mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:50:00 +00:00
* fix: cpp:S3358 conditional-operators-should-not-be-nested warning in gtk client * fix: cpp:S1659 define-each-identifier-in-a-dedicated-statement warning in peer-mgr-wishlist * Revert "fix; cpp:S3642 replace-enum-with-enum-class warning in gtk client" * fix: cpp:S3576 remove-virtual-specifier-or-replace-it-by-override warning in rpc-server::Settings * fix: cpp:S3576 remove-virtual-specifier-or-replace-it-by-override warning in tr_session_alt_speeds::Settings * fix: remove unnecessary Settings subclass declarations * fix: cpp:S1117 shadow warning in qt client * fix: cpp:S6004 use init-statement to limit scope of local * fix: cpp:S5997 replace-std-lock-guard-with-std-sccoped-lock in favicon-cache.h * fix: cpp:S1659 define-each-identifier-in-a-dedicated-statement warning in announcer * fix: cpp:S5817 function-should-be-declared-const warning in cache.h * fix: cpp:S1186 explain-why-method-is-empty warning in favicon-cache * fix: cpp:S5408 constexpr-variables-should-not-be-declared-inline warning in favicon-cache * fix: cpp:S3624 explicitly delete copy assignment, ctor of InFlightData * fix: cpp:S5997 use std-scoped-lock-instead-of-std-lock-guard * fix: cpp:S5997 use std-scoped-lock-instead-of-std-lock-guard * fix: cpp:S5817 function-should-be-declared-const warning in favicon-cache.h * fix: cpp:S5817 function-should-be-declared-const warning in lru-cache * fix: cpp:S1709 add-the-explicit-keyword-to-this-constructor
378 lines
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378 lines
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// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm> // std::all_of
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility> // std::move
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "libtransmission/log.h"
#include "libtransmission/global-ip-cache.h"
#include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h"
#include "libtransmission/utils.h"
#include "libtransmission/web.h"
using namespace std::literals;
static_assert(TR_AF_INET == 0);
static_assert(TR_AF_INET6 == 1);
auto constexpr IPQueryServices = std::array{ std::array{ "https://ip4.transmissionbt.com/"sv },
std::array{ "https://ip6.transmissionbt.com/"sv } };
auto constexpr UpkeepInterval = 30min;
auto constexpr RetryUpkeepInterval = 30s;
// Normally there should only ever be 1 cache instance during the entire program execution
// This is a counter only to cater for SessionTest.honorsSettings
std::size_t cache_exists = 0;
} // namespace
// Functions contained in global_source_ip_helpers are modified from code
// by Juliusz Chroboczek and is covered under the same license as dht.cc.
// Please feel free to copy them into your software if it can help
// unbreaking the double-stack Internet.
namespace global_source_ip_helpers
// Get the source address used for a given destination address.
// Since there is no official interface to get this information,
// we create a connected UDP socket (connected UDP... hmm...)
// and check its source address.
// Since it's a UDP socket, this doesn't actually send any packets
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<tr_address> get_source_address(
tr_address const& dst_addr,
tr_port dst_port,
tr_address const& bind_addr,
int& err_out) noexcept
TR_ASSERT(dst_addr.type == bind_addr.type);
auto const save = errno;
auto const [dst_ss, dst_sslen] = tr_socket_address::to_sockaddr(dst_addr, dst_port);
auto const [bind_ss, bind_sslen] = tr_socket_address::to_sockaddr(bind_addr, {});
if (auto const sock = socket(dst_ss.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); sock != TR_BAD_SOCKET)
if (bind(sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr const*>(&bind_ss), bind_sslen) == 0)
if (connect(sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr const*>(&dst_ss), dst_sslen) == 0)
auto src_ss = sockaddr_storage{};
auto src_sslen = socklen_t{ sizeof(src_ss) };
if (getsockname(sock, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&src_ss), &src_sslen) == 0)
if (auto const addrport = tr_socket_address::from_sockaddr(reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&src_ss)); addrport)
errno = save;
return addrport->address();
err_out = errno;
errno = save;
return {};
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<tr_address> get_global_source_address(tr_address const& bind_addr, int& err_out) noexcept
// Pick some destination address to pretend to send a packet to
static auto constexpr DstIP = std::array{ ""sv, "2001:1890:1112:1::20"sv };
auto const dst_addr = tr_address::from_string(DstIP[bind_addr.type]);
auto const dst_port = tr_port::from_host(6969);
// In order for address selection to work right,
// this should be a global unicast address, not Teredo or 6to4
TR_ASSERT(dst_addr && dst_addr->is_global_unicast_address());
if (dst_addr)
return get_source_address(*dst_addr, dst_port, bind_addr, err_out);
return {};
} // namespace global_source_ip_helpers
} // namespace
tr_global_ip_cache::tr_global_ip_cache(Mediator& mediator_in)
: mediator_{ mediator_in }
, upkeep_timers_{ mediator_in.timer_maker().create(), mediator_in.timer_maker().create() }
static_assert(TR_AF_INET == 0);
static_assert(TR_AF_INET6 == 1);
static_assert(NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES == 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES; ++i)
auto const type = static_cast<tr_address_type>(i);
auto const cb = [this, type]()
start_timer(type, UpkeepInterval);
std::unique_ptr<tr_global_ip_cache> tr_global_ip_cache::create(tr_global_ip_cache::Mediator& mediator_in)
return std::unique_ptr<tr_global_ip_cache>(new tr_global_ip_cache(mediator_in));
// Destroying mutex while someone owns it is undefined behaviour, so we acquire it first
auto const locks = std::scoped_lock{ global_addr_mutex_[TR_AF_INET],
source_addr_mutex_[TR_AF_INET6] };
if (!std::all_of(
[](is_updating_t const& v) { return v == is_updating_t::ABORT; }))
tr_logAddDebug("Destructed while some global IP queries were pending.");
bool tr_global_ip_cache::try_shutdown() noexcept
for (auto& timer : upkeep_timers_)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_TR_AF_INET_TYPES; ++i)
if (is_updating_[i] == is_updating_t::YES)
return false;
is_updating_[i] = is_updating_t::ABORT; // Abort any future updates
return true;
tr_address tr_global_ip_cache::bind_addr(tr_address_type type) const noexcept
if (tr_address::is_valid(type))
if (auto const addr = tr_address::from_string(mediator_.settings_bind_addr(type)); addr && type == addr->type)
return *addr;
return tr_address::any(type);
TR_ASSERT_MSG(false, "invalid type");
return {};
bool tr_global_ip_cache::set_global_addr(tr_address_type type, tr_address const& addr) noexcept
if (type == addr.type && addr.is_global_unicast_address())
auto const lock = std::scoped_lock{ global_addr_mutex_[addr.type] };
global_addr_[addr.type] = addr;
tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Cached global address {}", addr.display_name()));
return true;
return false;
void tr_global_ip_cache::update_addr(tr_address_type type) noexcept
if (global_source_addr(type))
void tr_global_ip_cache::update_global_addr(tr_address_type type) noexcept
TR_ASSERT(ix_service_[type] < std::size(IPQueryServices[type]));
if (ix_service_[type] == 0U && !set_is_updating(type))
TR_ASSERT(is_updating_[type] == is_updating_t::YES);
// Update global address
static auto constexpr IPProtocolMap = std::array{ tr_web::FetchOptions::IPProtocol::V4,
tr_web::FetchOptions::IPProtocol::V6 };
auto options = tr_web::FetchOptions{ IPQueryServices[type][ix_service_[type]],
[this, type](tr_web::FetchResponse const& response)
// Check to avoid segfault
if (cache_exists != 0)
this->on_response_ip_query(type, response);
nullptr };
options.ip_proto = IPProtocolMap[type];
options.sndbuf = 4096;
options.rcvbuf = 4096;
void tr_global_ip_cache::update_source_addr(tr_address_type type) noexcept
using namespace global_source_ip_helpers;
if (!set_is_updating(type))
TR_ASSERT(is_updating_[type] == is_updating_t::YES);
auto const protocol = tr_ip_protocol_to_sv(type);
auto err = 0;
auto const& source_addr = get_global_source_address(bind_addr(type), err);
if (source_addr)
_("Successfully updated source {protocol} address to {ip}"),
fmt::arg("protocol", protocol),
fmt::arg("ip", source_addr->display_name())));
// Stop the update process since we have no public internet connectivity
tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("Couldn't obtain source {} address", protocol));
if (err == EAFNOSUPPORT)
stop_timer(type); // No point in retrying
has_ip_protocol_[type] = false;
tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format(_("Your machine does not support {protocol}"), fmt::arg("protocol", protocol)));
void tr_global_ip_cache::on_response_ip_query(tr_address_type type, tr_web::FetchResponse const& response) noexcept
TR_ASSERT(is_updating_[type] == is_updating_t::YES);
TR_ASSERT(ix_service_[type] < std::size(IPQueryServices[type]));
auto const protocol = tr_ip_protocol_to_sv(type);
auto success = false;
if (response.status == 200 /* HTTP_OK */)
// Update member
if (auto const addr = tr_address::from_string(tr_strv_strip(response.body)); addr && set_global_addr(type, *addr))
success = true;
_("Successfully updated global {type} address to {ip} using {url}"),
fmt::arg("type", protocol),
fmt::arg("ip", addr->display_name()),
fmt::arg("url", IPQueryServices[type][ix_service_[type]])));
// Try next IP query URL
if (!success)
if (++ix_service_[type] < std::size(IPQueryServices[type]))
tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("Couldn't obtain global {} address", protocol));
ix_service_[type] = 0U;
void tr_global_ip_cache::unset_global_addr(tr_address_type type) noexcept
auto const lock = std::scoped_lock{ global_addr_mutex_[type] };
tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Unset {} global address cache", tr_ip_protocol_to_sv(type)));
void tr_global_ip_cache::set_source_addr(tr_address const& addr) noexcept
auto const lock = std::scoped_lock{ source_addr_mutex_[addr.type] };
source_addr_[addr.type] = addr;
tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Cached source address {}", addr.display_name()));
void tr_global_ip_cache::unset_addr(tr_address_type type) noexcept
auto const lock = std::scoped_lock{ source_addr_mutex_[type] };
tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Unset {} source address cache", tr_ip_protocol_to_sv(type)));
// No public internet connectivity means no global IP address
bool tr_global_ip_cache::set_is_updating(tr_address_type type) noexcept
if (is_updating_[type] != is_updating_t::NO)
return false;
is_updating_[type] = is_updating_t::YES;
return true;
void tr_global_ip_cache::unset_is_updating(tr_address_type type) noexcept
TR_ASSERT(is_updating_[type] == is_updating_t::YES);
is_updating_[type] = is_updating_t::NO;