from pathlib import PurePath import pytest import vorta.borg import vorta.utils import vorta.views.archive_tab from PyQt6.QtCore import QDateTime, QItemSelectionModel, Qt from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMenu from import ArchiveModel from vorta.views.diff_result import ( ChangeType, DiffData, DiffResultDialog, DiffTree, FileType, parse_diff_json, parse_diff_lines, ) from vorta.views.partials.treemodel import FileTreeModel def setup_diff_result_window(qtbot, mocker, tab, borg_json_output, json_mock_file="diff_archives"): """Sets up the diff result window.""" stdout, stderr = borg_json_output(json_mock_file) popen_result = mocker.MagicMock(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, returncode=0) mocker.patch.object(vorta.borg.borg_job, 'Popen', return_value=popen_result) compat = vorta.utils.borg_compat def check(feature_name): if feature_name == 'DIFF_JSON_LINES': return False return vorta.utils.BorgCompatibility.check(compat, feature_name) mocker.patch.object(vorta.utils.borg_compat, 'check', check) selection_model: QItemSelectionModel = tab.archiveTable.selectionModel() model = tab.archiveTable.model() flags = QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Rows flags |= QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Select, 0), flags), 0), flags) tab.diff_action() qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: hasattr(tab, '_resultwindow'), **pytest._wait_defaults) assert hasattr(tab, '_resultwindow') @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'json_mock_file, folder_root', [('diff_archives', 'test'), ('diff_archives_dict_issue', 'Users')] ) def test_archive_diff(qapp, qtbot, mocker, borg_json_output, json_mock_file, folder_root, archive_env): """Tests basic functionality of archive diff.""" main, tab = archive_env setup_diff_result_window(qtbot, mocker, tab, borg_json_output, json_mock_file) model = tab._resultwindow.treeView.model().sourceModel() assert model.root.children[0].subpath == folder_root assert tab._resultwindow.archiveNameLabel_1.text() == 'test-archive' tab._resultwindow.accept() def test_diff_item_copy(qapp, qtbot, mocker, borg_json_output, archive_env): """Tests copy action by row selection and when passed an index.""" main, tab = archive_env setup_diff_result_window(qtbot, mocker, tab, borg_json_output) # mock the clipboard to ensure no changes are made to it during testing mocker.patch.object(qapp.clipboard(), "setMimeData") clipboard_spy = mocker.spy(qapp.clipboard(), "setMimeData") # test 'diff_item_copy()' by passing it an item to copy index = tab._resultwindow.treeView.model().index(0, 0) assert index is not None tab._resultwindow.diff_item_copy(index) clipboard_data = clipboard_spy.call_args[0][0] assert clipboard_data.hasText() assert clipboard_data.text() == "/test" clipboard_spy.reset_mock() # test 'diff_item_copy()' by selecting a row to copy flags = QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Rows flags |= QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Select tab._resultwindow.treeView.selectionModel().select(tab._resultwindow.treeView.model().index(0, 0), flags) tab._resultwindow.diff_item_copy() clipboard_data = clipboard_spy.call_args[0][0] assert clipboard_data.hasText() assert clipboard_data.text() == "/test" def test_treeview_context_menu(qapp, qtbot, mocker, borg_json_output, archive_env): """Tests the diff result window context menu for expected actions.""" main, tab = archive_env setup_diff_result_window(qtbot, mocker, tab, borg_json_output) # Load the context menu at the first result in window pos = tab._resultwindow.treeView.visualRect(tab._resultwindow.treeView.model().index(0, 0)).center() tab._resultwindow.treeview_context_menu(pos) qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab._resultwindow.findChild(QMenu) is not None, **pytest._wait_defaults) context_menu = tab._resultwindow.findChild(QMenu) assert context_menu is not None # assert the actions are available in the context menu expected_actions = ['Copy', 'Expand recursively'] for action in expected_actions: assert any(menu_actions.text() == action for menu_actions in context_menu.actions()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'line, expected', [ ( 'changed link some/changed/link', ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), ( ' +77.8 kB -77.8 kB some/changed/file', ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 2 * 77800, 0, None, None, None, None, (77800, 77800), ), ), ( ' +77.8 kB -77.8 kB [-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file', ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 2 * 77800, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None, None, (77800, 77800), ), ), ( '[-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file', ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODE, 0, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None, None, None, ), ), ( 'added directory some/changed/dir', ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), ( 'removed directory some/changed/dir', ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), # Example from ( '[user:user -> nfsnobody:nfsnobody] home/user/arrays/test.txt', ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'), None, None, None, ), ), # Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path ( '[a:a -> b:b] home/user/arrays/test.txt', ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'), None, None, None, ), ), # All file-related changes in one test ( ' +77.8 kB -800 B [user:user -> nfsnobody:nfsnobody] [-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] home/user/arrays/test.txt', ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 77800 + 800, 77000, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'), None, None, (77800, 800), ), ), ], ) def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected): model = DiffTree() model.setMode(model.DisplayMode.FLAT) parse_diff_lines([line], model) assert model.rowCount() == 1 item = model.index(0, 0).internalPointer() assert item.path == PurePath(expected[0]).parts assert == DiffData(*expected[1:]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'line, expected', [ ( {'path': 'some/changed/link', 'changes': [{'type': 'changed link'}]}, ('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), ( {'path': 'some/changed/file', 'changes': [{'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 77800}]}, ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 2 * 77800, 0, None, None, None, None, (77800, 77800), ), ), ( { 'path': 'some/changed/file', 'changes': [ {'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 800}, {'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'}, ], }, ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 77800 + 800, 77000, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None, None, (77800, 800), ), ), ( { 'path': 'some/changed/file', 'changes': [{'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'}], }, ( 'some/changed/file', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODE, 0, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), None, None, None, None, ), ), ( {'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'added directory'}]}, ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), ( {'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'removed directory'}]}, ('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None), ), # Example from ( { 'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', 'changes': [ { 'type': 'owner', 'old_user': 'user', 'new_user': 'nfsnobody', 'old_group': 'user', 'new_group': 'nfsnobody', } ], }, ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'), None, None, None, ), ), # Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path ( { 'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', 'changes': [{'type': 'owner', 'old_user': 'a', 'new_user': 'b', 'old_group': 'a', 'new_group': 'b'}], }, ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 0, 0, None, ('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'), None, None, None, ), ), # Short ctime change ( { 'path': 'home/user/arrays', 'changes': [ { 'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', 'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', 'type': 'ctime', } ], }, ( 'home/user/arrays', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 0, 0, None, None, ( QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), ), None, None, ), ), # Short mtime change ( { 'path': 'home/user/arrays', 'changes': [ { 'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', 'old_mtime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', 'type': 'mtime', } ], }, ( 'home/user/arrays', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.MODIFIED, 0, 0, None, None, None, ( QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), ), None, ), ), # All file-related changes in one test ( { 'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', 'changes': [ {'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 77800}, {'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'}, { 'type': 'owner', 'old_user': 'user', 'new_user': 'nfsnobody', 'old_group': 'user', 'new_group': 'nfsnobody', }, { 'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', 'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', 'type': 'ctime', }, { 'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565', 'old_mtime': '2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045', 'type': 'mtime', }, ], }, ( 'home/user/arrays/test.txt', FileType.FILE, ChangeType.OWNER, 2 * 77800, 0, ('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'), ('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'), ( QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), ), ( QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs), ), (77800, 77800), ), ), ], ) def test_archive_diff_json_parser(line, expected): model = DiffTree() model.setMode(model.DisplayMode.FLAT) parse_diff_json([line], model) assert model.rowCount() == 1 item = model.index(0, 0).internalPointer() assert item.path == PurePath(expected[0]).parts assert == DiffData(*expected[1:]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "selection, expected_mode, expected_bCollapseAllEnabled", [ (0, FileTreeModel.DisplayMode.TREE, True), (1, FileTreeModel.DisplayMode.SIMPLIFIED_TREE, True), (2, FileTreeModel.DisplayMode.FLAT, False), ], ) def test_change_display_mode(selection: int, expected_mode, expected_bCollapseAllEnabled): dialog = DiffResultDialog(ArchiveModel(), ArchiveModel(), DiffTree()) dialog.change_display_mode(selection) assert dialog.model.mode == expected_mode assert dialog.bCollapseAll.isEnabled() == expected_bCollapseAllEnabled