TR_VARIANT_PARSE_INPLACE, m->metadata, nullptr, error))
return false;
// yay we have an info dict. Let's make a torrent file
auto top_v = tr_variant{};
build_metainfo_except_info_dict(tor->metainfo_, &top_v);
tr_variantMergeDicts(tr_variantDictAddDict(&top_v, TR_KEY_info, 0), &info_dict_v);
auto const benc = tr_variantToStr(&top_v, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC);
// does this synthetic torrent file parse?
auto metainfo = tr_torrent_metainfo{};
if (!metainfo.parse_benc(benc))
return false;
// save it
if (!tr_saveFile(tor->torrent_file(), benc, error))
return false;
// remove .magnet file
// tor should keep this metainfo
return true;
void on_have_all_metainfo(tr_torrent* tor, tr_incomplete_metadata* m)
tr_error* error = nullptr;
if (use_new_metainfo(tor, m, &error))
delete tor->incompleteMetadata;
tor->incompleteMetadata = nullptr;
else /* drat. */
int const n = m->piece_count;
m->pieces_needed = create_all_needed(n);
char const* const msg = error != nullptr && error->message != nullptr ? error->message : "unknown error";
"Couldn't parse magnet metainfo: '{error}'. Redownloading {piece_count} piece",
"Couldn't parse magnet metainfo: '{error}'. Redownloading {piece_count} pieces",
fmt::arg("error", msg),
fmt::arg("piece_count", n)));
} // namespace set_metadata_piece_helpers
} // namespace
void tr_torrentMagnetDoIdleWork(tr_torrent* const tor)
using namespace set_metadata_piece_helpers;
if (auto* const m = tor->incompleteMetadata; m != nullptr && std::empty(m->pieces_needed))
tr_logAddDebugTor(tor, fmt::format("we now have all the metainfo!"));
on_have_all_metainfo(tor, m);
void tr_torrentSetMetadataPiece(tr_torrent* tor, int piece, void const* data, size_t len)
using namespace set_metadata_piece_helpers;
TR_ASSERT(data != nullptr);
tr_logAddDebugTor(tor, fmt::format("got metadata piece {} of {} bytes", piece, len));
// are we set up to download metadata?
tr_incomplete_metadata* const m = tor->incompleteMetadata;
if (m == nullptr)
// sanity test: is `piece` in range?
if ((piece < 0) || (piece >= m->piece_count))
// sanity test: is `len` the right size?
if (get_piece_length(m, piece) != len)
// do we need this piece?
auto& needed = m->pieces_needed;
auto const iter = std::find_if(
[piece](auto const& item) { return item.piece == piece; });
if (iter == std::end(needed))
size_t const offset = piece * METADATA_PIECE_SIZE;
std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(data), len, std::begin(m->metadata) + offset);
tr_logAddDebugTor(tor, fmt::format("saving metainfo piece {}... {} remain", piece, std::size(needed)));
// ---
std::optional<int> tr_torrentGetNextMetadataRequest(tr_torrent* tor, time_t now)
struct tr_incomplete_metadata* m = tor->incompleteMetadata;
if (m == nullptr)
return {};
auto& needed = m->pieces_needed;
if (std::empty(needed) || needed.front().requested_at + MinRepeatIntervalSecs >= now)
return {};
auto req = needed.front();
req.requested_at = now;
tr_logAddDebugTor(tor, fmt::format("next piece to request: {}", req.piece));
return req.piece;
double tr_torrentGetMetadataPercent(tr_torrent const* tor)
if (tor->has_metainfo())
return 1.0;
auto const* const m = tor->incompleteMetadata;
return m == nullptr || m->piece_count == 0 ? 0.0 : (m->piece_count - std::size(m->pieces_needed)) / (double)m->piece_count;
std::string tr_torrentGetMagnetLink(tr_torrent const* tor)
return std::string{ tor->metainfo_.magnet().sv() };
size_t tr_torrentGetMagnetLinkToBuf(tr_torrent const* tor, char* buf, size_t buflen)
return tr_strvToBuf(tr_torrentGetMagnetLink(tor), buf, buflen);