
399 lines
10 KiB

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "bencode.h"
#include "json.h"
#include "utils.h" /* tr_free */
#define VERBOSE 0
static int test = 0;
#define check(A) { \
++test; \
if (A) { \
if( VERBOSE ) \
fprintf( stderr, "PASS test #%d (%s, %d)\n", test, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
} else { \
fprintf( stderr, "FAIL test #%d (%s, %d)\n", test, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
return test; \
} \
static int
testInt( void )
uint8_t buf[128];
int64_t val;
int err;
const uint8_t * end;
/* good int string */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i64e" );
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+4, &end, &val );
check( err == 0 );
check( val == 64 );
check( end == buf + 4 );
/* missing 'e' */
end = NULL;
val = 888;
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+3, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_ERROR );
check( val == 888 );
check( end == NULL );
/* empty buffer */
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+0, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_ERROR );
check( val == 888 );
check( end == NULL );
/* bad number */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i6z4e" );
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+5, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_ERROR );
check( val == 888 );
check( end == NULL );
/* negative number */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i-3e" );
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+4, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_OK );
check( val == -3 );
check( end == buf + 4 );
/* zero */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i0e" );
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+4, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_OK );
check( val == 0 );
check( end == buf + 3 );
/* no leading zeroes allowed */
val = 0;
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i04e" );
err = tr_bencParseInt( buf, buf+4, &end, &val );
check( err == TR_ERROR );
check( val == 0 );
check( end == NULL );
return 0;
static int
testStr( void )
uint8_t buf[128];
int err;
const uint8_t * end;
uint8_t * str;
size_t len;
/* good string */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "4:boat" );
err = tr_bencParseStr( buf, buf+6, &end, &str, &len );
check( err == TR_OK );
check( !strcmp( (char*)str, "boat" ) );
check( len == 4 );
check( end == buf + 6 );
tr_free( str );
str = NULL;
end = NULL;
len = 0;
/* string goes past end of buffer */
err = tr_bencParseStr( buf, buf+5, &end, &str, &len );
check( err == TR_ERROR );
check( str == NULL );
check( end == NULL );
check( !len );
/* empty string */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "0:" );
err = tr_bencParseStr( buf, buf+2, &end, &str, &len );
check( err == TR_OK );
check( !*str );
check( !len );
check( end == buf + 2 );
tr_free( str );
str = NULL;
end = NULL;
len = 0;
/* short string */
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "3:boat" );
err = tr_bencParseStr( buf, buf+6, &end, &str, &len );
check( err == TR_OK );
check( !strcmp( (char*)str, "boa" ) );
check( len == 3 );
check( end == buf + 5 );
tr_free( str );
str = NULL;
end = NULL;
len = 0;
return 0;
static int
testString( const char * str, int isGood )
tr_benc val;
const uint8_t * end = NULL;
char * saved;
const size_t len = strlen( str );
int savedLen;
int err = tr_bencParse( str, str+len, &val , &end );
if( !isGood ) {
check( err );
} else {
check( !err );
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "in: [%s]\n", str );
fprintf( stderr, "out:\n%s", tr_bencSaveAsJSON(&val,NULL) );
check( end == (const uint8_t*)str + len );
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &savedLen );
check( !strcmp( saved, str ) );
check( len == (size_t)savedLen );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
return 0;
static int
testParse( void )
tr_benc val;
tr_benc * child;
tr_benc * child2;
uint8_t buf[512];
const uint8_t * end;
int err;
int len;
int64_t i;
char * saved;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "i64e" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + sizeof( buf ), &val, &end );
check( !err );
check( tr_bencGetInt( &val, &i ) );
check( i == 64 );
check( end == buf + 4 );
tr_bencFree( &val );
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "li64ei32ei16ee" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + sizeof( buf ), &val, &end );
check( !err );
check( end == buf + strlen( (char*)buf ) );
check( val.val.l.count == 3 );
check( tr_bencGetInt( &val.val.l.vals[0], &i ) );
check( i == 64 );
check( tr_bencGetInt( &val.val.l.vals[1], &i ) );
check( i == 32 );
check( tr_bencGetInt( &val.val.l.vals[2], &i ) );
check( i == 16 );
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
check( !strcmp( saved, (char*)buf ) );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "lllee" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + strlen( (char*)buf ), &val , &end );
check( err );
check( end == NULL );
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "le" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + sizeof( buf ), &val , &end );
check( !err );
check( end == buf + 2 );
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
check( !strcmp( saved, "le" ) );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
if(( err = testString( "llleee", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d4:spaml1:a1:bee", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d5:greenli1ei2ei3ee4:spamd1:ai123e3:keyi214eee", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d9:publisher3:bob17:publisher-webpage15:www.example.com18:publisher.location4:homee", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d8:completei1e8:intervali1800e12:min intervali1800e5:peers0:e", TRUE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( "d1:ai0e1:be", FALSE ))) /* odd number of children */
return err;
if(( err = testString( "", FALSE )))
return err;
if(( err = testString( " ", FALSE )))
return err;
/* nested containers
* parse an unsorted dict
* save as a sorted dict */
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "lld1:bi32e1:ai64eeee" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + sizeof( buf ), &val, &end );
check( !err );
check( end == buf + strlen( (const char*)buf ) );
check(( child = tr_bencListChild( &val, 0 )));
check(( child2 = tr_bencListChild( child, 0 )));
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
check( !strcmp( saved, "lld1:ai64e1:bi32eeee" ) );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
/* too many endings */
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "leee" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + sizeof( buf ), &val, &end );
check( !err );
check( end == buf + 2 );
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
check( !strcmp( saved, "le" ) );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
/* no ending */
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "l1:a1:b1:c" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + strlen( (char*)buf ), &val, &end );
check( err );
/* incomplete string */
end = NULL;
tr_snprintf( (char*)buf, sizeof( buf ), "1:" );
err = tr_bencParse( buf, buf + strlen( (char*)buf ), &val, &end );
check( err );
return 0;
static void
stripWhitespace( char * in )
char * out;
for( out=in; *in; ++in )
if( !isspace( *in ) )
*out++ = *in;
*out = '\0';
static int
testJSONSnippet( const char * benc_str, const char * expected )
tr_benc top;
char * serialized;
tr_bencLoad( benc_str, strlen( benc_str ), &top, NULL );
serialized = tr_bencSaveAsJSON( &top, NULL );
stripWhitespace( serialized );
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "benc: %s\n", benc_str );
fprintf( stderr, "json: %s\n", serialized );
fprintf( stderr, "want: %s\n", expected );
check( !strcmp( serialized, expected ) );
tr_free( serialized );
tr_bencFree( &top );
return 0;
static int
testJSON( void )
int val;
const char * benc_str;
const char * expected;
benc_str = "i6e";
expected = "6";
if(( val = testJSONSnippet( benc_str, expected )))
return val;
benc_str = "d5:helloi1e5:worldi2ee";
expected = "{\"hello\":1,\"world\":2}";
if(( val = testJSONSnippet( benc_str, expected )))
return val;
benc_str = "d5:helloi1e5:worldi2e3:fooli1ei2ei3eee";
expected = "{\"foo\":[1,2,3],\"hello\":1,\"world\":2}";
if(( val = testJSONSnippet( benc_str, expected )))
return val;
benc_str = "d5:helloi1e5:worldi2e3:fooli1ei2ei3ed1:ai0eeee";
expected = "{\"foo\":[1,2,3,{\"a\":0}],\"hello\":1,\"world\":2}";
if(( val = testJSONSnippet( benc_str, expected )))
return val;
benc_str = "d4:argsd6:statusle7:status2lee6:result7:successe";
expected = "{\"args\":{\"status\":[],\"status2\":[]},\"result\":\"success\"}";
if(( val = testJSONSnippet( benc_str, expected )))
return val;
return 0;
static int
testStackSmash( void )
int i;
int len;
int depth;
int err;
uint8_t * in;
const uint8_t * end;
tr_benc val;
char * saved;
depth = 1000000;
in = tr_new( uint8_t, depth*2 + 1 );
for( i=0; i<depth; ++i ) {
in[i] = 'l';
in[depth+i] = 'e';
in[depth*2] = '\0';
err = tr_bencParse( in, in+(depth*2), &val, &end );
check( !err );
check( end == in+(depth*2) );
saved = tr_bencSave( &val, &len );
check( !strcmp( saved, (char*)in ) );
tr_free( in );
tr_free( saved );
tr_bencFree( &val );
return 0;
main( void )
int i;
if(( i = testInt( )))
return i;
if(( i = testStr( )))
return i;
if(( i = testParse( )))
return i;
if(( i = testJSON( )))
return i;
if(( i = testStackSmash( )))
return i;
return 0;