import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple from PyQt6 import QtCore from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from vorta import config from vorta.borg.break_lock import BorgBreakJob from vorta.borg.create import BorgCreateJob from vorta.borg.jobs_manager import JobsManager from vorta.borg.version import BorgVersionJob from vorta.i18n import init_translations, translate from vorta.notifications import VortaNotifications from vorta.profile_export import ProfileExport from vorta.qt_single_application import QtSingleApplication from vorta.scheduler import VortaScheduler from import cleanup_db from import BackupProfileModel, SettingsModel from vorta.tray_menu import TrayMenu from vorta.utils import borg_compat, parse_args from vorta.views.main_window import MainWindow logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) APP_ID = config.TEMP_DIR / "socket" class VortaApp(QtSingleApplication): """ All windows and QWidgets are children of this app. When running Borg-commands, the class `BorgJob` will emit events via the `VortaApp` class to which other windows will subscribe to. """ backup_started_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal() backup_finished_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) backup_cancelled_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal() backup_log_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, dict) backup_progress_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) check_failed_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self, args_raw, single_app=False): super().__init__(str(APP_ID), args_raw) args = parse_args() if self.isRunning(): if single_app: self.sendMessage("open main window")'An instance of Vorta is already running. Opening main window.') sys.exit() elif args.profile: self.sendMessage(f"create {args.profile}")'Creating backup using existing Vorta instance.') sys.exit() elif args.profile: sys.exit('Vorta must already be running for --create to work') init_translations(self) self.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) self.jobs_manager = JobsManager() self.scheduler = VortaScheduler() self.setApplicationName("Vorta") # Import profile from ~/.vorta-init.json or add empty "Default" profile. self.bootstrap_profile() # Prepare tray and main window self.tray = TrayMenu(self) self.main_window = MainWindow(self) if getattr(args, 'daemonize', False): pass elif SettingsModel.get(key='foreground').value: self.open_main_window_action() self.backup_started_event.connect(self.backup_started_event_response) self.backup_finished_event.connect(self.backup_finished_event_response) self.backup_cancelled_event.connect(self.backup_cancelled_event_response) self.message_received_event.connect(self.message_received_event_response) self.check_failed_event.connect(self.check_failed_response) self.backup_log_event.connect(self.react_to_log) self.aboutToQuit.connect(self.quit_app_action) self.set_borg_details_action() if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.check_darwin_permissions() def create_backups_cmdline(self, profile_name): profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(name=profile_name) if profile is not None: if profile.repo is None: logger.warning(f"Add a repository to {profile_name}") self.create_backup_action( else: logger.warning(f"Invalid profile name {profile_name}") def quit_app_action(self): self.backup_cancelled_event.emit() del self.main_window self.tray.deleteLater() del self.tray cleanup_db() def create_backup_action(self, profile_id=None): if not profile_id: profile_id = profile = BackupProfileModel.get(id=profile_id) msg = BorgCreateJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']: job = BorgCreateJob(msg['cmd'], msg, self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) else: notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'), translate('messages', msg['message']), level='error', ) self.backup_progress_event.emit(f"[{}] {translate('messages', msg['message'])}") return None def open_main_window_action(self): self.main_window.raise_() self.main_window.activateWindow() def toggle_main_window_visibility(self): if self.main_window.isVisible(): self.main_window.close() else: self.open_main_window_action() def backup_started_event_response(self): self.tray.set_tray_icon(active=True) def backup_finished_event_response(self): if not self.jobs_manager.is_worker_running(): self.tray.set_tray_icon() def backup_cancelled_event_response(self): self.jobs_manager.cancel_all_jobs() self.tray.set_tray_icon() def message_received_event_response(self, message): if message == "open main window": self.open_main_window_action() elif message.startswith("create"): message = message[7:] # Remove create if self.jobs_manager.is_worker_running(): logger.warning("Cannot run while backups are already running") else: self.create_backups_cmdline(message) # No need to add this function to JobsManager because it doesn't require to lock a repo. def set_borg_details_action(self): params = BorgVersionJob.prepare() if not params['ok']: self._alert_missing_borg() return job = BorgVersionJob(params['cmd'], params) job.result.connect(self.set_borg_details_result) self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) def set_borg_details_result(self, result): """ Receive result from BorgVersionJob. If no valid version was found, display an error. """ if 'version' in result['data']: borg_compat.set_version(result['data']['version'], result['data']['path']) self.main_window.aboutTab.set_borg_details(borg_compat.version, borg_compat.path) self.main_window.repoTab.toggle_available_compression() self.main_window.archiveTab.toggle_compact_button_visibility() self.scheduler.reload_all_timers() # Start timer after Borg version is set. else: self._alert_missing_borg() def _alert_missing_borg(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) msg.setText("No Borg Binary Found")) msg.setInformativeText("Vorta was unable to locate a usable Borg Backup binary.")) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.exec() def check_darwin_permissions(self): """ macOS restricts access to certain folders by default. For some folders, the user will get a prompt (e.g. Documents, Downloads), while others will cause file access errors. This function tries reading a file that is known to be restricted and warn the user about incomplete backups. """ if not SettingsModel.get(key="check_full_disk_access").value: return test_path = Path('~/Library/Cookies').expanduser() if test_path.exists() and not os.access(test_path, os.R_OK): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msg.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.LinksAccessibleByMouse) msg.setText("Vorta needs Full Disk Access for complete Backups")) msg.setInformativeText( "Without this, some files will not be accessible and you may end up with an incomplete " "backup. Please set Full Disk Access permission for Vorta in " "" "System Preferences > Security & Privacy." ) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.exec() def react_to_log(self, mgs, context): """ Trigger Vorta actions based on Borg logs. E.g. repo lock. """ msgid = context.get('msgid') if msgid == 'LockTimeout': profile = BackupProfileModel.get(name=context['profile_name']) repo_url = context.get('repo_url') msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("Repository In Use")) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) abortButton = msg.addButton("Abort"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole) msg.addButton("Continue"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) msg.setDefaultButton(abortButton) msg.setText("The repository at {repo_url} might be in use elsewhere.")) msg.setInformativeText( "Only break the lock if you are certain no other Borg process " "on any machine is accessing the repository. Abort or break the lock?" ) ) msg.accepted.connect(lambda: self.break_lock(profile)) self._msg = msg elif msgid == 'LockFailed': repo_url = context.get('repo_url') msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText( f"You do not have permission to access the repository at {repo_url}. Gain access and try again." ) ) # noqa: E501 msg.setWindowTitle("No Repository Permissions")) self._msg = msg def break_lock(self, profile): params = BorgBreakJob.prepare(profile) if not params['ok']: self.backup_progress_event.emit(f"[{}] {params['message']}") return job = BorgBreakJob(params['cmd'], params) self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) def bootstrap_profile(self, bootstrap_file=None): # Necessary to dynamically load the variable from config during runtime # Check out pull request for #1682 for context bootstrap_file = bootstrap_file or config.PROFILE_BOOTSTRAP_FILE """ Make sure there is at least one profile when first starting Vorta. Will either import a profile placed in ~/.vorta-init.json or add an empty "Default" profile. """ if bootstrap_file.is_file(): try: profile_export = ProfileExport.from_json(bootstrap_file) profile = profile_export.to_db(overwrite_profile=True, overwrite_settings=True) except Exception as exception: double_newline = os.linesep + os.linesep QMessageBox.critical( None,'Failed to import profile'), "{}{}\"{}\"{}{}".format('Failed to import a profile from {}:').format(bootstrap_file), double_newline, str(exception), double_newline,'Consider removing or repairing this file to ' 'get rid of this message.'), ), ) return bootstrap_file.unlink() notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() notifier.deliver('Profile import successful!'),'Profile {} imported.').format(, level='info', )'Profile {} imported.'.format( if == 0: default_profile = BackupProfileModel(name='Default') def check_failed_response(self, result: Dict[str, Any]): """ Process the signal that a repo consistency check failed. Displays a `QMessageBox` with an error message depending on the return code of the `BorgJob`. """ # extract data from the params for the borg job repo_url = result['params']['repo_url'] returncode = result['returncode'] errors: List[Tuple[int, str]] = result['errors'] error_message = errors[0][1] if errors else '' # Switch over returncodes if returncode == 0: # No fail logger.warning('VortaApp.check_failed_response was called with returncode 0') elif returncode == 130: # Keyboard interrupt pass else: # Real error # Create QMessageBox msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) # changed for warning msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.setWindowTitle('Repo Check Failed')) if returncode == 1: # warning msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) text = translate( 'VortaApp', 'Borg exited with warning status (rc 1). See the logs for details.' ).format(config.LOG_DIR.as_uri()) infotext = error_message elif returncode > 128: # 128+N - killed by signal N (e.g. 137 == kill -9) signal = returncode - 128 text ='Repository data check for repo was killed by signal %s.') % signal infotext ='The process running the check job got a kill signal. Try again.') else: # Real error text ='Repository data check for repo %s failed. Error code %s') % ( repo_url, returncode, ) infotext = error_message + '\n' infotext +='Consider repairing or recreating the repository soon to avoid missing data.') msg.setText(text) msg.setInformativeText(infotext) # Display messagebox msg.exec()