mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 14:13:23 +00:00
647 lines
21 KiB
647 lines
21 KiB
/* Torrent -> progress string */
" - %@ remaining" = " - restano %@";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
" - remaining time unknown" = " - tempo rimanente sconosciuto";
/* File size (beware of leading space) */
" GB" = " GB";
/* File size (beware of leading space) */
" KB" = " KB";
/* File size (beware of leading space) */
" MB" = " MB";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */
" Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Do you really want to remove them?" = " Se rimossi, i file torrent verrano richiesti successivamente per proseguire col trasferimento. Vuoi rimuoverli veramente?";
/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> progress */
"%.2f%% (%.2f%% selected)" = "%1$.2f%% (%2$.2f%% selezionati)";
/* Inspector -> Files tab -> file status string */
"%.2f%% of %@" = "%1$.2f%% di %2$@";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ (%.2f%%)" = "%1$@ di %2$@ (%3$.2f%%)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ (%.2f%%), uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@ di %2$@ (%3$.2f%%), in upload %4$@ (Quota: %5$@)";
/* Inspector -> above tabs -> total size (several torrents selected) */
"%@ Total" = "%@ Totale";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"%@, %@ each" = "%1$@, %2$@ ognuno";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@, uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@, inviati %2$@ (Quota: %3$@)";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d cache" = "%d cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d Connected" = "%d Connessi";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"%d days %d hr" = "%1$d giorni %2$d ore";
/* Dock item - Downloading */
"%d Downloading" = "%d In Download";
/* Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */
"%d files total" = "%d file totali";
/* Drag overlay -> torrents
Create torrent -> info */
"%d Files, " = "%d File, ";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"%d hr %d min" = "%1$d ore %2$d min";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d incoming" = "%d in arrivo";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"%d min %d sec" = "%1$d min %2$d sec";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d PEX" = "%d PEX";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"%d pieces" = "%d parti";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"%d sec" = "%d sec";
/* Dock item - Seeding */
"%d Seeding" = "%d In Seed";
/* Drag overlay -> torrents */
"%d Torrent Files" = "%d File Torrent";
/* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"%d Torrents Selected" = "%d Torrent Selezionati";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d tracker" = "%d tracker";
/* Filter Bar Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count */
"%d Transfers" = "%d Trasferimenti";
/* File size */
"%lld bytes" = "%lld byte";
/* Torrent -> error string unreadable */
"(unreadable error)" = "(errore incomprensibile)";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"1 day %d hr" = "1 giorno %d ore";
/* Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */
"1 file total" = "1 file totale";
/* Drag overlay -> torrents
Create torrent -> info */
"1 File, " = "1 File, ";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"1 piece" = "1 parte";
/* Filter Bar Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count */
"1 Transfer" = "1 Trasferimento";
/* Move folder cannot be found alert -> message */
"\"%@\" cannot be found. The file will remain in its current location." = "Impossibile trovare \"%@\". Il file resterà nella posizione attuale.";
/* Folder cannot be found alert -> message */
"\"%@\" cannot be found. The transfer will be paused." = "Impossibile trovare \"%@\". Il trasferimento verrà messo in pausa.";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> warning */
"A file with the name \"%@\" already exists in the directory \"%@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent." = "Un file col nome \"%1$@\" esiste già nella directory \"%2$@\". Scegli un nuovo nome o directory per creare il torrent.";
/* Move inside itself alert -> title */
"A folder cannot be moved to inside itself." = "Una cartella non può essere spostata dentro se stessa .";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> title */
"A torrent file with this name and directory cannot be created." = "Impossibile creare un file torrent con questo nome e directory.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> title */
"A transfer of \"%@\" is already running." = "Un trasferimento di \"%@\" è già in esecuzione.";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */
"Always Download" = "Scarica Sempre";
/* Transfer speed (Bytes per second) */
"B/s" = "B/s";
/* Preferences -> Bandwidth toolbar item title */
"Bandwidth" = "Banda";
/* Growl notification description */
"Bandwidth settings changed" = "Impostazioni banda modificate";
/* Removal confirm panel -> button
Confirm Quit panel -> button */
"Cancel" = "Annulla";
/* Create torrent -> no url warning -> warning
Create torrent -> http warning -> warning */
"Change the tracker address to create the torrent." = "Modifica l'indirizzo del tracker per creare il torrent.";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Checking existing data (%.2f%%)" = "Verifica dati esistenti (%.2f%%)";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Checking port status" = "Verifica stato della porta";
/* Folder cannot be found alert -> location button */
"Choose New Location" = "Scegli Nuova Posizione";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> title */
"Confirm Quit" = "Conferma Uscita";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm Removal of %d Transfers" = "Conferma Rimozione di %d Trasferimenti";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm Removal of \"%@\"" = "Conferma Rimozione di \"%@\"";
/* Debug log alert -> informative message */
"Continuous use at this level might increase memory usage. This setting can be changed in the Message Log window (accessible from the Window menu)." = "L'impiego continuo a questo livello potrebbe aumentare la memoria utilizzata. Questa impostazione può essere modificata nella finestra Log Messaggi (accessibile dal menù Finestra).";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> title */
"Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "Impossibile Creare Copia di \"%@\"";
/* Create toolbar item -> label */
"Create" = "Crea";
/* Drag overlay -> file */
"Create a Torrent File" = "Crea un File Torrent";
/* Create toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Create torrent file" = "Crea file torrent";
/* Create toolbar item -> palette label */
"Create Torrent File" = "Crea File Torrent";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> title */
"Creation of \"%@\" failed." = "Fallita creazione di \"%@\".";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"DL: %@, " = "DL: %@, ";
/* Debug log alert -> button
Open duplicate alert -> button */
"Don't Alert Again" = "Non Avvisare Nuovamente";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Don't Download" = "Non Scaricare";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Download" = "Download";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */
"Download Anyway" = "Scarica Comunque";
/* Growl notification title */
"Download Complete" = "Download Completo";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Download Some" = "Scarica Alcuni";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading" = "In Download";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of %d peers" = "In Download da %1$d di %2$d peer";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of 1 peer" = "In Download da %d di 1 peer";
/* Transfer speed invalid
Ratio invalid */
"error" = "errore";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port map status */
"Error mapping port" = "Errore mappando la porta";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Error: " = "Errore: ";
/* Filter toolbar item -> label */
"Filter" = "Filtro";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: cache" = "Da: cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: incoming connection" = "Da: connessione in arrivo";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: peer exchange" = "Da: scambio peer";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: tracker" = "Da: tracker";
/* Preferences -> General toolbar item title */
"General" = "Generale";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Hide Filter Bar" = "Nascondi Barra Filtro";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Hide Inspector" = "Nascondi Visualizzatore";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Hide Status Bar" = "Nascondi Barra di Stato";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"High Priority" = "Priorità Elevata";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers
Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */
"info not available" = "informazioni non disponibili";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> label */
"Inspector" = "Visualizzatore";
/* Download not a torrent -> message */
"It appears that the file \"%@\" from %@ is not a torrent file." = "Sembra che il file \"%1$@\" da %2$@ non sia un file torrent.";
/* Action context menu -> upload/download limit */
"Limit (%d KB/s)" = "Limite (%d KB/s)";
/* Save log alert panel -> title */
"Log Could Not Be Saved" = "Log Non Salvabile";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Low Priority" = "Priorità Bassa";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Multiple Priorities" = "Priorità Multiple";
/* No Ratio
Torrent -> status string */
"N/A" = "N/D";
/* Preferences -> Network toolbar item title */
"Network" = "Rete";
/* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */
"No Torrents Selected" = "Nessun Torrent Selezionato";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Normal Priority" = "Priorità Normale";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> title */
"Not enough remaining disk space to download \"%@\" completely." = "Spazio su disco insufficiente per scaricare completamente \"%@\".";
/* Open duplicate alert -> button
Create torrent -> no files -> button
Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> button
Torrent file copy alert -> button
Move folder cannot be found alert -> button
Folder cannot be found alert -> button
Torrent file disk space alert -> button
Create torrent -> no url warning -> button
Torrent download failed -> button
Create torrent -> failed -> button
Move error alert -> button
Debug log alert -> button
Download not a torrent -> button
Move inside itself alert -> button
Create torrent -> http warning -> button
Save log alert panel -> button */
"OK" = "Ok";
/* Open toolbar item -> label */
"Open" = "Apri";
/* Open toolbar item -> palette label */
"Open Torrent Files" = "Apri File Torrent";
/* Open toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Open torrent files" = "Apri file torrent";
/* Pause toolbar item -> label */
"Pause" = "Metti in Pausa";
/* Pause All toolbar item -> label */
"Pause All" = "Metti in Pausa Tutti";
/* Pause All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause all transfers" = "Metti in pausa tutti i trasferimenti";
/* Pause toolbar item -> palette label */
"Pause Selected" = "Metti in Pausa Selezionati";
/* Pause toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause selected transfers" = "Metti in Pausa i trasferimenti selezionati";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Paused" = "Messo in Pausa";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port is closed" = "La porta è chiusa";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port is open" = "La porta è aperta";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port is stealth" = "La porta è occultata";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port map status */
"Port successfully mapped" = "Porta mappata con successo";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Port: %d" = "Porta: %d";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Port: N/A" = "Porta: N/D";
/* Inspector -> files tab -> tooltip */
"Priority Not Available" = "Priorità Non Disponibile";
/* Inspector -> is private torrent */
"Private Torrent, PEX disabled" = "Torrent Privato, PEX Disabilitato";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Progress: %.1f%%" = "Progresso: %.1f%%";
/* Inspector -> is not private torrent */
"Public Torrent" = "Torrent Pubblico";
/* Transmission already running alert -> button
OS update needed -> button
Confirm Quit panel -> button */
"Quit" = "Esci";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Ratio: " = "Quota: ";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Ratio: %@, " = "Quota: %@, ";
/* Removal confirm panel -> button
Remove toolbar item -> label */
"Remove" = "Rimuovi";
/* Remove toolbar item -> palette label */
"Remove Selected" = "Rimuovi Selezionati";
/* Remove toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Remove selected transfers" = "Rimuovi trasferimenti selezionati";
/* Resume toolbar item -> label */
"Resume" = "Riprendi";
/* Resume All toolbar item -> label */
"Resume All" = "Riprendi Tutti";
/* Resume All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume all transfers" = "Riprendi tutti i trasferimenti";
/* Resume toolbar item -> palette label */
"Resume Selected" = "Riprendi Selezionati";
/* Resume toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume selected transfers" = "Riprendi i trasferimenti selezionati";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding" = "In Seed";
/* Growl notification title */
"Seeding Complete" = "Seed Completo";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding complete" = "Seed completo";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of %d peers" = "Seed verso %1$d di %2$d peer";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of 1 peer" = "Seed verso %d di 1 peer";
/* Folder cannot be found alert -> prompt
Default folder cannot be found alert -> prompt
Open torrent -> prompt
Move torrent -> prompt
Default incomplete folder cannot be found alert -> prompt
Create torrent -> select file */
"Select" = "Seleziona";
/* Create torrent -> select file */
"Select a file or folder for the torrent file." = "Seleziona un file o una cartella per il file torrent.";
/* Folder cannot be found alert -> select destination folder
Open torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the download folder for \"%@\"" = "Seleziona la cartella download per \"%@\"";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for %d data files." = "Seleziona la nuova cartella per i file dati di %d.";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for \"%@\"." = "Seleziona la nuova cartella per \"%@\".";
/* Main window -> 1st bottom left button (action) tooltip */
"Shortcuts for changing global settings." = "Scorciatoie per cambiare le impostazioni globali.";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Show Filter Bar" = "Mostra Barra Filtro";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Show Inspector" = "Mostra Visualizzatore";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Show Status Bar" = "Mostra Barra Stato";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Disabled" = "Limite Velocità Disabilitato Automaticamente";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Enabled" = "Limite Velocità Abilitato Automaticamente";
/* Main window -> 2nd bottom left button (turtle) tooltip */
"Speed Limit overrides the total bandwidth limits with its own limits." = "Il limite di velocità supera il limite totale di banda.";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Stalled, " = "In Stallo, ";
/* Action context menu -> ratio stop */
"Stop at Ratio (%.2f)" = "Interrompi alla Quota (%.2f)";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Stopping" = "In Interruzione";
/* Default folder cannot be found alert -> message */
"The download folder cannot be found. Choose a new location." = "Impossibile trovare la cartella download. Scegli una nuova posizione.";
/* Folder cannot be found alert -> title */
"The folder for downloading \"%@\" cannot be found." = "Impossibile trovare la cartella dove scaricare \"%@\".";
/* Move folder cannot be found alert -> title */
"The folder for moving the completed \"%@\" cannot be found." = "Impossibile trovare la cartella dove spostare il download completato \"%@\".";
/* Default incomplete folder cannot be found alert -> message */
"The incomplete folder cannot be found. Choose a new location or cancel for none." = "Impossibile trovare la cartella incompleti. Scegli una nuova posizione oppure lascia il campo in bianco.";
/* Debug log alert -> message */
"The Message Log is set to \"Debug\"" = "Il Log Messaggi è impostato su \"Debug\"";
/* Move inside itself alert -> message
Move error alert -> message */
"The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done." = "Impossibile eseguire l'operazione di spostamento di \"%@\".";
/* Torrent download failed -> message */
"The torrent could not be downloaded from %@ because an error occurred (%@)." = "Il torrent non può essere scaricato da %1$@ poichè è occorso un errore (%2$@).";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> message */
"The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "Impossibile trovare il file torrent (%@).";
/* Open duplicate alert -> message */
"The torrent file cannot be opened because it is a duplicate of an already running transfer." = "Il file torrent non può essere aperto perchè è una copia di un trasferimento attualmente in corso.";
/* Create torrent -> no url warning -> title */
"The tracker address cannot be blank." = "L'indirizzo del tracker non può essere in bianco.";
/* Create torrent -> http warning -> title */
"The tracker address must begin with \"http://\"." = "L'indirizzo del tracker deve iniziare per \"http://\".";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> message */
"The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue." = "Il trasferimento sarà messo in pausa. Crea spazio libero in %@ o deseleziona alcuni file nel torrent per continuare.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d active transfers." = "Ci sono %d trasferimenti attivi.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There are %d active transfers. Do you really want to quit?" = "Ci sono %d trasferimenti attivi. Vuoi veramente uscire?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "Ci sono %1$d trasferimenti (%2$d attivi).";
/* Transmission already running alert -> message */
"There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "Una copia di Transmission è già in esecuzione. Questa copia non potrà essere aperta finchè non verrà chiusa la prima istanza.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There is an active transfer. Do you really want to quit?" = "È presente un trasferimento attivo. Vuoi veramente uscire?";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> warning */
"There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file." = "Per creare un file torrent è richiesto che nella cartella sia presente almeno un file.";
/* Save log alert panel -> message */
"There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "È occorso un errore creando il file \"%@\".";
/* Move error alert -> title */
"There was an error moving the data file." = "È occorso un errore spostando il file dati.";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"There was an error parsing the data file. The torrent file was not created." = "È occorso un errore durante il parsing il file dati. Il file torrent file non è stato creato.";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> title */
"This folder contains no files." = "Questa cartella non contiene alcun file.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message */
"This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Do you really want to remove it?" = "Questo trasferimento è attivo. Una volta rimossi, i file torrent verrano richiesti successivamente per proseguire col trasferimento. Vuoi veramente rimuoverli?";
/* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Filter" = "Mostra/Nascondi Filtro";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Inspector" = "Mostra/Nascondi Visualizzatore";
/* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the filter bar" = "Mostra/Nascondi la barra filtro";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the torrent inspector" = "Mostra/Nascondi il visualizzatore del torrent";
/* Torrent download error -> title
Download not a torrent -> title */
"Torrent download failed" = "Fallito download Torrent";
/* Growl notification title */
"Torrent File Auto Added" = "Aggiunto File Torrent Automaticamente";
/* Status bar -> total download */
"Total DL: " = "Ricezione Totale: ";
/* Status bar -> total upload */
"Total UL: " = "Invio Totale: ";
/* Preferences -> Transfers toolbar item title */
"Transfers" = "Trasferimenti";
/* OS update needed -> message */
"Transmission has features that require a more up-to-date operating system. The operating system must be updated before this version can run." = "Transmission possiede caratteristiche che richiedono un sistema operativo più aggornato. Il sistema operativo dovrà essere aggiornato prima che questa versione possa essere eseguita.";
/* Transmission already running alert -> title */
"Transmission is already running." = "Transmission è già in esecuzione.";
/* OS update needed -> title */
"Transmission requires Mac OS X 10.4 or greater." = "Transmission richiede Mac OS X 10.4 o superiore.";
/* Torrent -> location when deleting original */
"Transmission Support Folder" = "Cartella di Supporto Transmission";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"UL: " = "Inv: ";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Unable to check port status" = "Non riesco a controllare lo stato della porta";
/* Torrent -> remaining time */
"Unknown" = "Sconosciuto";
/* Save log panel -> default file name */
"untitled" = "senza titolo";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to check existing data" = "In attesa di verificare i dati esistenti";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to download" = "In attesa di scaricare";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to seed" = "In attesa di fare seed";
/* Drag overlay -> url */
"Web Address" = "Sito Web"; |