mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:30:38 +00:00
Tweak a few rules in the process. Now all code in cli, daemon, gtk, libtransmission, qt, and utils is properly formatted with no manual intervention.
334 lines
7.4 KiB
334 lines
7.4 KiB
* This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#pragma once
#ifndef __TRANSMISSION__
#error only libtransmission should #include this header.
#include <assert.h>
#include "transmission.h"
#include "bandwidth.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "net.h" /* tr_address */
#include "peer-socket.h"
#include "utils.h" /* tr_time() */
struct evbuffer;
struct tr_bandwidth;
struct tr_datatype;
struct tr_peerIo;
* @addtogroup networked_io Networked IO
* @{
typedef enum
typedef enum
/* these match the values in MSE's crypto_select */
typedef ReadState (* tr_can_read_cb)(struct tr_peerIo* io, void* user_data, size_t* setme_piece_byte_count);
typedef void (* tr_did_write_cb)(struct tr_peerIo* io, size_t bytesWritten, bool wasPieceData, void* userData);
typedef void (* tr_net_error_cb)(struct tr_peerIo* io, short what, void* userData);
typedef struct tr_peerIo
bool isEncrypted;
bool isIncoming;
bool peerIdIsSet;
bool extendedProtocolSupported;
bool fastExtensionSupported;
bool dhtSupported;
bool utpSupported;
tr_priority_t priority;
short int pendingEvents;
int magicNumber;
tr_encryption_type encryption_type;
bool isSeed;
tr_port port;
struct tr_peer_socket socket;
int refCount;
uint8_t peerId[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
time_t timeCreated;
tr_session* session;
tr_address addr;
tr_can_read_cb canRead;
tr_did_write_cb didWrite;
tr_net_error_cb gotError;
void* userData;
struct tr_bandwidth bandwidth;
tr_crypto crypto;
struct evbuffer* inbuf;
struct evbuffer* outbuf;
struct tr_datatype* outbuf_datatypes;
struct event* event_read;
struct event* event_write;
tr_peerIo* tr_peerIoNewOutgoing(tr_session* session, struct tr_bandwidth* parent, struct tr_address const* addr, tr_port port,
uint8_t const* torrentHash, bool isSeed, bool utp);
tr_peerIo* tr_peerIoNewIncoming(tr_session* session, struct tr_bandwidth* parent, struct tr_address const* addr, tr_port port,
struct tr_peer_socket socket);
void tr_peerIoRefImpl(char const* file, int line, tr_peerIo* io);
#define tr_peerIoRef(io) tr_peerIoRefImpl(__FILE__, __LINE__, (io));
void tr_peerIoUnrefImpl(char const* file, int line, tr_peerIo* io);
#define tr_peerIoUnref(io) tr_peerIoUnrefImpl(__FILE__, __LINE__, (io));
#define PEER_IO_MAGIC_NUMBER 206745
static inline bool tr_isPeerIo(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io != NULL && io->magicNumber == PEER_IO_MAGIC_NUMBER && io->refCount >= 0 && tr_isBandwidth(&io->bandwidth) &&
static inline void tr_peerIoEnableFEXT(tr_peerIo* io, bool flag)
io->fastExtensionSupported = flag;
static inline bool tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->fastExtensionSupported;
static inline void tr_peerIoEnableLTEP(tr_peerIo* io, bool flag)
io->extendedProtocolSupported = flag;
static inline bool tr_peerIoSupportsLTEP(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->extendedProtocolSupported;
static inline void tr_peerIoEnableDHT(tr_peerIo* io, bool flag)
io->dhtSupported = flag;
static inline bool tr_peerIoSupportsDHT(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->dhtSupported;
static inline bool tr_peerIoSupportsUTP(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->utpSupported;
static inline tr_session* tr_peerIoGetSession(tr_peerIo* io)
TR_ASSERT(io->session != NULL);
return io->session;
char const* tr_peerIoAddrStr(struct tr_address const* addr, tr_port port);
char const* tr_peerIoGetAddrStr(tr_peerIo const* io);
struct tr_address const* tr_peerIoGetAddress(tr_peerIo const* io, tr_port* port);
uint8_t const* tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash(tr_peerIo* io);
bool tr_peerIoHasTorrentHash(tr_peerIo const* io);
void tr_peerIoSetTorrentHash(tr_peerIo* io, uint8_t const* hash);
int tr_peerIoReconnect(tr_peerIo* io);
static inline bool tr_peerIoIsIncoming(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->isIncoming;
static inline int tr_peerIoGetAge(tr_peerIo const* io)
return tr_time() - io->timeCreated;
void tr_peerIoSetPeersId(tr_peerIo* io, uint8_t const* peer_id);
static inline uint8_t const* tr_peerIoGetPeersId(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io->peerId;
void tr_peerIoSetIOFuncs(tr_peerIo* io, tr_can_read_cb readcb, tr_did_write_cb writecb, tr_net_error_cb errcb, void* user_data);
void tr_peerIoClear(tr_peerIo* io);
void tr_peerIoWriteBytes(tr_peerIo* io, void const* writeme, size_t writemeLen, bool isPieceData);
void tr_peerIoWriteBuf(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* buf, bool isPieceData);
static inline tr_crypto* tr_peerIoGetCrypto(tr_peerIo* io)
return &io->crypto;
void tr_peerIoSetEncryption(tr_peerIo* io, tr_encryption_type encryption_type);
static inline bool tr_peerIoIsEncrypted(tr_peerIo const* io)
return io != NULL && io->encryption_type == PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4;
void evbuffer_add_uint8(struct evbuffer* outbuf, uint8_t byte);
void evbuffer_add_uint16(struct evbuffer* outbuf, uint16_t hs);
void evbuffer_add_uint32(struct evbuffer* outbuf, uint32_t hl);
void evbuffer_add_uint64(struct evbuffer* outbuf, uint64_t hll);
static inline void evbuffer_add_hton_16(struct evbuffer* buf, uint16_t val)
evbuffer_add_uint16(buf, val);
static inline void evbuffer_add_hton_32(struct evbuffer* buf, uint32_t val)
evbuffer_add_uint32(buf, val);
static inline void evbuffer_add_hton_64(struct evbuffer* buf, uint64_t val)
evbuffer_add_uint64(buf, val);
void tr_peerIoReadBytesToBuf(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, struct evbuffer* outbuf, size_t byteCount);
void tr_peerIoReadBytes(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, void* bytes, size_t byteCount);
static inline void tr_peerIoReadUint8(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, uint8_t* setme)
tr_peerIoReadBytes(io, inbuf, setme, sizeof(uint8_t));
void tr_peerIoReadUint16(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, uint16_t* setme);
void tr_peerIoReadUint32(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, uint32_t* setme);
void tr_peerIoDrain(tr_peerIo* io, struct evbuffer* inbuf, size_t byteCount);
size_t tr_peerIoGetWriteBufferSpace(tr_peerIo const* io, uint64_t now);
static inline void tr_peerIoSetParent(tr_peerIo* io, struct tr_bandwidth* parent)
tr_bandwidthSetParent(&io->bandwidth, parent);
void tr_peerIoBandwidthUsed(tr_peerIo* io, tr_direction direction, size_t byteCount, int isPieceData);
static inline bool tr_peerIoHasBandwidthLeft(tr_peerIo const* io, tr_direction dir)
return tr_bandwidthClamp(&io->bandwidth, dir, 1024) > 0;
static inline unsigned int tr_peerIoGetPieceSpeed_Bps(tr_peerIo const* io, uint64_t now, tr_direction dir)
return tr_bandwidthGetPieceSpeed_Bps(&io->bandwidth, now, dir);
void tr_peerIoSetEnabled(tr_peerIo* io, tr_direction dir, bool isEnabled);
int tr_peerIoFlush(tr_peerIo* io, tr_direction dir, size_t byteLimit);
int tr_peerIoFlushOutgoingProtocolMsgs(tr_peerIo* io);
static inline struct evbuffer* tr_peerIoGetReadBuffer(tr_peerIo* io)
return io->inbuf;
/* @} */