import logging import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple from PyQt6 import QtCore from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from vorta.borg.break_lock import BorgBreakJob from vorta.borg.create import BorgCreateJob from vorta.borg.jobs_manager import JobsManager from vorta.borg.version import BorgVersionJob from vorta.config import LOG_DIR, PROFILE_BOOTSTRAP_FILE, TEMP_DIR from vorta.i18n import init_translations, translate from vorta.notifications import VortaNotifications from vorta.profile_export import ProfileExport from vorta.qt_single_application import QtSingleApplication from vorta.scheduler import VortaScheduler from import cleanup_db from import BackupProfileModel, SettingsModel from vorta.tray_menu import TrayMenu from vorta.utils import borg_compat, parse_args from vorta.views.main_window import MainWindow logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) APP_ID = TEMP_DIR / "socket" class VortaApp(QtSingleApplication): """ All windows and QWidgets are children of this app. When running Borg-commands, the class `BorgJob` will emit events via the `VortaApp` class to which other windows will subscribe to. """ backup_started_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal() backup_finished_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) backup_cancelled_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal() backup_log_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, dict) backup_progress_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) check_failed_event = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self, args_raw, single_app=False): super().__init__(str(APP_ID), args_raw) args = parse_args() if self.isRunning(): if single_app: self.sendMessage("open main window")'An instance of Vorta is already running. Opening main window.') sys.exit() elif args.profile: self.sendMessage(f"create {args.profile}")'Creating backup using existing Vorta instance.') sys.exit() elif args.profile: sys.exit('Vorta must already be running for --create to work') init_translations(self) self.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) self.jobs_manager = JobsManager() self.scheduler = VortaScheduler() self.setApplicationName("Vorta") # Import profile from ~/.vorta-init.json or add empty "Default" profile. self.bootstrap_profile() # Prepare tray and main window self.tray = TrayMenu(self) self.main_window = MainWindow(self) if getattr(args, 'daemonize', False): pass elif SettingsModel.get(key='foreground').value: self.open_main_window_action() self.backup_started_event.connect(self.backup_started_event_response) self.backup_finished_event.connect(self.backup_finished_event_response) self.backup_cancelled_event.connect(self.backup_cancelled_event_response) self.message_received_event.connect(self.message_received_event_response) self.check_failed_event.connect(self.check_failed_response) self.backup_log_event.connect(self.react_to_log) self.aboutToQuit.connect(self.quit_app_action) self.set_borg_details_action() if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.check_darwin_permissions() def create_backups_cmdline(self, profile_name): profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(name=profile_name) if profile is not None: if profile.repo is None: logger.warning(f"Add a repository to {profile_name}") self.create_backup_action( else: logger.warning(f"Invalid profile name {profile_name}") def quit_app_action(self): self.backup_cancelled_event.emit() del self.main_window self.tray.deleteLater() del self.tray cleanup_db() def create_backup_action(self, profile_id=None): if not profile_id: profile_id = profile = BackupProfileModel.get(id=profile_id) msg = BorgCreateJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']: job = BorgCreateJob(msg['cmd'], msg, self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) else: notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'), translate('messages', msg['message']), level='error', ) self.backup_progress_event.emit(f"[{}] {translate('messages', msg['message'])}") return None def open_main_window_action(self): self.main_window.raise_() self.main_window.activateWindow() def toggle_main_window_visibility(self): if self.main_window.isVisible(): self.main_window.close() else: self.open_main_window_action() def backup_started_event_response(self): self.tray.set_tray_icon(active=True) def backup_finished_event_response(self): if not self.jobs_manager.is_worker_running(): self.tray.set_tray_icon() def backup_cancelled_event_response(self): self.jobs_manager.cancel_all_jobs() self.tray.set_tray_icon() def message_received_event_response(self, message): if message == "open main window": self.open_main_window_action() elif message.startswith("create"): message = message[7:] # Remove create if self.jobs_manager.is_worker_running(): logger.warning("Cannot run while backups are already running") else: self.create_backups_cmdline(message) # No need to add this function to JobsManager because it doesn't require to lock a repo. def set_borg_details_action(self): params = BorgVersionJob.prepare() if not params['ok']: self._alert_missing_borg() return job = BorgVersionJob(params['cmd'], params) job.result.connect(self.set_borg_details_result) self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) def set_borg_details_result(self, result): """ Receive result from BorgVersionJob. If no valid version was found, display an error. """ if 'version' in result['data']: borg_compat.set_version(result['data']['version'], result['data']['path']) self.main_window.miscTab.set_borg_details(borg_compat.version, borg_compat.path) self.main_window.repoTab.toggle_available_compression() self.scheduler.reload_all_timers() # Start timer after Borg version is set. else: self._alert_missing_borg() def _alert_missing_borg(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) msg.setText("No Borg Binary Found")) msg.setInformativeText("Vorta was unable to locate a usable Borg Backup binary.")) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.exec() def check_darwin_permissions(self): """ macOS restricts access to certain folders by default. For some folders, the user will get a prompt (e.g. Documents, Downloads), while others will cause file access errors. This function tries reading a file that is known to be restricted and warn the user about incomplete backups. """ if not SettingsModel.get(key="check_full_disk_access").value: return test_path = Path('~/Library/Cookies').expanduser() if test_path.exists() and not os.access(test_path, os.R_OK): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msg.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.LinksAccessibleByMouse) msg.setText("Vorta needs Full Disk Access for complete Backups")) msg.setInformativeText( "Without this, some files will not be accessible and you may end up with an incomplete " "backup. Please set Full Disk Access permission for Vorta in " "" "System Preferences > Security & Privacy." ) ) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.exec() def react_to_log(self, mgs, context): """ Trigger Vorta actions based on Borg logs. E.g. repo lock. """ msgid = context.get('msgid') if msgid == 'LockTimeout': profile = BackupProfileModel.get(name=context['profile_name']) repo_url = context.get('repo_url') msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("Repository In Use")) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) abortButton = msg.addButton("Abort"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole) msg.addButton("Continue"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) msg.setDefaultButton(abortButton) msg.setText("The repository at {repo_url} might be in use elsewhere.")) msg.setInformativeText( "Only break the lock if you are certain no other Borg process " "on any machine is accessing the repository. Abort or break the lock?" ) ) msg.accepted.connect(lambda: self.break_lock(profile)) self._msg = msg elif msgid == 'LockFailed': repo_url = context.get('repo_url') msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText( f"You do not have permission to access the repository at {repo_url}. Gain access and try again." ) ) # noqa: E501 msg.setWindowTitle("No Repository Permissions")) self._msg = msg def break_lock(self, profile): params = BorgBreakJob.prepare(profile) if not params['ok']: self.backup_progress_event.emit(f"[{}] {params['message']}") return job = BorgBreakJob(params['cmd'], params) self.jobs_manager.add_job(job) def bootstrap_profile(self, bootstrap_file=PROFILE_BOOTSTRAP_FILE): """ Make sure there is at least one profile when first starting Vorta. Will either import a profile placed in ~/.vorta-init.json or add an empty "Default" profile. """ if bootstrap_file.is_file(): try: profile_export = ProfileExport.from_json(bootstrap_file) profile = profile_export.to_db(overwrite_profile=True, overwrite_settings=True) except Exception as exception: double_newline = os.linesep + os.linesep QMessageBox.critical( None,'Failed to import profile'), "{}{}\"{}\"{}{}".format('Failed to import a profile from {}:').format(bootstrap_file), double_newline, str(exception), double_newline,'Consider removing or repairing this file to ' 'get rid of this message.'), ), ) return bootstrap_file.unlink() notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() notifier.deliver('Profile import successful!'),'Profile {} imported.').format(, level='info', )'Profile {} imported.'.format( if == 0: default_profile = BackupProfileModel(name='Default') def check_failed_response(self, result: Dict[str, Any]): """ Process the signal that a repo consistency check failed. Displays a `QMessageBox` with an error message depending on the return code of the `BorgJob`. Parameters ---------- repo_url : str The url of the repo of concern """ # extract data from the params for the borg job repo_url = result['params']['repo_url'] returncode = result['returncode'] errors: List[Tuple[int, str]] = result['errors'] error_message = errors[0][1] if errors else '' # Switch over returncodes if returncode == 0: # No fail logger.warning('VortaApp.check_failed_response was called with returncode 0') elif returncode == 130: # Keyboard interupt pass else: # Real error # Create QMessageBox msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) # changed for warning msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) msg.setWindowTitle('Repo Check Failed')) if returncode == 1: # warning msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) text = translate( 'VortaApp', 'Borg exited with warning status (rc 1). See the logs for details.' ).format(LOG_DIR.as_uri()) infotext = error_message elif returncode > 128: # 128+N - killed by signal N (e.g. 137 == kill -9) signal = returncode - 128 text ='Repository data check for repo was killed by signal %s.') % (signal) infotext ='The process running the check job got a kill signal. Try again.') else: # Real error text ='Repository data check for repo %s failed. Error code %s') % ( repo_url, returncode, ) infotext = error_message + '\n' infotext +='Consider repairing or recreating the repository soon to avoid missing data.') msg.setText(text) msg.setInformativeText(infotext) # Display messagebox msg.exec()