
100 lines
2.4 KiB

// This file Copyright © 2008-2022 Transmission authors and contributors.
// It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#import "TrackerTableView.h"
#import "Torrent.h"
#import "TrackerNode.h"
@implementation TrackerTableView
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event
[self.window makeKeyWindow];
[super mouseDown:event];
- (void)setTorrent:(Torrent*)torrent
fTorrent = torrent;
- (void)setTrackers:(NSArray*)trackers
fTrackers = trackers;
- (void)copy:(id)sender
NSMutableArray* addresses = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:fTrackers.count];
NSIndexSet* indexes = self.selectedRowIndexes;
for (NSUInteger i = indexes.firstIndex; i != NSNotFound; i = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:i])
id item = fTrackers[i];
if (![item isKindOfClass:[TrackerNode class]])
for (++i; i < fTrackers.count && [fTrackers[i] isKindOfClass:[TrackerNode class]]; ++i)
[addresses addObject:((TrackerNode*)fTrackers[i]).fullAnnounceAddress];
[addresses addObject:((TrackerNode*)item).fullAnnounceAddress];
NSString* text = [addresses componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];
NSPasteboard* pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard;
[pb clearContents];
[pb writeObjects:@[ text ]];
- (void)paste:(id)sender
NSAssert(fTorrent != nil, @"no torrent but trying to paste; should not be able to call this method");
BOOL added = NO;
NSArray* items = [NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard readObjectsForClasses:@[ [NSString class] ] options:nil];
NSAssert(items != nil, @"no string items to paste; should not be able to call this method");
for (NSString* pbItem in items)
for (NSString* item in [pbItem componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"])
if ([fTorrent addTrackerToNewTier:item])
added = YES;
//none added
if (!added)
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)menuItem
SEL const action = menuItem.action;
if (action == @selector(copy:))
return self.numberOfSelectedRows > 0;
if (action == @selector(paste:))
return fTorrent && [NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard canReadObjectForClasses:@[ [NSString class] ] options:nil];
return YES;