mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 07:52:38 +00:00
The format introduced in TRAC-394 is nice but brings its own issues (e.g. TRAC-4189, #122). I'm okay with a bit of grepping myself if it makes the experience better for end users. Using hashes results in filenames well under 255 bytes limit on some filesystems. If even that will not be enough, I'd suggest reporting the issue elsewhere. Fixes: #122
1030 lines
28 KiB
1030 lines
28 KiB
* This file Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <string.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "completion.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "metainfo.h" /* tr_metainfoGetBasename() */
#include "peer-mgr.h" /* pex */
#include "platform.h" /* tr_getResumeDir() */
#include "resume.h"
#include "session.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "tr-assert.h"
#include "utils.h" /* tr_buildPath */
#include "variant.h"
static char* getResumeFilename(tr_torrent const* tor, enum tr_metainfo_basename_format format)
char* base = tr_metainfoGetBasename(tr_torrentInfo(tor), format);
char* filename = tr_strdup_printf("%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%s.resume", tr_getResumeDir(tor->session), base);
return filename;
static void savePeers(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
int count;
tr_pex* pex;
count = tr_peerMgrGetPeers((tr_torrent*)tor, &pex, TR_AF_INET, TR_PEERS_INTERESTING, MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS);
if (count > 0)
tr_variantDictAddRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2, pex, sizeof(tr_pex) * count);
count = tr_peerMgrGetPeers((tr_torrent*)tor, &pex, TR_AF_INET6, TR_PEERS_INTERESTING, MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS);
if (count > 0)
tr_variantDictAddRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2_6, pex, sizeof(tr_pex) * count);
static int addPeers(tr_torrent* tor, uint8_t const* buf, int buflen)
int numAdded = 0;
int const count = buflen / sizeof(tr_pex);
for (int i = 0; i < count && numAdded < MAX_REMEMBERED_PEERS; ++i)
tr_pex pex;
memcpy(&pex, buf + i * sizeof(tr_pex), sizeof(tr_pex));
if (tr_isPex(&pex))
tr_peerMgrAddPex(tor, TR_PEER_FROM_RESUME, &pex, -1);
return numAdded;
static uint64_t loadPeers(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
uint8_t const* str;
size_t len;
uint64_t ret = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2, &str, &len))
int const numAdded = addPeers(tor, str, len);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Loaded %d IPv4 peers from resume file", numAdded);
ret = TR_FR_PEERS;
if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(dict, TR_KEY_peers2_6, &str, &len))
int const numAdded = addPeers(tor, str, len);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Loaded %d IPv6 peers from resume file", numAdded);
ret = TR_FR_PEERS;
return ret;
static void saveDND(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_variant* list;
tr_info const* const inf = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
tr_file_index_t const n = inf->fileCount;
list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_dnd, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddInt(list, inf->files[i].dnd ? 1 : 0);
static uint64_t loadDND(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
uint64_t ret = 0;
tr_variant* list = NULL;
tr_file_index_t const n = tor->info.fileCount;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_dnd, &list) && tr_variantListSize(list) == n)
int64_t tmp;
tr_file_index_t* dl = tr_new(tr_file_index_t, n);
tr_file_index_t* dnd = tr_new(tr_file_index_t, n);
tr_file_index_t dlCount = 0;
tr_file_index_t dndCount = 0;
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &tmp) && tmp != 0)
dnd[dndCount++] = i;
dl[dlCount++] = i;
if (dndCount != 0)
tr_torrentInitFileDLs(tor, dnd, dndCount, false);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Resume file found %d files listed as dnd", dndCount);
if (dlCount != 0)
tr_torrentInitFileDLs(tor, dl, dlCount, true);
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Resume file found %d files marked for download", dlCount);
ret = TR_FR_DND;
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Couldn't load DND flags. DND list (%p) has %zu" " children; torrent has %d files", (void*)list,
tr_variantListSize(list), (int)n);
return ret;
static void saveFilePriorities(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_variant* list;
tr_info const* const inf = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
tr_file_index_t const n = inf->fileCount;
list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_priority, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddInt(list, inf->files[i].priority);
static uint64_t loadFilePriorities(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* list;
uint64_t ret = 0;
tr_file_index_t const n = tor->info.fileCount;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_priority, &list) && tr_variantListSize(list) == n)
int64_t priority;
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &priority))
tr_torrentInitFilePriority(tor, i, priority);
return ret;
static void saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variant* d, tr_torrent* tor, tr_direction dir)
tr_variantDictReserve(d, 3);
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_Bps, tr_torrentGetSpeedLimit_Bps(tor, dir));
tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_use_global_speed_limit, tr_torrentUsesSessionLimits(tor));
tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_use_speed_limit, tr_torrentUsesSpeedLimit(tor, dir));
static void saveSpeedLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, 0), tor, TR_DOWN);
saveSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, 0), tor, TR_UP);
static void saveRatioLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, 2);
tr_variantDictAddReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, tr_torrentGetRatioLimit(tor));
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_ratio_mode, tr_torrentGetRatioMode(tor));
static void saveIdleLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_idle_limit, 2);
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_limit, tr_torrentGetIdleLimit(tor));
tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_mode, tr_torrentGetIdleMode(tor));
static void loadSingleSpeedLimit(tr_variant* d, tr_direction dir, tr_torrent* tor)
int64_t i;
bool boolVal;
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_Bps, &i))
tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit_Bps(tor, dir, i);
else if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_speed, &i))
tr_torrentSetSpeedLimit_Bps(tor, dir, i * 1024);
if (tr_variantDictFindBool(d, TR_KEY_use_speed_limit, &boolVal))
tr_torrentUseSpeedLimit(tor, dir, boolVal);
if (tr_variantDictFindBool(d, TR_KEY_use_global_speed_limit, &boolVal))
tr_torrentUseSessionLimits(tor, boolVal);
static uint64_t loadSpeedLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d;
uint64_t ret = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, &d))
loadSingleSpeedLimit(d, TR_UP, tor);
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, &d))
loadSingleSpeedLimit(d, TR_DOWN, tor);
return ret;
static uint64_t loadRatioLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d;
uint64_t ret = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, &d))
int64_t i;
double dratio;
if (tr_variantDictFindReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, &dratio))
tr_torrentSetRatioLimit(tor, dratio);
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_ratio_mode, &i))
tr_torrentSetRatioMode(tor, i);
return ret;
static uint64_t loadIdleLimits(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* d;
uint64_t ret = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_idle_limit, &d))
int64_t i;
int64_t imin;
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_limit, &imin))
tr_torrentSetIdleLimit(tor, imin);
if (tr_variantDictFindInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_mode, &i))
tr_torrentSetIdleMode(tor, i);
return ret;
static void saveName(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
tr_variantDictAddStr(dict, TR_KEY_name, tr_torrentName(tor));
static uint64_t loadName(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
uint64_t ret = 0;
char const* name;
if (tr_variantDictFindStr(dict, TR_KEY_name, &name, NULL))
ret = TR_FR_NAME;
if (tr_strcmp0(tr_torrentName(tor), name) != 0)
tor->info.name = tr_strdup(name);
return ret;
static void saveFilenames(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent const* tor)
bool any_renamed;
tr_file_index_t const n = tor->info.fileCount;
tr_file const* files = tor->info.files;
any_renamed = false;
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; !any_renamed && i < n; ++i)
any_renamed = files[i].is_renamed;
if (any_renamed)
tr_variant* list = tr_variantDictAddList(dict, TR_KEY_files, n);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
tr_variantListAddStr(list, files[i].is_renamed ? files[i].name : "");
static uint64_t loadFilenames(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* list;
uint64_t ret = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(dict, TR_KEY_files, &list))
size_t const n = tr_variantListSize(list);
tr_file* files = tor->info.files;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tor->info.fileCount && i < n; ++i)
char const* str;
size_t str_len;
if (tr_variantGetStr(tr_variantListChild(list, i), &str, &str_len) && str != NULL && str_len != 0)
files[i].name = tr_strndup(str, str_len);
files[i].is_renamed = true;
return ret;
static void bitfieldToBenc(tr_bitfield const* b, tr_variant* benc)
if (tr_bitfieldHasAll(b))
tr_variantInitStr(benc, "all", 3);
else if (tr_bitfieldHasNone(b))
tr_variantInitStr(benc, "none", 4);
size_t byte_count = 0;
uint8_t* raw = tr_bitfieldGetRaw(b, &byte_count);
tr_variantInitRaw(benc, raw, byte_count);
static void saveProgress(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
tr_variant* l;
tr_variant* prog;
tr_info const* inf = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
time_t const now = tr_time();
prog = tr_variantDictAddDict(dict, TR_KEY_progress, 3);
/* add the file/piece check timestamps... */
l = tr_variantDictAddList(prog, TR_KEY_time_checked, inf->fileCount);
for (tr_file_index_t fi = 0; fi < inf->fileCount; ++fi)
time_t oldest_nonzero = now;
time_t newest = 0;
bool has_zero = false;
time_t const mtime = tr_torrentGetFileMTime(tor, fi);
tr_file const* f = &inf->files[fi];
/* get the oldest and newest nonzero timestamps for pieces in this file */
for (tr_piece_index_t i = f->firstPiece; i <= f->lastPiece; ++i)
tr_piece const* const p = &inf->pieces[i];
if (p->timeChecked == 0)
has_zero = true;
else if (oldest_nonzero > p->timeChecked)
oldest_nonzero = p->timeChecked;
if (newest < p->timeChecked)
newest = p->timeChecked;
/* If some of a file's pieces have been checked more recently than
the file's mtime, and some less recently, then that file will
have a list containing timestamps for each piece.
However, the most common use case is that the file doesn't change
after it's downloaded. To reduce overhead in the .resume file,
only a single timestamp is saved for the file if *all* or *none*
of the pieces were tested more recently than the file's mtime. */
if (!has_zero && mtime <= oldest_nonzero) /* all checked */
tr_variantListAddInt(l, oldest_nonzero);
else if (newest < mtime) /* none checked */
tr_variantListAddInt(l, newest);
else /* some are checked, some aren't... so list piece by piece */
int const offset = oldest_nonzero - 1;
tr_variant* ll = tr_variantListAddList(l, 2 + f->lastPiece - f->firstPiece);
tr_variantListAddInt(ll, offset);
for (tr_piece_index_t i = f->firstPiece; i <= f->lastPiece; ++i)
tr_piece const* const p = &inf->pieces[i];
tr_variantListAddInt(ll, p->timeChecked != 0 ? p->timeChecked - offset : 0);
/* add the progress */
if (tor->completeness == TR_SEED)
tr_variantDictAddStr(prog, TR_KEY_have, "all");
/* add the blocks bitfield */
bitfieldToBenc(&tor->completion.blockBitfield, tr_variantDictAdd(prog, TR_KEY_blocks));
static uint64_t loadProgress(tr_variant* dict, tr_torrent* tor)
uint64_t ret = 0;
tr_variant* prog;
tr_info const* inf = tr_torrentInfo(tor);
for (size_t i = 0; i < inf->pieceCount; ++i)
inf->pieces[i].timeChecked = 0;
if (tr_variantDictFindDict(dict, TR_KEY_progress, &prog))
char const* err;
char const* str;
uint8_t const* raw;
size_t rawlen;
tr_variant* l;
tr_variant* b;
struct tr_bitfield blocks = TR_BITFIELD_INIT;
if (tr_variantDictFindList(prog, TR_KEY_time_checked, &l))
/* per-piece timestamps were added in 2.20.
If some of a file's pieces have been checked more recently than
the file's mtime, and some lest recently, then that file will
have a list containing timestamps for each piece.
However, the most common use case is that the file doesn't change
after it's downloaded. To reduce overhead in the .resume file,
only a single timestamp is saved for the file if *all* or *none*
of the pieces were tested more recently than the file's mtime. */
for (tr_file_index_t fi = 0; fi < inf->fileCount; ++fi)
tr_variant* b = tr_variantListChild(l, fi);
tr_file const* f = &inf->files[fi];
if (tr_variantIsInt(b))
int64_t t;
tr_variantGetInt(b, &t);
for (tr_piece_index_t i = f->firstPiece; i <= f->lastPiece; ++i)
inf->pieces[i].timeChecked = (time_t)t;
else if (tr_variantIsList(b))
int64_t offset = 0;
int const pieces = f->lastPiece + 1 - f->firstPiece;
tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(b, 0), &offset);
for (int i = 0; i < pieces; ++i)
int64_t t = 0;
tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(b, i + 1), &t);
inf->pieces[f->firstPiece + i].timeChecked = (time_t)(t != 0 ? t + offset : 0);
else if (tr_variantDictFindList(prog, TR_KEY_mtimes, &l))
/* Before 2.20, we stored the files' mtimes in the .resume file.
When loading the .resume file, a torrent's file would be flagged
as untested if its stored mtime didn't match its real mtime. */
for (tr_file_index_t fi = 0; fi < inf->fileCount; ++fi)
int64_t t;
if (tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(l, fi), &t))
tr_file const* f = &inf->files[fi];
time_t const mtime = tr_torrentGetFileMTime(tor, fi);
time_t const timeChecked = mtime == t ? mtime : 0;
for (tr_piece_index_t i = f->firstPiece; i <= f->lastPiece; ++i)
inf->pieces[i].timeChecked = timeChecked;
err = NULL;
tr_bitfieldConstruct(&blocks, tor->blockCount);
if ((b = tr_variantDictFind(prog, TR_KEY_blocks)) != NULL)
size_t buflen;
uint8_t const* buf;
if (!tr_variantGetRaw(b, &buf, &buflen))
err = "Invalid value for \"blocks\"";
else if (buflen == 3 && memcmp(buf, "all", 3) == 0)
else if (buflen == 4 && memcmp(buf, "none", 4) == 0)
tr_bitfieldSetRaw(&blocks, buf, buflen, true);
else if (tr_variantDictFindStr(prog, TR_KEY_have, &str, NULL))
if (strcmp(str, "all") == 0)
err = "Invalid value for HAVE";
else if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(prog, TR_KEY_bitfield, &raw, &rawlen))
tr_bitfieldSetRaw(&blocks, raw, rawlen, true);
err = "Couldn't find 'pieces' or 'have' or 'bitfield'";
if (err != NULL)
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Torrent needs to be verified - %s", err);
tr_cpBlockInit(&tor->completion, &blocks);
return ret;
void tr_torrentSaveResume(tr_torrent* tor)
int err;
tr_variant top;
char* filename;
if (!tr_isTorrent(tor))
tr_variantInitDict(&top, 50); /* arbitrary "big enough" number */
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_seeding_time_seconds, tor->secondsSeeding);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloading_time_seconds, tor->secondsDownloading);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_activity_date, tor->activityDate);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_added_date, tor->addedDate);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_corrupt, tor->corruptPrev + tor->corruptCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_done_date, tor->doneDate);
tr_variantDictAddStr(&top, TR_KEY_destination, tor->downloadDir);
if (tor->incompleteDir != NULL)
tr_variantDictAddStr(&top, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, tor->incompleteDir);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloaded, tor->downloadedPrev + tor->downloadedCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_uploaded, tor->uploadedPrev + tor->uploadedCur);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_max_peers, tor->maxConnectedPeers);
tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_bandwidth_priority, tr_torrentGetPriority(tor));
tr_variantDictAddBool(&top, TR_KEY_paused, !tor->isRunning && !tor->isQueued);
savePeers(&top, tor);
if (tr_torrentHasMetadata(tor))
saveFilePriorities(&top, tor);
saveDND(&top, tor);
saveProgress(&top, tor);
saveSpeedLimits(&top, tor);
saveRatioLimits(&top, tor);
saveIdleLimits(&top, tor);
saveFilenames(&top, tor);
saveName(&top, tor);
filename = getResumeFilename(tor, TR_METAINFO_BASENAME_HASH);
if ((err = tr_variantToFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, filename)) != 0)
tr_torrentSetLocalError(tor, "Unable to save resume file: %s", tr_strerror(err));
static uint64_t loadFromFile(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fieldsToLoad, bool* didRenameToHashOnlyName)
size_t len;
int64_t i;
char const* str;
char* filename;
tr_variant top;
bool boolVal;
uint64_t fieldsLoaded = 0;
bool const wasDirty = tor->isDirty;
tr_error* error = NULL;
if (didRenameToHashOnlyName != NULL)
*didRenameToHashOnlyName = false;
filename = getResumeFilename(tor, TR_METAINFO_BASENAME_HASH);
if (!tr_variantFromFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, filename, &error))
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Couldn't read \"%s\": %s", filename, error->message);
char* old_filename = getResumeFilename(tor, TR_METAINFO_BASENAME_NAME_AND_PARTIAL_HASH);
if (!tr_variantFromFile(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, old_filename, &error))
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Couldn't read \"%s\" either: %s", old_filename, error->message);
return fieldsLoaded;
if (tr_sys_path_rename(old_filename, filename, NULL))
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Migrated resume file from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", old_filename, filename);
if (didRenameToHashOnlyName != NULL)
*didRenameToHashOnlyName = true;
tr_logAddTorDbg(tor, "Read resume file \"%s\"", filename);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_CORRUPT) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_corrupt, &i))
tor->corruptPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_CORRUPT;
if ((fieldsToLoad & (TR_FR_PROGRESS | TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR)) != 0 &&
tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, TR_KEY_destination, &str, &len) && str != NULL && *str != '\0')
bool const is_current_dir = tor->currentDir == tor->downloadDir;
tor->downloadDir = tr_strndup(str, len);
if (is_current_dir)
tor->currentDir = tor->downloadDir;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR;
if ((fieldsToLoad & (TR_FR_PROGRESS | TR_FR_INCOMPLETE_DIR)) != 0 &&
tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, &str, &len) && str != NULL && *str != '\0')
bool const is_current_dir = tor->currentDir == tor->incompleteDir;
tor->incompleteDir = tr_strndup(str, len);
if (is_current_dir)
tor->currentDir = tor->incompleteDir;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_INCOMPLETE_DIR;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DOWNLOADED) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloaded, &i))
tor->downloadedPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DOWNLOADED;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_UPLOADED) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_uploaded, &i))
tor->uploadedPrev = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_UPLOADED;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_MAX_PEERS) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_max_peers, &i))
tor->maxConnectedPeers = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_MAX_PEERS;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_RUN) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindBool(&top, TR_KEY_paused, &boolVal))
tor->isRunning = !boolVal;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_RUN;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_ADDED_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_added_date, &i))
tor->addedDate = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_ADDED_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DONE_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_done_date, &i))
tor->doneDate = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_DONE_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_ACTIVITY_DATE) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_activity_date, &i))
tr_torrentSetActivityDate(tor, i);
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_ACTIVITY_DATE;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_TIME_SEEDING) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_seeding_time_seconds, &i))
tor->secondsSeeding = i;
fieldsLoaded |= TR_FR_TIME_SEEDING;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_TIME_DOWNLOADING) != 0 && tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_downloading_time_seconds, &i))
tor->secondsDownloading = i;
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_BANDWIDTH_PRIORITY) != 0 &&
tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, TR_KEY_bandwidth_priority, &i) && tr_isPriority(i))
tr_torrentSetPriority(tor, i);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_PEERS) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadPeers(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_FILE_PRIORITIES) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadFilePriorities(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_PROGRESS) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadProgress(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_DND) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadDND(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_SPEEDLIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadSpeedLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_RATIOLIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadRatioLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_IDLELIMIT) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadIdleLimits(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_FILENAMES) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadFilenames(&top, tor);
if ((fieldsToLoad & TR_FR_NAME) != 0)
fieldsLoaded |= loadName(&top, tor);
/* loading the resume file triggers of a lot of changes,
* but none of them needs to trigger a re-saving of the
* same resume information... */
tor->isDirty = wasDirty;
return fieldsLoaded;
static uint64_t setFromCtor(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor, int mode)
uint64_t ret = 0;
if ((fields & TR_FR_RUN) != 0)
bool isPaused;
if (tr_ctorGetPaused(ctor, mode, &isPaused))
tor->isRunning = !isPaused;
ret |= TR_FR_RUN;
if ((fields & TR_FR_MAX_PEERS) != 0)
if (tr_ctorGetPeerLimit(ctor, mode, &tor->maxConnectedPeers))
if ((fields & TR_FR_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != 0)
char const* path;
if (tr_ctorGetDownloadDir(ctor, mode, &path) && path != NULL && *path != '\0')
tor->downloadDir = tr_strdup(path);
return ret;
static uint64_t useManditoryFields(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor)
return setFromCtor(tor, fields, ctor, TR_FORCE);
static uint64_t useFallbackFields(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fields, tr_ctor const* ctor)
return setFromCtor(tor, fields, ctor, TR_FALLBACK);
uint64_t tr_torrentLoadResume(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t fieldsToLoad, tr_ctor const* ctor, bool* didRenameToHashOnlyName)
uint64_t ret = 0;
ret |= useManditoryFields(tor, fieldsToLoad, ctor);
fieldsToLoad &= ~ret;
ret |= loadFromFile(tor, fieldsToLoad, didRenameToHashOnlyName);
fieldsToLoad &= ~ret;
ret |= useFallbackFields(tor, fieldsToLoad, ctor);
return ret;
void tr_torrentRemoveResume(tr_torrent const* tor)
char* filename;
filename = getResumeFilename(tor, TR_METAINFO_BASENAME_HASH);
tr_sys_path_remove(filename, NULL);
filename = getResumeFilename(tor, TR_METAINFO_BASENAME_NAME_AND_PARTIAL_HASH);
tr_sys_path_remove(filename, NULL);