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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-19 10:15:36 +00:00
Mike Gelfand 58312e6c16 Torrent properties dialog improvements
Simplify DND checkboxes drawing, this also fixes incorrect drawing on
Mac when file tree widget is inactive.
Do better job calculating column widths for file tree to avoid ellipsis.
Fix file tree sorting order for size and priority columns.
Change key to toggle priorities to Shift+Space instead of Enter/Return
to avoid conflicts with name editing and default button handling.
Fix selected tracker item background drawing in certain cases.
2015-06-15 21:07:46 +00:00

1326 lines
38 KiB

* This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
* $Id$
#include <cassert>
#include <climits> /* INT_MAX */
#include <ctime>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QFont>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h> // tr_getRatio ()
#include "ColumnResizer.h"
#include "DetailsDialog.h"
#include "Formatter.h"
#include "Prefs.h"
#include "Session.h"
#include "SqueezeLabel.h"
#include "Torrent.h"
#include "TorrentModel.h"
#include "TrackerDelegate.h"
#include "TrackerModel.h"
#include "TrackerModelFilter.h"
#include "Utils.h"
class Prefs;
class Session;
const int REFRESH_INTERVAL_MSEC = 4000;
const char * PREF_KEY ("pref-key");
enum // peer columns
measureViewItem (QTreeWidget * view, int column, const QString& text)
const QTreeWidgetItem * headerItem = view->headerItem ();
const int itemWidth = Utils::measureViewItem (view, text);
const int headerWidth = Utils::measureHeaderItem (view->header (), headerItem->text (column));
return std::max (itemWidth, headerWidth);
class PeerItem: public QTreeWidgetItem
Peer peer;
mutable QString collatedAddress;
QString status;
PeerItem (const Peer& p): peer(p) {}
virtual ~PeerItem () {}
void refresh (const Peer& p)
if (p.address != peer.address)
collatedAddress.clear ();
peer = p;
void setStatus (const QString& s) { status = s; }
virtual bool operator< (const QTreeWidgetItem & other) const
const PeerItem * i = dynamic_cast<const PeerItem*> (&other);
QTreeWidget * tw (treeWidget ());
const int column = tw ? tw->sortColumn () : 0;
assert (i != nullptr);
switch (column)
case COL_UP: return peer.rateToPeer < i->peer.rateToPeer;
case COL_DOWN: return peer.rateToClient < i->peer.rateToClient;
case COL_PERCENT: return peer.progress < i->peer.progress;
case COL_STATUS: return status < i->status;
case COL_CLIENT: return peer.clientName < i->peer.clientName;
case COL_LOCK: return peer.isEncrypted && !i->peer.isEncrypted;
default: return address () < i->address ();
const QString& address () const
if (collatedAddress.isEmpty ())
QHostAddress ipAddress;
if (ipAddress.setAddress (peer.address))
if (ipAddress.protocol () == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol)
const quint32 ipv4Address = ipAddress.toIPv4Address ();
collatedAddress = QLatin1String ("1-") +
QString::fromLatin1 (QByteArray::number (ipv4Address, 16).rightJustified (8, '0'));
else if (ipAddress.protocol () == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol)
const Q_IPV6ADDR ipv6Address = ipAddress.toIPv6Address ();
QByteArray tmp (16, '\0');
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
tmp[i] = ipv6Address[i];
collatedAddress = QLatin1String ("2-") + QString::fromLatin1 (tmp.toHex ());
if (collatedAddress.isEmpty ())
collatedAddress = QLatin1String ("3-") + peer.address.toLower ();
return collatedAddress;
DetailsDialog::getStockIcon (const QString& freedesktop_name, int fallback)
QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme (freedesktop_name);
if (icon.isNull ())
icon = style ()->standardIcon (QStyle::StandardPixmap (fallback), 0, this);
return icon;
DetailsDialog::DetailsDialog (Session & session,
Prefs & prefs,
const TorrentModel& model,
QWidget * parent):
QDialog (parent, Qt::Dialog),
mySession (session),
myPrefs (prefs),
myModel (model),
myChangedTorrents (false),
myHavePendingRefresh (false)
initInfoTab ();
initPeersTab ();
initTrackerTab ();
initFilesTab ();
initOptionsTab ();
adjustSize ();
ui.commentBrowser->setMaximumHeight (QWIDGETSIZE_MAX);
setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
QList<int> initKeys;
for (const int key: initKeys)
refreshPref (key);
connect (&myTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (onTimer ()));
connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (refreshPref (int)));
onTimer ();
myTimer.setSingleShot (false);
DetailsDialog::~DetailsDialog ()
myTrackerDelegate->deleteLater ();
myTrackerFilter->deleteLater ();
myTrackerModel->deleteLater ();
DetailsDialog::setIds (const QSet<int>& ids)
if (ids == myIds)
myChangedTorrents = true;
// stop listening to the old torrents
for (const int id: myIds)
const Torrent * tor = myModel.getTorrentFromId (id);
if (tor)
disconnect (tor, SIGNAL (torrentChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onTorrentChanged ()));
ui.filesView->clear ();
myIds = ids;
myTrackerModel->refresh (myModel, myIds);
// listen to the new torrents
for (const int id: myIds)
const Torrent * tor = myModel.getTorrentFromId (id);
if (tor)
connect (tor, SIGNAL (torrentChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onTorrentChanged ()));
for (int i = 0; i < ui.tabs->count (); ++i)
ui.tabs->widget (i)->setEnabled (false);
onTimer ();
DetailsDialog::refreshPref (int key)
QString str;
switch (key)
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel (ui.trackersView->selectionModel ());
const QItemSelection selection (selectionModel->selection ());
const QModelIndex currentIndex (selectionModel->currentIndex ());
myTrackerDelegate->setShowMore (myPrefs.getBool (key));
selectionModel->clear ();
ui.trackersView->reset ();
selectionModel->select (selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select);
selectionModel->setCurrentIndex (currentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate);
myTrackerFilter->setShowBackupTrackers (myPrefs.getBool (key));
DetailsDialog::onTimer ()
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::getNewData ()
if (!myIds.empty ())
QSet<int> infos;
for (const int id: myIds)
const Torrent * tor = myModel.getTorrentFromId (id);
if (tor->isMagnet ())
infos.insert (tor->id ());
if (!infos.isEmpty ())
mySession.initTorrents (infos);
mySession.refreshExtraStats (myIds);
DetailsDialog::onTorrentChanged ()
if (!myHavePendingRefresh)
myHavePendingRefresh = true;
QTimer::singleShot (100, this, SLOT (refresh ()));
void setIfIdle (QComboBox * box, int i)
if (!box->hasFocus ())
box->blockSignals (true);
box->setCurrentIndex (i);
box->blockSignals (false);
void setIfIdle (QDoubleSpinBox * spin, double value)
if (!spin->hasFocus ())
spin->blockSignals (true);
spin->setValue (value);
spin->blockSignals (false);
void setIfIdle (QSpinBox * spin, int value)
if (!spin->hasFocus ())
spin->blockSignals (true);
spin->setValue (value);
spin->blockSignals (false);
DetailsDialog::refresh ()
const int n = myIds.size ();
const bool single = n == 1;
const QString blank;
const QFontMetrics fm (fontMetrics ());
QList<const Torrent*> torrents;
QString string;
const QString none = tr ("None");
const QString mixed = tr ("Mixed");
const QString unknown = tr ("Unknown");
// build a list of torrents
for (const int id: myIds)
const Torrent * tor = myModel.getTorrentFromId (id);
if (tor)
torrents << tor;
/// activity tab
// myStateLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
bool isMixed = false;
bool allPaused = true;
bool allFinished = true;
const tr_torrent_activity baseline = torrents[0]->getActivity ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
const tr_torrent_activity activity = t->getActivity ();
if (activity != baseline)
isMixed = true;
if (activity != TR_STATUS_STOPPED)
allPaused = allFinished = false;
if (!t->isFinished ())
allFinished = false;
if (isMixed)
string = mixed;
else if (allFinished)
string = tr ("Finished");
else if (allPaused)
string = tr ("Paused");
string = torrents[0]->activityString ();
ui.stateValueLabel->setText (string);
const QString stateString = string;
// myHaveLabel
double sizeWhenDone = 0;
double available = 0;
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
double leftUntilDone = 0;
int64_t haveTotal = 0;
int64_t haveVerified = 0;
int64_t haveUnverified = 0;
int64_t verifiedPieces = 0;
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (t->hasMetadata ())
haveTotal += t->haveTotal ();
haveUnverified += t->haveUnverified ();
const uint64_t v = t->haveVerified ();
haveVerified += v;
if (t->pieceSize ())
verifiedPieces += v / t->pieceSize ();
sizeWhenDone += t->sizeWhenDone ();
leftUntilDone += t->leftUntilDone ();
available += t->sizeWhenDone () - t->leftUntilDone () + t->desiredAvailable ();
const double d = 100.0 * (sizeWhenDone ? (sizeWhenDone - leftUntilDone) / sizeWhenDone : 1);
QString pct = Formatter::percentToString (d);
if (!haveUnverified && !leftUntilDone)
//: Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog;
//: %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data
string = tr ("%1 (100%)")
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (haveVerified));
else if (!haveUnverified)
//: Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog;
//: %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data,
//: %2 is overall size of torrent data,
//: %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100)
string = tr ("%1 of %2 (%3%)")
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (haveVerified))
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (sizeWhenDone))
.arg (pct);
//: Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog;
//: %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified),
//: %2 is overall size of torrent data,
//: %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100),
//: %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data
string = tr ("%1 of %2 (%3%), %4 Unverified")
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (haveVerified + haveUnverified))
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (sizeWhenDone))
.arg (pct)
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (haveUnverified));
ui.haveValueLabel->setText (string);
// myAvailabilityLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
else if (sizeWhenDone == 0)
string = none;
string = QString::fromLatin1 ("%1%").arg (Formatter::percentToString ( (100.0 * available) / sizeWhenDone));
ui.availabilityValueLabel->setText (string);
// myDownloadedLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
uint64_t d = 0;
uint64_t f = 0;
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
d += t->downloadedEver ();
f += t->failedEver ();
const QString dstr = Formatter::sizeToString (d);
const QString fstr = Formatter::sizeToString (f);
if (f)
string = tr ("%1 (%2 corrupt)").arg (dstr).arg (fstr);
string = dstr;
ui.downloadedValueLabel->setText (string);
// myUploadedLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
uint64_t u = 0;
uint64_t d = 0;
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
u += t->uploadedEver ();
d += t->downloadedEver ();
string = tr ("%1 (Ratio: %2)")
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (u))
.arg (Formatter::ratioToString (tr_getRatio (u, d)));
ui.uploadedValueLabel->setText (string);
const QDateTime qdt_now = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
// myRunTimeLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
bool allPaused = true;
QDateTime baseline = torrents[0]->lastStarted ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (baseline != t->lastStarted ())
baseline = QDateTime ();
if (!t->isPaused ())
allPaused = false;
if (allPaused)
string = stateString; // paused || finished
else if (baseline.isNull ())
string = mixed;
string = Formatter::timeToString (baseline.secsTo (qdt_now));
ui.runningTimeValueLabel->setText (string);
// myETALabel
string.clear ();
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
int baseline = torrents[0]->getETA ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (baseline != t->getETA ())
string = mixed;
if (string.isEmpty ())
if (baseline < 0)
string = tr ("Unknown");
string = Formatter::timeToString (baseline);
ui.remainingTimeValueLabel->setText (string);
// myLastActivityLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
QDateTime latest = torrents[0]->lastActivity ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
const QDateTime dt = t->lastActivity ();
if (latest < dt)
latest = dt;
const int seconds = latest.isValid () ? latest.secsTo (qdt_now) : -1;
if (seconds < 0)
string = none;
else if (seconds < 5)
string = tr ("Active now");
string = tr ("%1 ago").arg (Formatter::timeToString (seconds));
ui.lastActivityValueLabel->setText (string);
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
string = torrents[0]->getError ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (string != t->getError ())
string = mixed;
if (string.isEmpty ())
string = none;
ui.errorValueLabel->setText (string);
/// information tab
// mySizeLabel
if (torrents.empty ())
string = none;
int pieces = 0;
uint64_t size = 0;
uint32_t pieceSize = torrents[0]->pieceSize ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
pieces += t->pieceCount ();
size += t->totalSize ();
if (pieceSize != t->pieceSize ())
pieceSize = 0;
if (!size)
string = none;
else if (pieceSize > 0)
string = tr ("%1 (%Ln pieces @ %2)", "", pieces)
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (size))
.arg (Formatter::memToString (pieceSize));
string = tr ("%1 (%Ln pieces)", "", pieces)
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (size));
ui.sizeValueLabel->setText (string);
// myHashLabel
string = none;
if (!torrents.empty ())
string = torrents[0]->hashString ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (string != t->hashString ())
string = mixed;
ui.hashValueLabel->setText (string);
// myPrivacyLabel
string = none;
if (!torrents.empty ())
bool b = torrents[0]->isPrivate ();
string = b ? tr ("Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled")
: tr ("Public torrent");
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (b != t->isPrivate ())
string = mixed;
ui.privacyValueLabel->setText (string);
// myCommentBrowser
string = none;
bool isCommentMixed = false;
if (!torrents.empty ())
string = torrents[0]->comment ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (string != t->comment ())
string = mixed;
isCommentMixed = true;
if (ui.commentBrowser->toPlainText() != string)
ui.commentBrowser->setText (string);
ui.commentBrowser->setEnabled (!isCommentMixed && !string.isEmpty ());
// myOriginLabel
string = none;
if (!torrents.empty ())
bool mixed_creator=false, mixed_date=false;
const QString creator = torrents[0]->creator ();
const QString date = torrents[0]->dateCreated ().toString ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
mixed_creator |= (creator != t->creator ());
mixed_date |= (date != t->dateCreated ().toString ());
const bool empty_creator = creator.isEmpty ();
const bool empty_date = date.isEmpty ();
if (mixed_creator || mixed_date)
string = mixed;
else if (empty_creator && empty_date)
string = tr ("N/A");
else if (empty_date && !empty_creator)
string = tr ("Created by %1").arg (creator);
else if (empty_creator && !empty_date)
string = tr ("Created on %1").arg (date);
string = tr ("Created by %1 on %2").arg (creator).arg (date);
ui.originValueLabel->setText (string);
// myLocationLabel
string = none;
if (!torrents.empty ())
string = torrents[0]->getPath ();
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
if (string != t->getPath ())
string = mixed;
ui.locationValueLabel->setText (string);
/// Options Tab
if (myChangedTorrents && !torrents.empty ())
int i;
bool uniform;
bool baselineFlag;
int baselineInt;
const Torrent& baseline = *torrents.front ();
// mySessionLimitCheck
uniform = true;
baselineFlag = baseline.honorsSessionLimits ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineFlag != tor->honorsSessionLimits ()) { uniform = false; break; }
ui.sessionLimitCheck->setChecked (uniform && baselineFlag);
// mySingleDownCheck
uniform = true;
baselineFlag = baseline.downloadIsLimited ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineFlag != tor->downloadIsLimited ()) { uniform = false; break; }
ui.singleDownCheck->setChecked (uniform && baselineFlag);
// mySingleUpCheck
uniform = true;
baselineFlag = baseline.uploadIsLimited ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineFlag != tor->uploadIsLimited ()) { uniform = false; break; }
ui.singleUpCheck->setChecked (uniform && baselineFlag);
// myBandwidthPriorityCombo
uniform = true;
baselineInt = baseline.getBandwidthPriority ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineInt != tor->getBandwidthPriority ()) { uniform = false; break; }
if (uniform)
i = ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo->findData (baselineInt);
i = -1;
setIfIdle (ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo, i);
setIfIdle (ui.singleDownSpin, int (baseline.downloadLimit ().KBps ()));
setIfIdle (ui.singleUpSpin, int (baseline.uploadLimit ().KBps ()));
setIfIdle (ui.peerLimitSpin, baseline.peerLimit ());
if (!torrents.empty ())
const Torrent& baseline = *torrents.front ();
// ratio
bool uniform = true;
int baselineInt = baseline.seedRatioMode ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineInt != tor->seedRatioMode ()) { uniform = false; break; }
setIfIdle (ui.ratioCombo, uniform ? ui.ratioCombo->findData (baselineInt) : -1);
ui.ratioSpin->setVisible (uniform && (baselineInt == TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE));
setIfIdle (ui.ratioSpin, baseline.seedRatioLimit ());
// idle
uniform = true;
baselineInt = baseline.seedIdleMode ();
for (const Torrent * const tor: torrents) if (baselineInt != tor->seedIdleMode ()) { uniform = false; break; }
setIfIdle (ui.idleCombo, uniform ? ui.idleCombo->findData (baselineInt) : -1);
ui.idleSpin->setVisible (uniform && (baselineInt == TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE));
setIfIdle (ui.idleSpin, baseline.seedIdleLimit ());
onIdleLimitChanged ();
/// Tracker tab
myTrackerModel->refresh (myModel, myIds);
/// Peers tab
QMap<QString,QTreeWidgetItem*> peers2;
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> newItems;
for (const Torrent * const t: torrents)
const QString idStr (QString::number (t->id ()));
PeerList peers = t->peers ();
for (const Peer& peer: peers)
const QString key = idStr + QLatin1Char (':') + peer.address;
PeerItem * item = static_cast<PeerItem*> (myPeers.value (key, 0));
if (item == 0) // new peer has connected
static const QIcon myEncryptionIcon (QLatin1String (":/icons/encrypted.png"));
static const QIcon myEmptyIcon;
item = new PeerItem (peer);
item->setTextAlignment (COL_UP, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
item->setTextAlignment (COL_DOWN, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
item->setTextAlignment (COL_PERCENT, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter);
item->setIcon (COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? myEncryptionIcon : myEmptyIcon);
item->setToolTip (COL_LOCK, peer.isEncrypted ? tr ("Encrypted connection") : QString ());
item->setText (COL_ADDRESS, peer.address);
item->setText (COL_CLIENT, peer.clientName);
newItems << item;
const QString code = peer.flagStr;
item->setStatus (code);
item->refresh (peer);
QString codeTip;
for (const QChar ch: code)
QString txt;
switch (ch.unicode ())
case 'O': txt = tr ("Optimistic unchoke"); break;
case 'D': txt = tr ("Downloading from this peer"); break;
case 'd': txt = tr ("We would download from this peer if they would let us"); break;
case 'U': txt = tr ("Uploading to peer"); break;
case 'u': txt = tr ("We would upload to this peer if they asked"); break;
case 'K': txt = tr ("Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested"); break;
case '?': txt = tr ("We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested"); break;
case 'E': txt = tr ("Encrypted connection"); break;
case 'H': txt = tr ("Peer was discovered through DHT"); break;
case 'X': txt = tr ("Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)"); break;
case 'I': txt = tr ("Peer is an incoming connection"); break;
case 'T': txt = tr ("Peer is connected over uTP"); break;
if (!txt.isEmpty ())
codeTip += QString::fromLatin1 ("%1: %2\n").arg (ch).arg (txt);
if (!codeTip.isEmpty ())
codeTip.resize (codeTip.size ()-1); // eat the trailing linefeed
item->setText (COL_UP, peer.rateToPeer.isZero () ? QString () : Formatter::speedToString (peer.rateToPeer));
item->setText (COL_DOWN, peer.rateToClient.isZero () ? QString () : Formatter::speedToString (peer.rateToClient));
item->setText (COL_PERCENT, peer.progress > 0 ? QString::fromLatin1 ("%1%").arg ( (int) (peer.progress * 100.0)) : QString ());
item->setText (COL_STATUS, code);
item->setToolTip (COL_STATUS, codeTip);
peers2.insert (key, item);
ui.peersView->addTopLevelItems (newItems);
for (const QString& key: myPeers.keys ())
if (!peers2.contains (key)) // old peer has disconnected
QTreeWidgetItem * item = myPeers.value (key, 0);
ui.peersView->takeTopLevelItem (ui.peersView->indexOfTopLevelItem (item));
delete item;
myPeers = peers2;
if (!single)
ui.filesView->clear ();
if (single)
ui.filesView->update (torrents[0]->files (), myChangedTorrents);
myChangedTorrents = false;
myHavePendingRefresh = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ui.tabs->count (); ++i)
ui.tabs->widget (i)->setEnabled (true);
DetailsDialog::initInfoTab ()
const int h = QFontMetrics (ui.commentBrowser->font ()).lineSpacing () * 4;
ui.commentBrowser->setFixedHeight (h);
ColumnResizer * cr (new ColumnResizer (this));
cr->addLayout (ui.activitySectionLayout);
cr->addLayout (ui.detailsSectionLayout);
cr->update ();
DetailsDialog::onShowTrackerScrapesToggled (bool val)
myPrefs.set (Prefs::SHOW_TRACKER_SCRAPES, val);
DetailsDialog::onShowBackupTrackersToggled (bool val)
myPrefs.set (Prefs::SHOW_BACKUP_TRACKERS, val);
DetailsDialog::onHonorsSessionLimitsToggled (bool val)
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_honorsSessionLimits, val);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onDownloadLimitedToggled (bool val)
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_downloadLimited, val);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()
const QObject * spin = sender ();
const tr_quark key = spin->property (PREF_KEY).toInt ();
const QDoubleSpinBox * d = qobject_cast<const QDoubleSpinBox*> (spin);
if (d)
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, key, d->value ());
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, key, qobject_cast<const QSpinBox*> (spin)->value ());
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onUploadLimitedToggled (bool val)
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_uploadLimited, val);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onIdleModeChanged (int index)
const int val = ui.idleCombo->itemData (index).toInt ();
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_seedIdleMode, val);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onIdleLimitChanged ()
//: Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed)
const QString unitsSuffix = tr (" minute(s)", 0, ui.idleSpin->value ());
if (ui.idleSpin->suffix () != unitsSuffix)
ui.idleSpin->setSuffix (unitsSuffix);
DetailsDialog::onRatioModeChanged (int index)
const int val = ui.ratioCombo->itemData (index).toInt ();
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_seedRatioMode, val);
DetailsDialog::onBandwidthPriorityChanged (int index)
if (index != -1)
const int priority = ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo->itemData (index).toInt ();
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, TR_KEY_bandwidthPriority, priority);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onTrackerSelectionChanged ()
const int selectionCount = ui.trackersView->selectionModel ()->selectedRows ().size ();
ui.editTrackerButton->setEnabled (selectionCount == 1);
ui.removeTrackerButton->setEnabled (selectionCount > 0);
DetailsDialog::onAddTrackerClicked ()
bool ok = false;
const QString url = QInputDialog::getText (this,
tr ("Add URL "),
tr ("Add tracker announce URL:"),
QLineEdit::Normal, QString (), &ok);
if (!ok)
// user pressed "cancel" -- noop
else if (!QUrl (url).isValid ())
QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Error"), tr ("Invalid URL \"%1\"").arg (url));
QSet<int> ids;
for (const int id: myIds)
if (myTrackerModel->find (id,url) == -1)
ids.insert (id);
if (ids.empty ()) // all the torrents already have this tracker
QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Error"), tr ("Tracker already exists."));
QStringList urls;
urls << url;
mySession.torrentSet (ids, TR_KEY_trackerAdd, urls);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onEditTrackerClicked ()
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel = ui.trackersView->selectionModel ();
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows ();
assert (selectedRows.size () == 1);
QModelIndex i = selectionModel->currentIndex ();
const TrackerInfo trackerInfo = ui.trackersView->model ()->data (i, TrackerModel::TrackerRole).value<TrackerInfo> ();
bool ok = false;
const QString newval = QInputDialog::getText (this,
tr ("Edit URL "),
tr ("Edit tracker announce URL:"),
trackerInfo.st.announce, &ok);
if (!ok)
// user pressed "cancel" -- noop
else if (!QUrl (newval).isValid ())
QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Error"), tr ("Invalid URL \"%1\"").arg (newval));
QSet<int> ids;
ids << trackerInfo.torrentId;
const QPair<int,QString> idUrl = qMakePair (trackerInfo.st.id, newval);
mySession.torrentSet (ids, TR_KEY_trackerReplace, idUrl);
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onRemoveTrackerClicked ()
// make a map of torrentIds to announce URLs to remove
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel = ui.trackersView->selectionModel ();
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows ();
QMap<int,int> torrentId_to_trackerIds;
for (const QModelIndex& i: selectedRows)
const TrackerInfo inf = ui.trackersView->model ()->data (i, TrackerModel::TrackerRole).value<TrackerInfo> ();
torrentId_to_trackerIds.insertMulti (inf.torrentId, inf.st.id);
// batch all of a tracker's torrents into one command
for (const int id: torrentId_to_trackerIds.uniqueKeys ())
QSet<int> ids;
ids << id;
mySession.torrentSet (ids, TR_KEY_trackerRemove, torrentId_to_trackerIds.values (id));
selectionModel->clearSelection ();
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::initOptionsTab ()
const QString speed_K_str = Formatter::unitStr (Formatter::SPEED, Formatter::KB);
ui.singleDownSpin->setSuffix (QString::fromLatin1 (" %1").arg (speed_K_str));
ui.singleUpSpin->setSuffix (QString::fromLatin1 (" %1").arg (speed_K_str));
ui.singleDownSpin->setProperty (PREF_KEY, TR_KEY_downloadLimit);
ui.singleUpSpin->setProperty (PREF_KEY, TR_KEY_uploadLimit);
ui.ratioSpin->setProperty (PREF_KEY, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit);
ui.idleSpin->setProperty (PREF_KEY, TR_KEY_seedIdleLimit);
ui.peerLimitSpin->setProperty (PREF_KEY, TR_KEY_peer_limit);
ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo->addItem (tr ("High"), TR_PRI_HIGH);
ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo->addItem (tr ("Normal"), TR_PRI_NORMAL);
ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo->addItem (tr ("Low"), TR_PRI_LOW);
ui.ratioCombo->addItem (tr ("Use Global Settings"), TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL);
ui.ratioCombo->addItem (tr ("Seed regardless of ratio"), TR_RATIOLIMIT_UNLIMITED);
ui.ratioCombo->addItem (tr ("Stop seeding at ratio:"), TR_RATIOLIMIT_SINGLE);
ui.idleCombo->addItem (tr ("Use Global Settings"), TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL);
ui.idleCombo->addItem (tr ("Seed regardless of activity"), TR_IDLELIMIT_UNLIMITED);
ui.idleCombo->addItem (tr ("Stop seeding if idle for:"), TR_IDLELIMIT_SINGLE);
ColumnResizer * cr (new ColumnResizer (this));
cr->addLayout (ui.speedSectionLayout);
cr->addLayout (ui.seedingLimitsSectionRatioLayout);
cr->addLayout (ui.seedingLimitsSectionIdleLayout);
cr->addLayout (ui.peerConnectionsSectionLayout);
cr->update ();
connect (ui.sessionLimitCheck, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), SLOT (onHonorsSessionLimitsToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.singleDownCheck, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), SLOT (onDownloadLimitedToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.singleDownSpin, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), SLOT (onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()));
connect (ui.singleUpCheck, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), SLOT (onUploadLimitedToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.singleUpSpin, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), SLOT (onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()));
connect (ui.bandwidthPriorityCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), SLOT (onBandwidthPriorityChanged (int)));
connect (ui.ratioCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), SLOT (onRatioModeChanged (int)));
connect (ui.ratioSpin, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), SLOT (onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()));
connect (ui.idleCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), SLOT (onIdleModeChanged (int)));
connect (ui.idleSpin, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), SLOT (onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()));
connect (ui.idleSpin, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT (onIdleLimitChanged ()));
connect (ui.peerLimitSpin, SIGNAL (editingFinished ()), SLOT (onSpinBoxEditingFinished ()));
DetailsDialog::initTrackerTab ()
myTrackerModel = new TrackerModel ();
myTrackerFilter = new TrackerModelFilter ();
myTrackerFilter->setSourceModel (myTrackerModel);
myTrackerDelegate = new TrackerDelegate ();
ui.trackersView->setModel (myTrackerFilter);
ui.trackersView->setItemDelegate (myTrackerDelegate);
ui.addTrackerButton->setIcon (getStockIcon (QLatin1String ("list-add"), QStyle::SP_DialogOpenButton));
ui.editTrackerButton->setIcon (getStockIcon (QLatin1String ("document-properties"), QStyle::SP_DesktopIcon));
ui.removeTrackerButton->setIcon (getStockIcon (QLatin1String ("list-remove"), QStyle::SP_TrashIcon));
ui.showTrackerScrapesCheck->setChecked (myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::SHOW_TRACKER_SCRAPES));
ui.showBackupTrackersCheck->setChecked (myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::SHOW_BACKUP_TRACKERS));
connect (ui.trackersView->selectionModel (), SIGNAL (selectionChanged (QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
SLOT (onTrackerSelectionChanged ()));
connect (ui.addTrackerButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (onAddTrackerClicked ()));
connect (ui.editTrackerButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (onEditTrackerClicked ()));
connect (ui.removeTrackerButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), SLOT (onRemoveTrackerClicked ()));
connect (ui.showTrackerScrapesCheck, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), SLOT (onShowTrackerScrapesToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.showBackupTrackersCheck, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), SLOT (onShowBackupTrackersToggled (bool)));
onTrackerSelectionChanged ();
DetailsDialog::initPeersTab ()
QStringList headers;
headers << QString () << tr ("Up") << tr ("Down") << tr ("%") << tr ("Status") << tr ("Address") << tr ("Client");
ui.peersView->setHeaderLabels (headers);
ui.peersView->sortByColumn (COL_ADDRESS, Qt::AscendingOrder);
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_LOCK, 20);
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_UP, measureViewItem (ui.peersView, COL_UP, QLatin1String ("1024 MiB/s")));
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_DOWN, measureViewItem (ui.peersView, COL_DOWN, QLatin1String ("1024 MiB/s")));
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_PERCENT, measureViewItem (ui.peersView, COL_PERCENT, QLatin1String ("100%")));
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_STATUS, measureViewItem (ui.peersView, COL_STATUS, QLatin1String ("ODUK?EXI")));
ui.peersView->setColumnWidth (COL_ADDRESS, measureViewItem (ui.peersView, COL_ADDRESS, QLatin1String ("888.888.888.888")));
DetailsDialog::initFilesTab ()
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (priorityChanged (QSet<int>, int)), SLOT (onFilePriorityChanged (QSet<int>, int)));
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (wantedChanged (QSet<int>, bool)), SLOT (onFileWantedChanged (QSet<int>, bool)));
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (pathEdited (QString, QString)), SLOT (onPathEdited (QString, QString)));
connect (ui.filesView, SIGNAL (openRequested (QString)), SLOT (onOpenRequested (QString)));
DetailsDialog::onFilePriorityChanged (const QSet<int>& indices, int priority)
tr_quark key;
switch (priority)
case TR_PRI_LOW:
key = TR_KEY_priority_low;
key = TR_KEY_priority_high;
key = TR_KEY_priority_normal;
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, key, indices.toList ());
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onFileWantedChanged (const QSet<int>& indices, bool wanted)
const tr_quark key = wanted ? TR_KEY_files_wanted : TR_KEY_files_unwanted;
mySession.torrentSet (myIds, key, indices.toList ());
getNewData ();
DetailsDialog::onPathEdited (const QString& oldpath, const QString& newname)
mySession.torrentRenamePath (myIds, oldpath, newname);
DetailsDialog::onOpenRequested (const QString& path)
if (!mySession.isLocal ())
for (const int id: myIds)
const Torrent * const tor = myModel.getTorrentFromId (id);
if (tor == NULL)
const QString localFilePath = tor->getPath () + QLatin1Char ('/') + path;
if (!QFile::exists (localFilePath))
if (QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (localFilePath)))