
466 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import enum
import logging
import threading
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from vorta import application
from vorta.borg.check import BorgCheckJob
from vorta.borg.create import BorgCreateJob
from vorta.borg.list_repo import BorgListRepoJob
from vorta.borg.prune import BorgPruneJob
from vorta.i18n import translate
from vorta.notifications import VortaNotifications
from vorta.store.models import BackupProfileModel, EventLogModel
2018-11-06 05:13:49 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ScheduleStatusType(enum.Enum):
SCHEDULED = enum.auto() # date provided
UNSCHEDULED = enum.auto() # Unknown
TOO_FAR_AHEAD = enum.auto() # QTimer range exceeded, date provided
NO_PREVIOUS_BACKUP = enum.auto() # run a manual backup first
class ScheduleStatus(NamedTuple):
type: ScheduleStatusType
time: Optional[dt] = None
class VortaScheduler(QtCore.QObject):
#: The schedule for the profile with the given id changed.
schedule_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
def __init__(self):
2018-10-31 11:14:12 +00:00
#: mapping of profiles to timers
self.timers: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[
Optional[QTimer], Optional[dt], ScheduleStatusType]]] = dict()
self.app: application.VortaApp = QApplication.instance()
self.lock = threading.Lock()
# pausing will prevent scheduling for a specified time
self.pauses: Dict[int, Tuple[dt, QtCore.QTimer]] = dict()
# Set additional timer to make sure background tasks stay scheduled.
# E.g. after hibernation
self.qt_timer = QTimer()
self.qt_timer.setInterval(15 * 60 * 1000)
# connect signals
lambda res: self.set_timer_for_profile(res['params']['profile_id']))
def tr(self, *args, **kwargs):
scope = self.__class__.__name__
return translate(scope, *args, **kwargs)
def pause(self, profile_id: int, until: Optional[dt] = None):
Call a timeout for scheduling of a given profile.
If `until` is omitted, a default time for the break is calculated.
.. warning::
This method won't work correctly when called from a non-`QThread`.
profile_id : int
The profile to pause the scheduling for.
until : Optional[dt], optional
The time to end the pause, by default None
profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id)
if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more.
if profile.schedule_mode == 'off':
if until is None:
# calculate default timeout
if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval':
interval = timedelta(
# fixed
interval = timedelta(days=1)
timeout = interval // 6 # 60 / 6 = 10 [min]
timeout = max(min(timeout, timedelta(hours=1)),
timedelta(minutes=1)) # 1 <= t <= 60
until = dt.now().replace(microsecond=0) + timeout
elif until < dt.now():
# remove existing schedule
# setting timer for reschedule is not possible if called
# from a non-QThread - it won't fail but won't work
timer_value = max(1, (until - dt.now()).total_seconds())
timer = QtCore.QTimer()
timer.setInterval(int(timer_value * 1000) + 100)
timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self.set_timer_for_profile(profile_id))
# set timeout/pause
other_pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id)
if other_pause is not None:
logger.debug(f"Override existing timeout for profile {profile_id}")
self.pauses[profile_id] = (until, timer)
f"Paused {profile_id} until {until.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}")
def unpause(self, profile_id: int):
Return to scheduling for a profile.
profile_id : int
The profile to end the timeout for.
profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id)
if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more.
pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id)
if pause is None: # already unpaused
dummy, timer = pause
del self.pauses[profile_id]
logger.debug(f"Unpaused {profile_id}")
def paused(self, profile_id: int) -> bool:
Determine whether scheduling for a profile is paused
profile_id : int
return self.pauses.get(profile_id) is not None
def set_timer_for_profile(self, profile_id: int):
Set a timer for next scheduled backup run of this profile.
Removes existing jobs if set to manual only or no repo is assigned.
Else will look for previous scheduled backups and catch up if
schedule_make_up_missed is enabled.
Or, if catch-up is not enabled, will add interval to last run to find
next suitable backup time.
profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id)
if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more.
with self.lock: # Acquire lock
self.remove_job(profile_id) # reset schedule
pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id)
if pause is not None:
pause_end, timer = pause
if dt.now() < pause_end:
'Nothing scheduled for profile %s ' +
'because of timeout until %s.',
profile_id, pause[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
del self.pauses[profile_id]
if profile.repo is None: # No backups without repo set
'Nothing scheduled for profile %s because of unset repo.',
# Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule
if profile.schedule_mode == 'off':
logger.debug('Scheduler for profile %s is disabled.', profile_id)
# Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule
logger.info('Setting timer for profile %s', profile_id)
# determine last backup time
last_run_log = EventLogModel.select().where(
EventLogModel.subcommand == 'create',
EventLogModel.category == 'scheduled',
EventLogModel.profile == profile.id,
0 <= EventLogModel.returncode <= 1,
if last_run_log is None:
# look for non scheduled (manual) backup runs
last_run_log = EventLogModel.select().where(
EventLogModel.subcommand == 'create',
EventLogModel.profile == profile.id,
0 <= EventLogModel.returncode <= 1,
if last_run_log is None:
logger.info(f"Nothing scheduled for profile {profile_id} " +
"because it would be the first backup " +
"for this profile.")
self.timers[profile_id] = {
'type': ScheduleStatusType.NO_PREVIOUS_BACKUP
# Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule
# calculate next scheduled time
if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval':
last_time = last_run_log.end_time
interval = {profile.schedule_interval_unit: profile.schedule_interval_count}
next_time = last_time + timedelta(**interval)
elif profile.schedule_mode == 'fixed':
last_time = last_run_log.end_time + timedelta(days=1)
next_time = last_time.replace(
# unknown schedule mode
raise ValueError(
"Unknown schedule mode '{}'".format(profile.schedule_mode))
# handle missing of a scheduled time
if next_time <= dt.now():
if profile.schedule_make_up_missed:
logger.debug('Catching up by running job for %s (%s)',
profile.name, profile_id)
self.lock.acquire() # with-statement will try to release
return # create_backup will lead to a call to this method
# calculate next time from now
if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval':
# next_time % interval should be 0
# while next_time > now
delta = dt.now() - last_time
next_time = dt.now() - delta % timedelta(**interval)
next_time += timedelta(**interval)
elif profile.schedule_mode == 'fixed':
if next_time.date() == dt.now().date():
# time for today has passed, schedule for tomorrow
next_time += timedelta(days=1)
# schedule for today
next_time = dt.now().replace(
# start QTimer
timer_ms = (next_time - dt.now()).total_seconds() * 1000
if timer_ms < 2**31 - 1:
logger.debug('Scheduling next run for %s', next_time)
timer = QTimer()
timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self.create_backup(profile_id))
self.timers[profile_id] = {
'qtt': timer,
'dt': next_time,
'type': ScheduleStatusType.SCHEDULED
# int to big to pass it to qt which expects a c++ int
# wait 15 min for regular reschedule
Improve UX and HIG-conformity. By @real-yfprojects (#1176) * Remove fullstops in the labels of the settings. * src/vorta/store/settings.py (get_misc_setting): Remove fullstops in the `label` fields of each setting. * Fix *Add Profile*-Dialog. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (label_2): Rename to `profileExplainer`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (profileExplainer): Remove unnecessary text and rephrase it in simpler terms. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (formLayout): Move into frame for better layout in dialog. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (Dialog): Make dialog modal. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui : Modify spacing a bit and change all widgets to `expanding` mode. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (Dialog): Set title to `Add Profile`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui : Make `label_3` a buddy of `profileNameField`. * Add colon after entry label in `Add Profile`-Dialog. * src/vorta/assets/UI/profileadd.ui (label_3): Add colon at the end of label. * Fix capitalization in schedule tab. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui (pruneCheckBox): Replace `Archive` by `archive`. * Fix tooltips. Ensure sentence capitalization. Rephrase some tooltips that do not mention the action they provide a tip for. (There are still many to go.) Remove fullstop from tooltips that aren't a sentence. Add fullstop to tooltips that are a sentence. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repoadd.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui * src/vorta/views/export_window.py * src/vorta/views/import_window.py * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py * Replace `n't` by `not` in GUI strings. * src/vorta/application.py * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sshadd.ui * src/vorta/notifications.py * src/vorta/views/main_window.py * src/vorta/views/main_window.py * src/vorta/views/repo_tab.py * Shorten unlink button tooltip. * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui (repoRemoveToolbutton): Shorten tooltip by only keeping the most valuable information needed to understand the feature. * Fix entry being embedded in label text. Sentences should not be constructed from text in several controls. Sentences that run from one control to another will often not make sense when translated into other languages. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * Rewrite tooltips to make them HIG conform. The KDE HIG was used. * src/vorta/assets/UI/exportwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/importwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repoadd.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui * src/vorta/views/export_window.py * src/vorta/views/import_window.py (ImportWindow.init_overwrite_profile_checkbox): Make tooltip static as the HIG suggests. * src/vorta/views/main_window.py * Replace `...` with unicode ellipses `…` (U+2028) in GUI text. * src/vorta/borg/break_lock.py * src/vorta/borg/check.py * src/vorta/borg/create.py * src/vorta/borg/delete.py * src/vorta/borg/diff.py * src/vorta/borg/extract.py * src/vorta/borg/info_archive.py * src/vorta/borg/info_repo.py * src/vorta/borg/init.py * src/vorta/borg/list_archive.py * src/vorta/borg/list_archive.py * src/vorta/borg/list_repo.py * Clean prune tab in `archivetab.ui`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * Prettify `repotab`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * Fix tooltips for pruning in `archivetab.ui`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * Use affirmative phrase in checkbox for metered networks. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui (dontRunOnMeteredNetworksCheckbox): Rename to `meteredNetworksCheckBox`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui (meteredNetworksCheckBox): Change text into affirmative phrase. * src/vorta/views/schedule_tab.py : Invert values for `meteredNetworksCheckBox`. * Add label in shell commands pane in `scheduletab` and fix placeholders. Placeholders shouldn't be a replacement for a label. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * Group settings widgets in `misctab`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/misctab.ui (checkboxLayout): Replace with frame `frameSettings` containing a form layout. * src/vorta/utils.py (search): Added. Searches for a key inside an iterable applying a given function before comparison. * src/vorta/store/models.py (SettingsModel): Add field `group` to assign settings to a group. * src/vorta/store/migrations.py (run_migrations): Add new schema version `19` and implement migration adding the `group` field. * src/vorta/store/connection.py (SCHEMA_VERSION): Update to `19`. * src/vorta/store/settings.py (get_misc_settings): Add and assign settings groups. * src/vorta/store/connection.py (init_db): Update group and type of settings if needed. * src/vorta/views/misc_tab.py (Imports): Import `search` from `..utils`. * src/vorta/views/misc_tab.py : Instanciate logger. * src/vorta/views/misc_tab.py (MiscTab.__init__): Create a checkboxLayout for `frameSettings`. * src/vorta/views/misc_tab.py (populate): Add settings widgets in groups with labels in spacer in between. * Fix tests for `misctab`. * tests/test_misc.py * Fix margins. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/misctab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui * Morph buttons in `sourcetab` into toolbuttons with icons. Adds gradient buttons along the way. Fixes #933. * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui : Change layout and buttons. Merge buttons with adding capabilities into one toolbutton (with menu). * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui : Rename `sourceRemove` to `removeButton`. Rename `sourceUpdate` to `updateButton`. Add `addButton`. * src/vorta/assets/icons/minus.svg : Add minus sign icon from *fontawesome* v6.0. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.set_icons): Added. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.__init__): Create Menu for the `addButton` with actions to add files and folders and to paste. * src/vorta/application.py (VortaApp.eventFilter): Call `set_icons` of `sourceTab` as well. * Fix tests for `sourcetab`. * tests/test_source.py * Add paste icon to paste action in `sourcetab`. * src/vorta/assets/icons/paste.svg : Added from fontawesome (paste-solid, v6.0) * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.__init__): Save paste action in `pasteAction`. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.set_icons): Set icon for `pasteAction`. * Add icons to open actions in `sourcetab`. * src/vorta/assets/icons/file.svg : Added `file-solid` from fontawesome, v6.0 * src/vorta/assets/icons/folder.svg : Added `folder-solid` from fontawesome, v6.0 * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.__init__): Save files and folders action to `addFilesAction` and `addFoldersAction`. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.set_icons): Set icons for `addFilesAction` and `addFolderAction`. * Fix icon size of `file.svg`. * src/vorta/assets/icons/file.svg * Set fill of added svgs to `#000000`. * src/vorta/assets/icons/file.svg * src/vorta/assets/icons/folder.svg * src/vorta/assets/icons/minus.svg * src/vorta/assets/icons/paste.svg * Improve UX and consistency within the app for `scheduletab`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui : Arrange schedule pane in a form layout. * src/vorta/views/schedule_tab.py (ScheduleTab.__init__): Connect enabled state of entries to radiobuttons and checkboxes. * Workaround scheduletab tests being broken in github actions. For some unknown reason clicking the `scheduleFixedRadio` won't work when running using github action on ubuntu. * tests/test_schedule.py * Fix labels and spacing in `scheduletab`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * Make archive operations more accessible and rename actions of `ArchiveTab`. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab): Rename `list_action` to `refresh_archive_list`. Rename `refresh_archive_action` to `refresh_archive_info`. Rename `refresh_archive_result` to `info_result`. Rename `list_archive_action` to `extract_action`. Rename `list_archive_result` to `extract_list_result`. * src/vorta/views/main_window.py : Apply renaming. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui : Create own buttons for the archive actions. Remove `archiveActionButton`. And some other layout changes. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui : Rename `pruneButton` to `bPrune`. Rename `checkButton` to `bCheck`. Rename `diffButton` to `bDiff`. Rename `listButton` to `bList`. * tests/test_archives.py : Apply renaming. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py : Connect new action buttons. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py : Remove `archiveActionButton`. * tests/test_archives.py : Fix tests. * Enable and disable archive actions depending on selection. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui : Put archive actions into a frame. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab): Added `on_selection_change` that enables/disables the frame depending on the selection count. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab.populate_from_profile): Clear selection. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab.__toggle_all_buttons): Add `fArchiveActions`. Call `on_selection_change` at the end. * Fix tests for `archivetab`. * tests/test_archives.py * Replace line by spacer in repotab. * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * Show labels for archive action buttons. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * Add tooltips and ellipses to archivetab. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py * Fix tooltips. * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui : Add tooltips. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab.on_selection_change): Add reason for disabled state dynamically to archive action buttons. * Add context menu to source view. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab): Implement `sourceitem_contextmenu` and `source_copy`. Set context menu policiy of `sourceFilesWidget` to `CustomContextMenu`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui: Change size hints. * Add context menu to archive view. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab): Set context menu policy of `archiveTable` to `CustomContextMenu`. Implement `archiveitem_contextmenu`. * Replace `Type` column in sources view by icon. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceColumn): Remove `Type` column. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.set_icons): Set icon for each item in source view. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab.set_path_info): Set icon instead of `Type` column. * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui : Remove `Type` column. * Fix initial sort indicator of source view. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py * Fix adding items while sorting enabled. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py * Remove status bar and remove fix size hint for log text label. * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * src/vorta/views/main_window.py (MainWindow.__init__): Set minimum height of `logText` to two times the height of a line calculated by `QFontMetrics`. * Resize main window height to `670`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * Replace `QToolbutton` by `QPushbutton`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py * Fix flake8 * Improve label of entry for `borg create` extra arguments. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * Unify label font size in `repotab`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * Morph `QPushButton`s into `QToolButton`s. Some exceptions were made, especially in the dialog windows. * src/vorta/assets/UI/archivetab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/sourcetab.ui * Add copy capabilities to archive view and a copy shortcut to it and to source tab. * src/vorta/views/source_tab.py (SourceTab): Add QShortcut for copying. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab.archiveitem_contextmenu): Add copy action. * src/vorta/views/archive_tab.py (ArchiveTab): Add QShortcut for copying. * Move actions in comboBoxes to buttons. * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui : Add `bAddSSHKey` and `bAddRepo`. * src/vorta/views/repo_tab.py : Move code out of `ssh_select_action` and `repo_select_action` into `add_existing_repo`, `new_repo` and `create_ssh_key`. * src/vorta/views/repo_tab.py * Make tooltip of `storePassword` checkbox more fluent. * src/vorta/assets/UI/exportwindow.ui * Introduce `QDialogButtonBox` to modal dialogs in vorta. * src/vorta/assets/UI/extractdialog.ui * src/vorta/views/extract_dialog.py * src/vorta/assets/UI/repoadd.ui * src/vorta/views/repo_add_dialog.py * src/vorta/assets/UI/sshadd.ui * src/vorta/views/ssh_dialog.py * Move some options in scheduletab to the side. This results in two columns of options and fixes vertical scrolling. * src/vorta/assets/UI/scheduletab.ui * Changes for macOS layout * Set `sizeAdjustPolicy` of comboBoxes to `AdustToContents`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/mainwindow.ui * src/vorta/assets/UI/repotab.ui * Fix some icons, translations strings and link * Lint Co-authored-by: real-yfprojects <real-yfprojects@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Manu <3916435+m3nu@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Manu <manu@snapdragon.cc>
2022-03-24 06:27:07 +00:00
f"Couldn't schedule for {next_time} because "
f"timer value {timer_ms} too large.")
self.timers[profile_id] = {
'dt': next_time,
'type': ScheduleStatusType.TOO_FAR_AHEAD
# Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule
def reload_all_timers(self):
logger.debug('Refreshing all scheduler timers')
for profile in BackupProfileModel.select():
def next_job(self):
now = dt.now()
def is_scheduled(timer):
return (
timer["type"] == ScheduleStatusType.SCHEDULED
and timer["qtt"].isActive()
and timer["dt"] >= now
scheduled = {profile_id: timer for profile_id, timer in self.timers.items() if is_scheduled(timer)}
if len(scheduled) == 0:
return self.tr("None scheduled")
closest_job = min(scheduled.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["dt"])
profile_id, timer = closest_job
time = timer["dt"]
profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id)
time_format = "%H:%M"
if time - now > timedelta(days=1):
time_format = "%b %d, %H:%M"
return f"{time.strftime(time_format)} ({profile.name})"
def next_job_for_profile(self, profile_id: int) -> ScheduleStatus:
job = self.timers.get(profile_id)
2018-11-01 01:10:11 +00:00
if job is None:
return ScheduleStatus(ScheduleStatusType.UNSCHEDULED)
return ScheduleStatus(job['type'], time=job.get('dt'))
def create_backup(self, profile_id):
notifier = VortaNotifications.pick()
profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id)
if profile is None:
logger.info('Profile not found. Maybe deleted?')
# Skip if a job for this profile (repo) is already in progress
if self.app.jobs_manager.is_worker_running(site=profile.repo.id):
logger.debug('A job for repo %s is already active.', profile.repo.id)
with self.lock:
logger.info('Starting background backup for %s', profile.name)
notifier.deliver(self.tr('Vorta Backup'),
self.tr('Starting background backup for %s.') % profile.name,
msg = BorgCreateJob.prepare(profile)
if msg['ok']:
logger.info('Preparation for backup successful.')
msg['category'] = 'scheduled'
job = BorgCreateJob(msg['cmd'], msg, profile.repo.id)
logger.error('Conditions for backup not met. Aborting.')
notifier.deliver(self.tr('Vorta Backup'),
translate('messages', msg['message']),
def notify(self, result):
notifier = VortaNotifications.pick()
profile_name = result['params']['profile_name']
profile_id = result['params']['profile'].id
if result['returncode'] in [0, 1]:
notifier.deliver(self.tr('Vorta Backup'),
self.tr('Backup successful for %s.') % profile_name,
logger.info('Backup creation successful.')
# unpause scheduler
notifier.deliver(self.tr('Vorta Backup'), self.tr('Error during backup creation.'), level='error')
logger.error('Error during backup creation.')
# pause scheduler
# if a scheduled backup fails the scheduler should pause
# temporarily.
def post_backup_tasks(self, profile_id):
Pruning and checking after successful backup.
profile = BackupProfileModel.get(id=profile_id)
logger.info('Doing post-backup jobs for %s', profile.name)
if profile.prune_on:
msg = BorgPruneJob.prepare(profile)
if msg['ok']:
job = BorgPruneJob(msg['cmd'], msg, profile.repo.id)
# Refresh archives
msg = BorgListRepoJob.prepare(profile)
if msg['ok']:
job = BorgListRepoJob(msg['cmd'], msg, profile.repo.id)
validation_cutoff = dt.now() - timedelta(days=7 * profile.validation_weeks)
recent_validations = EventLogModel.select().where(
2018-11-22 20:21:52 +00:00
EventLogModel.subcommand == 'check'
) & (
EventLogModel.start_time > validation_cutoff
) & (
EventLogModel.repo_url == profile.repo.url
if profile.validation_on and recent_validations == 0:
msg = BorgCheckJob.prepare(profile)
if msg['ok']:
job = BorgCheckJob(msg['cmd'], msg, profile.repo.id)
logger.info('Finished background task for profile %s', profile.name)
def remove_job(self, profile_id):
if profile_id in self.timers:
qtimer = self.timers[profile_id].get('qtt')
if qtimer is not None:
del self.timers[profile_id]