mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 21:54:09 +00:00
982 lines
40 KiB
982 lines
40 KiB
# Uncrustify 0.47
# General options
newlines lf # { Auto, LF, CR, CRLF }
# The type of line endings
input_tab_size 4 # Number
# The original size of tabs in the input
output_tab_size 4 # Number
# The size of tabs in the output (only used if align_with_tabs=true)
string_escape_char 92 # Number
# The ascii value of the string escape char, usually 92 (\) or 94 (^). (Pawn)
string_escape_char2 0
# Alternate string escape char for Pawn. Only works right before the quote char.
# Indenting
indent_columns 4 # Number
# The number of columns to indent per level.
# Usually 2, 3, 4, or 8.
indent_with_tabs 0 # Number
# How to use tabs when indenting code
# 0=spaces only
# 1=indent with tabs, align with spaces
# 2=indent and align with tabs
indent_align_string True # { False, True }
# Whether to indent strings broken by '\' so that they line up
indent_xml_string 0 # Number
# The number of spaces to indent multi-line XML strings.
# Requires indent_align_string=True
indent_brace 0 # Number
# Spaces to indent '{' from level
indent_braces False # { False, True }
# Whether braces are indented to the body level
#indent_braces_no_func { False, True }
# Disabled indenting function braces if indent_braces is true
indent_brace_parent False # { False, True }
# Indent based on the size of the brace parent, ie 'if' => 3 spaces, 'for' => 4 spaces, etc.
#indent_namespace { False, True }
# Whether the 'namespace' body is indented
indent_extern False # { False, True }
# Whether the 'extern "C"' body is indented
#indent_class { False, True }
# Whether the 'class' body is indented
#indent_class_colon { False, True }
# Whether to indent the stuff after a leading class colon
indent_func_call_param False # { False, True }
# True: indent continued function call parameters one indent level
# False: align parameters under the open paren
indent_func_def_param False # { False, True }
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function defs
indent_func_proto_param False # { False, True }
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function protos
#indent_func_class_param False # { False, True }
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class declarations
#indent_func_ctor_var_param { False, True }
# Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class variable constructors
indent_func_param_double False # { False, True }
# Double the indent for indent_func_xxx_param options
indent_member 0 # Number
# The number of spaces to indent a continued '->' or '.'
# Usually set to 0, 1, or indent_columns.
#indent_sing_line_comments 3
# Spaces to indent single line ('//') comments on lines before code
#indent_relative_single_line_comments True # { False, True }
# If set, will indent trailing single line ('//') comments relative
# to the code instead of trying to keep the same absolute column
indent_switch_case 4 # Number
# Spaces to indent 'case' from 'switch'
# Usually 0 or indent_columns.
indent_case_shift 0
# Spaces to shift the 'case' line, without affecting any other lines
# Usually 0.
indent_case_brace 0
# Spaces to indent '{' from 'case'.
# By default, the brace will appear under the 'c' in case.
# Usually set to 0 or indent_columns.
indent_col1_comment False # { False, True }
# Whether to indent comments found in first column
indent_label 1 # Number
# How to indent goto labels
# >0 : absolute column where 1 is the leftmost column
# <=0 : subtract from brace indent
indent_access_spec 1 # Number
# Same as indent_label, but for access specifiers that are followed by a colon
indent_access_spec_body False # { False, True }
# Indent the code after an access specifier by one level.
# If set, this option forces 'indent_access_spec=0'
indent_paren_nl False # { False, True }
# If an open paren is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open paren (not recommended)
indent_paren_close 1 # Number
# Controls the indent of a close paren after a newline.
# 0: Indent to body level
# 1: Align under the open paren
# 2: Indent to the brace level
indent_comma_paren False # { False, True }
# Controls the indent of a comma when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren
indent_bool_paren True # { False, True }
# Controls the indent of a BOOL operator when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren
indent_square_nl False # { False, True }
# If an open square is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open square (not recommended)
#indent_preserve_sql { False, True }
# Don't change the relative indent of ESQL/C 'EXEC SQL' bodies
# Spacing options
sp_arith Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around arithmetic operator '+', '-', '/', '*', etc
sp_assign Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around assignment operator '=', '+=', etc
sp_enum_assign Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around assignment '=' in enum
sp_bool Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around boolean operators '&&' and '||'
sp_compare Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around compare operator '<', '>', '==', etc
sp_inside_paren Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside '(' and ')'
sp_paren_paren Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between nested parens
sp_balance_nested_parens True # { False, True }
# Whether to balance spaces inside nested parens
sp_paren_brace Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between ')' and '{'
#sp_before_ptr_star Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before pointer star '*'
#sp_before_unnamed_ptr_star Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before pointer star '*' that isn't followed by a variable name
# If set to 'ignore', sp_before_ptr_star is used instead.
#sp_between_ptr_star Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between pointer stars '*'
#sp_after_ptr_star Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after pointer star '*', if followed by a word.
sp_before_byref Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before reference sign '&'
sp_before_unnamed_byref Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before reference sign '&' that isn't followed by a variable name
# If set to 'ignore', sp_before_byref is used instead.
sp_after_byref Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after reference sign '&', if followed by a word.
sp_after_type Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between type and word
#sp_before_angle Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before '<>'
#sp_after_angle Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after '<>'
#sp_angle_paren { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '<>' and '(' as found in 'new List<byte>();'
#sp_angle_word { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '<>' and a word as in 'List<byte> m;'
sp_before_sparen Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before '(' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'
sp_inside_sparen Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside if-condition '(' and ')'
sp_after_sparen Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after ')' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'
sp_sparen_brace Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between ')' and '{' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'
sp_special_semi Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before empty statement ';' on 'if', 'for' and 'while'
sp_before_semi Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before ';'
sp_before_semi_for Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before ';' in non-empty 'for' statements
sp_before_semi_for_empty Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before a semicolon of an empty part of a for statment.
sp_after_semi_for_empty Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the final semicolon of an empty part of a for statment: for ( ; ; <here> ).
sp_before_square Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before '[' (except '[]')
sp_before_squares Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before '[]'
sp_inside_square Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside '[' and ']'
sp_after_comma Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after ','
sp_before_comma Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before ','
#sp_after_class_colon { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after class ':'
#sp_before_class_colon { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before class ':'
#sp_after_operator { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'operator' and operator sign
sp_after_cast Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after cast
sp_inside_paren_cast Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove spaces inside cast parens
sp_sizeof_paren Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'sizeof' and '('
#sp_after_tag { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the tag keyword (Pawn)
#sp_inside_braces_enum Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside enum '{' and '}'
#sp_inside_braces_struct { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside struct/union '{' and '}'
#sp_inside_braces { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside '{' and '}'
#sp_inside_braces_empty { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside '{}'
#sp_inside_angle { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside '<' and '>'
#sp_type_func { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between return type and function name
# A minimum of 1 is forced except for pointer return types.
sp_func_proto_paren Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function declaration
sp_func_def_paren Remove { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function definition
sp_inside_fparens Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside empty function '()'
sp_inside_fparen Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space inside function '(' and ')'
#sp_square_fparen { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between ']' and '(' when part of a function call.
#sp_fparen_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between ')' and '{' of function
#sp_func_call_paren { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function calls
#sp_func_class_paren { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between a constructor/destructor and the open paren
sp_return_paren Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'return' and '('
sp_attribute_paren Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '__attribute__' and '('
#sp_macro { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between macro and value
#sp_macro_func { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between macro function ')' and value
sp_else_brace Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'else' and '{' if on the same line
sp_brace_else Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '}' and 'else' if on the same line
#sp_catch_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'catch' and '{' if on the same line
#sp_brace_catch { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '}' and 'catch' if on the same line
#sp_finally_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'finally' and '{' if on the same line
#sp_brace_finally { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between '}' and 'finally' if on the same line
#sp_try_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between 'try' and '{' if on the same line
#sp_getset_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space between get/set and '{' if on the same line
#sp_before_dc { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before the '::' operator
#sp_after_dc { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the '::' operator
#sp_d_array_colon { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove around the D named array initializer ':' operator
sp_not Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the '!' (not) operator.
sp_inv Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the '~' (invert) operator.
sp_addr Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the '&' (address-of) operator.
# This does not affect the spacing after a '&' that is part of a type.
sp_member Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space around the '.' or '->' operators
sp_deref Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the '*' (dereference) operator.
# This does not affect the spacing after a '*' that is part of a type.
sp_sign Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after '+' or '-', as in 'x = -5' or 'y = +7'
sp_incdec Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space before or after '++' and '--', as in '(--x)' or 'y++;'
#sp_after_oc_scope { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the scope '+' or '-', as in '-(void) foo;' or '+(int) bar;'
#sp_before_oc_colon { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the colon in message specs
# '-(int) f: (int) x;' vs '+(int) f : (int) x;'
#sp_after_oc_type { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove space after the (type) in message specs
# '-(int) f: (int) x;' vs '+(int)f : (int)x;'
# Code alignment (not left column spaces/tabs)
align_keep_tabs False # { False, True }
# Whether to keep non-indenting tabs
align_with_tabs False # { False, True }
# Whether to use tabs for alinging
align_on_tabstop False # { False, True }
# Whether to bump out to the next tab when aligning
align_number_left True # { False, True }
# Whether to left-align numbers
align_func_params True # { False, True }
# Align variable definitions in prototypes and functions
align_var_def_span 10 # Number
# The span for aligning variable definitions (0=don't align)
align_var_def_star_style 0 # Number
# How to align the star in variable definitions.
# 0=Part of the type
# 1=Part of the variable
# 2=Dangling
align_var_def_amp_style 0 # Number
# How to align the '&' in variable definitions.
# 0=Part of the type
# 1=Part of the variable
# 2=Dangling
#align_var_def_thresh 0 # Number
# The threshold for aligning variable definitions (0=no limit)
#align_var_def_gap 4 # Number
# The gap for aligning variable definitions
align_var_def_colon True # { False, True }
# Whether to align the colon in struct bit fields
#align_var_def_inline True # { False, True }
# Whether to align inline struct/enum/union variable definitions
align_assign_span 0 # Number
# The span for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=don't align)
align_assign_thresh 0 # Number
# The threshold for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=no limit)
align_enum_equ_span 0 # Number
# The span for aligning on '=' in enums (0=don't align)
align_enum_equ_thresh 0 # Number
# The threshold for aligning on '=' in enums (0=no limit)
align_var_struct_span 2 # Number
# The span for aligning struct/union (0=don't align)
align_var_struct_thresh 50 # Number
# The threshold for aligning struct/union member definitions (0=no limit)
align_var_struct_gap 4 # Number
# The gap for aligning struct/union member definitions
align_struct_init_span 4
# The span for aligning struct initializer values (0=don't align)
#align_typedef_gap Number
# The minimum space between the type and the synonym of a typedef
#align_typedef_span Number
# The span for aligning single-line typedefs (0=don't align)
align_typedef_func 0 # Number
# How to align typedef'd functions with other typedefs
# 0: Don't mix them at all
# 1: align the open paren with the types
# 2: align the function type name with the other type names
align_typedef_star_style 2 # Number
# Controls the positioning of the '*' in typedefs. Just try it.
# 0: Align on typdef type, ignore '*'
# 1: The '*' is part of type name: typedef int *pint;
# 2: The '*' is part of the type, but dangling: typedef int *pint;
align_typedef_amp_style 2 # Number
# Controls the positioning of the '&' in typedefs. Just try it.
# 0: Align on typdef type, ignore '&'
# 1: The '&' is part of type name: typedef int &pint;
# 2: The '&' is part of the type, but dangling: typedef int &pint;
align_right_cmt_span 0 # Number
# The span for aligning comments that end lines (0=don't align)
#align_right_cmt_mix { False, True }
# If aligning comments, mix with comments after '}' and #endif with less than 3 spaces before the comment
align_func_proto_span 20 # Number
# The span for aligning function prototypes (0=don't align)
align_func_proto_gap 2 # Number
# Minimum gap between the return type and the function name.
align_mix_var_proto True # { False, True }
# Whether to mix aligning prototype and variable declarations.
# If true, align_var_def_XXX options are used instead of align_func_proto_XXX options.
#align_single_line_func { False, True }
# Align single-line functions with function prototypes, uses align_func_proto_span
#align_single_line_brace { False, True }
# Aligning the open brace of single-line functions.
# Requires align_single_line_func=true, uses align_func_proto_span
#align_single_line_brace_gap Number
# Gap for align_single_line_brace.
#align_oc_msg_spec_span Number
# The span for aligning ObjC msg spec (0=don't align)
#align_nl_cont { False, True }
# Whether to align macros wrapped with a backslash and a newline.
# This will not work right if the macro contains a multi-line comment.
#align_pp_define_gap Number
# The minimum space between label and value of a preprocessor define
#align_pp_define_span Number
# The span for aligning on '#define' bodies (0=don't align)
# Newline adding and removing options
nl_collapse_empty_body True # { False, True }
# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}'
nl_assign_leave_one_liners True # { False, True }
# Don't split one-line braced assignments - 'foo_t f = { 1, 2 };'
#nl_class_leave_one_liners { False, True }
# Don't split one-line braced statements inside a class xx { } body
nl_enum_leave_one_liners True # { False, True }
# Don't split one-line enums: 'enum foo { BAR = 15 };'
nl_getset_leave_one_liners True # { False, True }
# Don't split one-line get or set functions
nl_func_leave_one_liners True # { False, True }
# Don't split one-line function definitions - 'int foo() { return 0; }'
nl_if_leave_one_liners True # { False, True }
# Don't split one-line if/else statements - 'if(a) b++;'
nl_start_of_file Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newlines at the start of the file
#nl_start_of_file_min Number
# The number of newlines at the start of the file (only used if nl_start_of_file is 'add' or 'force'
nl_end_of_file Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline at the end of the file
nl_end_of_file_min 1 # Number
# The number of newlines at the end of the file (only used if nl_end_of_file is 'add' or 'force')
nl_assign_brace Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '=' and '{'
#nl_assign_square { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '=' and '[' (D only)
#nl_after_square_assign { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after '= [' (D only). Will also affect the newline before the ']'
nl_func_var_def_blk 1 # Number
# The number of newlines after a block of variable definitions
#nl_fcall_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between a function call's ')' and '{', as in:
# list_for_each(item, &list) { }
nl_enum_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'enum' and '{'
nl_struct_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'struct and '{'
nl_union_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'union' and '{'
nl_if_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'if' and '{'
nl_brace_else Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '}' and 'else'
nl_elseif_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'else if' and '{'
# If set to ignore, nl_if_brace is used instead
nl_else_brace Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'else' and '{'
#nl_brace_finally { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '}' and 'finally'
#nl_finally_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'finally' and '{'
#nl_try_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'try' and '{'
#nl_getset_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between get/set and '{'
nl_for_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'for' and '{'
#nl_catch_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'catch' and '{'
#nl_brace_catch { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '}' and 'catch'
nl_while_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'while' and '{'
nl_do_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'do' and '{'
nl_brace_while Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between '}' and 'while' of 'do' statement
nl_switch_brace Force { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'switch' and '{'
#nl_multi_line_cond { False, True }
# Add or remove newline when condition spans two or more lines
nl_multi_line_define True # { False, True }
# Force a newline in a define after the macro name for multi-line defines.
nl_before_case True # { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline before 'case' statement
#nl_before_throw { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between ')' and 'throw'
nl_after_case True # { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline after 'case' statement
#nl_namespace_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Newline between namespace and {
#nl_template_class { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'template<>' and 'class'
#nl_class_brace { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between 'class' and '{'
#nl_class_init_args { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after each ',' in the constructor member initialization
nl_func_type_name Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between return type and function name in definition
nl_func_proto_type_name Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between return type and function name in a prototype
nl_func_paren Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between a function name and the opening '('
nl_func_decl_start Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after '(' in a function declaration
nl_func_decl_args Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after each ',' in a function declaration
nl_func_decl_end Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before the ')' in a function declaration
nl_fdef_brace Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline between function signature and '{'
nl_after_return False # { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline after 'return' statement
#nl_after_semicolon { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline after semicolons, except in 'for' statements
#nl_after_brace_open { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline after brace open.
# This also adds a newline before the matching brace close.
#nl_after_brace_open_cmt { False, True }
# If nl_after_brace_open and nl_after_brace_open_cmt are true, a newline is
# placed between the open brace and a trailing single-line comment.
#nl_after_vbrace_open { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline after a virtual brace open.
# These occur in un-braced if/while/do/for statement bodies.
nl_define_macro False # { False, True }
# Whether to alter newlines in '#define' macros
#nl_squeeze_ifdef { False, True }
# Whether to not put blanks after '#ifxx', '#elxx', or before '#endif'
nl_before_if Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before 'if'
nl_after_if Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after 'if'
nl_before_for Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before 'for'
nl_after_for Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after 'for'
nl_before_while Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before 'while'
nl_after_while Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after 'while'
#nl_before_switch Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before 'switch'
#nl_after_switch Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after 'switch'
nl_before_do Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline before 'do'
nl_after_do Force # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove newline after 'do'
nl_ds_struct_enum_cmt False # { False, True }
# Whether to double-space commented-entries in struct/enum
nl_ds_struct_enum_close_brace False # { False, True }
# Whether to double-space before the close brace of a struct/union/enum
#nl_class_colon Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove a newline around a class colon.
# Related to pos_class_colon, nl_class_init_args, and pos_comma.
nl_create_if_one_liner False # { False, True }
# Change simple unbraced if statements into a one-liner
# 'if(b)\n i++;' => 'if(b) i++;'
nl_create_for_one_liner False # { False, True }
# Change simple unbraced for statements into a one-liner
# 'for (i=0;i<5;i++)\n foo(i);' => 'for (i=0;i<5;i++) foo(i);'
nl_create_while_one_liner False # { False, True }
# Change simple unbraced while statements into a one-liner
# 'while (i<5)\n foo(i++);' => 'while (i<5) foo(i++);'
# Positioning options
pos_bool Lead # { Ignore, Lead, Trail }
# The position of boolean operators in wrapped expressions
#pos_comma { Ignore, Lead, Trail }
# The position of the comma in wrapped expressions
#pos_class_comma { Ignore, Lead, Trail }
# The position of the comma in the constructor initialization list
#pos_class_colon { Ignore, Lead, Trail }
# The position of colons between constructor and member initialization
# Line Splitting options
code_width 76 # Number
# Try to limit code width to N number of columns
ls_for_split_full False # { False, True }
# Whether to fully split long 'for' statements at semi-colons
ls_func_split_full False # { False, True }
# Whether to fully split long function protos/calls at commas
# Blank line options
nl_max 3 # Number
# The maximum consecutive newlines
nl_after_func_proto 2 # Number
# The number of newlines after a function prototype, if followed by another function prototype
nl_after_func_proto_group 2 # Number
# The number of newlines after a function prototype, if not followed by another function prototype
nl_after_func_body 2 # Number
# The number of newlines after '}' of a multi-line function body
nl_after_func_body_one_liner 1 # Number
# The number of newlines after '}' of a single line function body
nl_before_block_comment 0 # Number
# The minimum number of newlines before a multi-line comment.
# Doesn't apply if after a brace open or another multi-line comment.
nl_before_c_comment 0 # Number
# The minimum number of newlines before a single-line C comment.
# Doesn't apply if after a brace open or other single-line C comments.
nl_before_cpp_comment 0 # Number
# The minimum number of newlines before a CPP comment.
# Doesn't apply if after a brace open or other CPP comments.
nl_after_multiline_comment True # { False, True }
# Whether to force a newline after a multi-line comment.
#nl_before_access_spec 1 # Number
# The number of newlines before a 'private:', 'public:', 'protected:', 'signals:', or 'slots:' label.
# Will not change the newline count if after a brace open.
# 0 = No change.
#nl_after_access_spec 1 # Number
# The number of newlines after a 'private:', 'public:', 'protected:', 'signals:', or 'slots:' label.
# 0 = No change.
eat_blanks_after_open_brace True # { False, True }
# Whether to remove blank lines after '{'
eat_blanks_before_close_brace True # { False, True }
# Whether to remove blank lines before '}'
# Code modifying options (non-whitespace)
mod_full_brace_do Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove braces on single-line 'do' statement
mod_full_brace_for Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove braces on single-line 'for' statement
# mod_full_brace_function { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove braces on single-line function defintions. (Pawn)
mod_full_brace_if Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove braces on single-line 'if' statement
#mod_full_brace_nl 2
# Don't remove braces around statements that span N newlines
mod_full_brace_while Ignore # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove braces on single-line 'while' statement
mod_paren_on_return Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Add or remove unnecessary paren on 'return' statement
#mod_pawn_semicolon { False, True }
# Whether to change optional semicolons to real semicolons
mod_full_paren_if_bool False # { False, True }
# Add parens on 'while' and 'if' statement around bools
mod_remove_extra_semicolon True # { False, True }
# Whether to remove superfluous semicolons
#mod_add_long_function_closebrace_comment Number
# If a function body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after
# the close brace, a comment will be added.
#mod_add_long_switch_closebrace_comment Number
# If a switch body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after
# the close brace, a comment will be added.
#mod_sort_import { False, True }
# If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line 'import' statements [Java, D]
#mod_sort_using { False, True }
# If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line 'using' statements [C#]
mod_sort_include False # { False, True }
# If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line '#include' statements [C/C++] and '#import' statements [Obj-C]
# This is generally a bad idea, as it may break your code.
#mod_move_case_break { False, True }
# If TRUE, it will move a 'break' that appears after a fully braced 'case' before the close brace.
# Comment modifications
cmt_width 80 # Number
# Try to wrap comments at cmt_width columns
#cmt_indent_multi False # { False, True }
# Whether to mess with the indent of multi-line comments
#cmt_c_group True # { False, True }
# Whether to group c-comments that look like they are in a block
#cmt_c_nl_start False # { False, True }
# Whether to put an empty '/*' on the first line of the combined c-comment
#cmt_c_nl_end False # { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline before the closing '*/' of the combined c-comment
#cmt_cpp_group True # { False, True }
# Whether to group cpp-comments that look like they are in a block
#cmt_cpp_nl_start False # { False, True }
# Whether to put an empty '/*' on the first line of the combined cpp-comment
#cmt_cpp_nl_end False # { False, True }
# Whether to put a newline before the closing '*/' of the combined cpp-comment
cmt_cpp_to_c True # { False, True }
# Whether to change cpp-comments into c-comments
#cmt_star_cont False # { False, True }
# Whether to put a star on subsequent comment lines
#cmt_sp_before_star_cont 0 # Number
# The number of spaces to insert at the start of subsequent comment lines
#cmt_sp_after_star_cont 1 # Number
# The number of spaces to insert after the star on subsequent comment lines
#cmt_insert_file_header String
# The filename that contains text to insert at the head of a file if the file doesn't start with a C/C++ comment.
# Will substitue $(filename) with the current file's name.
#cmt_insert_func_header String
# The filename that contains text to insert before a function implementation if the function isn't preceeded with a C/C++ comment.
# Will substitue $(function) with the function name and $(javaparam) with the javadoc @param and @return stuff.
# Will also substitute $(fclass) with the class name: void CFoo::Bar() { ... }
#cmt_insert_class_header String
# The filename that contains text to insert before a class if the class isn't preceeded with a C/C++ comment.
# Will substitue $(class) with the class name.
# Preprocessor options
pp_indent Add # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
# Control indent of preprocessors inside #if blocks at brace level 0
pp_indent_at_level False # { False, True }
# Whether to indent #if/#else/#endif at the brace level (true) or from column 1 (false)
pp_space Remove # { Ignore, Add, Remove, Force }
## Add or remove space after # based on pp_level of #if blocks
#pp_space_count 4
## Sets the number of spaces added with pp_space
pp_indent_region 4
# The indent for #region and #endregion in C# and '#pragma region' in C/C++
#pp_region_indent_code True # { False, True }
# Whether to indent the code between #region and #endregion
#pp_indent_if 4 # Number
# If pp_indent_at_level=true, sets the indent for #if, #else, and #endif when not at file-level
#pp_if_indent_code True # { False, True }
# Control whether to indent the code between #if, #else and #endif when not at file-level
#pp_define_at_level False # { False, True }
# Whether to indent '#define' at the brace level (true) or from column 1 (false)